CULTURAL QA 11-2021-02

Being a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         Do eggplants look or taste like eggs?If not, how did the name come 

A1         LuciaGarcia Fri

There are manydifferent kinds of eggplants, one of which is white, has a 
rounded shape, andis about the same size as an egg.

White eggplantlooks like eggs hanging on a tree, but It doesn't taste like eggs 
at all.

The nutritionalvalue of white eggplant is extremely high, it is rich in 
protein, fat,carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as 
calcium,phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and manganese.

The content ofvitamin P and vitamin E in white eggplant is much higher than 
that of ordinarypurple eggplant.

Vitamin P can increasethe elasticity and toughness of capillaries, break down 
the fat in the blood,reduce the level of LDL-C, and increase the level of 
HDL-C, which is verybeneficial to the health of the cardiovascular and 

Vitamin E is afat-soluble vitamin with strong antioxidant properties, can 
remove harmful freeradicals, protect cells, and delay the body's aging process.

Q2         Do toilets on cruise ships use fresh orsalt water?

A2         George W.Deitz Oct 26

Toilets on today's cruise ships use little or no water.The waste is vacuumed 
out ofthe toilet into a giant tank, and is pumped off later when the ship is in 

Sometimes you hearstories of someone sitting on the toilet and pushing the 
flush button, andtheir guts are sucked out. I don’t think that could happen, 
because your buttcould not make a tight enough seal with the toilet seat. Also 
the flush buttonis behind the toilet, and is covered when the seat is raised. A 
safety featureI suppose?!

I was on one cruisewhere they were having toilet paper races. They laid toilet 
paper out from thetoilet, and down the hall! The object was to see which toilet 
sucked down themost paper, and which toilet sucked it the fastest! On the count 
of threeeveryone flushed! Great fun if you are not sober! So as they say on a 
TV ad“enjoy the go”!    

Q3      How much is the sugar content of honey?

A3      Lucia Garcia Thu

Abee will visit 50 to 100 flowers at a time to collect nectar, and it 
cancollect nectar 10 to 20 times a day.

Ittakes 30 minutes for each bee to collect honey. About 30 mg to 50 mg of 
honeyis collected each time, which is about the same as its body weight.

Exceptfor rest time, bees can fly about 160 kilometers a day.

Honey contains more than 75% sugar,most of which are fructose and glucose, and 
a small amount of sucrose andmaltose.

Fructoseand glucose are simple sugars, which can enter the blood directly 
without beingdigested, and can quickly replenish energy for the body. 
Therefore, honey is an excellentsource of energy.

Accordingto the results of the US Department of Agriculture, a spoon of honey 
is about20 grams and contains about 15 grams of sugar, which can provide 64 
caloriesfor the body.The WorldHealth Organization (WHO) recommends 20 grams of 
sugar per person per day, witha maximum of 50 grams. Therefore, it is 
recommended to consume 1 to2 spoons of honey a day.

Q4     Why is gold found only in some parts ofEarth?

A4    Jason Almendra Most Viewed Writer PreciousMetals 20Jul20Oct 25

Gold can actually be found all over the Earth.However the concentrations are 
too low to be profitable. Gold and otherminerals are concentrated by geothermic 
activitylike geysers and hot springs. They are dissolved in steam and hot 
water. These are thendeposited in surrounding rocks.

Q5     What’s the oldest human civilization thatwe know existed?

A5       Claire Jordan Thu

Civilisation literally means living incities, where the inhabitants have 
defined roles and social structure.The oldest city we know about was Çatalhöyük 
in Anatolia, founded about 9,500 years ago.

That’sthe oldest we know about, though. It might not be - indeed probably 
wasn’t -the first large, settled human town but the first (that we’ve yet 
found) that was built out of long-lastingmaterial such as brick and stone. 
There may well have been earliertowns which were made of wood or plaited rushes 
or plain mud, and have rottedaway.

However,you don’t have to go much further back than Çatalhöyük to find yourself 
beforethe dawn of agriculture. It’s not impossible for hunter-gatherers to live 
in asettled town if they also live in a very food-rich environment - the 
FirstNations of the Pacific Northwest of North America managed it. But it’s got 
tolimit how big that town can get.

Q6     What are some shocking facts about theOlive Tree of Vouves?

A6    The olive tree of Vouves, on Crete. Thistree, which has a trunk 15feet in 
diameter, is at least 2,000 years old, and likely 2,900years old, based on the 
graveyard found nearby.

This tree likely lived through thewriting of the Iliad, the golden age of 
Athens,the rise of the Roman Empire, and the birth of Christ – and then lived 
for2,000 years after that. It still produces olives, as well!

Q7     Do laptops heat less in an air conditionedroom?

A7     Amit Kakkar, General Manager ( Technical)Updated Sep 11

Laptopsheats same as in air conditioned room as it heats up in Non Air 
conditionedroom . The Answer can be well understood from the concept of Heat 
transferrate. Heat transferdepends on temperature difference .

Thedifference is in heat transfer rate . As there is large difference 
intemperature of laptop and ambient temperature of Airconditioned Enviornment 
therefore lap top coolsfaster and it looks that Laptop is not heating up in 
Airconditionedroom compared to when the laptop is working in Non 
Air-conditioned room .

InNon airconditioned room since the temperature difference of lap top and 
insidetemperature is less therefore heat transfer rate is less and laptop gets 
heatedup quickly.

My note- About 10 years  ago heat sink pad was very common. It wasconnected to 
USB and fans in the board  operated cooling bottom of the laptop. I twas told, 
with all physical cleaning of bottom, dust remains in themotherboard, heating  
the laptop or notworking of fans in the motherboard.

Q8       How is the quality of food in the IndianArmy?

A8      Rakesh Gupta Worked at Indian ArmyUpdatedFri

We can divide the answer in two parts:

The food in the Officers’ Mess and    The food in the jawans’ langars.

TheOfficers’ Mess is a self run institution, in the sense that the dining 
inofficers decide what they want to eat. The Bill of Fare is prepared every 
weekin consultation with the Mess Committee and any extra expenditure on items 
ofrations beyond the free rations, is charged equally to the members thru 
monthlymess bills. Most Officers’ Messes in the Armed Forces would boast of 
very highstandard of food. A highlytrained ‘Mess Cook Special’ is authorized to 
the units for their Messes.

The food in the langars is primarilybased on the items of rations issued to 
them.They do get condiments allowance to buy additional spices. It is 
theresponsibility of the Company officers to ensure hygienic and tasty food 
intheir company langars. Sincethe jawans are fond of spicy food, there is stark 
contrast with the Mess food.In fact I remember as Duty Officers of the week, it 
was fun to‘taste’ the langar food as many times as one could. 

While sitting in the office, we wouldprefer a glass of steaming hot ‘dal soup’ 
from the langar rather than tea orcoffee. Every dignitary visiting the 
unitwants to taste the langar food.

For the officers manning the outpostsIn field areas, there is no Officers’ 
Mess.The Mess is located at the Battalion HQ. Although he would get his 
authorizeditems of rations regularly from the Battalion HQ, he would turn them 
over tothe Langar Commander and enjoy a mix and match of good food everyday.

For snowbound areas and the Glaciers,there are extra items of high calorie and 
high protein items authorized to allranks.

Q9      Is it true that some humans haveNeanderthal DNA, meaning that half 
Neanderthals still continue to exist?

A9     Claire Jordan Sun

Withthe exception of a few small groups in central Africa, everyone has 
someNeanderthal or Denisovan genes, as well as somefrom a few other groups we 
cross-bred with. There is more living NeanderthalDNA in the world nowadays than 
there was when Neanderthals still existed as aseparate group.

However,not all Neanderthal genes survived in us. As far as we know, we don’t 
have allthe genes needed to make a complete Neanderthal.

Q10     Why is my laptop turning on but notworking after starting?

A10  Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant GeneralManager 1996-2004 at Department 
of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now

Itcan be a software problem, ram problem, disc problem or any parts defective 
inmother board. Check with a technician. Recently I had a problem of lap 
topstarting , but going OFF. It was a disc problem.

Q11    How was ice made in the Middle Ages beforethe invention of the 

A11Ardi Kule PhD in Ephtymiology &History, Prrenjas University 

Albaniawas completely electrified only in the 1970s. So before that there were 
notrefrigerators. DuringWW2, my grandfather would sell ice to the rich who had 
refrigerating ice boxesand people who needed ice. Most people usually stored 
food inunderground cellars.

Thisis how he made ice. He duga 2m deep pit in a special place in the cellar 
and collected snow during the winter.Snow is in abundance in the town of Korça. 
He would press the snow as much as possible to turn itinto ice and every 40 cm 
or so he would cover it with a layer of straw.This would help preserve the cold 
temperature during the summer. Every time someone would needice, my grandfather 
would dig up some from the ice pit and store it in athermus box for 

Thatis how you have ice all year around up to the 20th century.

Q12   Why do doctors always measure the bloodpressureon the left arm?

A12  Vivienne Marcus applied neurophysiologist.Thu

For convenience.In most people, the blood pressure is the same in both arms.

Ina very small number of people, with a condition called coarctation of 
theaorta, the blood pressure in the two arms isn’t the same. In that 
circumstance, you shouldmeasure the blood pressure in the right arm, since it’s 
before the coarctation,and is a reflection of the “true” blood pressure. 

Howeverfor completion you should measure and document the (lower) pressure in 
the otherarm too: the difference gives a hint about the severity of the 
coarctation.There are other rare abnormalities of internal plumbing which can 
causedifferences between the two sides, but usually we know about them already.

Inpractice, I measure blood pressure all the time, and I’m not fussy about 
whichside. Only if thepressure in the left arm is much lower than I expect, 
would I then measure bothto compare.

All the above QA are based on Quora  digest on 30-11- 2021. Quora answers need 
notbe 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 02-11-2021


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