CULTURAL QA 09-2022-12


Q1         Is it better to use only one ceilingfan in a room?

A1          Gopala Krishnan,Former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966–2004)Just now

The number of fans required  in a room depends on the size of room and 
thetemperature in that area. Normally rooms of 12′x12′size require one fan. If 
a hall of size 20′x15′ is there, three or four fansare provided.

One thingtaken care is location of fan hook should not be near lofts, so that 
one canuse a ladder and take things from loft opening it’s door with out 
switching OFFthe running fan. 

Further switchingON the fan must give comfort to the persons sitting on sofas 
or other sittingarrangements. Present day good class rooms provide minimum two 
fans in additionto air conditioner.

Mostly in corridorshaving loft, wall fansare fitted depend on the length of 
corridor. Corridors require fansto circulate the condensed  air. Manyprovide 
clothes line/lines in the corridors.

Q2         What is the best country for traintravel?

A2          Ram Kumar, Lives in Sydney, Australia(2014–present) Wed

All wrong answers. The question is not whichcountry has most advanced trains. 
It’s asking which country is best for traintravel.

So China is out ofthe question unless you are ready to start your travel like 

Europe is also notwhere I will put my money on for this question.

This might be notan issue with Europeans as they love living like this but a 
comfortable journeywith polite people is what makes a travel better.

I am not even sureif US has trains but I know they do have locals.

So if you have had enough buy a ticket and go to Japanand you will know how 
train travel should be like.

Yea those seats are cushioned.And that’s not the first class, it’s the local 
train. And there is a heaterunderneath next to your legs. Nobody shouts inside 
the train. No forced hi nhello and fake cheerfulness will be bestowed upon you. 
You will not be botheredat all.

I am not even going to show you how the best train inJapan looks like. If you 
have plans find out yourself

Q3         At what stage is a banana mostnutritious to eat, green, brown, 
yellow, or fully ripe?

A3          JohnKr, Knows  English Sep 3

Bananas can improve digestive health because of theirmoderate fiber content. 
Bananas contain differentlevels of fiber depending on their age, which is 
comparable to plant-baseddigestive enzymes. Pectin, fiber, is found in younger 
bananas and resistantstarch, a starch that actually acts a lot like fiber, is 
found in unripebananas. The fiber content of bananas can improve digestive 
processes for thosewith problems.

Additionally, bananas are low in calories. Theaverage one contains just a 
little over 100 calories. The high level ofsatiety, low calories, and high 
fiber make bananas a great resource for weightloss. You eat less while getting 
valuable nutrients and vitamins. Potassium is the number onemineral associated 
with bananas and the one we learn about in our youth.It is most commonly 
associated with muscle health and the reduction ofexercise-related cramps. 
Bananas are a top choice for nutrition and fuelbefore, during, and after 
endurance exercises. Not only does potassium supportmuscle health and prevent 
cramps in athletes, but it also provides benefits fora very important muscle: 
the heart. Potassium lowers your risk of heart disease by helpinglower blood 

•Green Banana: The greenest bananas are themost beneficial to those who are 
trying to keepcontrol over their blood sugar levels. Green bananas are 
extremelylow on the glycemic index, making them the ideal snack for those who 
have tokeep blood sugar levels low. These younger and greener bananas also 
causelonger periods of satiety. Feeling less hungry means you will eat less, 
thusreducing the chances that you might overeat unhealthy snacks. With insulin 
resistance being the number one risk factor for type 2diabetes, the resistant 
starch present almost exclusively in unripe bananas isthe most helpful 

•Yellow Banana: At this stage, there are no spots onthe peels or on the fruit 
itself. These are very healthy for you and have amuch sweeter flavor than green 
bananas. Because it is easier for your body todigest the yellow bananas, 
they’re a great snack for people suffering from anydigestive issues. While the 
resistant starch level decreases with yellowing, itis replaced by a large 
number of antioxidants, which protect your body fromdisease by removing 
dangerous free radicals. The antioxidants found in yellow bananas, 
includingdopamine, reduce the risk of heart disease as well as degenerative 
diseases.It is important to note that the dopamine from bananas does not act 
like thefeel-good chemical found in your brain. This dopamine never crosses 
theblood-brain barrier, so it only acts in antioxidant roles rather 
thanmood-altering ones.

•Yellow Banana with Brown spots: The spottedyellow banana is a bit older but 
still contains lots of antioxidants. As bananas move beyond their ripe stage, 
they contain to break down intomore sugars and antioxidants. While still 
healthy, and generally themost popular taste-wise, the healthiest stages of the 
banana have gone passed.

•Brown Banana:At this point, brown bananas are most often used as ingredients 
in baked goods, particularly inbanana bread and muffins. Considering the vast 
amounts of foodthrown out before it really needs to be, taking advantage of 
this extrasweetness is beneficial in more ways than one. By the time bananas 
are brownand soft, most people feel as though their usefulness has passed. At 
this stage, bananas have a much higher sugar content thanat earlier stages, so 
they should be avoided by diabetics or those who need towatch blood sugar 

However, you don’tneed to throw them out because these bananas do have some 
health benefits tooffer. They contain tryptophan which helps to reduce stress 
and anxiety and isalso rich in nutrients that specifically promote muscle and 
bone health

Q4         What are the safety concerns ofconstructing a two-storey building on 
top of an existing single-story building?

A4          Gopalkrishna Vishwanath, Graduated in1972, Hold a master's degree. 
Experience 37 years.20h

Before you constructa two-storied building on top of an existing single-storied 
building verify if before constructingthe single-storied building, it was 
envisaged that a two-storied building wouldbe built on top at a later date.

Was the structuredesigned and the sizes of load-carrying members (columns or 
walls) determinedso that they could sustain the future loads from the two 
stories above?

Was the foundation designed and constructed to cater tothe total load of a 
three-storied structure?

My note- Nowadays old buildings proposed to add additionalfloors, would have 
exchanged many hands. So forsafety pillars  are erected withoutdamaging old 
structure for constructing additional floor.

Q5         Can a person who has booked anair-conditioned (AC) ticket travel in 
the sleeper class if there is no seatavailable in the AC coach?

A5          D S P CHANDRA SEKHAR,Worked at SouthCentral Railway Zone, India 
(SCR) (1983–2018)20h

If you mean WLticket that would beallowed in case of counter WL ticket only 
since they don't get automaticrefund. 

For example if a ACtwo tier counter ticket not confirmed in the final chart the 
holder can attemptjourney with it in the same train trying his luck in 3tier AC 
or sleeper class. Sometimes peopleget accommodation in lower classes as no. of 
coaches are more in three tierACand sleeper classes. Butpassenger won't get any 
refund as he is travelling in lower class in hispersonal interest

Q6         Why do steel beams have holes?

A6          Bob Davis,Former General Manager(1984–2018)Thu

Steel beams are made by heat-treating a piece of steeluntil it becomes very 
hard. The steel is then placed into a mold that gives itthe desired shape. Once 
the steel has cooled and hardened, it is cut to sizeand drilled with holes to 
create the finished product.

To the untrainedeye, a steel beam with holes might not look like it's up to the 
task ofsupporting a heavy load. After all, why would engineers weaken their 
structureby punching out large chunks of metal? In reality, however, theseholes 
are crucial in ensuring the beam can do its job. So let's take a closerlook at 
why holes are such an essential part of steel beams.

The primaryfunction of holes in steel beams is to reduce the weight of the beam 
whilestill maintaining its strength. This is especially importantin 
long-spanning beams, which need to be as light as possible to avoid puttingtoo 
much stress on the supports at either end. By removingunnecessary material, 
engineers can save tons (literally) of weight withoutsacrificing the beam's 
ability to do its job.

In addition toreducing weight, holes help distribute stress evenly throughout 
the beam. Thisis because steel is more robust when force is applied 
perpendicular to itsgrain than when pressure is applied along its grain. By 
punchingout holes perpendicular to the primary axis of the beam, engineers can 
ensurethat any force applied to the structure will be directed along its strong 
axisrather than along its weak axis.


Steel beams have been used in construction for over 150years.The first recorded 
use of steel beams in construction was in England in 1849. Since then, 
steelbeams have been used in the construction of some of the world's most 
iconicstructures, includingthe Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, and the 
Golden Gate Bridge.

Holes might seemlike they would weaken a steel beam, but in reality, they play 
a vital role inensuring the structure can support a heavy load. By reducing 
weight anddistributing stress more evenly throughout the beam, holes help 
ensure that asteel structure can stand up to whatever forces are applied.

Q7         What are some of the greatest basicinventions in history?

A7          History Insights-Answered by Apple2orangeWed

As a massive heatwave stresses the energy grid in California and threatens 
blackouts where Ilive, I am grateful forthe air conditioning system currently 
cooling my house while it still can. Inother words, I am grateful for the 
ingenuity of Willis Carrier.

Willis Carrieris responsible for inventing the first air conditioner. Carrier 
was born inAngola, New York in 1876. His parents were Quaker farmerswho had a 
strong belief in education, and he was a bright student who excelledin 
mathematics and physics. After high school, he attended Cornell 
University,where he studied engineering.

In the early 1900s, Willis Carrier was working as anengineer at a printing 
company in Brooklyn, New York. One day, he was called tosolve a problem: the 
humidity was wreaking havoc on the company's printingpresses, causing the ink 
to run.

While designing asystem to dehumidify the air, Carrier discovered that he could 
cool the air by passing it through aseries of coils filled with cool water.

Carrier's air conditioner was originally designed forindustrial use, but it was 
quickly adopted for use in homes and officebuildings. Carrier continued to 
improve his invention, andby the mid-20th century, air conditioning was a 
common feature in buildings allover the world.

Today, airconditioning is an essential part of life in many parts of the world, 
and wehave Willis Carrier to thank for staying cool on a hot summer day.

My note- Goodinformation.

Q8         Why do some animals only have one babywhile others can have many at 

A8          Claire Jordan, Degree in biology andfolklore; programmer, shop 
owner, secretary on newspaper Wed

There are twoextreme reproductive strategies known as being K-selected or 
r-selected, although manyspecies are somewhere in between.

K is some measure of the available energy in theecosystem, although I don’t 
know exactly what. K-selected species such ashumans and horses have a small 
number of offspring,controlled by the amount of food available to support them, 
and they invest ahuge amount of effort in each offspring, as each offspring 
represents a majorportion of the patents’ genetic future. 

The advantage of this system is that it’s parsimonious:there’s no wasting of 
energy on surplus young with no future.

r is the rate of reproduction. r-selected species, suchas rats or most fish, 
produce a huge number of offspring in a scattergunapproach, even though only a 
small number of thoseoffspring will survive, and invest little effort in any 
given offspring becausethere are always more where that came from. The 
advantages of this are that ifyou are low in the food chain and most of your 
offspring are going to get eatenbefore they can breed, having a lot maximises 
the chance that a few will getthrough; and if there’s a sudden increase in 
available food, there are alreadyplenty of your half-starved surplus young 
right there ready to exploit it. Youdon’t have to wait to produce more 
offspring before you can exploit theincreased resource, with the risk that it 
will already have been used up beforethe new youngsters are born or hatched.

Q9         What is a detonator in railways? Howimportant are they?

A9          Subhasis Dutta Roy,Working in IndianRailways at Indian Railways 
(2001–present)Updated 1y

During the fog you must have heard a sound of brustcrackers on line when 
entering Station. That sound is asystem Signal of Indian Railways. Here you get 
the details of those signals. Itis very important signal in Railway in view of 
safety. It has three types ofuse. It also calleddetonator signals.

Here is pic howdetonator look and placed in Railway track

1st in during fog. If fog weathernotice is circulated in some sections then two 
fog signals are placed onrailway track, one is 270 meter and 2nd one 280 meter 
before from innerdistance signal to warn Loco Pilot about signals. When two fog 
signals burst 10 meter apart duringfog Loco Pilot is aware that inner distance 
signal is next 270 meter.From inner distance signal you get idea the aspect of 
your home signal. In somecase these two signals placed before home signal in 
same manner.

2nd during any abnormal condition. If byany meansa train is involved in an 
accident and adjacent line is blocked then LocoPilot/ALP of that train put the 
detonator signals on the track adjacent to histrack in opposite directions to 
avoid the next accident.ALP of that train should go forward and placed total 4 
detonator signals inopposite directions of line . In this case distance are 600 
meter, then again600 meter and 10 meter and 10 meter total 4 detonators are to 
be placed on theopposite direction track from the Loco of that train. Counting 
of distance candone by counting of Electric pole. In straight line Electric 
pole are placed 72meter apart. If by any means ALP can not reach that 
particular distance then hewill put only one detonator on track as far he may 
reached. When opposite directiontrain burst two detonators 10 meter apart he 
must control his train for anyabnormalities. Thus next accident will save. If 
only one detonator burst it isindicate that the place of accident is very neat. 
He then apply Emergency brakeof his train rain.

3rd during PWI working on line.It placing system is same as above. Difference 
only two red flags should be puton line before that working place. These flags 
called banner flag.

My note- In 1969  Augustor so there was an accident of  one trainhad engine 
problem while at Perambur(near Chennai central) in the night.

The following trainafter 15 minutes  either didnot watched the red signals or 
the detonators did not burst. There was a heavy collision.Their was a big 
calamity. There was arugument signal got cleared on one side,  and detonators 
did not made proper blast….. 

Q10              If you book Tatkal tickets(tickets booked at the last minute) 
for a train journey, are you guaranteed toget confirmed seats?

A10        D S P CHANDRA SEKHAR, from AndhraUniversity Sat

Tatkaal bookingopen one day before the departure of the trains 10–11AM for 
ACclasses and 11–12 AM for sleeper classes etc. Normally the ticketswould 
exhaust within minutes for all important trains. If any tickets stillavailable 
after those two hrs we must assume that is the least important train.When the 
tickets over IRCTC still issue some TatkaalWaitlist tickets for each class in 
limited numbers. The confirmationguarantee very limited as people very rarely 
cancel their journey as theirbooking is in urgency. Evenmany people don't 
cancel though their planning changed as no refund for Tatkaaltickets. Another 
problem for Tatkaal WL and PQWL -they never be placed in RAC pool. For 
them-Confirmation or Dropping only

My note- Nowwith 30% tickets under thatkal and dynamic charging, and new refund 
system, theabove possibility is not there, or rare. In Chennai central in 
current reservation we get confirmed thatkaltickets for many trains. 

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on   11-09- 2022. 

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .

Compiled andposted by R. Gopala krishnan on 12-09-2022

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