     Empty drum makes a lot of noise but yet it is empty; so too the
vadyar useless
singaporean, who crossed the sea still calling himself as a Vedic Brahmin
and jibing at others, calling names and uttering the abusive language,
which are never resisted by even that "disliker-of- the- EGO POSTS, who
wrote for the first time and walked out of the assembly.  Knowledge is
drawing from nature, the meaningful write ups, and responding to one's
grinding thinking, in addition to the posted emails. But sitting pretty on
the fence from the dawn to the desk ,without taking into anything, and at
the same time, unable to bear being hit, yells in COMMON, is neither an act
of erudition nor that of the educated, or that of establishing
self-defence. The groupm does not exist at 80 to make fun, by which all
reached this age nor spending time, which is short now. The purpose of life
shall be spread naturally to the posterity to grow in anicer atmosphere.
Ignorance is not a guilt; Adi Shankara, such an erudite, addressed HIMSELF
as "Na Janami" (Bhavani Ashtakam) . But existing without any intake, out of
the assets of this land where all of us are born, shall not yell at 80 and
90. If one at 80 cannot address the bad as bad, openly by names, how  one
will dourse correct their posterity with courage?. People at 80 suddenly
wake up from the slumber to yell and go silent thereafter, eternally. And
all are elders. What are the Ego posts?; that post with a yell is?. it is
not the Eccentrically Governed Organisation who alone can yell without any
attribution or evidential first person pointers. IT IS ETHICALLY GOVERNED
ORCHESTRATION, hence let the vociferous views be made with the attributes
of perfect pointers , asserting with the authority rather than squealing
behind the doors.  Samuel Johnson said,"“Integrity without knowledge is
weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and
dreadful.”; If yelling is integrity without knowledge or or locking down
the knowledge and yet yelling is termed an integrity, both are unwelcome.
  2   I thought someone would add to the spicy notes above compilation for
the whole day, to avoid the Egopost, and since had not seen any ,releasing
what I drafted yesterday morning as an EGOPOST which might be read in
silence and to yell again. Thank you KR IRS 281221
 Dopamine subtle body Putra spirit Pravan and sesame

1  Dopamine:  Dopamine is an important chemical messenger in the brain that
has many functions. It’s involved in reward, motivation, memory, attention
and even regulating body movements. When dopamine is released in large
amounts, it creates feelings of pleasure and reward, which motivates you to
repeat a specific behaviour In contrast, low levels of dopamine are linked
to reduced motivation and decreased enthusiasm for things that would excite
most people. Dopamine levels are typically well regulated within the
nervous system, but there are some things you can do to naturally increase
levels. Proteins are made up of smaller building blocks called amino acids.
There are 23 different amino acids, some of which your body can synthesize
and others that you must get from food. One amino acid called tyrosine
plays a critical role in the production of dopamine. Tyrosine can also be
made from another amino acid called phenylalanine. Both tyrosine and
phenylalanine are naturally found in protein-rich foods
<> like(
turkey, beef, eggs,) dairy, soy and legumes. Several observational studies
have found a link between high saturated fat (butter, full-fat dairy, palm
oil and coconut oil,) intake and poor memory and cognitive functioning in
humans, but it’s unknown whether these effects are related to dopamine
levels. Gut and brain are closely linked. Probiotic food is good to
increase the Dopamine. Consuming 250 grams of cooked velvet beans
significantly raised dopamine levels and reduced Parkinson’s symptoms one
to two hours after the meal. Improvements in mood can be seen after as
little as 10 minutes of aerobic activity but tend to be highest after at
least 20 minutes. Getting regular, high-quality sleep
help keep your dopamine levels balanced and help you feel more alert and
high-functioning during the day. Music can boost dopamine levels. Meditation
<>, focusing
inward and letting your thoughts float by without judgment or attachment,
standing, sitting or even walking, are associated with improved mental and
physical health, increasing the Dopamine.  Sunlight exposure can boost
dopamine levels, but it’s important to be mindful of sun exposure
guidelines to avoid skin damage. Supplements including, magnesium, vitamin
D, curcumin, oregano extract and green tea expose to the increase in

2   Subtle-body: Everyone is assuming a body after the death like our body
here. Sukshma body is another name. Soul and Mind are together and neither
are seen by anyone. Sukshma and Subtle are no more than the unseen. We
<> are the souls
(atoms are the science and atoms are also not visible) and not the body.
But where does the mind and intelligence fit in? Are we not the thoughts
and feeling in our mind? Lord Krishna explains in Bhagavat Gita chapter 3
text 42 the following.  ‘The working senses are superior to dull matter;
mind is higher than the senses; intelligence is still higher than the mind;
and he [the soul] is even higher than the intelligence. {*(BG 3.42)*
<>}. indriyani parany ahur indriyebhyah
param manah manasas tu para buddhir yo buddheh paratas tu sah (soul)//.
 The soul is covered by the subtle and the gross bodies. What is known as
death is the annihilation of the gross body. The subtle body remains and
carries the soul to a place where he can again grow another material body
just suitable for fulfilling the desires of his mind. Yaṁ yaṁ vāpi smaran
bhāvaṁ tyajaty ante kalevaram (BG 8.6
<>). Your body are you making now.
So, at the time of death, the condition of your mind will transfer you with
mind, intelligence, subtle body. They are seeing that this gross body's
finished, but they cannot see that there is another body which is made of
mind, intelligence, and ego. That is called subtle body.

3  Effect of shraddha mantra: MANTRA is derived thus - “mananāt trāyate iti
mantraḥ” - a mantra is that which protects you from thinking! A mantra is a
focussing and centring device for one’s default involuntary thought stream.
It is not magical formula. Shrāddha ceremonies constitute the repayment of
the debt. There is no “science” there is the “moral code” which impels us
to express recognition and gratitude for all that the decease parent has
done to benefit us. This debt lasts as long as we live and so Shraddha is
an on-going duty. (scientific effects  on account of the mantra sound and
the yagna streams of ending the evils and viruses might be there; but the
science of the universality is unproven; discipline can be invoked; and
that discipline in prevalent in every sector of this earth if ancestors are
worshipped in their swadharmam).  Chārvāka maintained a different argument.

4  Feeding in Srardham:  The glory and merit of feeding people is
elucidated in the following slokas from the Mahābhārata Vana Parva:–

teśām eva śramārtānāṁ yo hyannaṁ kathayed budhaḥ |

annadātṛ samaḥ sopi kīrtyate nātra saṁśayaḥ ||

That wise one who informs the toil-worn ones of the name of the person who
may give them food, is, without doubt, regarded as equal in merit unto the
giver himself of food.

tasmāt tvaṁ sarva dānāni hitvā'nnaṁ saṁprayaccha ha |

na hīdṛṣaṁ puṇya phalaṁ vicitrām iha vidyate ||

Therefore, abstaining from other kinds of gift, give only food. There is no
merit (arising out of gifts) that is so great as that of giving food.

Y(a) annam eva viśiṣṭaṁ hi tasmāt parataraṁ na ca |

annaṁ prajāpatiś coktaḥ sa ca saṁvatsaro mataḥ ||

There is nothing superior to nourishment. Therefore, food is regarded as
the first and foremost of all things (to be given away). It has been said that
food itself is Prajāpati.

saṁvatsarastu yajño'sau sarvaṁ yajñe pratiṣṭhitam |

tasmāt sarvāṇi bhūtāni sthāvarāṇi carāṇi ca ||

And Prajāpati is regarded as the Year. And the Year is sacrifice. And
everything is established in sacrifice, for it is from sacrifice that all
creatures, mobile and immobile, take their origin.

tasmād annaṁ viśiṣṭaṁ hi sarvebhyaiti viśrutam ||

For this reason, it has been heard by us, food is the foremost of all

yeśāṁ taṭākāni mahodakāni, vāpyaśca kūpāśca prati-śrayāśca |

annasya dānaṁ madhurā ca vāṇī, yamasya te nirvacanā bhavanti ||

They that give away (for public use) lakes and large bodies of water, and
tanks and wells, and shelter and food and they that have sweet words for
all, will never hear the admonitions of Yama (at the exit-interview).

annadāḥ prathamaṁ yānti satya vākyad anantaram |

ayācita pradātā ca samaṁ yānti trayo janāḥ ||

The giver of food walks in front, after him the speaker of truth and one
that gives unto those who do not solicit walks behind. But all three go to
the same ultimate abode.

5  Svaha:  svāhā indicates the abnegation of all “sense of self” i.e. ego
(ahaṅkāra) and “possessiveness” (mamata) - associated with the oblation
which I am offering into the fire which is symbolic of the wisdom which
destroys all ignorance in the very form of identity and possessiveness. na
mama which means “not mine” It is the declaratory mantra of renunciation
(tyāga) and surrender. So in the fire-ritual svāhā and na mama are linked.

yat-karoṣi yad-aśnāsi yaj-juhoṣi dadāsi yat |

yat-tapasyasi kaunteya tat-kuruṣva mad-arpaṇam || 27 ||

Gita 9:27. Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer in
sacrifice, whatever you give away, whatever austerity you practice, O
Kaunteya, do that as an offering to Me.

6  Samskara:  (mental impression, subconscious tendency). Saṁskāra is
derived from the Sanskrit root meaning “to refine”. In the classical
Sanskrit literature the word Saṁskāra is used in a very wide sense:— in the
sense of education, cultivation, training, making perfect, refining,
polishing, embellishment, impression, form, mould, operation, impression on
the sub-conscious mind, a purificatory rite, a sacred rite or ceremony,
consecration, sanctification and hallowing; idea, notion and conception;
effect of work, merit of action etc.

Pānini defines saṁskāra as samparyupebhyaḥ karotu bhūṣaṇe — that which
adorns one’s personality. The Śabda-koṣa defines it as saṃskārāṇāṃ
guṇāntarādhānam saṃskāraḥ — that which bring about *quality transformation*.

In the Jaimini sūtras (111. 1. 3) the sage explains the term Saṁskāra as:—
“an act which makes a certain thing or person fit for a certain purpose”.
The Tantra-vartika (p. 1078) defines Saṁskāra as:— “those acts and rites
that impart suitability or fitness [adhikāra]” and further adds that
adhikāra is of two kinds:—

1. The removal of negative mental conditioning (pāpa-kṣaya)

2. The generation of positive qualities through purification of the mind
(citta- śuddhi).

The word "Saṁskāra" as "sacrament"{ English word is not equivalent
translation at all }  means the religious purificatory rites and ceremonies
for sanctifying the body, mind and intellect of an individual. The purpose
of life is a gradual training in spiritual-unfoldment. All of life is a
ritual and a sacrament and every phase of one's physical evolution should
be sanctified for service of the Divine.

By means of the Samskaras, the mind is reawakened to the Ultimate Goal in
life which is spiritual wisdom and Liberation from the cycle of births and

7   Guna:  The eight gunas or qualities of the Self are are:— dayā, kṣānti,
anasūya, śauca,anayāsa, maṅgala, akārpaṇya, aspṛha.viz., compassion,
forbearance, freedom fromenvy, purity, calmness, right behaviour, and
freedom from greed and covetousness.

8    Shankaracharya define śraddhā often translated as “faith” as:–

śāstrasya guruvākyasya satya-buddhyavadhāraṇam | sā śraddhā kathitā
sadbhir-yayā vastūpalabhyate ||

“Faith (or more correctly conviction) is based on a critical examination of
the Scriptures and the teachings of the Guru and which will lead to the
attainment of the desired end.”

The desired end of Indian philosophy is freedom (mukti) from suffering
(duḥkha). This is the goal to which everything must be judged — “does a
particular belief contribute to liberation from suffering or not?”

9      Mantra Shradda: 'उदीरतामवरउत्‌परासउन्‍मध्‍यमा:पितरसोम्‍यास:।
असुंयईयुरवृकाऋतज्ञा:तेनोऽवन्‍तुपितरोहवेषु।।' -ऋग्‍वेद,मंडल१०,सूक्‍त१५,ऋचा१

*Meaning :* Let the ancestors residing on Earth attain an evolved region.
Let the ancestors who are in heaven, that is, at a higher plane of
existence, never degrade. Let the ones who are at a medium plane of
existence, attain a higher plane. Let the ancestors who symbolise the Truth
protect us. (RV 10. 15.1)

A. 'गोत्रंनोवर्धताम्‌।'

*Meaning :* Let our lineage (gotra) grow. To this the brahmins bestow
blessings, ‘Let your lineage grow.”

B. 'वीरंमेदत्तपितर:।'

*Meaning :* O ancestors, give me a valiant son.

Another prayer is, 'Since the time of the origin of the Universe to
date, *whoever
was born in the lineage of my mother and father* and all the servants from
these two lineages and my past births, those supported by me, those serving
me, friends, disciple, pets, the plants and trees planted and cut by me,
the close relatives, those who incurred favours from me and those who
bestowed favours on me, get the food offered by me. It is evident from this
prayer that the Hindu *Dharma* teaches us to express gratitude not only to
our own but also towards our benefactors, other beings and trees and
plants. {This is wholly jatha ajatha pitrus, if so, where would you leave
some parents GP and GGP alone?}

10      Shraddha Suktam is the collection of Mantras where shraddha

has been considered as paramount in the world to accomplish.

The  Suktam  describes  how  evil  forces  are  uprooted  with

Shraddha, how the universe is running by Shraddha. (From Dharma sutras).(RV
शरद्धयाग्निः समिध्यते शरद्धय हुयते हविः |  शरद्धां भगस्य मूर्धनि वचसा
वेदयमसि ||  परियं शरद्धे ददतः परियं शरद्द्ते दिदासतः | परियम्भोजेषु
यज्वस्विदं म उदितं कर्धि ||  यथा देव असुरेषु शरद्धामुग्रेषु चक्रिरे |
यज्वस्वस्माकमुदितं कर्धि ||  शरद्धां देवा यजमाना वायुगोपा उपासते |
शरद्धया विन्दते वसु ||  शरद्धां परातै हवामहे शरद्धां मध्यन्दिनं परि |  शरद्धां
सूर्यस्य निम्रुचि शरद्धे शरद धापयेह नः ||   śraddhayāghniḥ samidhyate
śraddhaya huyate haviḥ |  śraddhāṃ bhaghasya mūrdhani vacasā vedayamasi ||
 priyaṃ śraddhe dadataḥ priyaṃ śraddte didāsataḥ |  priyambhojeṣu
yajvasvidaṃ ma uditaṃ kṛdhi ||  athā deva asureṣu śraddhāmughreṣu cakrire |
evambhojeṣu yajvasvasmākamuditaṃ kṛdhi ||  śraddhāṃ devā yajamānā vāyughopā
upāsate |  śraddhāṃhṛdayyayākūtyā śraddhayā vindate vasu ||  śraddhāṃ
prātai havāmahe śraddhāṃ madhyandinaṃ pari |  śraddhāṃ sūryasya nimruci
śraddhe śrad dhāpayeha naḥ || Rigvedam spoke only about the faith withwhich
karmas to be carried out. All other mantras were from the dharma scriptures
of the various tribes. 11   Putra (पुत्र).—A son; (the word is thus
derived:-punnāmno narakād yasmāt trāyate pitaraṃ sutaḥ | tasmāt putra iti
proktaḥ svayameva svayaṃbhuvā || Ms.9.138; the word, therefore, should be
strictly written puttraḥ).

12     Spirit is atman or Prana:  Can there be an evil spirit?. Preta (प्रेत)
refers to a “ghost” and represents the mount of Nirṛti, according to
the Śivapurāṇa
Accordingly, as Brahmā narrated to Nārada:—“Indra mocked at Viṣṇu who was
engrossed in his own arguments. He, the bearer of the thunderbolt, was
desirous of fighting Vīrabhadra along with the other Devas. Then Indra rode
on his elephant, the fire-god rode on a goat, Yama rode on his buffalo and
Nirṛti rode on a ghost (*preta*)”.

      Nirrti is never used elsewhere as Ganas are interpreted as spirits in
the English language. However, Siva Ganas are good ones so there cannot
there be to, any evil spirit. Preta-vigraha (प्रेतविग्रह) refers to a
“ghost” (i.e., the Goddess’s vehicle), according to the
Manthāna-bhairava-tantra, a vast sprawling work that belongs to a corpus of
Tantric texts concerned with the worship of the goddess Kubjikā. Preta (
प्रेत).—*prata* Departed from this world, dead, deceased; स्वजनाश्रु
किलातिसंततं दहति प्रेतमिति *प्रचक्षते* (svajanāśru kilātisaṃtataṃ
dahati pretamiti
pracakṣate) R.8.86. Hence an index buty there is no evil ones other than
that is existing in the minds (Sukshma).

13   Smrithi Chandrika is a sanskrit books of the Hindu Law written in
Sanskrit at Vijaya nagaram, By Devana Bhatta which is in book 6 deals with
the sraddaha kanda. Vaidyanatha deekshinyam deals with it in wider aspects
available in the Kanchi Mutt Publications. Except a few mantras stated
above all other mantras are procedures and prose of the narrations offering
food to pitrus.

14  Parvana srardham:  Pārvaṇaśrāddha (पार्वणश्राद्ध).—Done in Parvas
without the invocation of deities; three fold; those eligible and those
ineligible to be fed on the occasion; of the eligible the family and gotra
must have been known; they must be well behaved and going in the path of
virtue; friends and preceptors, grandsons, sons-in-law, uncles and other
relations, somayājins, vaiyākaraṇas, mīmāṃsakas, sāmaga Brahmacāris are
eligible; the ineligibles include the unrighteous, the diseased, bastards,
aśvapālas, the mad, the self-conceited, the deceitful, the hypocritical,
temple priests, etc., also Mlecchas, Lingins, Triśaṅkus, Barbaras,
Drāviḍas, etc. They must be informed a day previous to the śrāddha; other
details;1 <> a
dead person is entitled for share in the Pārvaṇa after *sapiṇḍīkaraṇa*. The
details are available in  Matsya-purāṇa 16. 5-51.chap 16 ; and the first it
starts with the offerings to devas.

KR IRS 271221

On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 06:12, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 12-2021-27*
> Q1            Aside from stabilizing mood, what are the other functions
> of dopamine?
> A1            Ken Saladin Former professor of histology (microscopic
> anatomy)Dec 16
> In the nervous system, dopamine is found especially in the midbrain,
> hypothalamus, limbic system, cerebral cortex, and retina; outside the
> nervous system, it’s produced in other places such as the kidneys and
> digestive tract*. In addition to elevating mood, it’s involved in
> skeletal muscle control, reward-motivated behavior, pleasure seeking,
> desire, vasodilation, and increasing sodium and water output by the
> kidneys, and it inhibits gastrointestinal motility and lymphocyte activity.*
> It has lower levels of involvement in lactation, sexual pleasure, and
> nausea. In the retina, it seems to enhance the activity of cones and
> suppress activity of rods in daylight, thereby *enhancing color vision
> and contrast perception.*
> Q2            How can pink guava purees make anyone a fit person?
> A2            Sachin Masekar Home Chef (1978–present) Wed
> *Pink Guava has more water content, less Sugar, less starch content and
> Vitamin C and less seed or even seedless. It gives good feel while taking
> as Drink. Fruit juices are made more from pink Guava.*
> Specialty Produce, pink guava possesses it's pink hue because of a
> compound called carotenoid.
> Let us see how pink guava Is Beneficial…..
> *There is not much difference between the benefits of white and pink
> guava.*
> Calcium is one of the nutrients of pink guava. Calcium builds strong bones
> and teeth.
> Pink guava contains Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to improve your vision and
> boost your immune system. In addition, it helps the heart, lungs and
> kidneys. Fiber helps with digestion, constipation and intestinal problems.
> Pink guava also contains folate or vitamin B9. Folate produces red and
> white blood cells. And also, it helps to convert nutrients into
> carbohydrates into energy. The other thing is that folate makes DNA and RNA
> in our body.
> Iron is another nutrient that produces hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an
> essential element for the distribution of oxygen in the human body. Iron
> also has the ability to prevent anemia.
> *Eating pink guava can increase magnesium in your body. Magnesium helps
> maintain good health.* Magnesium plays a key role in blood pressure,
> muscle and nerve function, and blood sugar levels. Further, it helps your
> body make DNA, proteins and bones.
> The second is manganese. Manganese strengthens enzymes for physicochemical
> processes, including metabolism.
> You can also accumulate phosphorus if you eat pink guava. Phosphorus helps
> in hormonal imbalance, helps in digestion and also helps in growth /
> maintenance / repair of cells and tissues. Next, it helps build teeth and
> bones. Also, it regulates the use of body fats and carbohydrates.
> Q3            What's the best way to clean a gas stove top?
> A3            TTK Prestige appliances and tools can make meal-planning
> and cooking muchNov 22
> A gas stove is one of the most used areas in the kitchen. *So, it’s
> inevitable that it would accumulate dirt, grease, and residue over the due
> course of time*. If not removed properly, it would continue to build up
> and either ruin the gas stovetop or make it unhygienic to cook food around.
> This is why it’s important to clean your gas stove regularly and with the
> correct cleaning solutions to ensure longevity and correct maintenance of
> your gas stove.
> *Types of Gas Stoves*
> There are many types of gas stoves in the market that require a different
> cleaning method:
> Detachable Grills: There are certain stovetops that have grills that can
> be removed and cleaned separately with soap, scrub, and water. They also
> have metal plates under the grill that can be detached and cleaned
> individually.
> In cases of extreme and stubborn build-up, you can also soak these
> attachments in hot water and wait for the residue to loosen itself from the
> grill or plate. Making it easy to wipe or wash off with liquid soap.
> Glass Stove Tops: These are certain stovetops that are coated with a
> sleek glass finish for that ultra-premium look. These stovetops need to
> be cleaned carefully with the correct soft sponged so as to not scratch or
> harm the glass finish on top.
> Cleaning under the burners, disassembling the stovetops alongside other
> things make gas cleaning one of the most unfavourable chores in the kitchen.
> Some gas stoves have grills that cannot be removed, making regular
> cleaning methods insufficient and often incomplete. In most cases, these
> cleaning methods can tedious and inconvenient.
> But what if there was a method for you to clean your gas stove stops
> easily, conveniently, and efficiently?
> Liftable Burners
> The Prestige range of Svachh Gas Stoves comes with a one-of-a-kind
> liftable burner set that allows you to completely deep clean the area below
> the burners. It’s India’s first and only gas stove that is so
> innovatively designed, it makes kitchen cleaning simple and hassle-free.
> This makes it one of the best gas stoves in the market and turns the
> unfavorable chore of kitchen cleaning into an easy one!
> My note- In glass top stoves, if we clean every day after cooking, it
> would appear neat. In stoves from Videm, one more plate is provided around
> the burner which can be removed and cleaned every day. Also stands above
> the burners. More than 3 years I use a Videm stove with the above
> arrangements and no trouble. No repairs.
> Q4            Why do London and England in general not suffer from major
> natural disasters?
> A4            Claire Jordan Worked in Fleet Street and Isle of Dogs as
> secretary at Daily TelegraphDec 20
> *Firstly, because the island of Great Britain is one of the most
> tectonically stable places on the planet,* and although five or six
> weather fronts duke it out overhead, they pretty much balance each other
> out.
> *Secondly, because we paid our dues just over 8,000 years ago, with what
> may well have been the* biggest tsunami since the one that was caused by
> the dinosaur-killing asteroid. Caused by the Storegga Slide, an undersea
> landslip off the coast of Norway, it pushed 30ft-high waves 18 miles inland.
> There was also an extremely high, catastrophic storm surge which scoured
> the south coast of Wales in the early 17th C.
> Q5            How long is the maximum time it can take to digest a meal?
> A5            Alessandro AlinGame Dev2h
> *After eating, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through
> the stomach and small intestine*. The food enters the large intestine
> (colon) for further digestion, absorption of water and, finally, removing
> the food not digested .
> *It takes about 36 hours for food to move through the entire colon*. In
> general, the whole process, from when the food is ingested until it leaves
> the body in the form of feces, takes two to five days, depending on the
> individual.
> Q6            Why don't birds get electrocuted sitting on power lines?
> A6            David Thomas Former President, Alaska Electric and Energy
> Cooperative (2007–2021)Fri
> They do, but they have to be big enough to connect two different phases of
> the 3-phase power or to span the distance between a conductor and
> something that is grounded. That’s why eagles, other raptors, and large
> seabirds are at most risk for electrocution in power lines.
> As power lines get rebuilt or upgraded, more bird-friendly designs are
> used - conductors are spaced further apart and measures taken so they
> don’t perch or build nests on the structures themselves.
> Small birds?
> They just go up and down in voltage, 60 times a second, as they sit on the
> power lines (most high-voltage lines are bare metal), *but since they
> aren’t connected to anything else, there’s no current going through the
> little bodies*. Like you can walk across a carpeted room, unaware and
> unaffected by being at a few thousand volts DC from static electricity.
> Unaware and unaffected until you touch a grounded light switch or metal
> door knob. Then (and only then) there is current and you get a small shock
> (small because the current is so small, even though the voltage is moderate)
> Q7            Is there a lack of cats in New York City to prevent the rat
> problem?
> A7            Amy Christa Ernano Have had many pets including dogs, cats,
> rabbits, rats, miceDec 11
> I once read a fascinating book called Rats: Observations on the History
> and Habitat of the City's Most Unwanted Inhabitants, by Robert Sullivan.
> Sullivan spent a year observing a colony of rats in an alley in downtown
> Manhattan, and also interviewed a number of NYC exterminators.
> One of these exterminators told him of a building super who had a rat
> problem in the basement, but didn't want to pay the high price of
> extermination, so, he said, he would just get a cat. The exterminator
> urged him not to do that, but the man was insistent. He put the cat in
> the basement… and by the next morning, the rats had killed and eaten it.
> Rats are not mice. They live in colonies, and they will defend themselves.
> They have very sharp teeth, and the average brown rat is four times the
> size and over 10 times the weight of a house mouse. One rat a cat could
> take, although it would have a fight on its hands. A colony of them and
> it's lights out, kitty cat.
> Something else Sullivan observed was the sheer amount of food available
> to the rats. The alley they lived in was near two restaurants. The
> dumpsters behind those restaurants were filled with enough discarded food
> to feed the entire colony. Combine that with the fact that a female rat can
> have a litter of up to 14 kits every month, and that those kits will reach
> sexual maturity at about 5 weeks of age, and that's a lot of rats. One
> pair of rats can multiply to 15,000 in a year.
> There are certainly plenty of stray cats in New York City. But if you were
> to have enough stray cats to *take care of all of New York City's rats,
> you'd then end up with a cat problem.*
> Q8            What is the melting point of ice at sea level?
> A8            Parthiv Suthar , EngineerAnswered 11m ago
> At 32°F (0°C) at sea level, pure water changes between solid and liquid
> phases. When rising temperatures cause ice to melt and change state from
> solid to liquid, this temperature is referred to as the melting point
> (water).
> Q9            Why suggest carpet cleaning instead of buying a new carpet?
> A9            Royale Impex, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
> (2001-present)Answered Fri
> As opposed to the hassle of buying and installing new carpeting, *hiring
> professional carpet cleaners to maintain your flooring is much easier*.
> Experts recommend cleaning your carpet at least once a year to stay ahead
> of the bacteria that congregate in the fabric.
> Q10         Why does cold weather turn warm right after it rains?
> A10          Ronda Gail Stoller Wunsch, Substitute Teacher
> (2017-present)Answered 2h ago
> Rain or snow or any other form of condensation is the result of a warm
> front coming into contact with a cold front. If it's originally cold, it
> will be warm afterwards and vice versa.
> Q11         Why are dhabas more famous than hotels in India?
> A11          Harshit mantriContent Writer (2018–present)1y
> *Most of the people in India loves to eat real food rather than fancy one
> which are served in luxury hotels.* In addition to this there is a huge
> difference in Rate cards of Dhabha & Hotels. Although not all the dhabha
> are hygienic in nature, but there are some places in each city which are
> famous as well as provide good quality food, A natural choice then!
> The Dish of Dhabha & Hotels are different, you can eat once in a while at
> luxury place, but you can visit frequently to Dhabha.
> Q12         Why are escalators metal and sharp?
> A12          Steven HaddockLives in Toronto, ON (1959–present)Dec 7
> Escalators used to be wood
> In my youth, I rode numerous wood escalators in Toronto. When I went to
> London in the 1990s, I rode a ton of them as they were incredibly common.
> But wood has a problem.
> It tends to burn quite well, particularly when nicotine addicts get off
> the subway, light up, and toss their matches on it. After this fire, London
> started replacing its wooden elevators.
> *Elevators are pretty much precision machines that have very tight
> tolerances. In other words, if the* edges are sharp they fit together
> better. But they don’t burn no matter how many matches you throw on them
> *All the above QA are from  Quora  website  on    26-12- 2021. *
> *Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan ,78, former  AGM Telecom
> Trivandrum on 27-12-2021*
> --
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