CULTURAL QA12-2021-21


Q1         Iseating raw spinach good for you?

A1          Lucia Garcia Worked atHospitalsSat

As we all know, spinachis the vegetable with the highest oxalic acid content, 
and its oxalicacid content is as high as 0.97%.

When oxalic acid enters the body, it combines with calcium. Not onlyhinders 
calcium absorption, but also forms calcium oxalate. The solubility ofcalcium 
oxalate is very low, which can easily cause kidney stones and urinarytract 

Therefore, although spinachcan be eaten raw, it is best to eat cooked spinach.

Many nutritionists believe that steaming and boiling is an effectivecooking 
method that can reduce the oxalic acid in spinach by 80% to 90%.

Q2         Whyare vegetables still healthy after being cooked? Do vitamins 
survive cooking?Is it the same for meat?

A2          Alice Twain Eating andcooking for 40 years. Wed 

Yes, vitamins for the most partsurvive cooking.

Actually, some vitamins concentrate with cooking. Some others are notstable at 
high temperatures, but you don’t completely obliterate them. That’sthe case for 
C vitamin. It’s interesting that for the most part the vitaminswhich are most 
sensitive to heat are provided by fruits (which we usually eatraw) and those 
that survive better to cooking are found in vegetables, whichcan be had raw or 
cooked. Besides,vegetables and fruits provide minerals and fibers. Meat instead 
hasvery little vitamins. It’s basically proteins and some fat. Vitamins found 
inanimal-derived foods are mainly found in dairy, eggs, fish, seafood, and 
offal.That’s why you shouldeat less meat and more of the rest.

Q3         Whyis a new born baby not immediately bathed by a doctor or nurse 
even though thebaby is still covered in blood?

A3          Sangram Sagar Dec 13

When the baby is still in the womb, the baby's body will be wrapped in a layer 
of fat called VernixCaseosa. This layer of fat contains proteins that function 
to protectthe baby's skin from bacteria and prevent the baby's skin from 
wrinkling whilestill in the womb.Thislayer is also useful for making it easier 
for the baby to get out of themother's stomach. When the baby is born, this 
layer will still beattached to the baby's skin. Usually, the nurse will not 
clean the layer but instead let it drybecause this layer also functions as a 
natural lotion that can keep the baby'sskin smooth, clean, and protected from 

Usually, Professional Doctors and Nurses will definitely know about thisand 
will advise parents notto bathe the baby. Health organizations even suggest 
that new- bornsshould not be cleaned for 6-24 hours. If you want to be cleaned, 
parents can only clean bloodspots. Clean lightly, do not rub too deep.Source: 
Dr. FitriyanaElbana, thank you

Q4         Whyis vitamin C useful for the immune system?

A4          Lucia Garcia Worked atHospitals Sun 

Vitamin C is an essential vitaminfor the body, which is a critical role in 
enhancing immune function.

White blood cells (WBCs) an important part of the body's immune systemresponse, 
and white blood cells are rich in vitamin C.

Supplementing vitamin C canincrease the number of white blood cells, strengthen 
the immune system, andenhance the body's ability to kill bacteria.

In addition, vitamin C can improve the hematopoietic function of bonemarrow, 
accelerate the growth of red blood cells, remove toxins from the blood,and 
enhance the body's immunity and resistance.

Eating vegetables and fruitsrich in vitamin C is a simple and effective way to 
supplement vitamin C.

Here are the vegetables andfruits rich in vitamin C:

Broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, green beans, cabbage, spinach, 
kale,cucumber, celery, pepper, lemon, grapefruit, cherries, dates, grapes, 
kiwi,strawberries, citrus, apples, pears, etc.

Q5         Howlong can a refrigerator be stored without being used?

A5          3 Answers Deepak Charaya, Engineer/Scientist at Indian Space 
Research Organisation(2018-present)Answered May 10, 2018

Refrigerator can stored till therefrigerant is there inside the refrigerator 
pipelines i.e. no leakage ofrefrigerant and till the compressor motor 
works.These two are the problems found with therefrigerator that are not used 
too much.2ND ANSWER- Muhammed Muzaffar Sheikh , Sir,I've been working in this 
field since last 3 decades.Answered May 7,2018

Regardless of period for at leastone and half a decade.Because after this 
specific period the entire amount of refrigerant escapes throughmicro holes 
which can be traced out initially with halide torch which rectifiesleakages 
through these so called micro holes.

3RDANSWER-Venkateswara Swamy Swarna, Vegetarian by birth, upbringing and choice 
Answered Nov 8

Brand new fridges stay inwarehouses, dealer’s godowns etc. for months without 
getting affected.

If you have used the refrigerator and want to switch it off and store,empty if 
of all food, cleanthe insides thoroughly and let it dry completely. Then close 
the door and storeit with some wrapping. It should be fine.

Q6         Whatis the difference between an intelligent person and a wise 

A6          Sean Kernan Son of QuoraDec 11

An intelligent person knows not to go into a dragon’s lair. A wise person 
chooses not togo into a dragon’s lair.

Wisdom is decisional but oftenrooted in intelligence.

The two are still mutually exclusive at times. Particularly when you lookat 
politicians who make terrible life decisions, despite having ivy leaguedegrees.

Q7         Issoda bad for the kidneys?

A7          Sangram Sagar Dec 14

We should not drink too muchsoda, otherwise, our kidneys can be like this: 
Foods high in sodium and sugar can cause kidney stones.(Picture  not attached)

Kidney stones are mineral deposits that build up in the urinal, and thereis 
only one way to get them out. They must come out through the urethra. And it is 
really painful.This pain is compared to labor pain.

Some symptoms of the presence ofkidney stones: severepain in the side Pain or 
burning sensation while urinating. This pain risesrapidly and then gets relief 
immediately. In addition to kidney stones, consuming too much soda canlead to 
diabetes and obesity.

Q8         Laundry:Does a washing machine need to be at least half full or more 
for its contentsto be washed properly?

A8          4 Answers Simon Khoury,Father, Dentist, Pro-EV/Renewables, 3D 
Printer, Chia Farmer Answered Jun 20,2019

It needs to be able to tumble the items inside, as the machine spinsaround. If 
it's underloaded it will wash just fine. The items tumble and get well 
coveredin water. If itsoverloaded and the clothing cannot tumble then 
potentially some parts won't get washed,and the dirt won't get chance to be 
rinsed from the clothes.

So under loading is inefficient, why wash just 4 socks in a whole 
washingmachine? But overloading is counter productive as none of the contents 
will getwashed well. Somemachines weigh the load and reduce water quantities to 
save energy. That'sgreat. But they won't add a lot more water if it overloaded.

2ND ANSWER BetsyMegas , I prefer to wear cleanclothes.Updated Oct 11, 2017

If your clothes are delicates, you probably do not want a lot of 
frictioninvolved in the scrubbing. They're probably not very dirty, either, 
assumingyou don't garden in your good silk blouse.

You don't say whether you have a top-loader or front-loader. I would guess that 
having someminimum quantity of stuff being washed makes more difference in a 
top loader.Picture one or two things being swished around in a big bucket of 
water, whichis essentially what a top-loader is doing. Nothing touches anything 
else, so atbest you're getting sort of a moving soak. Now picture a handful of 
stuff withjust enough water to cover. Now you have things moving against other 
thingswhen the agitator swishes them around. If you are doing a small load in 
atop-loader, definitely adjust the water as low as it can go and still cover 
theclothes. It's ok to open the lid and peek in during the cycle, so you can 
seehow the water level matches the amount of clothing you have.

In a front-loader, the washingaction is accomplished by tumbling the clothes, 
and the water level is usually adjusted automatically, so there's acertain 
amount of "puddle" once all the clothes are saturated, sowashing a very small 
load may make less of a difference. It's ok to pause thecycle and open a 
front-loader, too, if yours doesn't have a window.

Regardless of which machine youhave, if you're only washing a small load, be 
sure to dial down the amount ofsoap you use. At best,it won't rinse out too 
well if you use too much. In a front-loader, a thicklayer of suds means that 
your tumbling laundry is landing on a nice, softcushion. That's why you should 
use low-sudsing HE detergent or scale way backon soap in a front-loader. Front 
loaders also use a lot less water, so they need a lot less soapto have the same 

If you have only one or two delicate things to wash, though, considerdoing them 
by hand. Let them soak in a sink or dishpan of soapy water for a fewminutes 
(bars of laundry soap are still available and inexpensive), and swish 
themaround a little bit or focus on spills and spots, if you think they need 
it. Then, rinse them through,squeeze (do not wring) them to get most of the 
water out, and air dry. It's byfar the gentlest process for your delicates, and 
it takes less time thanwaiting out a full wash cycle for one or two things.

There is also nothing wrong with washing a delicate load with a 
fewnot-so-delicate items, as long as nothing has much stronger colors 
thaneverything else and everything is of a similar weight. Put things in 
laundrybags (also called sweater bags or lingerie bags) if you need to keep 
them fromtangling or catching on one another, and wash like weights with like. 
You couldfill up your load a little if you bag up your delicate blouse and wash 
it witha few button-down business shirts or pillow cases in similar colors. The 
latterwill still get clean and won't disturb your blouse the way that a heap of 
jeansand towels might.

3RD ANSWER- JamesMcfeley, works at Plumbing AnsweredMar 11, 2012

The action of the rotating drumand direction changes is what cleans your cloths 
not the interaction with othercloths. You might think of your clothes more like 
asponge, you have to soak it and squeeze it multiple times. The friction 
fromother clothes helps to wear clothes out.

Now a dryer may be different. Sometimes when you dry only a few itemsthey do 
not tumble but stick the sides like in a salad spinner.

4TH ANSWER-CurtMueller, Appliance repair and cleaning Specialist Answered Sep 
5, 2020

No. A washer can wash just aswell on a 1/4 load if the water level is set to 
low. It’s important to match the load size with thewater level. It’s possible 
to damage the washer and clothes if water level istoo low and load size is 

Q9         Demographics:Why are there more women than men in the world?

A9          Mats Andersson Lived in4 different countries Dec 11

There are more males born. So the answer is that men die younger. As to why, 
there are two reasons.

The first one is that males have a Y chromosome (we’re talking about“males” in 
the genetics sense here, of course). It lacks abit that the X chromosome has. 
Male mammals have to rely on the intact Xchromosome to work properly. If a gene 
is damaged on that “leg” of the Xchromosome, women (defined here as XX 
individuals) nearly always have afunctioning copy on their other X chromosome 
that can take up the function;males don’t and will have to make do with the 
damaged one. This is a permanent, unfixabledisadvantage for males. Most will 
not be affected, but enough to skewthe numbers.The second oneis that human 
evolution has given a slight favour to males who are risk-seekers.Our biology 
and social structure are built so that females can always be assured of having 
offspring,while males can in certain circumstances monopolise access to 
females. (Thiswas probably more prevalent under some earlier stage in our 
evolution: malesare slightly bigger than females, indicating that males have 
had to competephysically over females, but the discrepancy is nowhere near as 
big as in ourclose relatives the gorillas, and we seem to be evolving away from 
that.) Underthose conditions, it actually pays for males to take risks in order 
to haveoffspring—but the very same risks are, well, risks, and sometimes they 
resultin no offspring at all by reason of the male being dead. And that’s 
ultimately why testosteronemakes men more accident-prone.

Both of those lead to men dyingoff faster than women. Thesecond one is more 
important at younger ages, while the first one is moreimportant for infants and 
toddlers, and in old age.

Q10              Whyis the ship's speed unit in knots, not km per hour?

A10        Sangram Sagar Dec 12 

The earth is round. Because of this, the ship from afar asit moved closer, 
would appear to be slowly rising upwards.

>From the angle between the ship and the horizon, we can estimate theship's 
>distance. If you use a calculator, you can get the numbers in metricunits. The 
>problem isthat in the past there were no calculators. That's why at sea it is 
>difficultto calculate distance using metric units. The easiest is to calculate 
>the distance betweenobjects in the sea using degrees. You can measure it using 
>a telescope.

One full circle has 360°. That means the north-south pole distance is180°. One 
degree is subdivided into 60 arc minutes. One arc minute is called 1 nautical 
mile. One nautical mile per hour is calleda knot. Knots can also be measured 
using a telescope. It's just a matterof how much the angle changes between the 
ship and the horizon every hour. Because calculating knots is easier,for use at 
sea, it is more popular than km/h. Additional: these knots can be used to 
measure the speed ofother ships (if the speed of the ship itself can use 
GPS).Forexample, if you are a pirate and want to know if you can catch another 
ship, itis better if the speed of both ships is measured using the same units.

All the above QA are from  Quora website  on    20-12- 2021. 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan ,78, former  AGM Telecom Trivandrum 
on 21 -12-2021


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