CULTURAL QA 06-2023-10

Q1           Is bakery bread healthy?

A1           Weights Loss Diet, Health Director |Loving Father | Business 

Bread is an essential part of our daily diet and has beenconsumed by humans for 
thousands of years. Most of usgrew up eating bread from the grocery store or 
bakery, but many people are nowquestioning whether bakery bread is healthy or 

The answer is notstraightforward, as itdepends on the type of bread and the 
ingredients used in the bakery.However, in general, bakery bread can be a 
healthy option if it is made fromwhole grains and does not contain added sugars 
or unhealthy fats.

Whole-grain bakery bread is a good source of fiber, whichis essential for 
digestive health and can help prevent chronic diseases such asheart disease, 
diabetes, and cancer. 

Fiber also helpskeep you feeling full for longer, which can aid in weight 
management.Whole-grain bread also contains important vitamins and minerals, 
including Bvitamins, iron, and magnesium.

However, not allbakery bread is made from whole grains. Some are made from 
refined grains, which have had the branand germ removed, leaving only the 
starchy endosperm. This processremoves most of the fiber and nutrients from the 
grain, making it less healthythan whole-grain bread. Refinedbread also tends to 
have a higher glycemic index, meaning it can cause a rapidincrease in blood 
sugar levels.

Another factor to consider is the added sugars and fatsin bakery bread. Some 
bakeries add sugar orhigh-fructose corn syrup to their bread to enhance the 
flavor, but this can add unnecessarycalories and contribute to health problems 
like obesity and type 2 diabetes.Similarly, some bakeries use unhealthy fats 
like trans fats or partiallyhydrogenated oils, which can increase the risk of 
heart disease.

To ensure that thebakery bread you are purchasing is healthy, there are a few 
things you can lookfor. 

First, check the label to see if it is made from wholegrains.Look for bread 
that has at least 3 grams of fiber per serving and does notcontain added sugars 
or unhealthy fats. You can also look for bread that ismade from alternative 
flours like almond or coconut flour, which can be lowerin carbohydrates and 
higher in protein and healthy fats.

Overall, bakerybread can be a healthy option if you choose wisely. Look 
forwhole-grain bread with minimal added sugars and fats, and enjoy it 
inmoderation as part of a balanced diet.

Q2           Why is blending fruit bad? Do fruitslose nutrients when blended?

A2           Farhad-Affiliate Marketing Expert,AffiliateMarketing | Health 
Consultant | Digital Marketer7h

Does blending a banana make it unhealthy?

Blending fruititself is not inherently bad, and it can be a convenient way to 
consume fruitsand obtain their nutrients. However, there are a few factors to 
considerregarding the potential loss of nutrients when blending fruit.

1. Oxidation: When fruits are blended, they areexposed to air, which can lead 
to oxidation. Oxidation can cause some nutrientloss, particularly for nutrients 
that are sensitive to air and heat, such asvitamin C.

2. Heat: The blending process can generate heat,especially if the blender 
operates at high speeds for an extended period.Heat-sensitive nutrients, 
including certain vitamins and enzymes, may bepartially degraded due to the 
heat produced during blending.

3. Fiber breakdown: Blending fruit breaks down thenatural fiber present in 
whole fruits. While this can make the nutrients moreeasily accessible for 
absorption, it may also affect the overall healthbenefits of the fiber. Whole 
fruits typically contain more dietary fiber, whichaids digestion and promotes 
feelings of fullness.

Despite theseconsiderations, blending fruit still retains many of its 
nutrients, and theimpact on overall nutrient loss can vary depending on factors 
such as thespecific fruit, blending duration, and storage conditions. 

Additionally,consuming blended fruits can be a convenient way to increase fruit 
intake,particularly for individuals who find it challenging to consume whole 

To maximize thenutritional benefits of blended fruit, consider the following 

1. Consume immediately: Drink the blended fruitright away to minimize exposure 
to air and potential nutrient degradation.

2. Store properly: If you need to store blended fruit,refrigerate it in an 
airtight container for a short period to slow downnutrient loss.

3. Balance your diet: While blended fruits can be ahealthy addition to your 
diet, it's important to maintain a balanced and varieddiet that includes whole 
fruits and a range of other nutritious foods.

Remember that the impact of blending on nutrient loss isgenerally modest 
compared to the overall nutritional value of fruits.

Q3           What would happen if you flew a planeover an earthquake?

A3           Vishnu Ravi,Bachelor of Engineeringin Aerospace and Aeronautical 
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,Madras (IITM) (Graduated 2015)Wed

Flying a planeabove an earthquake would yield no discernible sensations. The 
seismic waveswould be greatly weakened, unable to surpass the overpowering 
noise of theaircraft's engine, let alone transmit tremors akin to those felt by 
individualson the ground below.

Even if these waves managed to reach the customarycruising altitude of 30,000 
feet (9,144 meters), their potency would besignificantly diminished by their 
passage through themediums of rock and air, rendering them undetectable. 
However, pilots may be impactedby earthquakes in other ways.

Vibrations causedby seismic activity can result in runway lights malfunctioning 
or the runwayitself cracking, posing potential risks during takeoff and landing.

Passengersaboard airplanes might experience a sensation of bouncing or lateral 
movementduring an earthquake, but this can be attributed toturbulence rather 
than the earthquake directly.

Q4           Where was the electricity supplyfirst introduced in India?

A4           C Yours 2025,BUSINESS CONSULTANT atAuburn Properties 

The electricity supply was first introduced in India inKolkata (formerly known 
as Calcutta), which was the capital of British India atthe time. 

The city witnessed the inauguration of the first electricstreet lighting system 
on December 24, 1879. This eventmarked the beginning of the electric era in 
India. The electricity was generated at the Cossipore powerstation, and the 
system was initially used to illuminate the streets ofKolkata. Over time, the 
electrical infrastructure expanded, and the useof electricity spread to other 
cities and regions across the country.

Q5           Does air conditioning reducehumidity?

A5           Anandteerth Deshpande, Mech. Engineerwith experience in HVAC and 
passionate in energy audits.4y

Humidity in room air is not only because of ambient air.It is also because of 
internal latent heat emitters such as gas burners,people, steam generating 
equipment, permeated moisture from walls, roof andfloor, etc.

Humidity is not aterm used by those who are engineers in the field of air 
conditioning andrefrigeration. There are two kinds of humidity we need to be 
aware of:

Specific Humidity: It’s the number of grains ofmoisture present in air at a 
particular condition in one cubic feet of air.

Relative humidity: It’s the ratio of specific humidityof the subject sample of 
air in one cubic feet to the specific humidity ofsaturated air of the same 

You will be able tofind both the above using a psychrometric chart. All you 
need to measure is drybulb and wet bulb temperature of the sample air and plot 
it on thepsychrometric chart.

Assuming thatall the doors/ windows are properly closed, a split air 
conditioner circulatesair within the room through the indoor unit using its 
fan.While passing through the fan, the air passes through a chilled coil, 
whichcarries low temperature low pressure refrigerant inside its tubes. Coil 
surface temperature of a well designed and well maintainedevaporator is always 
lower than the dew point temperature of the incoming air.

Since, thecondition of air goes near to the dew point, air precipitates much 
like you seemoisture sticking on a car’s surface parked in cold winter night. 
The rest ofthe air that has passed through the coil, has high RH at that point 
of coilsurface temperature, since air temperature is close to its dew point.

So, when the air passes through the coil, the excessmoisture carried by the air 
as it collects all that sensible and latent heatfrom the room of it gets 
dehumidified yet remains chilledso that it is able to collect the sensible and 
latent heat inside the room yetagain after re-circulation.

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on  10-06- 2023. 

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan, on 10-06-2023


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