*Mar*The Growth of Perception from Birth-Deviation by Education

A baby starts as a zygote when 23 chromosomes of the father and 23
chromosomes of the mother fuse. The size of the zygote is microscopic. But
it contains the six feet long DNA with billions of base pairs, the organism
the mitochondrian,that starts the electricity as fuel, creating the
splicing of the zygote into two, two into four, on and on, till the baby
gets completed for delivery after nine months. During the nine months it is
in feeling and in emotional sensing in the heavenly mother’s womb that the
baby grows.

Even after birth or after the arrival into the world the baby does not see
but depends on feeling. Its primal perception was feeling and not seeing.
The two eyes do not coordinate immediately after birth. Gradually the baby
begins seeing as part of feeling, it cannot see without feeling.

In the name of education we remove the baby from feeling and drill into it
what is seen. If the baby is allowed to learn by means of breathing,
smelling, hearing and sensing, then it will develop the faculty of feeling
and it cannot be numbed into insensitivity, as mere seeing creates.

The glittering lights, the dazzling paints and colors, cannot succeed in
concealing the feeling dimensions. The pain and tragedies that the huge
metro cities conceal cannot succeed in concealing, when the very education
is based on feeling and not mainly on seeing. One automatically feels the
horrible misery and tragedy perpetrated on many life forms-the killed
forests, the poisoned and polluted water bodies, the killed flora, and it
will not be possible to pass off the glitter as great development. Every
huge city needs the destruction of nature on a very large scale. And the
city grows by continuously destroying nature. Only that part of nature that
enables the construction of facilities like water supply, vegetable supply
etc, will be allowed to live, to enable the economic life of the humans.

If from primary on, the education is based on feeling and hearing the
sounds of nature, then the insensitivity towards the tragedies inflicted on
nature, will not be ignored. The glittering lights will fail to conceal the
great tragedies. The Tiny Tots shall be allowed to continue the zygote
initiated method of learning, via breathing, smelling and sensing, or
simply identify nature with the womb of the mother. God has put the child
in the correct path of education. After birth, the child moves from the
womb of the mother to the bigger womb of nature.

But unfortunately we drag the child from its own perception based on
feeling and drill into it lessons totally based on seeing with the eyes. It
is not allowed to use the God given faculty of smelling, and hearing and
seeing nature, as a happy participant in the flora and the fauna. It is
bludgeoned into just reciting the lessons, after ignoring nature. The
so-called familiarity with nature in schools is actually the introduction
of the terrorized flora and fauna, nature terrorized by the economic
assaults. It is not free nature. Simply put the caged bird does not
represent the real birds happily chirping in nature. In the schools, some
schools only, the kids are introduced to caged nature only.

In some perversions, the kids are put into AC classrooms, not even allowed
to breathe the air from nature.

Today, we educated people just note that nature is getting completely
destroyed, not because of any concern for nature, but because writing about
it as a PhD thesis earns a PhD.


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