A1     Jordan is back with the funny q and a . Mr G are you sure about it?
I shall write with a bit of decency some time later if you do not do
anything. It is nonsense.
A2  Again another senseless answer .
A3 who said sonot in India?
A6    why not USB at Intel invented by Ajay Butt from India working there.
Vonod Dham, an Indian at Intel invented the Pentium chip. Anadish and
Pranav Indian boys. Krishna Bharat of google. There are many more but
western won't speak about it all as long as some people view them with
awesome blinking. Humpteen inventions in India by the Indians are not
written in Quora.   KR IRS 7423

On Thu, 6 Apr 2023 at 19:11, 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty <
thatha_patty@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 04-2023-07*
> Q1         If humans had evolved 315,000 years ago, why did we suddenly
> start populating rapidly starting a few thousand years ago?
> A1         Claire Jordan,  Degree in biology and folklore; programmer,
> shop owner, secretary on newspaper9h
> We stopped sleeping with our babies at night. Seriously.
> Breast-feeding every few hours suppresses ovulation, so you don’t get
> pregnant again until the first kid is weaned, but if you leave even one
> gap of more than about four hours between feeds and then have sex bingo,
> you’re pregnant again.
> Q2         Do horses stand over water buckets when they are not thirsty?
> A2         Sheraz Zaheer, Modern Business Logo Design Mar 29
> *Horses may stand over water buckets even when they are not thirsty*.
> This behaviour is often seen in horses that are bored or have nothing else
> to do. Some horses enjoy playing with water, and standing over a bucket may
> give them something to do. In addition, standing over a bucket of water
> can help cool a horse down on a hot day.
> However, *it is important to ensure that a horse always has access to
> fresh water, as they need to drink regularly to stay hydrated*. Horses
> can quickly become dehydrated, which can lead to serious health problems.
> Therefore, *it is important to monitor a horse's water intake and ensure
> that they always have access to clean, fresh water.*
> Q3         Why do Indian students not do a part-time job in India, but
> they do it in foreign countries?
> A3         Gopal Gupta, Feb 6
> I’m pretty sure that, by ‘*part-time job’, the questioner means ‘blue
> collar jobs’.*
> Otherwise, it’s a myth that Indian students don’t do part-time jobs in
> India.
> I myself worked at a coaching center as a Mathematics tutor for five long
> years alongside my Masters’.
> *There are statistics available which shows that almost 37% delivery
> persons of Swiggy are doing their work alongside their ongoing formal
> education.*
> It’s not like they don’t want to get into a blue collar part time job.
> They don’t need to do so. Because, they can earn way more money by just
> teaching students.
> *Also, in Indian society, people underestimate blue collar jobs. Which is
> definitely not the case while living abroad.*
> Living in a western country like US, you can work at a supermarket hours
> for 6 after college and earn $10- $15 per hour.
> You can work there without a worry of being noticed by someone who will
> tell your parents about this and you would have no option left except
> sleeping outside of your house that night.
> *Because, people don’t judge there.*
> Your dignity won’t be harmed just because you work at a supermarket.
>     -Why do Indian students not do a part-time job in India, but they do
> it in foreign countries?
> Only students from privileged families don’t do a part-time job in India
> for very obvious reasons.
> Q4         If you see a person living in a high standard house but
> wearing a normal cost clothes and using a use and throw pen, what would be
> your thoughts about the person?
> A4         Ganesh Jadhav, Mar 30
> Firstly, unlike many think, I won’t consider it as simplicity.Let me
> explain why
> Once, Superstar Rajnikanth was asked this question in one interview*— Is
> your simplicity because you think all this wealth and power are maya,
> illusion?*
> He told
> I don’t understand why people call me simple.    I travel in a BMW car. I
> stay in a luxury house at Poes Garden.    When I travel outside, I check
> into 5-Star and 7-Star hotels.
> *You find me simple just because of the dress I wear?*
> So
> My thoughts would be that this is the importance the person gives to pen
> and clothes financially. He knows what is their worth and doesn’t overspend
> on those. Rather, he spends on things that are luxury to him.
> This is nothing uncommon*.    Bill Gates wears a $10 Wrist Watch.    Mark
> Zuckerberg wears the same grey T-Shirt regularly.    Sudha Murthy never
> wears jewellery.*
> People who are rich know where to spend and where not to. Also, they are
> not under the pressure to ‘look’ rich.
> My note- Many rich people appear simple though they are rich/very rich.
> Some do hard work and physical works also.
> Q5         How did the Dead Sea become a sea of salt and not a lake
> anymore?
> A5         Steven Haddock, Studied at York University (Canada)Mar 30
> The Dead Sea sits in a rift in the earth where two tectonic plates are
> pulling away from each other. Many such rifts and deep depressions have
> lakes in them, such as Lake Baikal and Lake Superior.
> *The difference between the Dead Sea and Lake Baikal is that Lake Baikal
> drains and the Dead Sea doesn’t*. The depression that forms the Dead Sea
> is surrounded by mountains so water can’t flow out of the lake.
> This creates a problem - salt. Salt comes into lakes from the land rivers
> flow over, dissolved in the water. Lakes like Superior and Baikal are
> constantly losing water as fast as they gain it, so the concentration of
> salt doesn’t increase. However, all lakes have evaporation, and when you
> evaporate water with salt in it, the salt concentration increases. That’s
> why the oceans are salty - there’s no where for the salt to go.
> The Dead Sea is VERY salty. Oceans are about 3.5% salt. The water of the
> Dead Sea is 30% salt. *That’s because the oceans, on the whole, are very
> cold and can’t hold a lot of salt. The Dead Sea, on the other hand, is in a
> sub-tropical zone so it’s water is very much warmer, which allows more salt
> to get dissolved.*
> And once that salt reaches the Dead Sea, it stays there. Forever. As less
> water flows into the Dead Sea from the Jordan River (it’s only source of
> water - it doesn’t rain a lot) the existing water evaporates - slowly to be
> sure as salt water has a much higher boiling temperature than fresh water. As
> such, there are massive crystal salt formations around the Dead Sea now.
> That salt ain’t going anywhere.
> The same is true of the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea, as well as Great
> Salt Lake
> Q6         What are some mind-blowing facts related to technology?
> A6         Digital Services And Products, CEO, Motivational Speaker &
> Online Entrepreneur at Freedom Guider (2019–present)Mar 30
> There are many mind-blowing facts related to technology that showcase the
> incredible advancements that have been made in recent years. Here are some
> of the most fascinating:
> 1. The first computer mouse was made of wood: The first computer mouse
> was invented by Doug Engelbart in 1963 and was made of wood. It had two
> wheels and a single button.
> 2. The first smartphone was released in 1992: The first smartphone was
> called the IBM Simon and was released in 1992. It had a touch screen, email
> capabilities, and could run third-party apps.
> 3. The first website went live in 1991: The first website went live on
> August 6, 1991. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee and was hosted on a NeXT
> computer at CERN in Switzerland.
> 4. The world's first webcam was invented to monitor coffee: The world's
> first webcam was invented at the University of Cambridge in the early 1990s
> to monitor the level of coffee in the break room.
> 5. The first 1GB hard drive cost $40,000: The first 1GB hard drive was
> released in 1980 and cost $40,000. Today, you can buy a 1TB hard drive for
> less than $50.
> 6. The first computer virus was created in 1986: The *first computer
> virus was called the "Brain" and was created in 1986 by two Pakistani
> brothers. It infected 5.2" floppy disks and spread by making copies of
> itself.*
> 7. The world's first 3D-printed house was built in 2014: The world's first
> 3D-printed house was built in China in 2014. It took just 45 days to
> print and assemble the house, which was made of concrete.
> 8. The first self-driving car was created in 1986: The first self-driving
> car was created by Carnegie Mellon University in 1986. It was called the
> Navlab and used cameras and sensors to navigate.
> 9. The first video game was created in 1958: The first video game was
> called "Tennis for Two" and was created by physicist William Higinbotham
> in 1958. It was played on an oscilloscope and used two knobs to control
> the paddles.
> *10. The world's first commercially available computer was the UNIVAC I:
> The UNIVAC I was the* world's first commercially available computer and
> was released in 1951. It weighed 13 tons and cost $1.6 million.
> These mind-blowing facts related to technology demonstrate the incredible
> advancements that have been made in recent years. *As technology
> continues to evolve and improve, it's exciting to think about what the
> future may hold.*
> Q7         Does it cost more electricity to leave a light on for 5
> minutes when I leave a room than to turn the light off right away and turn
> it back on when I return?
> A7         Loring Chien, electrical engineer and audiophile for 45 years
> Wed
> Incandescent have a rather large inrush current, meaning there is a
> penalty in power for turning it on. And its more than 20 times the running
> current but it only lasts maybe 20 ms or less. So really around a half a
> second of time being off more than saves what it takes to restart it. So 5
> minutes is saving 4 minutes and 59 seconds of electricity.
> *For LED the overall current is much less and the inrush is still there to
> charge up the power supply,* but its also much smaller. I’m virtually
> certain that a second of time off is more than enough to save the extra
> power required for starting it. Again, 5 minutes off is saving 4 minutes
> and 59 seconds of electricity
> *My note- The cost of wear and tear of switch in switching on and OFF LED
> bulbs, tubes, latest fans is much more than keeping them ON for short
> durations when not required. *
> Q8         What is costly, making 1 km of a national highway or a railway
> track?
> A8         Prashant Tiwari, Indian Railways Enthusiast Updated 3y
> It is exciting to know whether building 1 km fourlane national highway is
> costly or 1 km of railway track.
> *National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) estimate the average cost of
> building fourlane highways at Rs 8-9 crore per km* and six-lane highways
> at around Rs 14 crore per km, inclusive of land costs.
> whereas
> *Construction of one kilometer of normal railway track costs around 10–14
> crores* whereas construction of one kilometer of high speed railway track
> will cost Rs 100-140 crores.
> Constructing one kilometre of metro track costs 60–70 crores.
> Note: Construction cost of both highways and railway tracks depends on
> various factors and it may vary time to time and place to place.
> Q9         What is something that happens only in medical colleges?
> A9         Sagar Singh, Lives in Gujarat, India (2019–present) Updated
> Jan 25
> You will experience the highest of highs and lowest of lows at the same
> place. You will see students partying whole night (like there's no
> tomorrow). And *the same bunch of people won’t come out of their rooms
> for weeks (during the time of internal exams and final proffs.)*
> Dissection hall is the playground for most of the romantic stories. This
> is the place where girls and boys approach each other. In the initial few
> weeks, every one is keen on dissecting the cadaver. *But after a month or
> so, you will mostly see students chit chatting in the dissection hall. This
> is the place where most of the love stories blossoms in first year of MBBS.*
> Your non medico friends will call you in the middle of the night for
> asking you about sex related tips, best contraceptive measures, safe period
> to have sex and so much more. For me, this is the funniest part of being a
> medico.
> Some medicos do have decent handwriting. :)
>  “ If people get to see how MBBS students live and enjoy in their
> hostels, they will never come to them for treatment. “ I read this
> somewhere and I completely agree with this. *You will see us using
> abusive words whenever we are with our friends, but we act super decent
> when we are in our college or hospital. We keep our professional and
> personal life separate from each other.*
> Friends that we make here stay with us for lifetime. They will no longer
> remain just your friends, they will become a part of your family.
> MBBS is a great leveller. You will see strongest people breaking down,
> the brightest kids failing, the dumbest kids scoring highest marks and what
> not. No matter who you are, this field of medicine will make you humble.
> My note- I enjoyed the reality written.
> Q10       What are the 7 most common RO water purifier issues and
> solutions?
> A10       Amit Kumar, Studied Science (Graduated 2010)Mar 31
> Reverse osmosis (RO) water purifiers are an effective way to remove
> impurities from water and provide clean, safe drinking water. However, like
> any appliance, they can sometimes experience issues. *Here are seven of
> the most common RO water purifier issues and solutions:*
> Slow flow rate: If the flow rate of your RO water purifier is slow, it
> could be due to clogged filters or a malfunctioning membrane. Try replacing
> the filters and membrane to see if that resolves the issue.
> Leaks: Leaks can occur at various points in the RO system, including the
> fittings, tubing, and membrane housing. Check for loose or damaged
> connections and replace any faulty parts.
> My note- Since SALTY  water flowing except at outlet, the PVC cable can
> become rusty. The joints are made in a L connector or straight connector
> just by pushing in and pulling out. It is a weak point. Good service
> people replace them in EVERY VISIT.
> Foul taste or odor: A foul taste or odor in your RO water could be due to
> a build up of contaminants in the filters or membrane. Try replacing the
> filters and membrane, and make sure to clean and sanitize the system
> regularly.
> Low water pressure: Low water pressure can be caused by clogged filters
> or a malfunctioning pump. Try replacing the filters and pump to see if
> that resolves the issue.
> Wastewater production: RO systems produce a significant amount of
> wastewater as part of the purification process. If you are concerned about
> water wastage, you can install a permeate pump to improve efficiency.
> My note- Waste water is a mis-norm. It can be called outlet water. It can
> be used for watering plants and washing vessels, floors etc.
> Low pH levels: If your RO water has a low pH level, it could be due to a
> build up of carbon dioxide in the system. *Try flushing the system with
> fresh water to remove the CO2 and improve the pH level.*
> *My note- Periodically cleaning over head tank, and replacing filters
>  will give excellent pH value. I am feeding water from borewell, salty, but
> output water is very good with pH value between 12 and 15.*
> Noisy operation: A noisy RO system could be due to a malfunctioning pump
> or motor. Try replacing these components to see if that resolves the issue.
> In general, regular maintenance and replacement of filters and membranes
> can help prevent many of these issues from occurring. Consult your RO
> system's manual or a professional technician for specific instructions on
> maintenance and troubleshooting.
> *All the above QA are from  Quora  website  on   06-04-2023*
> *Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .*
> *Compiled **and posted by R. Gopala Krishnan, 79,  former ITS on
> 07-04-2023*
> --
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