CULTURAL QA01-2022-06


Q1            Can diabetics eatwhite rice?

A1            Lucia Garcia Worked atHospitals Dec 22

The glycemic index of whiterice is about 82, which is relatively high.

The results of multiplestudies have shown that white rice can increase the risk 
of diabetes.

A recent survey of 300,000 people in the United States, China, and Japanshowed 
that there is indeed a relationship between white rice and diabetes.

According to related studies, people who eat more white rice have a 55%higher 
risk of diabetes than those who eat less white rice.

The main component of white rice is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates areeasily 
converted into sugars after entering the body, leading to increasedblood sugar.

Although white rice is verynutritious, people with diabetes must control the 
amount ofrice consumed at each meal.

2               What is the mostimportant thing you have learned in life?

A2            Khushi Patil  BTech in Medi-Caps Institute of Science and 
Technology,St. Francis High School Dec 21

“empty pocket"

Empty pocket will give you the most important lesson in life.

My father lost his job last year due to COVID and after that he struggleda lot 
to get a job.

After struggling hard he got ajob of 12 hrs with 10k salary and Thats 3 times 
less than the salary he use toget before so he started spending money from 
savings .

We started becoming careful before spending money.    

*Compromising to buy something .* *Seeing your friend's buying stuff but you 
control yourself.*    *no extra expense.*

"    Reality hits you hardwhen you think yeah Im going too enjoy my life , but 
as soon you see yourfather struggling too give you everything as much he can "

And we middle class family knew better" the value of Compromising"

Jobless day.    Starving forsuccess    Empty pockets .     Failures.Will reach 
you a lot of lessonAbout life , living each and everyday with hope

Q3            Can concrete last10,000 years?

A3            Ciro Pabon Specialistin Highway Engineering & Soil Mechanics, 
Universidad Del Cauca (Graduated1986)Sun

Of course.

We have enormous, huge, humongous, extraordinarily large concrete damslike 
Grande Dixence, in Switzerland, not to mention Three Gorges Dam in China.

Grande Dixence is 285 meters tall, which means it is two times tallerthan the 
147 meters tall Great Pyramid.

Grande Dixence has a volume of six million cubic meters of concrete whichis 2.3 
times the Great Pyramid 2.6 million cubic meters in volume.

Grande Dixence is 700 meters width, while the Great Pyramid is 230 meterswide.

Grande Dixence dam (center) will outlast the Giza Pyramid (bottom left,at the 
same scale) easily

Grande Dixence profile: noticethe galleries for drainage, the rest is solid 

Heights are given in meters over sea level, widths are in millimetres.

Some answer claims that a massof concrete this size can be eroded by air.

Air erodes concrete at a rate of around 0,05 mm per year or 5 mm per century, 
onedecimetre in 2.000 years tops.

That rate happened when the world used carbon with sulphur and spewedsulphur 
freely, an epoch that ended 30 years ago.

Roman dams made of concrete havelasted almost 2.000 years without visible 

Cornalvo dam in Spain was built in 100 AD

Q4            Is it true that everypomegranate fruit has exactly 365 seeds 
inside of it, resembling the number ofdays in a year?

A4            Lucia Garcia Worked atHospitals17h

A large pomegranate weighs 500grams and contains about 720 pomegranate seeds.

Small pomegranates have far fewer pomegranates seed than largepomegranates.

Pomegranate contains higher levels of natural antioxidants than mostother fruit.

Modern medicine has found that the antioxidant capacity of pomegranate is3 
times higher than that of green tea and 20 times higher than that of vitaminC.

Eating pomegranate regularlycan remove harmful free radicals in the body, 
protect cells, and delay theaging process of cells.

Pomegranate is rich in carbohydrates, organic acids, folic acid,carotene, 
vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, iron,zinc, 
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, magnesium, manganese, and sodium.

Eating pomegranate can replenish the nutrients and trace elements thebody 
needs, and has a good health effect on the body.

My note- Quality pomegranatecost around 280-00 per kg inChennai. How to 
purchase paying such a high cost? Apple costs a little- 240-00per kg. 

Q5            Did Napoleon conquermore or less European territory than Hitler?

A5            Barry Josey FormerConsultant & Retired Partner in Firm of 
Architects (1981–2018)17m

Hitler took more land in Europethan Napoleon. Napoleon did notattempt to 
conquer the Balkans or Greece, or Norway for that matter. Portugal,supported by 
Great Britain survived independently, also.

Note Mark’s reply including African colonisation of North and WestAfrica. That 
is not quite correct. Algeria was invaded and taken over in 1830,fifteen years 
after Napoleon’s last hurrah; it became a formal colony a fewyears later. 
Tunisia was attached in 1881 and Morocco became a protectorate in1912. The 
French had established trading stations and taken some land inSenegal in the 
late 1600s, nothing to do with Napoleon, and completed theirannexation in the 
19th Century. Also, the map indicates French territoryextending up to the 
border with Egypt, that did not happen, the Libyiancoastline lay between the 
two and Napoleon did not expend manpower taking itover.

Q6            Is heated water orpower washing better for cleaning?

A6            Gopala Krishnan,former Assistant General Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now

I am answering heated water and powder detergent/detergent liquid is goodfor 
washing. I am from India, and after bath I wash towel, dhoti andundergarment 
and night shirt in hot water after pouring liquid detergent/detergent powder.

I put clothes one by one, wait for a minute and squeeze. In the end I cansee 
dirty water in the bucket which I throw to the outlet. I put the cloth in 
automaticwashing machine for spinning and drying. I get dirt free clothes.

All automatic washing machines have water heating technologies. 

Q7            Do you need to peelradishes?

A7            Lucia Garcia Worked atHospitals Dec 13

Radish is a root vegetable with white flesh and red or white skin.

Radishes do not need to bepeeled, just wash and cut off the top and root end.

Radish skins are rich in sulforaphane, which is one of the healthiestcompounds 
in cruciferous vegetables.

Sulforaphane has stronganti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory 
effects, which can reduce andavoid the risk of various diseases.

At the same time, the sulforaphane in radish is also a naturalantioxidant, 
which can protect cells and delay the aging process of cells.Inaddition, the 
vitamin C content of radish skin is about twice that of radishflesh. 95% of 
calcium in radish is contained in radish skins.

Q8            What happens to an LEDif you exceed the maximum current?

A8            John Privett B.Sc.from Durham University (Graduated 1979)Sat

It will depend on how much you exceed the maximum current. Exceeding it by a 
small amountwill most likely just shorten the life of the LED. Exceeding it by 
alarge amount will probably destroy it, possibly quite dramatically.

I know from personal experience, over 40 years ago, what happens when 
youabsent-mindedly connect an LED like this one,

designed to be run on about 2volts, across a 12 v power supply. In my case 
there was a loud “crack” - bits of plastic flew all over the place, there was a 
little smoke,and ultimately not much left of the LED! As they say, “Don’t try 
this at home…”

Q9            How did ancient mancut down large trees without the invention of 
metal toothed saws?

A9            History Insights AnsweredbyJames M. Volo Dec 29

The process was called girdling.Girdling means cutting through the outer 
surface of the bark deeply enough tocompletely sever the cambium around the 
tree’s entire circumference. This will kill the tree. 

A clay band can be placed around the dead tree and a fire set around the lower 
trunk.As the fire chars the surfacea stone tool can be used to chip away at the 
wood until the trees is felled.

Q10         What was the biggestwaste of money in human history?

A10          Forrest Taylor learned scholarMon

The world's longest bridge: theHong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (at a cost of 
about $20 billion) is a miracle in the world's engineeringhistory, but in terms 
of its use value, it has become the biggest construction waste in the 
world'shistory. Until now, three years after the bridge was completed, there 
ishardly any traffic on this bridge.

When the Zhuhai-Hong Kong-Macao Bridge was about to be opened to traffic,the 
decision makers suddenly realized a big problem: Who will use this bridge?

Vehicles from mainland China cannot use it because mainland licenseplates 
cannot enter or leave Hong Kong and Macau. Similarly, Hong Kong vehiclescan't 
use it because Hong Kong license plates can't go to Mainland China andMacau, 
and Macau vehicles can't use it because Macau license plates can't go 
toMainland China and Hong Kong. ...... Only vehicles with Mainland China, Hong 
Kong and Macaucan use it, and such vehicles are very few in number, and those 
whoneed to go on the bridge are even more rare.

Q11         What are the harmfuleffects of mutation? Does our lifestyle 
triggers mutation to occur?

A11          Ken Saladin Formerprofessor of histology (microscopic anatomy)Sun

There are four principal causes of mutation: radiation (medical, 
nuclear,solar), chemicals, viruses, and DNA replication errors occurring when 
cellsdivide. All but the replication errors are called mutagens.

Lifestyle doesn’t directly cause mutations, but certainly does influenceone’s 
susceptibility to mutagens: voluntary UV radiation exposure insunbathing and 
use of tanning beds; taking in mutagenic chemicals in tobaccosmoke and food 
preservatives; and living circumstances, sexual behavior,and health practices 
(or neglect) increasing the risk of viral infections.

The most notorious harmfuleffect of mutations on humans is cancer. This results 
from oncogenes—mutated genes that over-express growthfactors and GF receptors 
that regulate the timing and rate of cell division—andmutations that inactivate 
protective tumor-suppressor (TS) genes. Other mutations in humans canlead to 
sickle-cell disease, albinism, Marfan syndrome, and many other geneticdiseases.

Q12         Why do people address Bengalipeople as da and di like Kishore Da, 
Pancham Da, Mithun Da, Lata Di, Mamta Dietc.?

A12          KanthaswamyBalasubramaniam Lawyer Mon

When I lived in Calcutta - theyalways called me Dada meaning elder brother  My 
wife was always Didi

Every time it was - O Didi - Aajke Lake Market Jaaben na ki? (Will you goto 
Lake Market Today???)

The only variation is Middle Aged Married Women are sometimes called Boudi 
which means Sister in Lawbut could also mean ‘Elder Sister’.

I have never heard the word Sahib in West Bengal whereas in Chennai its 
alwaysSaar , Saar or Amma or Ayya

Even in Coimbatore its always Anna or Akka or Thambi and never Saar orAyya or 
Amma unless you are really old

I think Bengalis call eachother Da unless they are very familiar in which case 
they drop the Da or unlessthe Age difference is too much

So since Bollywood had a lot of Bengalis and they addressed each other as‘Da’ - 
the name stuck and since then anyone who was Bengali would be addressedas Dada 
or Didi in Bollywood until maybe the 2000s.

Like for instance I wont call Rajdeep or Apartako as Rajdeep Da orAparatako Da 
but rather by their names or if i am very close to them by theirpet names like 
Khokha or Shontu or Babai but they would call me KB Da

For example RDB was Pancham and Bengalis like Shomu or Shashadhar or 
JoyMukherjee used to call him Pancham Da and the name stuck

Likewise even Lata Mangeshkar was called Lata Didi though she isMaharashtrian 
and not a bong

(Asha Bhonsle was called Asha TAI - Tai meaning a Marathi word i guess)  It is 
like the word San in japanese

When you went to a Japansecompany or factory in the 80s or 90s - they would 
always address the Japaneseas Michita San or Ugawa San andthe name stuck so 
they are always called San - in China or Singapore or evenSouth Korea.

My note- In Chennai there wassingular use by rich to lowergrade. It has 
disappeared at least 70% now if not fully. Colloquial Chennai Tamil hasalmost 
disappeared now, probably due to migration of people  from other districts and 

All the above QA are from  Quora website  on    05-01- 2022. 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan ,78, former  AGM Telecom Trivandrum 
on 06-01-2022


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