Respected sirs,
As I understand in central Government 1/3 of the actual salary is not paid to 
the employee in any cadre. It is reserved by the Government for his future 
pension. Hence most of us had hand to mouth existence. As the salary increased 
reservation also increased by Government. The employees worked hard, got profit 
 to government,   more than 50% spent from it to military, air force, navy etc. 
The reservation is paid by Government as Pension. 

If Mr Rajaram Krishnamurthy  could recollect, in old advertisements pension was 
mentioned by central Government. Most joined central Government  for the 
Pension after retirement. So pension is demandable. Do not spread information 
by any if they are not sure.
 Now most pensioners do not die by 60-65. So the Government has to spend more 
towards pension.Earlier Government had no such problem and pension was not a 

Mr Rajaram elsewhere stated he gets 2 Lakhs pension. Hence my quote- 

    On Tuesday, 7 March, 2023 at 12:46:29 pm IST, Narayanaswamy Iyer 
<> wrote:  
Dear folks
"When you lie, tell a humongous lie, or zip your lips."
Whenever utterly shameless Rajaram Krishnamurthy alias KR IRS 6323 alias 
Cockroachmoorthy, MD (mentally deficient) sits before his computer keyboard, 
the lies he broadcasts on the Internet in his signature broken English are 
truly humongous.
(1) "Pension is a gratise or many laborers would argue it out as right to earn; 
how ever Pension is not demandable."
(2) "Free treatments hospitals are there. But we will not go because, WE WERE 
ONCE ROYAL MOON WALKERS.  Ayurvedam does not cost; but we did not visit them."
(3) "People who wrote did not read my Vanaprastham."
Re (1) above.
Strictly speaking, even your pay, annual increments, allowances, medical 
benefits, promotions, leave, transfers, postings, uniforms, accommodation in 
quarters on site, are not legally demandable by pensioners when working.  They 
work "at the employers' pleasure" if they serve the public, notwithstanding 
what the unions say.
Re (2) above.
"Free treatments hospitals", "Ayurvedam does not cost" are myths.
The waiting time in so-called "free" hospitals is enormous.  The paperwork and 
admin requirements are staggering and slow.  If time is money, you are soon 
bankrupt.  Since you do not pay, only the cheapest medications, prescribed by 
trainees or probationers, are given.   And to collect them you have queue 
forever or come another day.   Only minimum amounts are given, so for repeat 
prescriptions you have to go again, facing the same discouraging tardy 
conditions as before.  Sick leave is denied, or given sparsely and reluctantly. 
 The unspoken suspicion is that you are malingering.
There in NO free costless aayurvedam.  The practitioner, his family, his 
pupils, trainees, probationers must be fed.  The ingredients have to be 
searched for in the wild, cultivated, or bought from shops which sell at a 
The practitioner will cease practice if he has no income.
Re (3) above.
The know-nothing pretending to be a know-all continues to cavort nude in the 
spotlight in his unique voluble style.
And his rancid contempt for the whole world is succinctly embodied in this 
eight-word vain boast.  
If he truly is engaged in vaana-praatham, then he should be in the impenetrable 
forest among wild animals, insects, reptiles, birds.  He should be wearing only 
tree-bark attire, growing long hair, beard, finger-nails and toe-nails.  He 
should be seated on the ground in deep meditation, with closed eyes, immersed 
in contemplation of the divine, and seeking spiritual enlightenment.  He should 
maintain deep silence, moving only his lips in silent prayer.
Why, instead, is he descending into the arena of conflict and proving yet again 
that he is an incorrigible unmitigated fool?
S Narayanaswamy Iyer
On 7 Mar 2023, at 1:06 PM, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <> wrote:

 Paramasivan kazuthilirindu pampu sirichithamGaruda- soukyhamaGopalakrishnan

    On Tuesday, 7 March, 2023 at 07:57:45 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
 But the lamenters may not express the real awareness. They will overlook it as 
if they have never met before. KR IRS
On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 at 16:41, APS Mani <> wrote:

An apt review, KR Sir.   Thanks,    Mani
On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 12:25 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <> 

        The lamentation on pension is getting on among afew over here. G writes 
being a pensioner it is of no use. Pensioner problem and the whole society 
sufferings are one and the same. As an earner of incomme from salary or earner 
of profit cum income from business, when younger than the retirees, there were 
problems. There used to be a story: told in 2 kinds; 1 instead of lamenting 
there is no chappal for the feet, better see people who do not have legs at 
all. 2   A sales representative was asked to do market survey for chappal 
sales;one went to avillage aand saw tat there is no one wearing chappal; so 
reported that it is of no use going over there; another who went to the same 
village reported that since no ne is wearing chappal, that is the biggest 
market for the selling. We never had the pension say till 25 and we had no 
pension for the majority or have apension in replacement of our own savings 
plus, what is not providedd while in service as bonus and so many kinds. 
Pension is a gratise or many laborers would argue it out as right to earn; how 
ever Pension is not demandable . And  The normal pension age for 
earnings-related pension benefits from the Employees’ Pension Scheme is 58 
years with a minimum of ten years of contributions. The pension age for the 
earnings-related Employees Provident Fund scheme is 55 years. About 12% of the 
workforce (or approximately 58 million people) are covered under various 
pension systems according to the 2011 census. Covered individuals belong to the 
organized sectors and are employed by the government, government enterprises, 
public and private sector enterprises, which are mandatorily covered by the 
Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). Employers with 20 or more 
employees are covered by EPFO. The remaining 88% of the workforce are mainly 
occupied in the unorganized sector (self-employed, daily wage workers, farmers 
etc.) and some are in the organized sector, but are not mandatorily covered by 
the EPFO. For this share of the workforce the Public Provident Fund (PPF) and 
Postal Saving Schemes have traditionally been the main long-term savings 
instruments but these have only catered to a relatively small section of this 
population.  Where there is a sorry state of affair while receiving some 
support, whaat aboutthose 88%?. People who wrote did not read my Vanaprastham 
as it is not that tasty as a royal living desired. As we supported our 
pensionless old age people ."THEY" shall undertake that burden without feeling 
it as burden at all. It is a pleasantry.The  pattern of life we changed; we did 
not bring up the posterity with due future care as ahome leader but brought up 
aallof them as business tycoon only. So we pay for the actions by way of 
reactions. And retiree has less expenses. Main problem is medical. Free 
treatments hospitals are there. But we will not go because, WE WERE ONCE ROYAL 
MOON WALKERS.  Ayurvedam does not cost; but we did not visit them, so we made 
that treatment today costlier.  Yesterday there was a middle class question. 
Who is the middle class ?; is there aany limitations; we ourselves said upper 
and lower , even in that middle class. A lakh salary to day if the worse, I 
wonder my grand father, who with Rs 13 per month salsy when the gold price per 
soveriegn was rs 8, lived peacefully bringing up 6 children educated, married 
etc and dies by taking his grandson to anatharama dikshitar upanyasam, with a 
dhothi and thundu only till last. He gave an insurance amount well divisible 
among his children as his wealth and a home. Gold jewellery he gave after patti 
death to all the ladies of the family. Just Rs 13 per month and how?. One lakh 
and how not?. By avoiding 25 days visit to hotel or food-courier, one can save 
25000 rupees by those one lakh. By unneccesary car driving ,visiting to 
partied, 10000 can be saved. By refraining from buying on instalments of home, 
car, a two wheeler, Gym at home, furnitures and laly-peeli, and buying through 
the payable condition intalments or by cash, inteerst savings alone pm will be 
another 25000. Crt card is a tool to save the situation but used as a 
additional wealth to make the cr card holder owner rich. So roughly one who 
spends 65000 on take home pay of 85000 will have to suffre ,.Where the women 
desire thaat family will stay together witha few chairs, ac and tv with few 
dresses and chappals playing carom board saves a lot for the future. Problem of 
the society misdirected the brahmins and misdirected Buddaha and Ramanuja, who 
are cherished politically for votes but because sanatana does not render any 
vote or money spinning, is neglected. Nandrum theethum pirar thara vaara. No 
one  prevented any one from registering the maarriage; we did the pompous 
expenditure; and we have read in B G that even GOD does not like pomp. It is 
not to feel cruel but the fact of life that 88% do not talk about it at all!!. 
KR IRS 6323    
On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 at 00:47, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 
<> wrote:

Considering as percentage more than 80% have spent their 110% earning  for 
children education, marriageMore than 15% have meager pension,  to say they are 
pensioners.About 20% some how  would have made a flat or home before 
retirementThere is still a 5% retired from IAS/IPS/IRS etc lobby with good 
pension, they can even  save a % every month.
There are pensioners like me retired from Indian Railway service, Indian 
Telecom service etc. Either we have good pension or have meager pension. We are 
in between. We too have spent all earned, took loans for education of children, 
marriage of daughters etc. I recollect the case of the chief accounts officer 
who took VRS for his daughter's marriage. 

In general a pensioner can be told from his appearance, whether he get 
excellent, good, meager or depend on children.

    On Monday, 6 March, 2023 at 08:58:02 am IST, Yeddanapudi Markandeyulu 
<> wrote:  
 When I retired my total retirement benefits were about four lakhs.I joined 
many others and purchased a plot by the side of the Railway station in Shad 
Nagar for Rs 50,000/I was duped because it belonged to a protected tenant and I 
lost.Then our first son who joined WIPRO as fresh recruit found a plot in 
Bangalore for Rs one Lakh.But then we found that it was already sold and that 
man constructed his house on it.I lost about Rs Two Lakhs.It took me to 
construct a house of my own eight years with the help of our sons.YM
On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 6:38 PM 'N Sekar' via iyer123 
<> wrote:

Thanks Sri Mani and others.
The joke may be a  exaggeration but only a few, as % of the total retirees, 
lead the sort life indicated in the other 2 mails.
Generally many retirees belong to the middle class and their main savings is 
the house they live in, if they are fortunate to have even  that. They would 
have spent a huge amount on the education  and marriage of their children and 
may be dependent on their children's support for their living.
And the generation of the present retirees, generally, did not have the benefit 
of double income and other investments. There may be some such cases but i may 
be more of an exception than a rule. 
Even amongst the present retirees, only  few are fortunate to receive a 
Retirement planning is, comparatively speaking, a recent buzzword.
I have a reasonably comfortable retired life but I have seen others who 
struggle. So it is not a question of sour grapes.
Fortunate are those who receive a pension,  have Investments and don't moan and 
groan about rising medical and other costs with income remaining static.
There is another world out there, in our own country. We need to be aware of 
that world.
It would be interesting to see the views of others also.
N Sekar 

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