
These areinformation compiled as QA by me in 1998’s-2004’s and stored in my 
computer.They are posted by very  learnt members.



R. Gopalakrishnan, 78, dated 16-03-2022

Q1 We know Parasurama had 4 elder brothers . What  are their names?

A1 Renuka gave birth to fivesons: Vasu, Viswa Vasu, Brihudyanu, Brutwakanwa and 
Rambhadra. Rambhadrawas the youngest and most beloved, gaining the favour of 
Lord Shiva and Parvati and hence called Parashurama

 Q2 Name the ten childens of Krishna born to Rukmini

A2 The first son of Queen Rukmini was Pradyumna, andalso born of her were 
Charudeshna, Sudesna andthe powerful Charudeha.Others are Sucharu, Charugupta , 
Bhadracharu, Charuchandra, Vicharu and Charu, the tenth (SB 10.61.8-9). Of 
them, Pradyumna was the crown prince ofDwaraka.

Q3 How we identify a real Rudraksha?

A3 A real rudraksha can berecognised by the  vibrations felt byholding it in 
the hand 

Q4 Why sraadha has to be performed with homam?

A4 In vedas all devathasare propotiated and satisfied thru' agni. There are 
certaindevathas who are not invited in any of the agni sacrifice a brhamin 
wassupposed to conduct in his life time or there are any special    agni rites 
prescribed in Vedas for thesedevathas who do not get any share      of the 
ahutis made in agni. 

Therefore, to take care of these Devathas not   covered by any of the agni 
rites are inShraddha satisfied and were given  havir bhaghams thru Shraddha 
Q5 What is the importance of scattering of Annam alongwith small pindas during 
homa as well as in the leaf during sraadha?
A5 Those who die apremature death (before Upanayanam for boys or before  
marriage for girls) in the Kulam are notcovered by separate Sharddhas; how do 
these souls attain mukti? therefore, thru' thescattering the annam  takes care 
of thesesouls.  Thus all those who are left out are covered in ourSharaddhams.

Q6 Why do cremation is not done for small kids who meetdeath very early?
A6 In the case of smallchildren, cremation is not done. It is believed that   
cremation of dead body is preferred overburying it in the ground  with a   view 
to induce a sense of detachment into the freshlydisembodied soul.
 In  the case of young children, the soul has notlived long enough to grow    
attachmentsto this world.  Cremation of deceased  children`s body has  been 
prescribed because the body has not yetgot polluted. 

If the body is polluted with negative energies, they may remain around the body 
forlong  time. That is why cremation isresorted to in case of others. No 
samskaras  have been prescribed for children on death.      

Q7 When do the pitries get liberation?

A7 You might know that onthe day sapindeekarana, three generations are         
called upon and the one before thatgeneration are said to achieve 

Q8 Where do we can offer Atma pindam?

A8 it is gathered that at Badrinath and Gaya thepractice of offering Atma 
Pindam is stated to be in vogue 

 Q9 Do Anteyeshti is a yagya?

A9 Yes in true sense.Antya means terminal. By Ishti is meant sacrifice. It 
refers to the   funeral rites of a departed

It is believed that until this is performed, the soulcan not   travel to the 
next world and itremains on earth wandering restlessly as a ghost(pisacha) .

The rationale behind cremation is burningenables the departed   soul to 
abandonattachment to its previous body and move swiftly to its  next chapter of 
life. Funeral ceremoniesshould therefore be performed as soon as possible

My note- I haveread elsewhere only after 6 hours after death

 Q10 When do the preta get a sookshma sarira?

A10 Till and water isoffered to departed soul every day. This process is 
continued  until the 12th day when it gets the head. Nosooner the preta obtains 
the  head thenit becomes a Pitr, and theareafter instead of being reckoned   as 
impure, it is held to be a devata ordeity and worshipped as such 

Q11 When do the first sraadha take place?
A11 Shraddha ceremonies,the first of which takes place on the 12th day after 
death.It is called Sapindikarana.
Q12 What is the purpose of offering pindas?

A12 It is believed thatthe pindas would help the departed soul to construct a 
body(annamayakosa) forits existence in the world of the ancestors (pitrloka) 

 Sapindikaranawhich facilitates the entry of the soul into the world of 
ancestors(pitrloka)and its continuation from thereon.

Q13 What are funeral rites performed?

A13 The funeral rites are centeredmostly around two worlds, the astral world of 
the ghosts (pretaloka), where a departed soul stays temporarily till it builds 
an astral body and themore stable world of the  ancestors(pitrloka) where the 
soulenjoys the company of souls of previously departed ancestors.       
Q14 Where do we have Saraswathi temples in Tamil naduand Andhra?
A14 Saraswathi does   have a temple in Koothanur in Tanjavur district 
(TamilNadu). There is  an important SaraswatiTemple in Basar at adistance of 40 
km from   Nizamabad in Adilabad District, Andhra Pradesh onthe banks of 
Godavari  River. 

Q15 How  Vallalardisappeared ?
A15  Vallalar Ramalinga Swamigal on January 30,1874, entered his room and 
locked himself  and told his followers not to open it. He said that even ifthey 
did   open it they would findnothing. His seclusion spurred many rumours, and  
the Government finally forced the doors open in May. Theroom was empty,  with 
no clues. TheMadras District Gazetteer published by the South  Arcot District 
in 1906 records hisdisappearance.
Q16 Who was the first sankaracharya of Kanchi mutt?

A16  The parampara [lineage] of the KanchiKamakoti Matham is traced back  to 
AdiSankaracharya, with the first ashram incharge being   Suresvaracharya Swami, 
one of Adi Sankara’s directdisciples. It         believedthat Adi Sankaracharya 
spent his final years in Kanchipuram.
 My note- There are many versions about his final days
Q17 How we should use food remaining after serving inSraadha?

A17 Ancestors afterpartaking the food bless us and tell the family to share the 
left out food amongstthemselves and with blood  relationshipsor Daayadis. They 
have not permitted to share the food   with all and sundry.

Q18 How mny times Oupasan has to be performed?

A18 Samithadaanam for Brhamacharis and from the dayof marriage   Oupasnam - 
both these areto be done by Brhamachari and Gruhastha in the morning and 
evening after Sandhya Vandnams to be done and the Oupasana   agnishould never 
die; if dies needs to do Prayaschittam and re-start. 

Q19         What is the importance ofSooryanarkovil?

A19          In mythologicaltimes the planets werequick to deliver the full 
force of negative effects from the karma of anindividual. Lord Shiva saw their 
lack of compassion for humanity andthe self-centeredness of the planets. As 
punishment he cursed all the 9 Planets to becomelepers and beggars. After going 
through innumerable sufferings eachof the 9 planets learned their lesson. 

On the energy vortex that is nowSuryanar Koil, they all assembled and vowed to 
Lord Shiva to be morecompassionate. Theyfurther promised that they would only 
ever Bless any person or creature whocomes to worship them at Suryanar Koil. 
They would never delivernegative happenings to the person who comes here.

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