CULTURAL QA 01-2022-13


Q1         Does the injection needlepush away or cut through the flesh as it is 

A1          Tycho Henzen SoftwareEngineer(C++) at VRee Experiences 

Both. A needle cannot penetrate the skin without cuttingit at least a little, 
but it is beveled to mostly push things apart.

One major concern, of course, is the possibility of “coring" thetissue , or 
having the needle effectively cut a needle-shaped cylinder out ofthe tissue.

Useful for biopsies, but not what you want for injections, so the backportion 
of the needle is blunted to avoid this, and encourage the tissue topush apart 

Q2         What are the benefits ofmotion sensing lights?

A2          realme Tech Life Jan 4

Who wants to stub their toe, look for a light switch, or find their phoneto 
turn on a flashlight??? Not us, though.

Motion-sensing lights come to the rescue in this situation and bringlight to 
your way in the dark.

These lights are a practicaland safe solution when you arrive in a dark space, 
they are convenient to use, save energy, and savemoney on bulb costs. They also 
assist in the transformation of your home into asmart home in an inexpensive 

realme Motion Activated Night Light offers all the benefits and is 
superaffordable so it won’t burden your pockets.

The lights feature built-ininfrared motion and photo sensors detect motion in a 
6-meter area now you don’thave to worry about the switch anymore.

It is an eye-friendly night light as it diffuses 2800K warm light, doesnot 
flicker, and emits no harmful blue light. It is also Photobiological 
Safetycertified, which ensures complete eye protection.

They have low power consumption as they are powered by 3 AAA batteriesthat last 
a year, so you only have to change the batteries once a year.

It comes with powerful magnets that can secure any magnetic surface,while the 
adhesive base can be stuck to most smooth surfaces. Whether it'scloset corners, 
hallways and corridors, refrigerators, or your child's room,the realme motion 
light can be used anywhere.

The realme Motion Activated Night Light is available on our officialwebsite at 
Rs, 599 only.

Q3         Are there any mammalsthat have eyes such that they can see what's 
coming from behind them?

A3          Ken Saladin Formerprofessor of animal behavior21h

Horses and other mammals withpanoramic vision and eyes on the sides of the head 
can see almost everythingbehind them; theirblind area is narrow, and just 
moving the head slightly to one side or the otherenables them to see things 
even in that area.

Q4         Why does eating apersimmon make the inside of my mouth feel all 

A4          Lucia Garcia Worked atHospitals Jan 6

Eating an unripe persimmon is a very unpleasant experience.

Unripe persimmons contain veryhigh levels of soluble tannins,which give 
persimmons an unpleasant astringency that can make your mouth puckerand go dry.

As the persimmon matures, thesoluble tannins will gradually oxidize and 
decompose, and the bitterness and astringency of the persimmon willdisappear.

Ripe persimmons have a texture similar to that of an apple, with aslightly 
tougher skin than an apple.

Many people say that ripepersimmons taste sweet, mild and rich, with a taste 
"like honey".

Ripe persimmons contain 15% sugar, which is a high-sugar fruit.

Persimmons are not high in calories. A medium-sized persimmon weighsabout 150 
grams and contains 110 calories.

The vitamin C content of persimmons is about 2 times higher than that ofmost 
fruits. Eating two persimmons can meet the body's need for vitamin C for aday.

Persimmons are rich in pectin, which is a water-soluble dietary fiber.

Dietary fiber can accelerate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinaltract, 
stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, and become a food source 
ofprobiotics, which is very beneficial to the health of the 

Q5         Would a chicken be ableto survive a free fall from the Burj Khalifa?

A5          Steve Baker Blogger (2013–present)Tue

As a point of importance - every falling object eventually reaches it’s 
“terminal velocity”- which is the speed where air resistance gets so high that 
it’s equal to theforce of gravity - and the object stops going any faster.

For a human that’s about 120 mph - which is reached after 12 seconds - and 
about 1,500 feet.Since the 17 tallest buildings in the world are all over 1,500 
feet - theconsequences of falling from any of them is about the same.

But for a cat - being muchlighter - it tops out at only60mph after just 70 feet 
of fall - so a cat doesn’t care whether it’s fallingoff of the Burj Khalifa or 
a 7 story building…the final impact speed is thesame.

So now, the question is “Whatis the terminal velocity of a chicken?” Being a 
bird, it’s fairly lightweight- and is feathery - so it’s not very 
aerodynamic.Data found from Googling thisquestion is all over the map - but4 to 
5 mph is the consensus. And it reaches that speed after a VERYshort drop.

So - honestly, dropping achicken from the roof of your house would be no worse 
for the chicken thanbeing dropped from the stratosphere (assuming it could stay 
warm and conscious during the drop!)

Since 4 to 5 mph is unlikely to be fatal, I’d say you could probably dropa 
chicken from any height without risk of injury from the impact.

It’s said that squirrels arelike that too - there is noheight from which a 
squirrel can fall where it can injure itself.

My note- To summarise as theweight increase impact is more. 

Q6         Buvva is a specific wordfor cooked rice in Telugu. Why it should be 
called as Annam which is a genericword for food in Sanskrit?

A6          Saketam సాకేతం Knows Telugu Mon

Because-In Telugu society “Buvva”is considered rude. So, theyuse Annam, Almost 
alleducated families use “Annam” for cooked rice.

But remember only cooked rice is called Annam in Telugu. Don’t use it forall 

Pure Telugu words for cooked rice are: Oyiram or Ogiram or Orem. Omati (Theyare 
still not considered rude by our cute people, so we can use them. :)

My note-  I had a colleague from Andhra in Chennai, and we were  co trainees in 
 the training centre also. He married earlierto me and one day invited me to 
his home to take food with him. I recollect hiswords “Annam Kavala”to bring 
rice to his wife while reading the QA. 

Q7         Is it better to plug a TVinto an extension cord?

A7          George R. Mells,Electronic engineering for material 
handling/machine systems Answered 23m ago

Unless a longer cord is needed to reach an outlet or to insure the corddoes not 
become a trip hazard I say no. The shorter the electrical connection usually 
the better.While today’s TVs use much less power than the old CRT and CRT/tube 
sets of thepast a longer cordstill creates extra resistance that can cause some 
heating. Plus, the extra plug and socket alsocan create a problem with extra 

Q8         What is the Kannada wordfor 'rice'?

A8          Mahesh M Knows Kannadaby Birth Updated Mon

Rice in its Raw form (when it is not boiled) called as ‘akki’ (kan. ಅಕ್ಕಿ).

[Pronounciation - Acc from account and KEY,, Acc+key= Akki]

Rice in its processed form (when it is boiled) called as ‘anna’ (kan. ಅನ್ನ).

‘ManDakki’ (kan. ಮಂಡಕ್ಕಿ) - Puffed Rice (Murmura)

‘Avalakki’ (kan. ಅವಲಕ್ಕಿ) - Flattened Rice (Poha)

Nuchchakki (kan. ನುಚ್ಚಕ್ಕಿ ) - Broken Rice

Kusubalakki / kucchalakki (kan. ಕುಸುಬಲಕ್ಕಿ / ಕುಚ್ಚಲಕ್ಕಿ )  Parboiled Rice 

Q9         What fruit takes thelongest to grow?

A9          Victoria Ng Dec 26

I have seen pineapplesthat grows anywhere from 18 months to up to 3 years for 
harvest.Many fruit trees need to take 3 to 5 years maturity before they start 
to fruitand be productive.

Q10              What is the bestplace to live in Tamil Nadu for retired people 
who want to settle there,preferably with a very good climate, transportation 
facility & goodhospitals nearby?

A10        Lakshmanan PR FormerOfficer-in-charge, Disciplinary Action Cell, at 
State Bank of Mysore(1986–1990)Jan 6

When one wants to settle down in TN the foremost question is water scarcity 
especially insummer. From this point of view, one may be tempted to select 
Coimbatore.However, other factors like cost of living, pollution, peacefulness 
woulddiscourage one to opt for Coimbatore. From these points of view alone, 
there isonly one similarly placed place in TN to choose. That “one place" also 
hasother facilities you seek like good hospitals (Appollo hospital, KMC 
hospital),good transportation (railway junction and big bus terminus) and also 
surrenderedby famous places of worship but minus “very good climate”! TN means 
only two weather seasons/climates viz summer andsevere summer ! Exception being 
hillstations like Ooty and Kodaikanal. In the circumstances, I would suggest 
you tocome to my place namelyKARAIKUDI — 630 100 where, unlike in other places 
in TN (exceptCoimbatore), water scarcity is manageable even during peak summer 
(thanks toSambai oothu — a perennial water reservoir in KARAIKUDI).Welcome to 

Q11              Why doesn'tBengaluru have a suburban rail like Mumbai/Chennai?

A11        Subramaniam Duraisamy Livesin Chennai, Tamil Nadu, IndiaMon

Once again- we should be holding the British responsible for this…:)

Mumbai and Chennai werePresidency towns developed around the ports. These 
cities were the centers of trade and commerce during British Rajand the ports 
played an important role in developing the transport system ofthese cities.

Mumbai Suburban Railway was anoffshoot of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway

, which laid the firstRailway line in India between Mumbai and Thane in 1853. 
In essence- itconnected the city center with the suburbs.

This Mumbai-Thane section remains one of the busiest suburban routes inIndia 
till today- Thane is busiest railway station in Mumbai | Mumbai News -Times of 

The first EMU Service in 1925-Wikipedia

Same story for Chennai as well. British Presidency developed around theport, 
boosting the trade and transport system. In 1928- the Meter Gauge railway line 
connecting theChennai Beach with Tambaram [ a southern suburb]- 83 years of 
electric suburbanrail.

Moreover the linear movement of traffic [from the city center to suburbs]was 
convenient for the suburban railway systems to handle.

Chennai and Mumbai are called“cities of lengths”- meaning the traffic moves 
along one direction in morningand opposite direction in the evening

The above map shows the schematic of Chennai Suburban Railway. You cansee the 
traffic flow from city center [Chennai Central/ Beach] in 4 directions-South, 
South-West, West and North. In the morning people travel from thesuburbs 
towards the city center. In the evening- the reverse direction.

The same is for Mumbai too.Traffic movement from North to South in themorning 
and South-North in evening.

Thus- Mumbai and Chennai arecities that revolve around trains which were built 
in the British time. So we have to thank British again for laying 

Now- coming to Bangalore. It is not a British Presidency Capital, nor it has 
any ports. Itwas a city that was the tech core and educational capital and 
later ondeveloped as the R&D hub due to Central Government investments. I 
hadtalked about it length in this below answer.

Why does the Indian tech industry, inclusive of both big MNCs andnew-found 
start ups, prefer to have engineering offices in Bangalore and notmuch bigger 
metros like NCR (Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida) and Mumbai with betterpublic 
infrastructure, amenities and a better overall lifestyle?

If we look at the map of Bangalore Metro…..

So- Bangalore is not a city oflengths which was developed around a harbor. 
Thats because Bangalore was not aPresidency town during British time.

Cities like Bangalore, Delhi,Lucknow are not suited for having a unidirectional 
suburban railway system. Because the traffic moves in multiple directions.What 
it needs is a multimodal transit system [MMTS] which consists of a metrotrain 
enabling commutation from one end to another with junctions where peoplecan 
transit between lines.

The basic difference between Mumbai/ Chennai and Bangalore is the formercities 
developed around the railway line, while in the latter the railway linesshould 
develop around the city.

All the above QA are from  Quora website  on    12-01- 2022. 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan ,78, former  ITS  on13-01-2022


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