*Mar**The Abortion of Revelations*

Today we express our perceptions, as understanding or as a problem needing
understanding in sentences. Every sentence is bound to a subject, about
whom or which, the description, or explanation or elucidation…,called
predication, is made on the edit of the verb, which indicates the time of
predication and place (space) of predication called the space-time or
simply verb.

When a subject is seen or clearly identified, predication and the verb will
be definite. But when the subject is not seen or already identified, as
emanation as smell or sound or as a combination of both, then the subject
becomes vague, part of the mystery of nature, part of the gigantic numbers
of questions or as part of the questions which themselves have to be
identified, all remaining in the field of unidentified or unsubjectified,
feelings as smells and sounds or as sensations.

Often, nature refuses the division into subjects, and the predication will
be the flow of unsubjectable feelings.

Most of nature, today is in the shape of mystery, drawing mystics, who try
to feel, by breathing, smelling, hearing, feeling, or coordinating
memories. Suddenly they experience revelations and uneditable answer
combinations, shatter to the core.

Thick, free and lush nature is the macro Biospheric form which gives
revelations as great feelings that hit the mind and creates feelings filled

Nature’s idea of ‘living lives’, is in terms of revelations, which one
experiences as a part of the continuously changing nature. Subjects change
continuously and predication follows, in the present perfect continuous

Today, continuously destroying nature, poisoning the land, water and air
and creating continuously the extinction of species, is euphemized as
economic life and drift into this strife is called the economic
development. We do not want to notice that all economic development means
the destruction of nature.

To the surviving nature, scientists flock for revelations, develop some art
like singing, dancing or painting, to feel nature by numbing the Cartesian
reasoning, and when they express the revelations, some get notice and
become icons.

But the majorities who live in nature and who experience revelations are
dubbed as economically undeveloped. The students are drilled with the
perversions, designated as the stage of un-development, under development
and then the advancement into the development called the self sustained
growth, the stage which suffers from booms and then dooms called

We today suffer from the abortions of revelations from nature, because we
are destroying nature as economic routine. Now we are becoming superfluous
in science. Robots have been emerging and we are just noting. But it may
not be long, when other Robots only note while we just become useless
burdens to science.


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