*Mar*The Symbiotic Belief Dynamics

Beliefs govern the internal hormonal communications among the cells.
Beliefs as unchanging shackles standardize the hormone formations in the
bloodstream. Unfortunately there are religions that create the shackles of
unchanging and rigid beliefs-fanaticism. They are the big belief burdens.
People who call themselves Rationalists, Scientists etc, tie themselves in
knots, when they are confronted with the belief shackles from which they
suffer from.

Beliefs have to flow with life. They must originate from nature, on the
basis of feeling nature continuously.

Today, we are busy destroying nature, completely.We call it economic
advancement. We are changing the wonderful Heaven, our planet, into hell,
the complete and total hell, where your limbs are gradually getting frozen,
because we have introduced a machine to do the work of almost all limbs,
making them redundant, where the air is made dangerous to breathe. Nature
is synonym with God. But today, God is vanishing because we are destroying
nature. By destroying nature we have removed God from the Temples.

You can live with the belief that you are part of nature and so nature.
Automatically you begin feeling the power of nature as you, and every
nanosecond you live trying to incorporate nature into you. As you are
nature, you feel very significant and important. Every aspect of nature
becomes you, and every aspect of nature is very important and simply cannot
be wounded, damaged or killed. The symbiotic breathing, smelling and
sensing on earth and quantum entanglement at the level of particles, makes
you feel continuously your very important partnership in nature.

Thanks to science and scientific outlook, you have to believe that you are
not part of nature, and only an outsider of nature observing nature and so
with license to tamper with nature. You feel very powerful, because the
machines you use to make your organs redundant are powerful. The greater
the power of technology you employ, automatically you feel more the
redundancy of your limbs.

Today we lost our vitality so completely, that we cannot even notice the
damage totally the modern life is inflicting on nature.

Suppose you begin living as part of nature, identifying yourself with
nature. Gradually your very living synchronizes with the dynamics of change
of nature. You grow with nature, where the belief in God or nature becomes

Today we lost our very participation in the belief dynamics. We continue to
damage nature, but even the most educated say that the destruction of
nature cannot be stopped. We are in the great stampede of economics.


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