CULTURAL QA 03-2023-18

Q1           Dodrivers of long-distance trains have any breaks during their 

A1           NIRAJ ROY,A fan of WWE sincechildhood. Eat , Sleeps and Breathes 
WWE. Mar 9

Not exactly any breaks , but the train drivers getinterchanged . The journey 
depends as for howlong you are travelling and to which place you are destined 
to go.

Let's take theexample of One of The Longest Train Journeys of the World — The 
Ghan Train that runs alongthe Australian train corridor from Adelaide to Darwin 
covering a distance ofmore than 2,979 km.

Route followed —

It would not be possible for just one train driver to runthe train for 
continuous 3 days. So, the drivers and somemembers of the cabin crew get 
interchanged at above mentioned junctions( inpicture) .Hope you have got your 

My note- The same is in India also.There are running rooms with all facilities 
in certain stations where duty changes, not onlyfor drivers, but also for 
guards, TTRs, Asstant station masters etc.

Q2           Whatis normal in your country but weird in the rest of the world?

A2           Sarah Stone, Lives in Iceland(1901–present)Updated 3y

Iceland here.    If it’s 10 degrees or hotter outside [50 degreesFahrenheit, 
for Americans] we will go out in bikinis and sunbathe

Almost every familyowns at least one summer cabin that is frequently visited

We say ‘good morning’ or ‘good evening’ to everyone wepass on the street, 
depending on the time of day

We will often havelong discussions (*hem* arguments) of what type of snow is 
snowing at themoment

The first real dayof summer was three days ago and almost everyone took a break 
from work to goand enjoy it (it was around 14 degrees or something)

It snows from August to June

All the houses are built like fortresses so they canwithstand the frequent 

We await the next volcanic eruption with excitement

Most of us watchfootball religiously

Dried fish is adelicacy

We loudly announce when we go to the toilet and ask if wehave permission to do 

Going on dates is aformal and a rare experience, not standard at all. Blind 
dates is somethingthat doesn’t happen

In swimming poolswe wash without clothes with everyone else of the same gender, 
no stalls

We drink a lot of milk —it goes with everything

We leave our babiesoutside in their prams -of cafes, our homes, in the garden, 
in our unlockedcars

We love sauces; we probably have hundreds ofdifferent types, also ice cream 
shops normally have about six different sauces

We will havebarbecues in any weather

We drink lots of alcohol: beer, wine, you name it

It’s never coldinside our houses, ever

We party until wayafter midnight —if you are camping and want to sleep, don’t 
camp next toIcelanders

Believing in elves and trolls is normal and we have tons ofstories that we’ve 
been told about them since we were young

We have 13 SantaClauses

edit : some morefor y’all + pics on the original answer

We have a Christmas Catthat, if you don’t get new clothes for christmas, will 
come and eat you(particularly children).The christmas cat is owned by a pair of 
trolls calledGrýla and Leppalúði. they are the Santa Clauses’ parents, who are 
also trolls.

Grýla kidnaps,cooks and eats misbehaving children.

We have a daydedicates to eating these delicious balls of air

The waterquality is 500% and so when we visit other countries we are dying 
because thewater tastes so bad there

We are taught froma young age that we should never ever step on the moss and if 
you do then u deserve toburn in hell (ok maybe not but that’s the idea)

Everyone hatesJustin Bieber for that music video he did. (+We had to close down 
the park apart of it was shot in because the tourists were tearing up the moss.)

In winter we all wear the thickest coatsyou’ll see while still trying to stay 
fashionable and we all look giant

Conjugation is athing so a noun has 16 different variations of itself.

Tourism is the top industry of Iceland

Ice cream is enjoyed whenever; in a snow storm or on a rarehot day; doesn’t 

Q3           Isthere any planet that does not rotate?

A3           Ahsanul Rashid, Founder (2016–present)Feb 24

There is noplanet in our solar system that does not rotate to some degree.In 
fact, rotation is a fundamental property of planets and other celestialbodies. 
However, there are some celestial bodies that exhibit veryslow rotation or no 
apparent rotation due to a phenomenon called tidal locking.

Tidal lockingoccurs when an object's rotation period matches its orbital period 
aroundanother body. This means that one side of the object always faces the 
otherbody, while the opposite side always faces away. The best-known example of 
a tidally lockedcelestial body is our Moon, which always shows the same face to 
the Earth.

In our solarsystem, there are also several moons that are tidally locked to 
theirrespective planets, such as Jupiter's moon Io and Saturn's moon 
Enceladus.Additionally, some dwarf planets, such as Pluto and its moon Charon, 
aretidally locked to each other.

It is important to note that while these objects appearto have no rotation, 
they are still technically rotating on their axis.The rotation is just 
synchronized with their orbital period, so the same facealways faces the other 

Q4           Whycan't we have a cordless telephone charger at home?

A4           Gopala Krishnan, Former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966–2004)Just now

The telephonecharger has electrical and electronic parts and a transformer to 
convert 230V AC to 5/6 volts DC.This output is lead through wire to the mobile 
phone. It is transfer of power to charge abattery inside. The 6 V DC battery is 
providing power to the electronic partsin the mobile phone.

It is not like sending a signal to operate a Device.Charging a battery requires 
DC power constantly atslightly higher voltage. It can be done through physical 
wires only.

Q5           Whydo you need to replace your commercial doors?

A5           Shutter Repair & InstallationServices in the Entire London Mon

Commercial doorsserve as the first line of defense for any enterprise, securing 
not only itsassets and employees but also creating an impression to potential 
customers. Over time, these doors canencounter various issues like wear and 
tear, damage due to weather conditions,or outdated design that might limit 
safety features or hinder accessibility.

Replacing your commercial doors

is crucial since itensures your business's safety by safeguarding against 
intruders whilemaintaining compliance with safety regulations. Doors that are 
damaged may notlock securely, compromise escape routes during emergency 
situations, andpotentially harm individuals passing through them.

Additionally,upgrading to newer door models offers better insulation qualities 
which helpmaintain temperature control in buildings resulting in energy 
savings. Thelatest designs available today incorporate improved fire ratings 
for extraprotection in case of emergencies such as accidental fires.

Lastly replacingworn-out commercial entrances with modern ones provides a fresh 
look to thebuilding’s exterior; presenting an updated appearance that attracts 
more peopleinto the establishment boosting their customer base & overall 

To sum up: Repairs can be done on aged damaged entrancesbut if consistent 
issues arise then going further with a replacement shouldalways consider 
important so better systems areincorporated rather than risking life-safety 
considerers down the road. Thusreplacing old industrial security gates has many 
pros ranging from reduction ofoperational costs & energy usage through enhanced 
security measures leadingultimately towards presentation improvement of one’s 
building's image -providing safe secure entryway access while ensuring 
longevity over timewithout any disruptions!

My note- At one time plywood doors were providedin homes including entrance in 
Indian Southern states. Due to decay even inshort period, to say from two 
decades back, Teakwood doors are provided in the entrance and strongwood sawed 
is used to provide in other doors opening to outside andadditionally grilled 
doors are provided.  

Q6           Whatis the tradition of the climbing of the priest in Puri 
Jagannath Temple?

A6           Santosh Sahoo, Author Generalknowledge Books Mar 7

Every day a priest climbs the walls of this temple whichhas a height 
approximately of a 45-storey building.This is done without any protective gear 
and will easily put any professionalclimber to shame. It is believed that if 
this is skippedeven for a day then the temple will be shut down fora long 18 
years! This ritual is close to 1800 years old.

Q7           Whatis the information- “This marsupial is the only animal that's 
always pregnant.”

A7           Kathy Pennell 23h

 “Swamp wallabies have two uteruses, so they can conceive a new babybefore 
birthing another.

This species is unique in that it is the only marsupialwhose gestation period 
is longer than their estrous cycle.This means that females can mate during the 
last few days of their pregnancyallowing them continuous breeding and birthing 
approximately every 8 months.After this mating, a near term fetus is growing in 
one uterus while the newembryo is developing in a second. The suckling of the 
new born temporarily halts the development of thesecond embryo which remains 
dormant until the first young is ready to leave thepouch. At this time, the 
second embryo resumes development and isborn 33-38 days, the length of one 
gestation period, later.”Earth Unreal

Q8           Whatdo most people not know about airplanes?

A8           Viru Nishad, Expert professional withdiverse cross-functional 

Here are a fewthings that most people may not know about airplanes related to 

The best time to book a flight is usually on a Tuesday:According to various 
studies, airlines tend to releasetheir discounted fares on Tuesdays, making it 
the best day to book yourflights.

Turbulence is normal: Turbulence is a commonoccurrence on flights and is 
usually nothing to worry about. It's caused bychanges in air pressure and can 
be uncomfortable, but it's rarely dangerous. Pilots and flight attendantsare 
trained to handle turbulence and ensure passenger safety.

The air pressure inside the cabin is regulated:Airplanes are pressurized to 
simulate a lower altitude, which makes it easierfor passengers to breathe. The 
cabin pressure is typically set to theequivalent of an altitude of 6,000 to 
8,000 feet, which is lower than theactual cruising altitude of the plane.

The food tastes different at high altitudes: Due tochanges in air pressure and 
humidity, food and drinks can taste different onairplanes than they do on the 
ground. This is why airlines often use more spices and seasoningin their meals 
to compensate for the altered taste.

The seats aren't always cleaned between flights: Whileairlines do their best to 
clean the plane between flights, it's not alwayspossible to thoroughly clean 
every surface. It's agood idea to bring disinfectant wipes and clean your seat 
and tray table beforesettling in.

The oxygen masks are only meant for short-termuse: The oxygen masks that drop 
down in case of an emergency are only meant toprovide oxygen for a short period 
of time, usually between 12-20 minutes. This is enoughtime for the pilot to 
descend to a lower altitude where passengers can breathenormally.

The air quality on airplanes is usually better thanyou think: Many people 
assume that the air quality on airplanes is poor, but inreality, the air inside 
the cabin is filtered and circulated every few minutes.Modern airplanes are 
equipped with HEPA filters that can remove up to 99.9% ofairborne particles, 
including viruses and bacteria.

The emergencyexit row seats come with extra responsibilities: If you're seated 
in anemergency exit row, you'll be expected to assist in the event of an 
emergency.This means you'll need to be physically capable of opening the 
emergency exit,understanding the instructions provided by the flight attendant, 
and beingwilling to help others escape.

The flight attendants are trained for much more thanserving drinks: Flight 
attendants are highlytrained professionals who are responsible for passenger 
safety. They're trainedin first aid, emergency procedures, and evacuations, and 
are ready to handleany situation that may arise during a flight.

Q9           Wheredid humans originate from? South Africa or East Africa? Some 
people say east,some people say south. Which one is more correct?

A9           Matt Riggsby, MA ArchaeologicalStudies, Boston University Mar 3


There are a coupleof competing hypotheses about human origins. Most of ourearly 
fossil evidence comes from East Africa. However, that is to someextent, and 
perhaps a very considerable extent, the product of geologicalconditions. 
There’s a geological fault running north to south through EastAfrica where the 
continent is slowly being pulled apart. This exposes vastvertical profiles and 
allows relatively easy access to very old geologicalstrata, which means that 
it’s relatively easy to find evidence in that region.The ease of finding stuff 
in East Africa biases our samples in favor ofthat region. 

On the other hand, there are some interpretations ofgenetic evidence which 
fairly strongly suggest a South African origin for ourspecies, but our evidence 
there is mostly indirect andbased on a body of evidence which is, like our 
fossil evidence, possiblyincomplete in some way.

So, then,neither answer is necessarily wrong. Both are plausible.The only way 
of being less correct is to be confident about a single answer.

Q10         Whywas barbed wire such a common thing on the battlefields during 
the World Warsand why don't they make thicker clothing to keep their soldiers 

A10         Andy Duffell,Ex-air  force armourer7mo

Thicker clothingwon’t really help, because you’ll still get snagged on the 
wire. All obstaclesare covered by fire, so if you get snagged in the wire 
you’re immobilised andwill get shot.

Barbed wire or even razor wire is designed to entangleyou.It’s not really going 
to do you much harm, just small cuts really. It mighthurt but won’t do you any 
real harm. In fact a common way for troops to cross small wireobstacles was for 
the first man to throw themselves onto the wire, squashing itflat and allowing 
his comrades to run over the top of him. Yes, thefirst guy would get some 
scratches and cuts, but they’re soldiers. It’s adangerous job.

We were always taught to make our wire obstacles at leastthe height of a man, 
so they couldn’t just be jumpedon. Smallest thing we ever built was a triple 
stack like this:

My note- If one observeChennai international airport, we can see the barbed 
wire erected over high raisedcompound wall coming in the landing and departing 
path. But this is the reason, strikes menow. (Sirs, I admit I am a person 
learning things and not knowing all things inthe world just because I am a 
former ITS. )

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on   21-03- 2023. 

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan, former ITS,  on 22-03-2023


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