Today whilespreading the bed spreads in my clothes lines in home after washing 
many ideasabout them came to me. Though during Covid 19 period there was 
stoppage insupplying them in trains, recently in most trains they are again 
introduced. Intrains two sheets of same thickness in white color are given in 
AC coaches, itis up to the passenger to which one to spread and which one to 
cover the body. 

Most resthouses and Lodgings provide white sheets. However some provide green 
and bluesheets also. 

Mosthospitals also provide in ICU white sheets, but in rooms many times 
colouredones – Blue or green.

Whileconsidering homes, most prefer color sheets. The           sheets can be 
thin and thick. It isup to the person to use thin one or thicker one as bed 
spread/bed sheets. Mostmake it a point to provide pillows with the same color 
of bed sheet/ bedspread. Using white in homes is very rare. 

Whereasperiodicity of washing and replacing depends on the field. In trains 
they arewashed daily, ironed and supplied as folded. But while getting down 
from trainmore than 50 % does not fold and keep. They leave keeping on berth 
just likethat. 

In most resthouses, the same is continued till the occupant vacates if within 
2-3 days.Otherwise they are replaced. 

Manyhospitals change sheets on request after getting more soiled. Though 
chargeheavily even in ICU it is so. My experience in ICU. 

While I was atrainee in Telecom hostel and in charge of hostel as lecturer, I 
kept aperiodicity of replacement, once a week, on a working day. I could see 
the samein Jabalpur as well as Gazhiabad. Hostels either followed color or 

During Covid19 peak period every family ensured, washing sheets once a week or 
even earlier,make germ free by dipping in Dettol water and dried. Now covid has 
almostdisappeared, the pattern has changed. However present day detergent 
liquidsalso make the cloth germ free. 

Earlier eachhome had limited number of bed sheets and bed spreads. Now there is 
shelf fullin each home- viz -at least 7sets in middle class home. 

Now one moreaddition. Before a decade wearing color dhoti limited to khadi 
light red cream color.Now color dhoti single and double are more popular, most 
use different colors plaindhoti either at home or during short journeys. 

If oneobserve, especially Malayalam channels one can    see most men wearing 
colorsingle dhoti a daily wear at home and short trips.  



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