CULTURALQA 07-2023-12

Q1           Is it possible to get a BSNL SIM cardin Dubai?

Gopala Krishnan,FormerAsst. General Manager, Retired at Bharat Sanchar Nigam 
Limited (BSNL)Just now

Like Airtel, thisfacility is not with BSNL. Even Airtel now with one family one 
bill plan provides local S I Ms inIndia itself which will be automatically 
activated when one come from Dubai orany foreign country go India. Through out 
their stay this SIM can beused for all Indian calls
This facility isvery useful so that when one come from foreign country, he can 
intimate his landing,coming out etc to relatives. Similarly about luggage 
accepting, security check completedetc. when leaving. A small amount is charged 
as monthly rental.
I have got such an airtel SIM for my son who is an NRE.

The SIM if used inforeign countries, the charges will be much more. BSNL can 
also make sucharrangements. In fact with more towers those come from foreign 
countries cantalk to persons in remote areas with BSNL SIM.

Q2           Have you ever experienced karma inreal life?

 A2           Gaurav Jain,Former Student at AnupamKher (actor) 
(2017–2018)Updated 2y

It was a sunny day.I was going to my class. Suddenly I saw a lot of people 
gathered at one place. I stopped my bike and saw acow badly injured with her 
broken leg. She was trying hard to get up.

I just couldn'ttake it! I called a tempo and took the cow to the hospital.


Doctor: it will take around 5000 rs to treat her (a bigdeal for a 17 year kid)

Me: I will arrangethe money you start her operation.

I rushed to my home broke my piggybank and gave money tothe doctor

i just saw howcalmly the cow was walking after treatment i smiled and got away 
after 6 days!

I was going by the same road and suddenly I lost mybalance and fell from my bike

I felt like someonetook me in hands and put me on road

I got no injury!

when I opened myeyes I had fallen on the road.

I saw the same cowlooking at me with the bandages still on her!

I felt she savedme. I was on the 7th sky feeling the feel of karma!

Sorry for the grammatical mistakes if any!soI made this tag line of my life!

karma right  future bright ;

My note- See how honestly the boy writes- Sorry for the grammaticalmistakes if 
any. Admitting mistakes is a good character. There is a member  who doesnot 
have this moral in the groups . Ipity him. 

Q3           What is the most underrated inventionof all time?

A3           RI Shohag 2h

Many thousands ofyears ago, a bearded man ran into a narrow cave.He shook the 
snow off theanimal skins that covered him.

Outside, the windhowled, pushing the cold, burning air through the cavern in a 
steady gust, thesnow moving horizontally in the wind.

He crawled inside,an armful of twigs and bushes at his side.

Huddled in acorner, his family clung to each other, all of them shivering, 
stiff, theirbodies close to the physical limit of tolerance for the cold, 
severehypothermia was just minutes away for their youngest child.

Struggling, he pressed the bush into a heap.

He placed a chosenstick on another set of sticks positioned one above the 
other, fitting it,holding the sticks down, inserted a thin cylindrical branch 
between them,placed the palms of his hands on either side and began to press 
them indifferent directions. opposite in quick bursts. .

He'd manageda fire once before, months ago. But it was the only time he 
intentionallyachieved this.

He started to spin.Hisfamily watched, desperately hoping for warmth.

Slowly, slowly butsurely, the smoke began to emerge.A small red dot began to 

Seeing this, heswung the staff harder, his arms burning with the effort.The dot 
grew brighterand brighter.

And just as the small glowing dot is about to convertinto a small flame, a gust 
of wind from the blizzard changes the air in thecave, blowing it away.

He looked up, hisyoungest daughter's eyes were closed, lips blue.He started 
working on it again.

His arms burned, hespun as fast as he could.

A red dot formed.Hisfamily watching, waiting.

Brighter, brighter,brighter.

And finallyA small fire is born.

He slowly placessmall bushes around it.

He shields the firewith his body, preventing pulses of air from touching him.

Finally, when hegathers the family around the fire, they huddle together, 
soaking up the life-savingheat, saved from death only because he managed to 
create that fire.

Q4           What did Adi Shankaracharya do?

A4           Surendra Kumar Kumawat,Apr 6

Adi Shankaracharyamade arrangements for the protection of Sanatan Dharma and 
the nation, whichstill works today.

Adi Shankaracharyamade special arrangements. He placed a Brahmin priest from 
South India inBadrinath Dham located in the Himalayas of North India and a 
priest from NorthIndia in the temple of South India.

On the other hand, the priest of the West was kept in thetemple of Eastern 
India and the Brahmin priest of Eastern India was kept in thetemple of Western 
India. So that India becomes spiritually and culturallystrong in all the four 
directions and can be tied in the thread of unity.

Defense of the country

Adi Shankaracharyadivided the Dashnami Sanyasi Akharas to protect the country. 
The monks of theseakhadas are identified by the words behind their names. The 
words Van, Aranya,Puri, Bharati, Saraswati, Giri, Parvat Tirtha, Sagar and 
Ashram are followed bytheir names. According to their names, Adi Shankaracharya 
gave them differentresponsibilities, in which the ascetics named Van and Aranya 
have to protectreligion and nature by living in big or small forests.

It is also takencare of that no unrighteous can enter the country from these 
places.Sannyasis named Puri, Tirthaand Ashram have to protect pilgrimages and 
ancient monasteries.

The work of theascetics named Bharti and Saraswati is to protect the country's 
history,spirituality, religious texts and arrange for high level education in 

Sannyasis namedGiri and Parvata were appointed to protect the mountain, its 
inhabitants,medicine and natural resources.

Sannyasins namedSagar were deployed to guard against the sea and the enemies 
who came by sea.Shankaracharya was not only a philosopher with a towering 
personality, but alsoa political saint who once worked to unite our country.

After Vedvyas, Shankaracharya can be considered as thefirst creator who had 
combined Puranic and Vedic Hinduism.

It is saidthat Shankaracharya got absorbed in the dead body of King Amru of 
Kashmir by thepower of his yoga power. By making that body conscious inthis 
way, he experienced all kinds of physical experiences while living in itfor a 
long time.

Q5           What is the most Indian thing ever?

A5           Sainyam Agrawal, Defence Analyst18h 

He is Maharaja Bhawani Singh who was Maharajaof Jaipur. But he was not just a 
Maharaja who lived a lavish life in his bigpalace but choose tolive life other 
way around.

He joined Indian Army as an officer(2ndLt) and then volunteered to join the 10 
Para special forces. With leaving all the specialprivilege, comfort and power 
he choose to join special forces. Notonly this he decided not to take any 
salary from Indian Army and only took Rs 1/- as a tokenamount every month.

Later in 1971 hewas leading a operation 80km Inside Pakistan. Capturing Chachro 
for which hewas awarded MVC (3rd highest gallantry award of India) and 10 more 
gallantryawards were given to his team. 

All the above QA are from Quora websiteon   12 -07-2023.

Quora answers neednot be 100% correct answers.

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala Krishnan, 79,  on 12-07-2023.


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