CULTURAL QA 11 -2021-12

Being compilation there maybe  errors

Q1           ShallI eat orange at night?

A1           LuciaGarciab Nov 8

Eating oranges atnight is more beneficial to your health than harmful.

Oranges are one of the fruits with the most vitamin C. Amedium-sized orange 
weighs about 150 grams and contains about 75 mg of vitaminC.

According to clinical medicine, from 10 pm to 5 am, it is thetime for liver 

Vitamin C in oranges is a natural antioxidant, which canhelps clean the liver, 
enhance the vitality of liver cells, and improve theliver's detoxification 

The water content of oranges is as high as 90%, and orangesalso contain a lot 
of dietary fiber.

After dietary fiber and water enter the gastrointestinaltract, they can promote 
gastrointestinal peristalsis, speed up metabolism, andeliminate toxins and 

Therefore, eating anorange at night is very good for health.

Q2           IfI give birth to my child in, for example, Canada, then the child 
will become anautomatic Canadian citizen. Will I also become a citizen then?


A2           KathrynBerckNov 7

While yourCanadian-born child will automatically acquire Canadian citizenship 
at birth,that will do nothing for you.

You are still ‘only’ a citizen of the country that issuedyour passport - or 
also a citizen of a second country, if you already were whenyou entered Canada. 
But giving birth to a citizen of Canada will not give youanything - except, of 
course, a great baby.

Q3           Whyis it that the healthier version of a food tends to be seen by 
most as lesstasty?

A3           BhuvanaRameshwar Prefer healthy food Wed

Healthy foods are vegetables, fruits , pulses unrefinedflour, rice, oil etc. 
Theseare healthy by default unless you cook food wrongly. Like frying infats, 
deep frying, adding lots of animal fats like lard, butter or cheese,cottage 
cheese (paneer), thick milk, sugar or eggs .

Healthy foods have less fats, salt and sugar. So we don'tfind them tasty or 

Fats and oils alwaysmake our food tasty. Ourdoctor says any crap can be served 
as tasty food if fried in oil.. Humans lovefatty foods. Fats and oils enhance 
the taste and smell of our food and give ita creamy texture. That is why we 
love ice creams, cream cakes, cheese, gheesweets.

In general avoidvegetables which grow below the ground like potatoes, yams, 
beets, colocasia, radish. Have all vegetables thatgrow above the ground like 
cauliflower, okra, greens, egg plant, beans etc.

Avoid white coloured foodslike refined flour, polished rice, sugar, milk 
products, coconut after the ageof thirty. Reduce eggstoo as yolk is rich in 
fats. Avoid red meat like beef, pork, lamb which arerich in fats. Have sea food 

Profile photo for Bhuvana Rameshwar

Q4           Whatis your favorite tree or shrub in the wild?

A4           Journeyinto the WildAnswered byVictoria Ng Thu

The banyan trees are grownalong coast line inwarmer regions. This tree grows 
outside of the water on land and inside water. The design of this tree and its 
rootsystems impresses me.

 Upon first time seeingit on a beach and following the trees along the water. 
It blew me away. Theclearing of beaches for luxury resorts have removed many of 
the jungle shrubsand trees off the area worldwide. These trees are majestic. I 
love them. Theyprovide for the local wild life and people food and shelter. The 
figs of the banyan trees areedible.

Seeing it in person on a beach and how it is like a miniecosystem in itself, 
really fascinated me.

Q5           CanI use a 14 gauge wire instead of an 18 gauge?

A5           GopalaKrishnan, former Assistant General Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom(1966-2004)Answered just now

Many wire men sometimes use higher gauge wire than normal.Unless the details of 
the equipment to be connected, it is difficult to answerthe question

Q6           Whichis the greatest power generator in the world?

A6           VishalKumar, Bachelor Bachelor of Technology in Electrical 
Engineering &Electrical Engineering, I. K. Gujral Punjab Techn…Answered 29m ago


The Three Gorges Dam inChina is the world's largest power station in terms of 
installed capacity (22,500 MW). In 2014 the damgenerated 98.8 terawatt-hours 
(TWh), holding the record at that time. Theannual power output of the plant is 
estimated at 85 TWh.

Q7           Whichtype of washing is preferred by customers, manual washing or 
washing by machinein a laundry business ?

A7           GopalaKrishnan     , former Assistant GeneralManager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now

Most use washing machines. Dhobies also use large washingmachines in many 
places. Bachelors are depend on Dobhi for removing tough dirtand some times for 
ironing clothes. Now most ‘bachelor’s lodgings have washingmachines installed. 
Manual washing is rare.

Q8           Doyou have a technique to make your coffee taste good?

A8           BhuvanaRameshwar Born and bred a S. Indian Wed

We buy filter coffee powder. The ratio of coffee to chicoryis 80 : 20. Any good 
brand will do.

Use a filter to extract the decoction. I use 6 to 8 teaspoonsof filter coffee 
powder to get a thick decoction.

Take milk. I add a little water in it to dilute it as do notlike my coffee too 
thick. Boil it.

Take the hot decoction from the bottom vessel of the coffeefilter. For a normal 
cup add only half teaspoon of sugar or one spoon if youlike sweet coffee and 
around 3 - 4 teaspoons of the thick decoction. Pourlittle hot milk. Mix well. 
Then finally some more hot milk, pouring from alittle above from the cup to get 
a creamy, frothy coffee. Stir once.

P. S. Never boilcoffee - milk mixture on the stove. It tastes horrible.

I prefer it hot, with less sugar.

When we have guests I add some instant coffee in my filtercoffee to get a 
richer colour and aroma. I usually keep some instant coffeesachets like Bru or 
Sunrise for this. This enhances the flavour. And guests areall praise for the 
coffee in our house .

Q9           Whyaren’t hydrogen trains carrying passengers yet?

A9           Steve BakerThu

Hydrogen is aterrible choice of energy for trains…just as it is for cars, 
trucks and mostother forms of transportation.

Almost all hydrogen is made using a technique called “SteamReformation” that 
uses water and fossil fuels - mostly they use natural gas,but also coal.

This process produces considerably more CO2 than burningdiesel fuel.

So that is a TERRIBLE way to power a train (or anything elsefor that matter)…it 
would make global warming considerably worse - not better!

The other way to make hydrogen is to use massive amounts ofelectricity to do 
electrolysis of water…there is considerable waste heat andthe process is 
extremely wasteful of energy.

This is also not a great way to make zero-emission trains.

Much better to useoverhead wires to drive all-electric trains. This is not new 
technology - the UK and much of Europe and Japan have been runningall-electric 
trains for 50+ years. This is an electric goods train from India…

No matter where the electricity comes from - it’s cheaper byfar and more 
efficient by far to use it to drive electric trains than it is towaste it on 
producing hydrogen by electrolysis.

The only issue here is building the catenary cables in thefirst place…but 
switching to hydrogen fuel requires replacing all of yourlocomotives.

Most existing diesellocomotives are actually diesel-electric - meaning that 
they use the dieselengine to produce electricity that drives electric 
motors…much like a hybridcar. All you need to“go electric” is to add the 
contraption that picks up power from the overheadcable instead of the diesel 

Doing that allows you to start using this overhead cabletechnology on just the 
busiest routes - and then gradually add it everywhere.Phasing out the use of 
diesel gradually.

Adding those overhead cables is going to be a hell of a lotcheaper than 
replacing all of your locomotives, adding hydrogen storage/fillingstations 
along your train tracks - and adding hydrogen pipelines everywhere.

Q10         Howdo you move electrical wires in the ceiling?

A10         GopalaKrishnan, former Assistant General Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom(1966-2004)Answered just now.

Whatever be the type of ceiling, it was batten wiring at onetime. Later it 
changed to conduit type of wiring. This too at one time usingmetal conduits. 
Now all wiring are using PVC conduits.

New RCC buildings have concealed wiring using PVCconduits.The pipes are laid 
and ensured it is in the middle of RCC.

All the above QA arefrom  Quora website  on 13-11-2021. Quora answers need not 
be 100%correct answers 

Compiler- R. GopalaKrishnan, 78 dated 13 -11-2021

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