CULTURALQA 07-2023-11

Q1           What will happen if I cannot pay aBSNL broadband bill on time?

A1           Krishna Kumar,Telecom Engineer atBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited 
(BSNL) (2007–present)6y

Normallyafter 15 days of pay-by-date the Outgoing facility of attached landline 
andbroadband facility will be suspended. Again after 15days the incoming 
facility to that number will be discontinued. After 60 days from the date of 
disconnection, the number will bepermanently closed due to non- payment.

The outstandingbill will be sent to customer repeatedly for few months. After 
repeated intimations, ifthe amount is not paid by the defaulter, then a legal 
letter from court will besent to the defaulter and the legal proceedings will 
continue afterthat…

Q2           What good ideas were not takenforward?

A2           RI Shohag,5h

In 1963 AlfredHeineken, seeking recycling solutions, worked to develop a bottle 
shape for theHeineken brewery thatwould allow the packaging to be used as a 
building block after drinking thedrink.

The bottles had arectangular shape to allow them to be stacked and on one side 
they hadstructures that worked as "pins" and on the other they had holes sothat 
the pins from another bottle could be fitted, in addition to that therewas a 
large gap in the base that allowed the fit the neck of another bottle. The 
design created by architectJohn Habraken was called WOBO and a total of 100,000 
of these bottles weremanufactured.

According to thewebsite heineken collection

Despite good intentions, the bottle was met withresistance, particularly from 
Heineken's marketingdivision… However, Heineken had a garden house built in its 
owngarden using WOBO bottles…

Q3           What are some lesser-known stories ofLord Vishnu?

A3           JAI MAA VAISHNO DEVI, Updated 6mo

This is a veryinteresting but somewhat less known story outside Odisha.

Jahangir Kuli Khan, also known as Lalbeg was the Subedarof Bengal for one year 
during the reign of Jahangir, the Mughal empire.

During one of hismilitary excursions in Odisha he came across a young widowed 
Bhramin ladyreturning from her bath. Sheimmediately caught his fancy with her 
beauty and he abducted her and marriedher.

Salabeg was born tothem and his father raised him to fight in the military.

But in a battleSalabeg was seriously injured and his father left him and his 
mother as hefound Salabeg cannot survive.

His mother tried somany ways to cure him but all in Vain.Finally his mother 
gave up all hopes and told her son to chant Hare Krishna continuously and 
Krishna will curehim.

Though Salabegdidn't believe it initially he finally agreed to chant it to 
live.He startedchanting day and night in his death bed.

After two daysLord Krishna came in his dream and showed a place where a 
medicine is kept forhis disease.

When Salabegwoke up he came to the place shown by Krishna and surprisingly 
found themedicine there and got overwhelmed.

He got cured thenext day and he left his military career and went to live in 


One of his neighbors told him about Jagannath rath yatra ofOdisha and asked him 
to visit it. So he decided to pay a visit.

But he was late andhe prayed Krishna to wait for him.Puri Jagannath chariot 

The TempleManagement and others tried numerous ways to move the chariot but in 
vain.Finally they decided to build a temple in that place.

Salabeg camerunning there and pulled the rope and the chariot moved to 
everyone's surprise.


After hearing hisstory the Temple Management praised him and built a memorial 
for him in thatplace.

Still todaythere is a tradition of stopping the chariot in that place in the 
memory ofsalabeg.

This is a realstory and it shows lord vishnu loves his devotees irrespective of 
theirreligion.Jai Jagadeeshwar.

Q4           What are some great examples ofcoincidence?

A4           Ian O'Grady, Studied TV and FilmProduction 4h

On the night ofJanuary 6 1982 a passenger on a commercial jet was looking out 
the window asthe plane flew over the Colorado Mountains when he 
spottedheadlights blinkingSOS. The passenger brought this to the attention of 
the pilots whoradioed the location of the blinking light to police on the 

A massive rescueoperation was launched and rescuers found Alan Lee Philips 
stranded in a snowdrift.It was in the middle of a sever snow storm and the 
temperature had dropped downto -22. If it wasn’t for the passenger in the plane 
Alan wouldn’t have survivedthe night.

Alan literally had someone watching over him. For 40years Alan’s story has been 
hailed as miraculous,that was until D.N.A linked Alan to two cold case murders 
of two Coloradowomen.

It was Jan. 6,1982, a bitter cold evening with blizzard-like conditions, when 
two femalehitchhikers vanished from the popular ski resort town of 
Breckenridge,Colorado, and were later found shot to death.

On thatill-fated day, Barbara Jo Oberholtzer, and Annette Kay Schnee vanished 
withouta trace.It wasn't until six months later, when Annette's lifeless body 
was found, thatinvestigators made a chilling connection. Annette wore an orange 
sock, a recentgift from her mother, and her other orange sock was discovered 
near Bobbie Jo'sbody. This grim discovery left no doubt that the same personhad 
taken the lives of both women.

On the night of themurders the police had launched an all out rescue of Alan 
Lee Philips only todiscover 40 years later he got trapped in the snowdrift 
while disposing of thetwo murdered women bodies. He was arrested in 2021 after 
the D.N.A linked him to the crime. At 71years old he was convicted and sentence 
to two life terms in 2022 and willspend the remainder of his life behind bars.

Q5           What are the benefits of visitingTirupati Balaji temple?

A5           Revathi Chadaram, Btech in mechanicalengineering Andhra University 

U will definitelyexperience god in anyway in tirumala hills.He will make u feel 
his presence.

U will feel calm bythe nature of tirumala hills especially if u prefer 
steps(alipiri) to climb thehill.

U will be urselfatleast for one day without any tension even if u have, leave 
them at the feetof lord.

U will experienceeye feast by looking at lord Venkateswara Swamy in his most 
favourite attirewith ornaments,panchikattu,and tilak at forehead and 
pachakarpura at his tinychin and a well decorated Abhayahastha with several 
rathnas and many moregarlands also decorated to him.

Finally afterdarshan,u will get the world famous and most delicious prasad of 
tirumalabalaji that is nothing but laddu made of pure ghee and lot of cashews 
.It willmelt in ur mouth. U will never forget.

U can also havefree annaprasada at vengamamba annaprasada satram.

If u have moretime, u can visit sreevari padalu, silathoranam ,japali theertham 
etc. Om namovenkatesaya

Q7           What was the mysterious discoverythat still has no explanation?

A7            RI Shohag,8h

In India, high upin the Himalayan Mountains, there is a frozen lake that 
intriguesscientists to this day. And that thanks to a curious discovery.

Located 5029 metersabove sea level, Lake Roopkund forms in a snowy valley on 
one of the slopes ofTrisul Mountain. This is one of the highest in the region.

It is in a frozen state for most of the year, butdepending on the climate, 
there are times when the ice melts.

In one ofthese meltdowns, a macabre secret of the mountains came to light: 
dozens, orrather hundreds of human skeletons were found in that location.

The lake ofskeletons intrigues scientists, since there is no plausible 
explanation for somany people dead in the same place. 

Q8           What can we learn from Sudha Murthy?

A8           Avinash Kumar Mehta, IIT Bombay(PhD), IIT Kharagpur (M. Tech.), 
AIR 60(GATE'17)Updated Mar 13

Let me firstintroduce sudha Murthy. Sheis the founder of Infosys, Own Property 
worth 1000s of crores, Her Son in lawis UK's prime minister ….

In short, she haseverything, a person can dreams of.

With all these, sheshould be living like this

Despite, she isliving like this and do things like this.

Recently she has spotted cooking food on street outsidetemple during pongal.

Now coming to thequestion, what can we learn from her?

There are 100s ofthings but I would say, simplicity and down to earth 
behaviour. She has everything but she chose tostay down to earth. She is an 
example of down to earth person.

Q9           What are some of the best life hacksthat you learned from your 

A9           Gurmeet Bishnoi, Lives in Berlin(2023–present)Updated 1y

My grandparents gavebirth to 8 sons and 2 daughters which divided property into 
10 parts. But myparents gave birth to two only.

Life hack : Don't give birth to lot of kids. It affectsyour wealth and their 

Once my mom caughtme doing something wrong but she didn't say anything and 
never discussed this.

Life hack : Not every time is anger the solution. Afterthat I never got caught 
because I took more precautions.

My dad could gethigh class government job because in his time he studied lot 
but due to somepolitical issue he didn't get. Now he runs a school and did well.

Life hack : Don't stop if you don't get what you deserve.Keep trying, keep 
hardworking you would get better.

My note- Whileworking as a highschool assistant in Trikkariyur, I got selected 
as a clerk in Madras CTO.There was an inspector of post offices having his 
office in the same lodge Iwas staying.He advised me the prospects of joining  
in central government, higher salary, pensionbenefit, guarantee of job etc. I 
took his advice and joined as clerk. Theadvice of the senior staff, I applied 
for Phone inspector, selected. It was injust 9months. At that time I applied 
for ESP(Junior Engineer), got selectedwith in 6 months. Gradually promoted as 
SG ESP, AE, DE and finally Asst GeneralManager. I followed - Keeptrying, keep 
hardworking you would get better.

 My mom never gets angry, never backbites likeother ladies and she is very 
chilled lady. That's why no one hates her.

Life hack : Remain chilled, don't say bad about anyoneand keep helping others. 
You would get immense love.

My dad did arrangemarriage and it has been 25 years. Still everyday after 
coming from school, mydad helps my mom in household work happily.

Life hack : Love can be in arrange marriage also. All weneed is to support our 
partner and behave lovely.

Q10         What few know about Albert Einstein?

A10         RI Shohag,9h

 Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić met in 1896.They entered the Polytechnic 
University of Zurich, Switzerland, in the class ofphysics and mathematics. 
There were also three other students – Marić was the only female.

>From the start,Albert and Mileva became inseparable. They studied together 
>and, in the summer,exchanged passionate correspondence. In 1900, Einstein 
>risked a poem for crush.Then he sent her a sketch of her foot so she could 
>knit him a pair of socks.Cute, isn't it?

But the passion wasnot eternal. Here is alist compiled by the German physicist 
in 1914 directed at Mileva (the two werealready married at the time):


A. It is up to youto ensure that:

My clothes arealways clean and in order;

I receive my threemeals normally in my rooms ;

That my room andoffice are always well-kept and, above all, that my desk is 
used only by me .

B. You will refrain from any personal relations withme unless absolutely 
necessary for social reasons. Above all, you will give up:

my company at home;    go out or travel with me.

C. You will observe the following points in yourdealings with me:

He will not expectany intimacy from me, nor will he scold me in any way;

He will stoptalking to me when i ask him to;

You will leave myroom or my office immediately and without objection when i ask 
you to.

D. You will undertake not to belittle me, in word ordeed, in front of our 


The list was oneof several Einstein documents found in 1986, 31 years after the 
scientist'sdeath (the abovetranslation came from the book Extraordinary Lists, 
by Shaun Usher). The letters were stored in a bank vault in Berkeley, USA, and 
went up forauction in the following decade. These records revealed 
unprecedentedinformation about Einstein's academic and, above all, private life.

All the above QA are from Quora websiteon   11 -07-2023.

Quora answers neednot be 100% correct answers.

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala Krishnan, 79,  on 11-07-2023.


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