CULTURAL QA 02-2023-26

Q1           Istaking a shower good or bad in the night?

A1           Gopala Krishnan, Former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966–2004) Just now

It depends onseason for many in India. In hot summer many may like to have a 
shower innight. Especially among office goers it is almost a practice to take 
bath inthe night in Kerala

Q2           Whatare some interesting facts about Qatar?

A2           Re Posted byYashika Sharma5h

Original poster- DhirajPratap AdhikariWriter has many relatives working in 
Qatar.Updated 4y


1 Every second day, a Nepalese brought to work onconstruction for World cup 
2022 dies in Qatar.

2. Qatar has just313,000 Qataris while Nepalese there number more than 350,000. 
Qatar -Wikipedia

3. World-renownedarchitect I M Pei who designed the Pyramid of Louvre also 
designed the Museumof Islamic Art in Doha.

4. Qatar hosts theMotoGP every year at the Losail International Circuit located 
to the north ofQatar. So if you have an interest in bike racing, this is a 
great event toattend.

5. This entireisland chain was man made in the shape of a string of pearl.

6. Qataris are alsoknown for their exotic pets.

7. Qatar is ranked as the richest country on earth, thoughI doubt if it is 
richer than Monaco or Liechtenstein. All thanks to this.

Qatar is said tohave 3rd largest world natural gas reserves.

Finally, the wayQataris and most middle eastern countries are spending money, 
they certainlycan return from this to this.

Q3           Whatare the pros and cons of being an officer in Indian railways 
or a railwayengineer (B.E.)?

A3           Rakz, Former cabin crew at EmiratesAirlines22h

Pros of being an officer in Indian Railways:

Job security andstability     Good pay and benefits

Opportunities forcareer growth and advancement   Opportunities for travel and 
exposure to different parts of India

Chance to work onprojects that impact the lives of millions of people

Cons of being an officer in Indian Railways:

Long working hours,including weekends and holidays    Highlevels of 
responsibility and accountability

Bureaucraticprocedures and paperwork    Limitedautonomy and decision-making 

Pressure to meetperformance targets and deadlines

Pros of being a railway engineer:

Opportunity to workon large-scale projects that have a significant impact on 

Good pay andbenefits    Opportunities for career growthand advancement    
Opportunities fortravel and exposure to different parts of India

Satisfaction ofseeing projects completed and in use by the public

Cons of being a railway engineer:

Long working hours,including weekends and holidays     Highlevels of 
responsibility and accountability

Need to keepup-to-date with new technologies and trends in railway engineering  
  Limited autonomy and decision-making power

Pressure to meetperformance targets and deadlines

Overall, both careers offer opportunities for job security,career growth, and 
the chance to work on projects that impact people's lives.However, they 
alsorequire long working hours and come with high levels of responsibility 
andaccountability. It ultimately depends on the individual's interests,skills, 
and priorities to determine which career path may be best for them.

My note- If goodpudding is required, one has to toil for it.

Q4           Whathappens if you eat 3 carrots a day?

A4           Anton Taiki, Experiences in Malaysia,Southeast Asia, East Asia.23h

First know whatyou're in for, should you eat 3 carrots a day.

One cup of rawchopped carrots has about 15 mg of carotene, according to the 
U.S. Departmentof Agriculture's Nutrient Database, so you'd need to eat half a 
cup of chopped carrots everyday for months, in order to turn to a shade of 

Carrots are full ofvitamins, minerals and fibers that are good for your health. 
But eating too many carrotscan bring in too much beta-carotene - the molecule 
responsible for carrots'bright orange hue and a precursor of vitamin A. This 
can lead to excess bloodcarotene which can discolour the skin.

Known ascarotenemia, the condition occurs because carotene is a fat-soluble 

Excessive quantities of it tend to accumulate in theoutermost layer of skin, 
resulting in yellow- or orange-pigmented skin,particularly in the palms, soles, 
knees and nasal area.

Althoughcarotenemia occurs mostly in infants when they are fed too much pureed 
carrotbaby food, it can occur in adults as well.

In a case reportpublished in The Journal of Dermatology in 2006, a 66-year-old 
woman's skin turned yellow-orange after shetook too many carotene oral 

Q5           Whydon't big birds wipe out all the smaller birds, eliminating the 

A5           David Miller, A life dedicated tosustainable low impact living. 
Feb 17

There were bothturkeys and hummingbirds on my farm. Turkeys would gladly eat a 
hummingbird given the chancebut they sure as hell couldn’t catch one. Turkeys 
can’t fly, theycan’t run more than a few steps, and they’re rather clumsy. 
Hummingbirds areterrifically fast, nimble and are smart enough to avoid being 
close tocreatures that might eat them.

Q6           Ifyou spilled water on your laptop keyboard and have no access to 
screwdriver andcannot remove the battery, is it safer to unplug the laptop and 
put it upsidedown, or to run a benchmark to heat it up and make the water 

A6           Dave Martindale, Electronics hobbyistsince 1965 or so.11mo

You really want toremove all power until the laptop is thoroughly dried out. 
That meansdisconnecting external power (if it was in use) and removing the 
battery. Water (unless it is distilledwater) is electrically conductive. If 
power is applied to thecomputer, current flow through the water will cause 
corrosion and cancompletely eat away circuit traces eventually.

If you don’t have a user-swappable battery, removing thebattery will be a 
little extra work. My laptop at workdoesn’t have a user-swappable battery. All 
that means is that I need to remove a couple of screws, remove the bottom 
cover, and thenthe battery can be disconnected. It would take me a couple of 
minutes maximum to get thebattery out of there if I was in a hurry.

You don’tnecessarily need a “proper” screwdriver either. Swiss Army knives 
often have acouple of tools that can be used as screwdrivers. A nail file can 
be used as a screwdriver(particularly for Philips screws). Other people around 
you might have suchtools too. Get the battery disconnected somehow.

My note-With new laptops, it is very difficult to takeout battery. Even when 
ladyservant cleans I close and keep laptop. I discourage my wife taking tea, 
coffeeto me in my room. With me even spilling on dining tableoccurs many times, 
what about laptop table??!!

Q7           Whatare the differences between India and the USA in the railway 

A7           Vikas Malik, Cyber Security Engineer,YouTuber35m

There are several differences between the railway systemsof India and the USA, 

Gauge: The railways in India use a broad gauge of1676 mm, while the USA uses a 
standard gauge of 1435 mm. This means that thetracks in India are wider than 
those in the USA.

Infrastructure: The Indian railway system is one ofthe largest in the world and 
has an extensive network of tracks and stationsthat cover almost all parts of 
the country. In contrast, the USA has a relatively smallrailway system that is 
focused on freight transportation.

Speed: The maximum speed of passenger trains inIndia is around 150 km/h, while 
the maximum speed in the USA is around 240km/h. This means that trainsin the 
USA can travel faster than those in India.

Technology: The USA uses more advancedtechnologies in its railway system, such 
as high-speed trains, electrifiedtracks, and computerized train control 
systems. In contrast, the Indian railway system is still in theprocess of 
modernizing and upgrading its technology.

Ownership: The railways in India are owned andoperated by the government, while 
the USA has a mix of private and publicrailway companies.

Passenger vs. freight: The Indian railway systemcarries a large number of 
passengers and is often used as a mode oftransportation for long-distance 
travel. In contrast, the railway system in theUSA is primarily used for freight 

Cost: Train travel in India is generally cheaper thanin the USA due to lower 
operating costs and ticket prices. However, the cost oftrain travel in both 
countries varies depending on the type of train and classof travel.

Overall, whilethere are some similarities between the railway systems in India 
and the USA,there are also several key differences in terms of gauge, 
infrastructure,speed, technology, ownership, and primary use.

Q8           Isthe benefits of drinking warm water as same as drinking water? 
Can drinkingwarm water help me to have a bright skin like drinking water?

A8           Vivienne Marcus, got a medical degreeonce.2y

Provided the water is at a comfortable temperature, itdoesn’t matter at all 
what temperature you like your water.

You need about 2.5 litres of water a day.A little more is harmless. But there 
is no benefit whatever to drinking morethan you need, and no benefit at all to 
the appearance of your skin.

2nd answer-Vikas Upadhyay,9m

It removes all the toxic substances from body which areformed after digestion 
it's the natural laxative andit also maintains the desired water level in our 
body to perform variousfunctions

Q9           Howdo train drivers and conductors use toilets while on board?

A9           Litan Banik, Lives in Kolkata, WestBengal, India (1990–present) 8h

Train drivers andconductors typically have access to toilets on board the 
train. The design andlocation of the toilets may vary depending on the type of 
train and thespecific country or railway system.

In some cases, the toilets may be located in a separatecompartment or room 
within the train, which can beaccessed by the driver or conductor during a 
break or while the train isstopped at a station. In othercases, the toilet may 
be located in the driver's cab or the conductor'scompartment, allowing for 
easier access during the journey.

In order to usethe toilet, the driver or conductor will need to ensure that the 
train is in asafe position and that there is another qualified person available 
to take overtheir duties temporarily. This is known as a "safehandover" and is 
a standard practice in the railway industry to ensurethat safety is maintained 
at all times.

Additionally, some trains may have a portable toiletavailable for use in 
emergency situations or when the train is delayed orstranded for an extended 
period of time. These portabletoilets are typically stored on the train and can 
be set up quickly in adesignated area.

Overall, thespecific methods for train drivers and conductors to use toilets 
while on boardwill depend on the individual train and railway system. However, 
safety andhygiene are always a top priority, and procedures will be in place to 
ensurethat these needs are met while maintaining safe and efficient train 

Q10         Whatwould happen if you dropped a ketchup packet from the Empire 
State Building?

A10         Khuram Shahzad, Works at DP World (1993–present)Wed

Ketchup packet freefall.

If you were to dropa ketchup packet from the top of the Empire State Building, 
the packet wouldaccelerate toward the ground due to gravity. The acceleration 
of an object infree fall is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared (32.2 
feet per secondsquared).

As the ketchup packet falls, it would be subject to airresistance, which would 
slow its descent somewhat.However, due to the small size and light weight of 
the ketchup packet, theair resistance would not be enough to prevent it from 
reaching a high velocity.

When the ketchuppacket hits the ground, it would experience a significant force 
ofimpact, which could cause it to burst open and spill its contents. However, 
the force ofimpact would likely be too small to cause any damage to the ground 
orsurrounding objects.

Overall,dropping a ketchup packet from the Empire State Building would be a 
funexperiment to imagine, but it would not have anysignificant consequences or 

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on   25-02-2023

Quora answers need not be100% correct answers .

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala Krishnan,79,  former ITS on 26-02-2023


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