

• Charvaka /Lokayat philosophy is a heterodox school of  Indian philosophy.

• Do not believe in the authority of the Vedas.

• Founder of this school is shrouded in mystery.

• Brihaspati is also said to be the founder.

• Charvaka derives its name from its philosophy of Eat, Drink & Be merry.

• Materialistic philosopher- Charvaka accepts only materialism.

• Materialism accepts matter as the ultimate reality.

• It rejects the existence of other worldly entities like God,

Soul, Heaven, Life before death or after death etc.

• Charvaka philosophy focuses mainly on these three


1. Metaphysics

2. Epistemology

3. Ethics


• Metaphysics is the theory of reality.

• Matter is only reality, it alone is perceived.

• God, soul, heaven , life before death or after death and any  unperceived
law cannot be believed in, because they are all  beyond perception.

The world is made of four elements.

• Ether(Akasa)

• Air(Vayu)

• Fire(Agni)

• Water(Jal)

• Earth(Ksiti)

• The Charvaka rejects ether, because its existence cannot be  perceived.

• The material world is therefore is made of the four perceptible elements.

• Not only non-living material objects but also living organisms,  like
plants animal bodies, are composed of these four  elements.


• Being materialistic, the Charvakas do not believe in the  existence of an
invisible, unchangeable & immortal soul.

• According to them, soul is a product of matter. It is the quality of the
body & does not exist separately outside  the body.

• We do not perceive any soul; we perceive only the body  in a conscious
state. A particular combination of the  elements produces consciousness.

• The soul is nothing but the living body (Dehatmavad),  with the quality
of consciousness.

• If the existence of a soul apart from the body is not  proved, there is
no possibility of proving its immortality.

The Charvaka philosophers forward some arguments in  favor of Dehatmavad.
These are as follows-

• When the body is nourished by foods, then the  consciousness or
intelligence is also nourished. The nutritious  food and drinks make our
bodies healthy; as a result,  consciousness or soul is also nourished.
Hence,  conscious is also a bodily thing.

• When our body turns to be disordered or unwell, then our mental power or
consciousness decreases. This proves that  consciousness is caused by body.

• Our day to day activities, conducts also prove that  consciousness is
nothing but the body. When we utter ‘I’,  actually this ‘I’ indicates the
body and also the soul. Hence,  the body is the soul or consciousness.


• Though charvaka philosophy severely criticized the existence  of the soul
besides the body, the charvaka theory of soul or  Dehatmavada is also
criticized by many philosophers of  different schools of Indian philosophy.
Some of these critical points are mentioned as follows-

• If consciousness is the specific quality of the body, it should  exist
even in deep sleep, swoon, and the like.

• If consciousness is the quality of the body, why is it not perceived by
other people? Other qualities are perceptible to others. Why is there an
exception in the case of consciousness.

• Consciousness or soul cannot be the quality of the body, because when a
person dreams, consciousness remains active, although the body becomes

• The fact that consciousness resides in the body does not necessarily make
the former an attribute of the latter. The qualities of the body are either
perceptible by the external sense organs or imperceptible. But
consciousness is neither perceived by the sense organs or is imperceptible.
So it is not a quality of the body.


• Here naturally a question may be raised, how can a soul or a  conscious
being originate from inanimate objects?

• Charvaka replies that just as combination of betel leaf nut,and catechu
produces body red colour, in the same way the fusion of these elements
speaks of consciousness. According to Charvaka, body with consciousness is
the soul. Behind and  beyond the material body there is no soul.


• There is no God, because Charvaka do not accept the  existence of
anything which cannot be perceived.

• The supposition of God as a creator is unnecessary.The world comes into
existence by the spontaneous  combination of material elements .• The
Charvaka, therefore prefer atheism.

• The Charvakas say that introducing the name of God, some hypocrates &
cunning priests had exploited the ignorant & simple minded common people.
To satisfy God, the common people perform worships, yagya, etc. They offer
various valuable things in the name of God by the direction of the priests.
Worships etc are only for the selfish fulfillment of the priests.


• Do we not require an efficient cause like God as a shaper and designer
who turns the material elements into this wonderful world , like a potter
shapes the pot with his efficiency.

• Charvaka’s view : The material elements themselves have got each its
fixed nature (Swabhav).It is by the natures & laws inherent in them that
they combine together to form this world.


• Charvaka’s philosophy refutes spiritualism and establishes its
materialism to give its metaphysical theories. The main reason of the
denial of this metaphysical issue is that ‘Perception’ is the only source
of valid knowledge

 K R  11522

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