
 I  started  with Cherusseri Bharatham(Bharatagatha) (English Summary) (Summary 
by A. Purushothaman) from yesterdayunder the title Divine information. The 
information was stored in my computer. 

 CherusseriBharatham Pattu or Bharatagatha was first published by Chirakkal 
Kovilakath Ayilyam Thirunal Ramavarma ValiyaTampuran in Malayalam Era 1086 (A.D 

 The book wasrepublished along with a long introduction essay by Chirakkal T. 
BalakrishnanNair in Malayalam Era 1113 (A.D. 1938). 

There are 45 Chapters. Part by part will be posted byme.Hope this will be 
interesting to read or refreshing information. I am startingwith chapter 4 in 
this posting. These introductory lines will be discontinued from next posting.



 Summary of Chapter 4: The Marriage of Ganga 

 KingBharatha performed many yagyas. He had a son Bhumanyu. There were many 
Kings inthis line. One of them, Bhima, had a son Pradipa. For a long time, 
Pradipa didnot have children. Onthe banks of river Ganga, he worshipped god 
along with his wife Sunanda. Cursedby Brahma, the royal sage Mahabhishak was 
born as the son of Pradipa. The boywas called Santhanu since he was son of a 
calm person (Santhan). 

 Santhanu washandsome. One day, King Shanthanu went to the forest for hunting. 
He went tothe river Ganga to drink water. There he saw a beautiful maiden. The 
Kingasked: 'who are youWhere do you come from Where are you going'. The girl 
said: I am looking for ahusband who will agree with all my actions. The King 
agreed immediately andtook her to Hastinapura. 
Summary of Chapter 5: The Origin of Bhishma 
 The Kingenjoyed life with his wife Ganga. He had seven sons with Ganga. 
Immediately onbirth, the children were thrown into the river by Ganga. Due to 
his pledge, theKing remained silent. The eighth child was most beautiful. When 
Ganga tried to throw thenew born baby into the river, the King stopped and 
asked her: 'Who are you?  You are not an ordinary woman'. Ganga said: "Youare 
the famous royal sage Mahabhishak and I am Jahnavi, the daughter ofheavenly 


Both of us were cursed by Brahma. Longtime ago, while dancing in heaven, my 
dress slipped off. While others lookedaway, O King! You stared at me with 
desire. Brahma cursed both of us to be bornas human beings. As I was leaving 
for earth, the Devas told me: 'Theeight Vasus cursed by a sage will be born as 
your children. The eighth Vasu will be born asBhishma. The King will create a 
way for you to return to heaven.' 


Now, bring up this child. I am leaving." The Kinglooked after the boy. When the 
King and the boy went to the banks of the riverGanga, the mother Ganga came up 
and fed milk from her breast to the boy. The King lived in the Naga 
citythinking about his wife. 

 Summary of Chapter 6: The Origin of Vyasa 

 Longago there was a King named Chedipa on earth. He wanted to become a Deva. 
Indramet the King and gave him a flying vehicle and said: "Ruling the land 
isthe duty of Kshatriya. Therein lies his salvation. Using this vehicle, you 
may travelin the sky like a bird". One day the King went to the forest. He saw 
a beautiful apsaras flyingin the sky. Captivated by sexual desire, the King's 
sperm fell off. TheKing asked a kite to convey the sperm to his wife. While the 
kite was flyingover Kalindi, the sperm fell into the river. The sperm was 
swallowed by a fish,which was caught by fishermen and presented to the King. 
Two children were discovered inthe belly of the fish. The boy was named Matsya. 
The girl was given to thefishermen. The girl Matsyagandha was engaged in 
ferrying passengers acrossKalindi. Oneday, sage Parasara came to cross the 
river. Seeing the girl, the sage wascaptivated by desire. He expressed his 
desire to the girl. The girl resistedsaying that she smells of fish. The sage 
sprinkled holy water and made the girl Yojanagandha. Asdesired by the girl, the 
sage created an island and shrouded it with clouds.The sage embraced the girl 
and Ved Vyasa was born. The sage told the girl:"You be here. You will become 
the King's wife. You will be devoid of anysin. Do not accept anything from the 
King till he gives you the land".

 Then the sage left. The sonfollowed his father. Before leaving he told his 
mother: "Whenever you wishto meet me, I will come without fail". The girl 
resumed her work offerrying people across the river. 

Summary of Chapter 7: The Acceptance ofMatsyagandha

 Hearing thestory of Yojanagandhafrom the sage (Vaisampayana), King Janamejaya 
said :" Alas! Ourrace originated from fish. This is abominable and terrible". 
The sagesaid: " Yojanagandha,Dhritarashtra and Pandu originated from Bhoodevas 
(Brahmins), whoare the essence of Vedas. Soma Race does not have any defect. 

 Sinnersreciting the story of Soma Race will be absolved of all sins. They will 
attainliberation. Hence, O king! Discard all your sorrows and hear the stories 

 The sage continued : "The King Santhanu waslivingin his palace thinking about 
his separated wife and watching his son play. TheKing was afflicted with a type 
of cancer (Pundarika Arbuda) and a smell emanated from his bodywhich attracted 
snakes. Physicians declared that Kasturi is requiredfor the treatment which 
turned out to be effective. Blessed by the sage (Parasara), the maiden's 
bodywas producing Kasturi (which was used for treating the King). Themaiden 
refused to accept any payment for the Kasturi. The King was completelycured of 
the disease. In this manner, Santhanu came to know about the maiden.The King 
met the maiden on the banks of Kalindi and told her: It is not fit foryou to 
live here. You are best suited to a King."

 The maidensaid: "All relations are decided by God. A King has many wives. What 
isthe point in being one of them Moreover, the Kingdom will go to the son of 
thefirst wife. Only on thecondition that the land will be ruled by my sons, a 
King can marry me."Hearing these words, the King became desparate. 

 The King'sson realized the cause of his father's sorrow. He straightway went, 
met themaiden and told her: "Mother, come with me. Your sons will become Kings. 
Ipronounce this witnessed by Fire, Air, Moon, Sun, Earth, Cows, Sky, 
Brahmins,Dusks, Water and Devas. I willnot marry either". Hearing this, the 
Devas said that he will be known asBhishma. Thus Yojanagandha went to the city 
of elephant with the son ofSanthanu. The King was extremely happy. He said: " 
My son, You will die only if you wishso". The King lived happily with his wife. 

 From Chapter 8: 

 Ambaapproaches Vyasa to advise Bhisma to marry her. Bhisma refuses citing his 
vow.Vyasa becomes angry and suggests that perhaps Bhisma doesn't understand 
themeaning of truth, vow and such. 


He recitesthe story of Bali (who didn't listen to his teacher) and that of the 
Kausika atthe river bank (the story told by Krishna to Arjuna). Bhisma explains 
the fault ofBali and Kausika. Vyasa is pleased and tells Amba to marry another 

 Aftergetting boon from Siva, unable to find a suitor, Amba hangs the garland 
at thegate of the city of Pancala and ends her life. 

 I will continue in next posting. 


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