Continued from lastposting. 

>From Chapter 20. Arjuna's Pilgrimage

Narada visits andtells the story of Sunda and Upasunda. Arjuna's marriage with 
Citrangada.Arjuna has a son Babhrubahu. (Name is same as the son of Bhima and 

It is Balarama who, without recognising, puts up thedisguised Arjuna in 
Subhadra's quarters. 

>From Chapter 21. 

Duryodhana weds Bhanumati, daughter of Bhanuman. He hastwentynine sons. 

Now that the racewhich was at the point of extinction is blessed with many 
decsendents,Satyavati is contend with her life. Vyasa comes and takes her with 

Chapter 22. Burning of Khandava.

>From Chapter 23: Conquering the Lands

Narada visits andreports that Pandu can'tenter higher places in heaven because 
he has'nt enough merit. Hearing it, Bhimais angry, takes a tree and want to 
proceed to heaven to removeIndra. Narada prevents him. 

When Sahadeva came, Keralais ruled by Trigarta. Since Agni aids Trigarta, 
Sahadevais unable to conquer him. Then Sahadeva accepts the mediation by Agni. 
Agnifacilitates the payment of tribute by Trigarta. Agni was the lover of 
thedaughter of Trigarta. Agni decreed that, except Brahmin women, other women 
inKerala need not be chaste and Brahmins may marry the kashatriya women. 

Accepting thetributes given by the King (Trigartha), Sahadeva proceeded to 
Rameswaram. He was unable to crossthe unbounded sea, to go to Lanka. Then 
Ghatotkacha arrived and bowed to him.As instructed by Sahadeva, Ghatotkaca 
proceeded to Lanka. The sea water wasonly upto the waist of the Danava hero. He 
(Ghatotkaca) saw the bridge across the sea) made bythe monkey (Nala). When he 
(Ghatotkaca reached Lanka, the Rakhshasawomen, out of fear, ran to the King of 
Rakhshasas and said: 'Kumbhakarna, shot with arrows byRaghava, is returning for 
a second time. Lord, you go and see for yourself.' The King proceeded andmet 
Ghatotkaca. Ghatotkaca bowed to the King and presented the matter. The 
Kingsaid: "I am unable to travel due to the pain in my body. I am deputing 
mypeople with offerings to see the King (son of Dharma), who has devoted his 
mindto Achyuta and take part in the function". The huge son of Bhima 
(Ghatotkaca) recited all the wordsof the (Rakhshasa) King to Sahadeva. 

Chapter 24. Killing of Magadha.

>From Chapter 25. Rajasuya:  

DuringRajasuya,Sahadeva, the son of Maghadha (Jarasandha) says: 'Having Krishna 
(ofnumerous beings in his self) with you, whom are you searching to 

>From Chapter 26. 

Duryodhana'smishaps at the Sabha. Bhima and Draupadi laughs. 

Chapter 27.  (My note-Nothing is summarised)

>From Chapter28. Dhyutalila 

One day the Pandavaheroes were invited to the Palace. They were entertained 
with games such asDice. Then Saubala (Sakuni), filled with a desire to avenge 
the death of hisbrothers and looking for an opportunity to send the Kaurava 
heroes to the Godof Death, took out the dice pieces made out of bones and said: 
'Now no one on earth can thinkof defeating the son of Dharma in the dice game. 
The Kaurava brother is alsoproficient in the game. The game should proceed with 
the loser putting up thestake.' 

When Draupadi iswon, Duryodhana asks Dussasana: Bring Draupadi to the Sabha, 
who laughed at mein the (other) Sabha. 

When Dussasana tries to Disrob Draupadi, because ofKrishna's grace, endless 
garments appeared.

After the disrobing episode, no one could answerDraupadi's question. To resolve 
the matter, Draupadichallenges Duryodhana for a dice game, defeats him and 
restores freedom to herhusbands. 

Akshaya Patra episode: Krishna comes toYudhisthira in the guise of a brahmin. 

 Mookasura, a relative of the blind ()Suyodhana used to visit hermitages 
assuming the form of a cat and steal milkand butter. The enrage sages cursed 
him to become a boar. The boar attackedPartha (Arjuna) (who was engaged in the 
worship of Siva).  

I will continue in next posting.

Information stored in my computer. Posted to google groupson 26-12-2021.R. 


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