Thank you very much for unearthing a write up of mine,about which I have
forgotten.But what I have written and have been writing almost everyday,is
about the need for dignity and respect to the nature,in which we are
part,or to be precise about the dignity and esteem of the whole
Biosphere,nature or our own Macro Body,not merely the body which we mistake
as ours thanks to the limited view given to us by the visible spectrum.
I am not very learned,actually I feel there is need for freedom from
books,so that we read nature directly,as nature is the ultimate book.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 11:56 PM venkat giri <> wrote:

> *Respected Sir/s,*
> *DIGNITY... is the right of a person to be valued and respected for, *
> *the quality of a person that makes one deserving of respect, sometimes
> shown in behavior or appearance.*
> *     In Sanskrit*
>             विराज् virAj dignity
> “ततो विराडजायत विराजो अधि पूरुषः”
> श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता
> अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भीमार्जुनसमा युधि।
> युयुधानो विराटश्च द्रुपदश्च महारथः।।1.4।।
> “युयुधानो विराटश्च द्रुपदश्च महारथः”
> 1.4 In it are heroes and great bowmen; the equals in battle of Arjuna and
> Bheema, Yuyudhana, Virata and Drupada, great soldiers all.
> *There (in the army of the Pandavas) are mighty archers, peers in warfare
> like heroic Arjuna and Bhima, such as Satyaki and Virata and the great
> chariot-warrior Drupada. Dhrstaketu, Cekitana, the valiant king of Kasi,
> Purujit, Kuntibhoja and Saibya, the best of men, are also there. Mighty
> Yudhamanyu, valiant Uttamauja, Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra and the five
> sons of Draupadi, are also there. All of them are great chariot-warriors.*
> *Regards*
> *V.Sridharan*
> *Trichy*
> On Sunday, 7 March, 2021, 11:31:37 am IST, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
>> wrote:
> --
> *Mar*Dignity and Esteem
> The most misused and misinterpreted, word and phrases are dignity, self
> respect, self esteem etc.Self esteem or self respect or respect for others
> can only be an extension of the dignity, respect and esteem we give to
> nature. They are all feelings and emotions, one feels as part of nature. We
> confuse our infatuation with the marks and grades, which govern our self
> image and the image of others, with the natural flow of dignity from the
> free and lush nature.
> We fail to realize that when nature is continuously destroyed and all
> organisms terrorized as the daily economic routine, we can breathe only the
> terror of all organisms, and we are trying to convert the basic fear into
> some academic scholarship and lecture about uncertainty, probability,
> improbability, Darwin etc.
> Instead of happy anticipation we feel terror about the future and the
> future prediction is taken over, by the most unqualified persons-the
> economists. We are completely part of nature, and we can feel only the
> feelings of nature or to be precise the feelings of the organisms of the
> Biosphere. Breathing, smelling, sensing, feeling and emotions are symbiotic
> and not isolated to the separated organisms, from the Biosphere. Trees and
> plants or grasses, do not have Brains to reason. They live by breathing and
> sensing, in emotions. On the surface of the lithosphere wherever possible
> one finds moss,grass,plants, trees...,all of which live on the basis of
> emotional intelligence, by breathing,smelling and sensing.
> Now can you keep your self esteem, when you are continuously terrorized,
> your life always on the brink of death? When you continuously feel that you
> are unwanted and dispensable. Suppose you are very sensitive and emotional.
> Can you keep your self esteem continuously without despair or even the
> ultimate self contempt, when facing death or mutilation and maiming
> continuously?
>  We have to note that the entire green cover on earth is very sensitive
> and emotional. Imagine the emotional devastation your cutting machines, the
> blades that cut away huge trees, the grass cutters etc are doing to the
> emotional content in the air, as a result of the inhalation and exhalation
> of the green cover. We all breathe terror today. Our own sense of self
> respect, self esteem, dignity etc is simply self bluffs.
> When you keep the dignity and courage of the Biosphere automatically your
> Body psychology, body language and demeanour display total self confidence.
> But when nature is terrorized, your talk of self respect is just empty
> bluff.
> YM
> --
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