Dear friends,

I was arrangingpencils in the pen stand today morning. Nostalgic memories of 
using pencilscame to me. Use of pencils continues till today. Introduction of 
ball pointpens has slightly decreased the usage of pencils. There is no pencil 
standseparately, only pen stand to keep pens and pencils.  What the pencil can 
do cannot be done by apen. But a pencil can do most of the things a pen can do. 
In this posting Imean pencil as Graphite pencil. Slate pencil is not touched.


Gopala krishnan9-1-2022

1Pencil length

Normal length of pencilis 17 centimetres. The wooden body can be either round 
or hexagonal. Hexagonalones are more preferred and give more grip. Graphite rod 
is in the centre whichwe make conical and write on paper. For use in the 
instrument box half sizepencil is used. Actually graphite rods are placed 
insidewood sleeves that are glued together. This makes  pencils easier to use. 
Today'sgraphite writing cores are a mixture of graphite and clay.

2. Quality of graphite

The quality ofgraphite rod changes with use. Ordinary writing has HB grade 
graphite. It willgive dark impressions. For drawing purposes depend on the 
requirement,different grades are there. Normally we got a set of pencils 
together fordrawing. 

3. Additions to pencil.

One importantaddition to pencil was fixing of a small cylindrical piece of 
rubber callederaser. Letters gone wrong could be erased using this rubber. 
Later dateseparate eraser came which could be conveniently hold with thumb and 
indexfinger. Still pencils fitted with rubber are in vogue. 

4. Sharpening pencil

In my boyhood daysmostly elders sharpened the writing end as graphite rod would 
decrease inlength due to tear on writing. Earlier date pencil sharpeners were 
not as goodas of today.  If the quality of graphiteand quality of wood were not 
good, both used to break on sharpening. Nowadayswe get only quality pencils and 
quality sharpeners. Blades were also use d tosize wooden portion in a conical 
manner and sharpen the edge of graphite rod. 

5. Standard V- writing on note books with pencils.

I started usingpencil to write in note book from standard V. My use of pencil 
continues till today. I started writing with ink pen instandard VII. 

6 Note Books without ruled  lines

Most of the notebooks earlier came without rules. Only exception was four line 
and two linenotes for English writing. We had to draw margins and write in 
straight linewithout a support line on those days. 

7. Basic drawing

While studying instandards VI, VII and VIII students had drawing class and 
drawing examination.There was drawing master who would draw pictures on black 
board which we had tocopy in drawing book. For examination there was choice of 
any of the threepictures drawn on black board, one sure drawing was of mango, 
which was easiest to draw. Thin roddrawing pencils were introduced to us in the 
drawing class. 

8. Apsara pencils

The set of apsarapencils were famous for drawing which I continued in college 
and professionaltraining. 

9. Drawings in high school standards.

Unlike today planenote books were used, and using drawing pencils we had to 
draw circuits inphysics class, charts in chemistry class, pictures of plants in 
botany classand human’s and animal parts in biology class. In Geography class 
also we hadto draw countries and states. Margins had to be drawn in pencil in 
note booksand in paper during examinations. Mathematics note book and answer 
paper we hadto draw margin keeping notebook/paper length wise. On right side we 
had to drawa line with more width than margin for calculations. Steps and 
answer waswritten in the body. 

10 Instrument box and compass.

I started usinginstrument box while studying in standard VIII if my 
recollection is correct.  At that time three major divisions werethere- 
Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. While in college I started learning topics 
like Trigonometry, Calculus,integration etc. 

11. Physics lab and drawings in practical and recordbook. 

The first time Iused drawing board and drawing paper while doing practical in 
the college Lab.Drawn sheets had to be pasted to the left side of record book. 
Record bookright side had lines to write about experiment done. I used drawing 
pencil ofquality at that time. 

12. Engineering drawing

Whereas I thoughtonly telecommunication engineering might be taught in the 
training centre, Iwas mistaken. I had to study basic civil, electrical and 
mechanical engineeringand pass examination in theory and engineering drawing 
examination. It was thefirst time I was using drawing board, T square etc. in 
the big examinationhall. 

13. While in service

After appointment,as junior engineer, I had to construct small extensions, 
compound walls, carryout electrical wirings and attend mechanical faults in 
machines. Smallfabrication of not available mechanical items had to be drawn, 
got approved andgot done with local workshops. Drawing pencil and drawing box 
was essential throughout career. 

Staff drafts werecorrected with pencil which was easy to identify and prepare 
new drafts. 

16. Pitman’s short hand

During high schoolvacation not to pass time, but aiming at some employment, I 
studied typewritingand shorthand. Shorthand was written in ruled notes. 
Pressure on pencil andstrokes in the note above and below the line was done to 
denote various pronunciationsound and later wrote as sentences. Now shorthand 
has become almost obsolete, thoughstenographers are there. They simply type the 
dictation with speed using keyboard in the computer. 

17. Present day notebooks

As we desire we getruled or un-ruled note books. Margin is already drawn. Only 
for drawing,drawing paper is used. Present day drawing are for construction 
plans, designsetc. Most write on ruled notebook and paper. 

18. In the home

A scribbling padwith/without line, ball point pens and pencils and eraser are 
always kept to notedown things in a home. Most homes keep bundle of plane paper 
for use withprinters.  HB pencil set is kept. If atall ball point pen fail, 
pencil can be used immediately.  Correction of something in pencil is 
easierthan in pen. Parents keep registers for different purposes in homes. 

Students will havetheir own pencil sets 

19. Offices

There cannot be anyoffice without pencil set  and eraser withstaff and 
officers.  Uses are manifold. 


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