CULTURAL QA01-2022-09


Q1            Whatdo you have in your refrigerator that most people do not?

A1            Sangeeta HR | A movielover| Fiction reader | Mumbaikar | A mother 

Frozen milk packets!!

I hate buying milk on daily basis and hence, I use this strategy. I haveseen my 
mother doing it and I also find this more convenient than tracking 
theavailability of milk on daily basis and buying packets as and when required.

I buy 3–5 liters of milk onweekly basis and whenever, I need it, I drop a 
packet of milk in a bucket full of water. Wait for an hour to allow themilk to 
get back to its liquid form. If I need this on urgent basis then I justcut open 
the plastic packet and move the milk in solid form to the milk pan andheat it. 
The milk is ready to consume in next 10 minutes.

During Vardah cyclone, thesituation was very critical in Chennai. It was tough 
for people to move out of the house to even buy essentials like milkand 
vegetables. At that point of time, I handed over a couple of packets ofmilk to 
people with babies at home.

Many people prefer to buy milk on daily basis as they believe that themilk 
would get spoiled in maximum of 2 days’ time. So this hack might helppeople to 
store milk for a week or 10 days and enjoy tea/coffee as and whenrequired.

My note- While going out ofstation, my wife keep surpluspack in refrigerator, 
and prepare milk as told above, but uses it for preparingcurd. Learnt members 
can write on it-whether it is a healthypractice. 

Q2            Whathappens if a patient goes to a lab but they cannot find the 
vein to draw theirblood?

Tomaž Vargazon Practicing atheist Updated Thu

The standard procedure is to get someone else, who will find a vein. Ifthis 
doesn’t work, you can also do this:

It hurts like hell, but you can see these veins.

If even this doesn’t cut it, you can do most analyses from capillaryblood too. 
This is frequently done in the case of drug addicts, not so muchbecause you 
can’t possibly find a vein, but because their veins are brittle andburst at 
vein puncture so you need to start anew.

Usually the patient willremove his consent and say theydon’t want their blood 
work done at all before you run out of options.

Q3            Doesan Indian husband say goodnight to his wife before sleep?

A3            Bhuvana Rameshwar SouthIndian culture Jan 2

Yes, we often do whenever we go to sleep at the same time. When myhusband says 
“good night” I reply the same to him.

If he is watching TV or doing some other work I take leave saying “ I'mtired, 
I'm going to sleep, are you coming? “. He replies he will take anotherhour. So 
I go, shut the door to avoid the TV sound which gives him company.

If he is tired he pushes off with a simple good night and a bottle

his hand He says the goodnight more easily. I am a little uncomfortablewith the 
English word good night as we speak Tamizh at home.

Besides i’m not used to the Tamizh word “ Nal iravu” for good night. Sothe 

Q4            Aswe know the Sun is not moving, but as per Hindu mythology, the 
Sun has achariot run by seven horses. What is its significance?

A4            Mahesh Mallia Updated5h

I would like to answer this based on Science because the modern mind willnot 
accept anything blindly just because its mentioned in our scriptures.

Modern science says that the Sunis not stationary. The Sunand in fact, our 
whole solar system orbits around the center of the Milky WayGalaxy at an 
amazing speed of 828,000 km/hr. See this amazing animation belowto understand 
this phenomenon:

So your question is factuallywrong. As for the seven horses, the ancient 
civilizationprobably did not know anything faster than horses, so they added 
not one butseven horses to run this super fast Chariot of the Sun!!

Q5            Howcould ancient people manage to live with extreme cold in 
Europe with no heatingservices available today?

A5            JV Nande A PortugueseTV writer living in Brazil. 
www.jvnande.comJan 2

I would say the main way wasfire, either a fireplace or a wood stove. I’m 
originally from Northern Portugal, where temperatures can get tonegative 
Celsius during the winter, and I grew up without central heating, but my 
grandmother always had thefire running in the stove, so the kitchen was a great 
place to be and get awayfrom the cold. When you went to bed, some extra 
blankets would dothe trick.

But there was a second way: architecture. Houses in Northern Portugalwere 
originally built with a thermally stable material which also happened tobe 
laying around: bigblocks of granite. The warmth from a fire wouldn’t get lost 

Also, did you notice this is a two-storey house? There’s a reason forthat. 
People would liveupstairs while the cattle would be downstairs. This way, the 
heatgenerated by the cows or sheep’s breathing (and also the fermentation of 
theirmanure) would keep people warmer. Some houses even had a kind of a gutter 
thatwent from the kitchen directly into the pig trough, so people could dispose 
ofmeal leftovers or potato peels immediately and feed the hogs without too 
muchof a hassle.

So, fire, clothes andingenuity: that is how people managed to live with extreme 
cold in Europe. Andsome still do.

Q6            Doyou use WhatsApp or telegram (or something else)? What are pros 
and cons ofeach and what led you to choose whatever you're going with?

A6            GopalkrishnaVishwanath Willing responder to survey questions Fri

I use WhatsApp. It meets myneeds. I don’t know the pros and cons and I am not 

I don’t want to take the trouble to switch to Telegram or Signal orwhatever 
even if they are better.

I have heard about the controversy regarding the new terms and conditionsthat 
WhatsApp wanted to introduce.

I am not bothered. Let the terms and conditions be anything. I never readthem 

I have nothing to hide and am unconcerned with privacy. The presence orabsence 
of the so-called “end-to-end encryption” is not an issue for me.

For decades, during my youth, Iwrote postcards and mailed them and anybody 
could read them, not just the recipient. I will continue usingWhatsApp because 
all my contacts are on WhatsApp.

Some of them, influenced by the negative publicity did switch to Telegramand 
they sent me messages informing me. They all came back to WhatsApp laterwhen 
they found no one there to exchange messages with. I believe thecontroversy is 
now closed.

Q7            Iwant to change my address in my passport. Will I get the same 
passport numberor will it be changed?

A7            Bhuvana Rameshwar Livedabroad a few years 1h

You will get a new number.

If you want to change your address in your passport as you are relocatingto a 
new place or changing house you need to apply for a re - issue ofpassport. 
Change of addresshas to be updated as soon as possible as per govt rules.

They will issue a new passport to you which will have a new passportnumber and 
your new ( updated) address.

Q8            Isrice dangerous for a kidney stone patient?

A8            Lucia Garcia Worked atHospitals11h

Rice is the staple food for more than half of the world's population,including 
countless people with kidney stones, but they still eat rice everyday.

Rice is an extremelynutrient-rich food, and rice has nothing to do with kidney 

Kidney stones are preventable and treatable, and the easiest way toprevent and 
treat kidney stones is to eat the right foods.

Studies have shown thatapproximately 70% to 80% of stones are calcium oxalate 

The accumulation of oxalic acid in the body is the main factor leading tokidney 

In addition, excessive intakeof high-sugar, high-protein and high-purine foods 
is also linked to kidneystones.

Kidney stone patients should eat less foods high in oxalic acid, such 
asspinach, beans, carrots, mushrooms, amaranth, coriander, celery, 
grapes,oranges, strawberries and so on.

It is recommended thatpatients with kidney stones often eat some black fungus. 
Blackfungus contains alkaloids and various minerals, which can produce a 
strongchemical reaction to kidney stones, dissolve the stones, shrink them 
andexcrete them from the body.

Patients with kidney stonesalso are advised to drink plenty of water. Studies 
have shown that a 50% increase in urine output can reduce theincidence of 
kidney stones by 85%.

Q9            DidIndian railways ever closed a railway station for any reason 

A9            Vivek Singh Lives inIndia (1989–present)Tue

Cochin Harbour Terminus - CHTS(Kerala) was closedpermanently, due to the 
objectionsby Indian Navy during electrification, as the train tracks were 
extremely closeto the Naval air strip. Recently, they tried to revive the 
station byrunning a DEMU between CHTS and Ernakulam, but due to operational 
constraintsit was shelved again.

Howbagh Railway Station inJabalpur (M.P.) was closedpermanently after the Gauge 
Conversion, as the route of the station passes through theheart of the city 
(which is not safe for the Broad Gauge Trainsmovement).

Old Munger station (Bihar)(which was a terminal in MG era)was closed 
permanently post Gauge Conversion. A new BG station was created and the bridge 
on Ganga riverwas built, hence ceasing the existence of Munger as a terminal.

There are few more stations like Gauri Phanta in UP (Code: GPF), etc that were 
closed, but Iam not aware of the proper reasons (my wild guess, the income must 
be too lowto continue).

My note- Ranipet in North Arcot District was functioning while I was working 
there from 1966 end to March 1972.The railway route Wallaja road- Ranipet  
telecom line was under my jurisdiction. The passenger train with a lot of 
goodsboggies was hauled by a steam engine. Distance of about 7 KMs.  Details of 
the route is as follows:-

Laid in 1858, disuse in 1995. Station was again put in toservice on Jan 20, 
2021, probably after Ranipet district was formed. 

CHENNAI: Southern Railway on Wednesday loaded the first rake ..on Jan 20,2021. 

Q10         Isit possible that people from different regions of the world 
evolved fromdifferent hominid species?

A10          Claire Jordan Degree inbiology and folklore; programmer, shop 
owner, secretary on newspaper Thu

Yes and no. All the human groups we know of are at least 94%descended from the 
same species, Homo sapiens. However, with the possible exception of a few small 
groups in central Africa none of us is *pure* Homo sapiens - weall have a dash 
of genes from various other human groups such as Neanderthalsand Denisovans, 
whom we regard as separate species from H sapiensbecause the evidence suggests 
that although they couldhybridise with H sapiens, a high proportion of these 
hybrids were sterile.

Q11         Whywas Prince Philip never called a king?

A11          Jill GrantFormer RetailSales (1976–2003)Dec 8

He was a prince of Greece and Denmark . A King is a ruler and Philip wasn’t 
going to rule,he was only the spouse of the Queen who did rule.

They were married before her father died and Philip was given a Britishtitle, 
Duke of Edinburgh.He didn’t like the idea of being called a Prince Consort.

He also wanted his family namegiven to his children.Mountbatten, but Elizabeth 
wanted the Windsor name too.

Q12         Cana power supply step up DC to AC?

A12          Dave Haynie  BSEE/Math, CMU 1983, I design digital, analog,and RF 
systems.Jan 2

 Sure. That's a device known as an inverter. I havethis device, a 600W 
inverter, in my car, attached to the 12V battery. This produces a pretty normal 

I get a normal output because this is a pure sine wave inverter: normalAC power 
delivered to your house is a sine wave. Cheaper inverters can produce square 
waves or“simulated" sine waves made by stepping voltage at multiple 
levels.These can cause problems or inefficiencies with some AC devices.

My car actually has its own inverter. Most hybrid and electric cars thesedays 
use multiphasic AC motors driven by batteries, which store DC of course.My 2015 
Prius has a 200Vdc battery pack that's stepped up and inverted todeliver 650Vac 
to the motors. That's the inverter/power conversion unit (PCU)on the right. The 
day-glo orange cables are the high voltage cables. The pinkstuff is the 
inverter coolant.

The inverter uses very efficient insulated-gate bipolar transistors(IGBT), but 
they still get very hot and need cooling. Tesla started usingsilicon-carbide 
transistors their inverters in 2017, and Toyota used a similarinverter design 
in the 2020 Mirai, their hydrogen fuel cell hybrid.Silicon-carbide promises to 
boost efficiency by over 10%.

All the above QA are from  Quora website  on    08-01- 2022. 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan ,78, former  ITS  on09-01-2022

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