>From adopted son

Sex __ The hard way!

Women's Anger can change the history of Mankind.

US Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the 1st man to walk on the Moon, on 20th July, 
1969, 52 years ago.

As Commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, when Neil Armstrong set foot on the 
Moon, his 1st words were:

"One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind!"

That was televised all over the world, and millions heard it.

But just as he re-entered the Lunar Lander, he made the enigmatic remark:

"Good luck, Mr. Gorsky!" 

Many people at NASA wondered who that casual remark was directed at.

Upon checking, it was found that there was no Mr Gorsky in either the Soviet or 
the US Space Programs.

Over the years, Neil Armstrong was repeatedly asked the background to that 
remark about Mr Gorsky.

In response, Armstrong only smiled but never gave any explanation.

Finally, on July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, a reporter once again asked 
Neil Armstrong, the 26-year-old question, about Mr Gorsky.

By this time, Mr. Gorsky had passed away, so Neil Armstrong felt able to answer 
the question.

In 1938, when Neil Armstrong, as a kid in a small mid-western town, was playing 
Baseball with a friend in his parents' backyard, they hit the Ball into their 
neighbours' backyard, below their bedroom window.

Neil Armstrong went to fetch the ball & heard the neighbour's wife Mrs. Gorsky, 
yelling at Mr Gorsky:

"Sex! You Want Sex?!?
You'll get Sex when the kid next door walks on the Moon!!!"

Neil Armstrong's family have subsequently verified this story as truth.

*Women!!! In their anger, can change the history of mankind.*

God Bless!

Sent from my iPhone

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