Matsya Purana  part ’22 

Posted by: "DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN" prd...@yahoo.com   prdili     SunSep 26, 
2010 6:48 am (PDT) 

Taraka ’ ’¹s Tapasya  

Tarka was hell bentupon defeating the gods. But he realize that, prior   to 
waging war on the gods, he would have tobecome powerful. Such powers    could 
notbe attained but through tapasya. Taraka went to the Pariparta   mountains 
and selected a cave there for hismeditation. For some days Taraka ate nothing, 
for some more days he survived only on water, andon   other days he ate only 
leaves, everyday he sliced off some flesh from   hisbody and offered it to the 
fire as a token of his devotion. All this  hardship pleased Brahma and he 
appeared beforeTaraka.        

  "Enough is enough," said Brahma. "I am pleased at yourdevotion. What   boon 
can I grant you?"  

"I want tofight with the gods," replied Taraka. "The gods have been  giving the 
demons a hard time and I intendedto reverse the tide. Please   grant methe boon 
that I may beinvincible and immortal."         

 "Immortality is not a boon that can begranted to any living being."       

 Said Brahma. "All living beings must die. if you want, setfairly  difficult 
conditions for yourdeath 

 "In that case, please grant me the boon that I can only be killed bya  seven 
year old child," requestedTaraka.         

 Brahma gladly granted this boon.    

The War Between the Gods and the Demons         

 Fortified with Brahma ’ ’¹s boon, Tarakastarted to rule the demons.   After 
someyears had passed and after Taraka had raised a strong army,  he decided to 
attack heaven. A huge army ofdemons was accordingly   raised. Therewere 
thousands of elephants, horses and chariots in the   army. Apart from Taraka, 
the major generalsin the army were Jambha,   Kujambha,Mahisha, Kunjara, Megha, 
Kalanemi, Nimi, Mathana, Jambhaka and         Shumbha, Diverse were the weapons 
thatthe demons armed themselves  with.          

The gods alsoprepared themselves for the war, having first appointed  Yama 
astheir general. Yama rode into battle on a bufflao. Indra had his   chariot, 
driven by his charioteer Matali.The fire-god Agni rode on a  goat andVaruna, 
the lord of the oceans, rode a snake. Amongst the other gods who werein the 
army were Chandra, Surya and Kubera, the god of    prosperity and wealth.       

The war wasterrible to behold. The trumpeting of elephants, the    neighing of 
horses and the beating of drumsmade a terrible racket Above  all thisthere was 
the noise of weapons clanging and bows twanging.  Chariots fought with 
Chariots, elephants withelephants, horses with      horses and foot-soldiers 
with foot-soldiers.Thesky was thick with         spears, maces,axes, swords, 
tridents, clubs and arrows flying around. 

Dead bodieslittered the battlefield and rivers of blood began to flow.  Yama 
fought a fierce duel with a demon namedGrasana and Kubera fought with Jambha. 
Kujambha also fought with Kubera and putKubera to flight.        

Kalanemi foughtwith both Chandra and Surya. The two Ashvinis received a  sound 
thrashing at Kalanemi ’ ’¹s hands.          

The news that the gods were being slaughtered reachedVishnu and Vishnu  joined 
the fight. Thedemons immediately attacked Vishnu, but were no match for him. 
One of Vishnu ’’¹s maces knocked Kalanemi   unconscious.Vishnu ’ ’¹s cakra 
sliced off Grasana ’ ’¹s head.        

 Jambha did manage to knock Vishnu unconsciouswith a club. But Indra  slew 
Jambha witha divine weapon.       

 The trouble however was with Taraka. When hecame to fight, the gods had     no 
option but to flee. Those who did notflee were captured and   imprisoned. 
Thedemon won a resounding victory.  

        Brahma ’ ’¹s Advice                

Those of the gods who had survived the battle and werestill free   started to 
pray to Brahma.         

 "What can I do for you?" askedBrahma. Why are all of you looking so        

 "You are the one who is responsible forour misfortune," replied the  gods."You 
have granted Taraka a boon that has made him virtually    invincible. Armed 
with this boon, he isoppressing the universe and has    soundly thrashed us. 
Whatare we to do now?"         

 "There is no cause for such despondency," said Brahma. "Taraka is not  
immortal. He will be slain by a seven year oldchild. Unfortunately that      
child has not yet been born. He will be theson of Shiva. The problem is  that 
Shivais unmarried. He was earlier married to Sati, but Sati  immolated herself 
at the time of a yajna. Shehas now been reborn as         Parvati.The task at 
hand is to get Shiva and Parvati married. Their son      will kill Taraka."     

It was necessary tomake Shiva fall in love with Parvati. Madana, the  god of 
love, was sent by Indra to Shiva ’ ’¹shermitage so that this  might beachieved. 
But because this disturbed Shiva ’ ’¹s meditation,    Shiva burnt Madana up.    

Meanwhile, Parvatihad begun to perform tapasya so that she might have    Shiva 
for a husband. For one hundred yearsmore, she ate only one leaf a  day. Andfor 
the final hundred years, she meditated fasting. The seven  great sages went and 
told Shiva about Parvati ’ ’¹s tapasya andShiva  agreed to marry Parvati. The 
marriage took place amidst agreat deal of  fanfare. All the riversand the 
mountains came to attend the ceremony.         

So did the sages, the gods, the gandharvas, the apsarasand the yakshas.   
Brahma himself actedas the priest for the marriage ceremony. 

Posted to google groups on 2-12-2021 by R,Gopalakrishnan

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