CULTURAL QA 03-2023-27

Q1           Howdo I make a refrigerator, and what's its maximum temperature 
inside it?

A1           Azaz Alam, Mechanical Engineering atMechanical Engineering 
(2020–present)Jan 4

A refrigeratorworks by using acooling system to remove heat from the inside of 
the appliance and transfer itto the outside. The temperature inside the 
refrigerator iscontrolled by a thermostat, which turns the cooling system on 
and off as neededto maintain a consistent temperature.

The maximumtemperature inside a refrigerator will depend on the specific model 
and how itis set up. ***Mosthousehold refrigerators are designed to keep the 
temperature inside at a cool40°F (4°C) or below. However, the thermostat can be 
adjusted to change the temperaturerange if desired.

To make arefrigerator, you would need to design and build a cooling system, a 
sealedinsulated chamber to hold the food and other items, a way to circulate 
airinside the chamber, and a control system to regulate the temperature. This 
is acomplex process that requires a variety of specialized skills and 
materials. Itis not something that most people would be able to do on their own.

My note- Present day many fridges in India havethermostat arrangement for less 
cooling tray for vegetables separately. Alsogeneral temperature is kept more 
than 10 degree C. except in chill tray. 

Q2           Whatare some interesting facts about WWII?

A2           Now posted by Agha Khan,Mar 20

Answered by JonTrew, Prolific reader & opinionated know it all! Updated 6y

During the battlefor Monte Cassino in Italy, Polish soldiers used a bear named 
Wojtek to help them carry ammunition!The bear carried boxes of ammunition some 
weighing in at over 100 pounds,from supply trucks to artillery positions on the 
front lines and was evenpromoted to the rank of Corporal.

The bear had been purchased by one of their officers whenthey were stationed in 
Iran. He was loved by the Polish soldiers and they usedto wrestle and play with 
him and even taught him to salute.When it came time for the regiment to be 
transferred to Italy so Wojtek couldtravel with them, thebear was officially 
drafted into the Polish Army as a Private and was listedamong the soldiers of 
the 22nd Artillery Supply Company.

After the war was over Wojtek was given to Edinburgh Zoowhere he lived until 
his death in 1963. The Bear carrying a shell became theofficial insignia of the 
Polish 22nd Artillery Regiment.

Note. In somesources the spelling of the bears name is anglicised to Voytek. I 
have chosento use the original spelling of Wojtek.

Q3           DoAfrican Wild Dogs attack humans if provoked?

A3           Uzma, I am a researcher and writerwith over 5 years experience. 
Mar 12

African Wild Dogs, also known as Painted Dogs, aregenerally not considered a 
significant threat to humans.These dogs are social and highly intelligent, and 
they typically avoid conflict with humanswhenever possible.

However,like any wild animal, African Wild Dogs are capable of defending 
themselves ifthey feel threatened or provoked. In rare cases,these dogs may 
become aggressive towards humans if they perceive them as athreat or if they 
are cornered or provoked.

It is important tonote that African Wild Dogsare a protected species, and it is 
illegal to harm or kill them in manyparts of their range. If you encounter an 
African Wild Dog in the wild, it isbest to observe them from a safe distance 
and avoid approaching or interactingwith them. If you feel threatened, it is 
best to slowly back away and leave thearea.

Q4           Whatare the things that water do to the human body?

A4           Laiba Ashraf,Masters in Infection andImmunity, University of 
Chester (Graduated 2022)5y

Your body relies on water to act as a courier system.Water transports nutrients 
to every cell in your body and then carries awaywaste products from cells. 
Whenyou digest food, the nutrients become water-soluble and then enter 
thecirculatory system, borne on blood that is 92 percent water. 

As your bodyproduces cell waste, your body's water-based fluids move the waste 
from cells,and lubricate the kidneysto cleanse the body of toxins. Water also 
keeps bowel movements runningsmoothly to rid the body of additional waste.

Water's benefitsdon't stop there. Yourbody uses it for a plethora of other 
functions, too. It's a big part of thefluid that surrounds, cushions and 
lubricates joints. 

And, water fuels the fluids that create saliva, andmoisten the mouth, nose and 
other mucus membranes.Water is vital to the brain's health and functioning, too.

Why your body needswater?

- Water transportsnutrients to other organs.

- Water reduces fatigue, provides energy and suppresseshunger.

- Water protectsand lubricates joints and strengthens muscles.

- If skin cells receive a sufficient amount of water, theskin remains elastic 
and the wrinkling and aging process is slower.

- Water isnecessary for normal cardiovascular function.

- Water helpsregulate the body temperature and prevents the human body from 
overheating.For example, people sweat more during warm months so the water 
cools down thebody. Water also supplies the body with minerals lost 
duringperspiration. Meanwhile, as the environmental temperature drops down 
dueto water-related processes the body accumulates heat preventing it from 

Q5           Howmany muscles are there in the human body?

A5           Doctor29,Medical blogging platform1y

There are about 700 muscles among which 650 are skeletalmuscles in the human 
body. There are three mainclassifications of muscles in the human body. They 
are-    1 Skeletal muscles   2 Cardiac muscles    3 Smoothmuscles

Q6           Whydoes a dead body float in water while a live body sinks?

My note- I requestthose members who feels  such topicsallergic, to skip the QA.

A6           Martin Kobla Fianu, Former Head ofDepartment4y

The depth adrowning person gets to before and after dying depends upon several 
factorsamong which are, the type of clothing worn by drowning person, the 
body'sorientation and height from which the person fell into the water, the 
thrashingmovements of feet and arms, how turbulent the water body was, i.e. 
presence orabsence of strong currents or eddies and type of water body, i.e. 
whetherfreshwater or sea. 

A person will sink deeper in freshwater than the sea, andheavy clothing will 
keep the person sinking till he/she gets to a point wherethe body's density 
equals that of the water. Randomthrashing will get the person rising and 
sinking, whilst falling from a heightvertically, feet or head first will make 
the person sink very rapidly anddeeper, so also will strong currents, eddies or 
waves do same. However, ittakes a very short time (probably less than five 
minutes) for people with theirhead in water to die of asphyxiation and their 
lungs do not completely fillwith water. They inhaleonly a small quantity and 
that's not what makes them sink after dying. 

Dead bodies will sink to the bottom of shallow waterbodies but in deeper ones, 
they will stop sinking at depths where water andbody densities are equal, then 
as microorganismsin the lungs and digestive tract and various putrefaction 
enzymes undertaketheir activities, they produce gasses which make the corpse 
bloat like aballoon. 

At this stage the body rises towards the surface at arate commensurate with 
rate of gas generation.Because of its salt content, the sea is more buoyant 
than freshwater. Thus, dead bodies float fasterin former than the latter. 

In freshwater systems, dead bodies usually take threedays to float but a day or 
maximum two days for the waves to drop dead bodieson beaches.

My note- There is a Tamil song- “Undakki vittavarkal randuperu- Kondu poyi 
cherthavarkal Nalu peru”

The dead bodyweighs more initially, but if death occurs in water, irrespective 
of weightincrease, it starts floating because of the action of microorganisms 
in the lungs and digestive tract and various putrefactionenzymes undertake 
their activities, they produce gasses which make the corpsebloat like a balloon 
and dead body never sinks. 

Q7           Canyou tell some Fun facts about big birds:

A7           Journey into the Wild,Posted by PhiloYan Mar 7

Ostriches can't fly, but no birds can match their speedon land.

Ostriches are thefast runners of any bird or other two-legged animal and can 
sprint at over 70 km/hr, covering upto 5m in a single stride.

With their long, strong legs ostriches can cover morethan 10 feet in a single 

Theflightless ostrich is the world's largest bird.

Ostriches havethree stomachs.

Unlike all otherliving birds, theostrich secretes urine separately from feces.

An average ostrich egg weighs around 3 pounds or 1.36078 kg(about the weight of 
two dozen chicken eggs!) and is about 6 inches or 15.25 cmlong.

Q8           DoIndian trains have both air-conditioned (AC) and 
non-air-conditioned (non-AC)coaches? If so, why are the berths in the AC 
coaches wider?

A8           Ankit Barnawal, Former Student atDoon Business School, Dehradun 

Yes, Indian trainshave both air-conditioned (AC) and non air-conditioned (non 
AC) coaches. The berths in the AC coaches arewider because there are less 
number of seats in AC class as compared to sleeperclass, whether you talk about 
the ICF coach or LHB coach of a train.

My note- Passenger pay through nose for such addedfacilities like wider berths.

Look at the totalnumber of seats in every class of air-conditioned (AC) and non 
air-conditioned(non AC) coach of Indian Railways.

Seat Layout ofdifferent travel class of ICF coach

AC III tier - 64passengers.    AC II tier - 48passengers.    AC First Class - 
24passengers.    Sleeper Class - 72passengers.

Seat Layout ofdifferent travel class of LHB coach

AC III tier - 72passengers.    AC II tier - 54passengers.    AC First Class - 
26passengers.    Sleeper Class - 80passengers.

Hence, you can figureout that in sleeper class, the total number of seats is 
more than theair-conditioned (AC) class of travel.

Q9           Howis it that the current flowing through a series circuit is the 
same whendifferent components (bulbs, resistors) have different resistance?

A9           Gopala Krishnan,Former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966–2004)Just now

When a number ofequipment in the sectional wiring working together, there can 
be less currentfor certain equipment.

Consider a home having single phase supply. If the wetgrinder/mixer, electric 
iron, sump motor and room AC are switched ONsimultaneously, one can observe AC 
will trip, sump motor also may trip.Electric iron may not heat.

But if the AC aloneis switched ON and all others switched OFF, one can observe 
it is not tripping;Similar with other equipment.

If you are living in a flat, when mains failure is there,it will be indicated, 
and there will be instruction not to switch ON waterheaters, washing machines, 
iron boxes etc, when working on generator power

When three orfour fans. lights are switched ON in a section series connection, 
it is notMUCH felt because increase in resistance is not very high.

In simplewords when high resistance equipment are connected in series there is 
drop incurrent and voltage. The statement in your question is WRONG.

Q10         Whyis India's economy poor although it has so many youth?

A10         T.M. Gautham, Left Handed & RightMinded Updated 2y

Law of diminishing returns is the answer!

There was a DosaStall in an office food court. The dosa stall had only one dosa 
master whocould make 60 tasty dosas in an hour.

The stall owner sawmany customers going to other stalls in the food court 
because the customershad to wait long for dosas as there was only one chef 
preparing dosas for somany customers. The owner hired one more dosa master so 
that 120 dosas can beprepared in a hour.

The move worked andthey produced 120 dosas per hour which halved the wait time. 
More customersstarted visiting the stall due to the low wait time.

As the number ofcustomers increased the waiting time increased despite having 2 
masters. Theowner now hired a third master so that 180 dosas can be prepared in 
an hour.

But the ownernoticed that only 150 dosas were prepared in an hour. He wanted to 
know whyonly 150 dosas were prepared in a hour with 3 chefs (50 dosas per chef) 
whilethey could prepare 120 dosas in an hour with 2 chefs (60 dosas per chef).

The dosa masters told that the owner that now there arethree masters, the dosa 
pan is not wide enough for three masters to preparedosas at a time. They will 
need to buy one more pan to accommodate the newchef.

This is the law of diminishing returns.In short it means that if we just 
increase one factor of production keeping theothers same, the output would 
become less efficient.

The dosa stallowner increased his labour but did not increase the capital 

Our country has a lot of labour, but we do not have thebest technology to use 
the labour to produce stuff.We need to bring technology to our country and get 
training to use thetechnology and make quality stuff to get rich.

Having the biggest pool of youngsters is not something toboast unless we bring 
technology and capital to our country and train them.In forty years they will 
turn into biggest pool of senior citizens.

My note- I have adisagreement. If we see an accident site restoring in railway 
track or wastematerial disposal area, wefind less people working. Many are not 
able to do manual labour orcertain types of labour. Wefind many persons waiting 
in Barber shops for hair cutting. Though thebarber shop is equipped with three 
persons to work, mostly only one is therefor the job. Reluctancywith people to 
do jobs is also to be considered. 

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on   30-03- 2023. 

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan, former ITS,  on 31-03-2023


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