CULTURAL QA 12-2021-08

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         Do any other people eat with their hands like Indians?

A1          Sachin Masekar Home Chef(1978–present) Sat

Eating by hand is our Indian culture. But we got the British rule andthey did 
something that changed everything.

According to Ayurveda, our body is made up of five principles and thereis one 
principle at the tip of each finger. Also, when we eat with our hands,we put 
our fingers together and fill our mouths with grass. It also improvesdigestion. 
Meanwhile, eating by hand is always considered appropriate. At thesame time, 
all the attention is focused on eating while eating by hand, whichincreases the 
nutrition that the body gets.

The British ruled over us, from them we learned many things of westernculture. 
Every country has a different culture, certain traditions. Thattradition and 
culture creates the identity of the country.

Our India also has a distinct identity in the world due to its ancientdiverse 
culture as well as diverse languages, arts, literature, Indian foodculture.This 
is the colorful culture, people from all over the world visitIndia to see the 
vibrant atmosphere here.Many people are shocked to see somethings in our 
country. So some people learn a lot from the people in theircountry. Foreigners 
are imitating some of the Indians.Many foreigners maintainthis habit even after 
settling in India. For an example…… Drinking tea from asaucer, eating by hand 
without using a fork, taking off slippers when goinghome, Indian style toilet, 
colorful brightly colored clothes, juggling oldthings without throwing away.

Not only in India but also inAfrica, the Middle East region has a culture of 
hand eating.

Q2         How do people get kidney failures?

A2          Ken Saladin Former professorof histology (microscopic anatomy) Sun

I think the most common cause is hypertension, whichdestroys the glomeruli 
(blood-filtering capillary beds) of the kidneys.

Next to that, probably renal atherosclerosis—the build up of fatty plaque in 
the renalarteries, cutting down the blood supply to the kidneys and 

Glomerulonephritis is a kidney-destroying autoimmune disease, found inaround 
0.2 to 2.5 out of every 100,000 people worldwide. That’s rare, but in 
ahigh-density area like New York City or Los Angeles, that could mean up to 
150people or so with this disease at any one time.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), another multifaceted autoimmunedisease, 
often causes glomerulonephritis and can lead to end-stage renalfailure.

Other causes include chronic or repetitive kidney infections; trauma(blows to 
the back, or frequent vibration as from heavy machinery); poisoning (heavy 
metals, carbontetrachloride, acetone, paint thinners); and blockage of the 
renal tubulesby proteins (as in some wasting muscle diseases, muscle injuries 
likecompartment syndrome, and hemolysis (red blood cell breakdown) due 
tomismatched blood transfusions).

Q3         Why do we eat three times a day and not two times in a day?

A3          Bhuvana Rameshwar Preferhealthy food Mon

We eat three times a day as anorm. There is a biological reason behind this. 
Our stomach takes maximum of 4hrs to digest the food we eat.

Sometimes it takes 2hrs if the food is easily digestable like fruits,fresh 
juice and salads or soft drinks etc or 4hr if they are proteins, wholegrain 
like fish eggs, meat, wheat, rice based foods etc.

So if a person wakes up has a coffee, milk or tea by two hrs he needs hisnext 
meal say breakfast.

So on an average 

8 am breakfast 12 noon lunch 4 pm tea time 8 pm dinner.

These timings change to plus or minus 1 or 2 hrs if we eat light food,drink 
tea, coffee or nibble on snacks or candy or energy bars in between or weare 
unable to eat due to strict lunch or tea break timings as in schools,offices .

Stomach and small intestine in coordination with our brain determine ourhunger 
and food needs. Digestive system is so well programmed. You play with itand end 
up with ulcer, gastritis and bloating.

My note-Diabetic patients mayrequire more times in take of foods, but in 
smaller quantities 

Q4         Who was Ashokasundari, the third child of Lord Shiva andParvati?

A4          Namasvi Shukla Daughterof Mother UmaDec 1

Ashokasundari was created from the wish-fulfillingtree Kalpavriksha

when Parvati Mata wished for a daughter to reduce her loneliness. Thewords in 
her name are derived from her creation. Ashokarefers to the easing of Parvati's 
shoka, which means "sorrow", whilesundari means "beautiful girl". 

Q5         What's a meal you have had thousands of times but still loveeating 

A5          Bharti Sharma Cookingfor 37 years (not professional)Thu 

Simple Dal and Roti 

As a Rajasthani we hardly eat rice in our meal. Everyday I make WheatRoti and 
Dal. I have eaten Dal and Roti since I was 4 months old. Now I am 51years old 
so you can guess how many times I have eaten Dal Roti by now.Multiply days and 
my age 😂 easily a thousand times but I still love it the same

Q6         Why shouldn't you pour concrete in cold weather?

A6          Steven Haddock Studiedat York University (Canada)Nov 27

When you pour concrete, a chemical reaction occurs that’s fairlyexothermic - in 
otherwords it gives off heat. However, this heat is criticalto the continued 
curing of the concrete as it expedites the same reactionthroughout the concrete 
slab. In other words, the warmer the concrete isthe more thoroughly it cures 
and gains strength.

If its too cold out, all that heat is dissipated into the air instead ofstaying 
in the concrete. Thecuring process is slowed down as a result and it takes the 
concrete more timeto reach its full hardness. Curing starts out very quickly, 
but slows down withtime although it never entirely stops.

If the concrete doesn’t cure properly in the early stages, you may notget the 
characteristics you want, like resistance to compression or durability.

Q7         What is “antecubital” in anatomy?

A7          Ken Saladin Author,Anatomy & Physiology—The Unity of Form and 
Function Nov 30

The word is antecubital, not anticubital. Anti- means against, opposing,as in 
antibody. Ante- means before or in front of, as in anterior, antenatal,and 

The antecubital fossa is thepit on the anterior side of the elbow. The official 
name, though, is just cubital fossa. Most of us these daysleave off the “ante.”

Q8         How many times did Gandhari open her eyes in theMahabharata?

A8          Lakshminandan NarayanaPutra Studied at 10th Class in India Sat

She never opened her eyes after tying the cloth on her eyes.

It's a folklore that she openedher eyes to give armour to Duryodhana.

This was copied from the part in Mahabharata where Drona gives an armourto 
Duryodhana. In reality Duryodhana never had any armour.

Q9         Why is caffeine in so many plants?

A9          Steven Haddock Studiedat York University (Canada)Nov 23

Although to humans it’s a wonderful stimulant (it works by blocking 
thereceptors that sleep inducing chemicals bind to) to insects its a 
deadlypoison. Many plantsproduce chemicals that are toxic to insects to keep 
from being eaten,but caffeine producing plants go one better and put caffeine 
in their seeds to keep them from beingeaten even after the plant dies.

Q10              What is the meaning of this idiom "We put the dogto sleep as 
it was suffering from age-related ailments"?

A10        KanthaswamyBalasubramaniam Lawyer Sun

It means Your Dog was given a Sedative to gently let it drift off tosleep and 
then a Drug was given to paralyse its heart muscles and stop it frombeating - 
essentially ending its life voluntarily

This is usually calledEUTHANASIA

This is done so that the Dog doesnt suffer in the long term and its 
likeDrifting off to sleep and never waking up again.Yet Owners cry and cry and 
cryso much …. its a very painful sight.

Q11              If continental countries get their fresh water fromrivers, 
lakes, ground water and the like, where do islands in middle of nowherelike 
those tiny Pacific and Indian ocean and Atlantic islands get their water?

A11        Ciro Pabon Specialist inHighway Engineering & Soil Mechanics, 
Universidad Del Cauca (Graduated1986)Nov 26

They get it from the fact that salt water weighs more than fresh water, so the 
fresh water is kept inthe soil in what is called a water lens.

The ground on top of salt watercreates a pool of fresh water inside the ground 
(in blue, under the island) that “hangs” inside the salt water thatcomes from 
the ocean into the ground

Here you have a real map of fresh water depth level in a tiny Pacificisland.

In the orange parts, the fresh water goes down up to 4 meters, in clear 
bluegoes down 1 to 2 meters, etc.

If I had to dig a well, I would do it by the police station marked onthat map.

Notice that you cannot “pull”the fresh water too quickly, or you will mix it 
with the salt water under it.

Picture not attached

Q12              What is the chromosomal relationship between non-humanapes and 

A12        Claire Jordan Degree inbiology and folklore; programmer, shop owner, 
secretary on newspaperNov 28

Our chromosomes and those of chimps and bonobos are extremely similar -same 
layout, genesnearly all arranged in the same order on the same chromosomes etc 
- except that in humans, two short chromosomes have stuck together end to end 
to form onelong one. We know it was that way around, and not that a 
formerlylong chromosome split into two in chimps, because gorillas and 
orangutans alsohave two separate, short chromosomes and onlythe human line has 
them joined together.

It’s possible this happened early on and accelerated our separation from the 
line leading tochimps, 7 milliion years ago, as it would make cross-breeding 
with thechimp line and pooling our genes with them much more difficult. We see 
thishappening in wild ship rats in India - there are three or four populations 
withslightly different rearrangements of their chromosomes, and while the 
differentgroups can still interbreed, they do so with somewhat decreased 
fertility andsuccess, so eventually they will probably split into different 

All the above QA are from  Quora website  on    07-12- 2021. 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan ,78, former  AGM Telecom Trivandrum 
on 08-12-2021


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