
*1   உள்ளுவ தெல்லாம் உயர்வுள்ளல்*

*குறள் 596*

உள்ளுவ தெல்லாம் உயர்வுள்ளல் மற்றது

தள்ளினுந் தள்ளாமை நீர்த்து

*[**பொருட்பால், **அரசியல், **ஊக்கமுடைமை]*

*உள்ளுவது *- நாம் எண்ணுவது /சிந்திப்பது

*எல்லாம் *- முழுதும்

*உயர்வு *- மிகுதியாதல்; உயர்ச்சி உயரம் விருத்தி, மேன்மை வருத்தம்

2    All that is always counted (king, leader) should be only the highest
thoughts. Those thoughts may come together for some time and be fruitful.
Some time may go dormant and useless. The point of this article is that
even when it is out of reach, we should not give up counting with

When thoughts are high it reflects on our actions. It creates a good
healthy environment for ourselves and those around us. That is the
foundation of our success. When success in some situations goes unnoticed,
we need to keep relaxed so that negative thoughts do not overwhelm us and
superior thoughts do not dilute.

3   Swami Vivekananda said, "You become what you think you are."

dhyayato vishayaanpumsaha sangasteshoopajaayate |
sangaatsanjaayate kaamaha kaamaatkrodhobhijaayate || 62 ||
krodhaadbhavati sammohah sammohaatsmritivibhramaha |
smritibhramshaad buddhinaasho buddhinaashaatpranashyati || 63 ||

Brahadaranyaka Upanishad 2. 62 and 63

"You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your
will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your
destiny." - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. In the context of this quote, can you
all throw some light on why someone desires whatever one does?

Only when you think of an action can you start and finish it.

The thought of having to win must be ours first. Success is hard to come by
if we doubt that we will succeed.

*4     எழுமின்**, **விழிமின்**, **குறிக்கோளை* *அடையும்வரை* *நில்லாது*

उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत।
क्षुरस्य धारा निशिता दुरत्यया दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति ॥


uttiṣṭhata jāgrata prāpya varānnibodhata |
kṣurasya dhārā niśitā duratyayā durgaṁ pathastatkavayo vadanti ||

Katopanishad 3 15

Have an ambition for something. Think about it seriously. That one thought
should tingle in your mind, consciousness, and nerves. Then that ambition
will come true! This world will help to achieve that goal! Said Swami

5     "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think
of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every
part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea
alone. This is the way to success, and this is the way great spiritual
giants are produced "

6   Our thoughts determine who we are.

Our thoughts take the form of words.

Words take action.

Actions take the form of habits.

Habits evolve into traits.

Characteristics determine who we are.

That is why we have to choose good thoughts and think of them. We can only
be good human beings if we have good thoughts.

If we work tirelessly with a lofty goal, everything we thought would happen.

7    Bharathi's song also comes to mind.

பராசக்தியை வேண்டும் பாரதியும், “*எண்ணிய* *முடிதல்* *வேண்டும்**; **நல்லவே*
*எண்ணல்* *வேண்டும்**; **திண்ணிய* *நெஞ்சம்* *வேண்டும்* *;**தெளிந்தநல்*
*லறிவு* *வேண்டும்*” என்றல்லவோ வேண்டுகிறார்? திண்ணிய நெஞ்சம் வேண்டுமென்று
உறுதியை வேண்டுகிறார். மனவுறுதியை இவ்வாறும் வேண்டுகிறார். “ம*னதிலுறுதி*
*வேண்டும்**, **வாக்கினிலே* *இனிமை* *வேண்டும்**; **நினைவு* *நல்லது*
*வேண்டும்**, **நெருங்கின* *பொருள்* *கைப்பட* *வேண்டும்* *; **கனவு* *மெய்பட*
*வேண்டும்**, **கைவசமாவது* *விரைவில்* *வேண்டும்*” இப்பாடலும், உள்ளுவது
உயர்வாயிருத்தலையும், அதற்கான உறுதியின் தேவையையும் ஒருங்கே தெளிவாகச்

It was the knowledge of my predecessors that liberated the manatee from the
animal state. My knowledge of liberation from a bipartisan perspective. The
knowledge that arises tomorrow is the epistemology that arises as one of
non-existence. Nulor would call it Kalki and Maitreya.

There are still monarchs left because of the virtue of being here. Virtue
is still explored as the question is answered. Angre, again and again it is
found in images in different places.

8   Everything here stands out because of the virtue of being here. Learn
that nothing can stand up and grow without a monitor! To this day, the
monarchy is not united in anything other than virtue. Virtue is that they
unite. That’s what lives in each of them.

*प्रथमवयसि* *दत्तं* *तोयमल्पं* *स्मरन्तः*

*शिरसि* *निहितभारा* *नारिकेला* *नराणाम्* *।*

*सलिलममृतकल्पं* *दद्युराजीवनान्तं*

*न* *हि* *कृतमुपकारं* *साधवो* *विस्मरन्ति* *।।*

Coconut tree takes a little water in the initial years to grow but never
forgets that help it got. It bears the
burden of the fruits throughout the lifespan to bestow
upon people the sweet and nourishing watery juice of its
fruits comparable to Amruta, the nectar of Gods.

In the
same manner noble and righteous persons also will never
forget the favour and help however small it is, rendered to them and
to serve the mankind throughout their life.

So , having gratitude should not be a quality, it should be character of a
human being.

To show gratitude.

9     The skeptic has no action. Wisdom is to gather actively. Doubt does
not perish without wisdom. The skeptic has nothing in this world, but in
other worlds

“Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become
actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they
become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” This
is a quote one often sees in the class rooms and other public places and
attributed to many scholars like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lao Tzu, Frank
Outlaw, Gautama Buddha, Bishop Beckwaith, Father of Margaret Thatcher and
Mahatma Gandhi. Sometimes it is attributed to anonymous. This is also a
quote often mentioned by Swami Paramarthananda in his Upanishads and
Baghawat Geeta classes. When I inquired, Swamiji indicated that the origin
is from Taitreya Aranyaka of Krishna Yajur Veda. Subsequently, I traced the
origin of the quote to Taitreya Aranyaka, Chapter 1, Anuvaga 23, Verse 1.
Here is a part of the verse in Sanskrit: तस्मात् यत् पुरुषः सनसाअभिगच्छति।
तत् वाचा वदति। तत् कर्मणा करोति। यत् मनसः रेतः प्रथमं आतीत्। तद् कामः अग्रे
समवर्तताधि। तत् एषाअभि अनूक्ता । Shri Jayanthilal Patel, who is my Sanskrit
teacher, gave the literal meaning of the verse as: तस्मात् यत् पुरुषः
सनसाअभिगच्छति। वाचा वदति। Because of that whatever one thinks by mind तत्
कर्मणा करोति। that one does यत् मनसः रेतः प्रथमं आतीत्। What is first in
the mind as seed तद् कामः अग्रे समवर्तताधि। that later forms as desire तत्
एषाअभि अनूक्ता । That is what this proclaimed

The skeptic has no action. Wisdom is to gather actively. Doubt does not
perish without wisdom. The skeptic has nothing in this world and nothing
left in the other worlds. The one who doubts everything is the one who
locks the animals to himself. Doubt must arise for the sake of knowledge.
The question should arise only for the sake of answer. The form and purpose
of the answer are embedded within the question. All doubts of the knower
express the belief in knowledge itself. He who trusts in knowledge and
confronts doubts redeems himself. He who confronts knowledge by relying on
doubt multiplies doubt.

10     இக்குறளை ஒற்றி பாரதியின் பாடல் ஒன்றும் நினைவுக்கு வருகிறது .

" தேடிச் சோறு நிதந்தின்று-பல

சின்னஞ்சிறு கதைகள் பேசி-மனம்

வாடித் துன்பமிக உழன்று-பிறர்

வாடப் பலசெயல்கள் செய்து- நரை

கூடிக் கிழப்பருவம் எய்தி - கொடுங்

கூற்றுக் கிரையெனப்பின் மாயும்- பல

வேடிக்கை மனிதரைப் போலே-நான்

வீழ்வேனென்று நினைத்தாயோ? "

11   Farewell is only to clarify the questions more and more. Doubts can
reach convictions. When the spider builds its web, it catches its prey and
breaks its snare. The skeptic's pride in his doubt is the great pit of the
path of knowledge. Doubt is not an intellect. Doubt is not an instrument of
knowledge either. Cognition is standing on any one step of cognition. Doubt
is only ignorance. Ignorance seeks knowledge, because it is the pot of

He who doubts to the outside is not wise. The one who seeks knowledge is
the one who carries it forward as a vehicle to arouse doubt in himself. To
doubt what others have achieved is to swim against the tidal waves. To say
the word is to deny the word. The darkness of the seeker of knowledge is to
rejoice in empty words. The one who has the tool of doubt is like the roof
that is only full of echoes. His silence is also noisy.

 All knowledge is the battle against the ignorance that freezes within
itself. He who has doubts in himself may know. He who has the armor and the
sword of doubt will never be overcome. Education is about being overcome by
those who are greater than oneself.

KR IRS 26622

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