Opinion | The Webb Space Telescope is telling humanity the history of
TNCR). I am happy that Hubble opens up a vision towards iNdia. It was 13
billion; but Einstein :trillions" in the past and the future as we are
saying 550 trillions. Space and time and the photons' views are changing.
And most of all I like Nat King Cole sitting in front of Radio Novak set in
the night 10 30 PM, when all will be sleeping and with the least sound and
ears close to the radio-set, listening in December Chakrapani the news
reader cum english music Madras station B announcer blaring from nat king
cole at my 17 years old. Stardust is later. but his xmas carol is famous.
1   https://youtu.be/Xxe2LP_bNiI 2 https://youtu.be/Z57yI62PUys  ( MSV
MIXING COLE AND BESSAMI MOUCHO) 3   https://youtu.be/f_HmF84G7ZY Love  4
https://youtu.be/HcRQiNHrsoQ  very thought of you. tHANK YOU FOR ALL kr irs

On Mon, 30 Jan 2023 at 21:48, Rangarajan T.N.C. <tncrangara...@yahoo.com>

> Opinion | The Webb Space Telescope is telling humanity the history of
> everything
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/01/28/astonishing-james-webb-space-telescope/>
> Opinion | The Webb Space Telescope is telling humanity the history of ev...
> The universe, as portrayed by the light that Webb gathers, is
> breathtakingly beautiful, and unimaginably violent.
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/01/28/astonishing-james-webb-space-telescope/>
> January 27, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EST
> BALTIMORE ― At the Space Telescope Science Institute
> <https://www.stsci.edu/>, on the Johns Hopkins University campus
> <https://webbtelescope.org/about>, a constant torrent of data pours in
> from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, enabling cosmologists to write
> ancient history. Not the history of the Greeks and Romans, who lived a mere
> blink ago. Rather, it is the history of *everything*.
> Everything began, cosmologists currently think, with a bang — the Big Bang
> <https://www.space.com/25126-big-bang-theory.html>; if *it* does not
> deserve to be a proper noun, what does? — 13.7 billion years ago
> <https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-james-webb-space-telescope-is-changing-our-understanding-of-the-universe/>.
> All the material in the universe, including us, is — literally — stardust
> <https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/are-we-really-made-of-stardust.html#:~:text=Planetary%20scientist%20and%20stardust%20expert,have%20come%20through%20several%20supernovas.>
>  (cue
> Nat King Cole’s rendition <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iWTzqlBM2Y>),
> meaning residues of the explosion. The light gathered by Webb’s mirrors
> expands our knowledge of how stars form. And perish: This is not going to
> end well.
> Launched
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2022/10/20/nasa-webb-telescope-pillars-of-creation-stars/?itid=lk_inline_manual_5>
>  13
> months ago, Webb is orbiting 940,000 miles away. With its 18 mirrors and
> its five sunshield layers unfolded, it is a tennis-court-size engineering
> masterpiece. To function, each mirror must, after being hurled into space
> on a shuddering rocket, retain this exquisite precision: If each mirror
> were the size of the continental United States, each should not vary more
> than 2 inches from perfect conformity with the others.
> NASA’s giant telescope captures clearer view of ‘Pillars of Creation’
> NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured sparkling newborn stars in a
> cosmic site 6,500 miles known as the "Pi...
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2022/10/20/nasa-webb-telescope-pillars-of-creation-stars/?itid=lk_inline_manual_5>
> Furthermore, the mirrors left Earth the “wrong” size: They were designed
> to contract in space to achieve a precise shape at the temperature out
> there: minus-388 degrees Fahrenheit.
> The wavelength of light is “stretched” as the universe expands; hence the
> analysis of light can date the light’s source. Above the filter of the
> Earth’s atmosphere, Webb has already gathered light that has taken more
> than 13.4 billion years to reach its mirrors, light from the earliest
> galaxy
> <https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2022/12/09/nasas-webb-reaches-new-milestone-in-quest-for-distant-galaxies/>
>  yet
> confirmed: It formed only 350 million years after the Big Bang.
> The U.S. lunar expeditions, the last of which was in 1972
> <https://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/history/images/this-week-in-nasa-history-apollo-17-lands-on-lunar-surface-dec-11-1972.html>,
> were feats of individual bravery and engineering ingenuity. They were,
> however, without the scientific fascination that has driven space
> exploration since the discovery in 1965 that the universe is permeated with
> background radiation. This seems to confirm the Big Bang theory.
> Apollo 17 Lands on Lunar Surface – Dec. 11, 1972
> This week in 1972, Apollo 17 landed on the lunar surface and became the
> third and final mission to employ the Lu...
> <https://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/history/images/this-week-in-nasa-history-apollo-17-lands-on-lunar-surface-dec-11-1972.html>
> Scientific propositions are, however, testable and hence theoretically
> falsifiable, so even familiar ones are contingent. The Big Bang theory
> postulates that the universe was inflated from a microscopic speck in a
> trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, at a temperature of
> trillions degrees centigrade. And is still expanding.
> If so, Copernicus’s supposed impertinence — demoting Earth (and us) from
> the center of the universe — was, we now know, nonsensical: There is no
> center in an expanding universe without an edge.
> Astronomer Adam Frank <https://www.adamfrankscience.com/> says Webb,
> which was expected to support the Big Bang theory, has revealed “the
> existence of galaxies so old that the very origins of the universe have
> instead been called into question.” As has, some say, the theory of an
> expanding universe. Not so, says Frank:
> For most of the previous 2,500 years, the universe was considered timeless
> and unchanging. Even by Albert Einstein, who, Frank says, “assumed that the
> universe now must look like the universe a trillion years in the past and
> future.” By proving that galaxies formed before they had previously been
> expected to exist — “just a few hundred million years after the cosmic
> expansion began” — Webb has done what, Frank says, science should do, which
> is “force us to confront false assumptions we hadn’t even known we’d made.”
> Doing so, he says, the telescope has confirmed the essence of the Big Bang
> theory: “cosmic evolution.” The universe has a history. As we learn how to
> write it, we learn about our place in it.
> Earth is “biophilic” — conducive to life — only because the Big Bang led
> to molecules of water and atoms of carbon, which are necessary for life.
> They need not, however, have been included in a post-Bang universe. For
> some theologically inclined people, this fact means that we are not a
> cosmic fluke but a cosmic imperative.
> Our sun, however, will expire in approximately 5 billion years. About when
> our wee Milky Way galaxy with its 200 billion stars will collide with the
> nearby Andromeda galaxy. The universe, as portrayed by the light that Webb
> gathers, is breathtakingly beautiful and unimaginably violent.
> Earth is biophilic only somewhat (volcanoes, earthquakes, viruses, etc.),
> and only briefly, as measured by the cosmos’s clock. But what distinguishes
> us from trees and trout and every known (so far) thing in the universe is
> what Webb exists solely to satisfy. The Webb Space Telescope speaks well of
> us precisely because it has, and needs, no justification beyond the purity
> of its service to curiosity.
> George F. Will writes a twice-weekly column on politics and domestic and
> foreign affairs. He began his column with The Post in 1974, and he received
> the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1977. His latest book, "American
> Happiness and Discontents," was released in September 2021.

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