Knowledge systems of Bronze Age Revolution of Sarasvati Civilization -
Dissemination through muddā तोरण अक्षर  म्लेच्छित विकल्प - Hypertexts
signify underlying metalwork words in lingua franca, vernacular speech

CULTURAL QA 07-2023-23A by Mr G and edited by KR IRS wherever necessary:

KR:   When will the blind faith on data unreliable shall cease with and
when will people will get the right information?

Q1         Why does an airplane increase its altitude during the flight?

KR         nth time.

Q2         What is bronze made of, and how were tools or masks made from

A2         Rebecca Williams, Knows all about home decoration. Jul 6: tools
and masks were made from bronze using a process called casting. The first
bronze tools and masks were made in the Middle East around 4500 BCE. The
Bronze Age, which lasted from about 3300 BCE to 1200 BCE, was a time of
great technological innovation, and bronze was one of the most important
materials of the era. G   My note-Bronze was earlier to iron is a new

KR       Repeating the error as admitted below goes on and without
self-knowledge or learned from already written authentic, by pressing the
blasphemy, will it become the truth?

यः । इमे इति । रोदसी इति । उभे इति । अहम् । इन्द्रम् । अतुस्तवम् ।
विश्वामित्रस्य । रक्षति । ब्रह्म । इदम् । भारतम् । जनम् ॥ R V 3 53 12
yaḥ | ime iti | rodasī iti | ubhe iti | aham | indram | atustavam |
viśvāmitrasya | rakṣati | brahma | idam | bhāratam | janam

Translation (Sayana, Wilson): I have made Indra glorified by these two,
heaven and earth, and this prayer of Viśvāmitra protects the race of

भरत भरत [ bharata] *n*A factitious metal compounded of copper, pewter, tin
&c भरती[ bharatī]*a*Composed of the metal भरत. भारताचें भाण्डे   [ bharatācēm
bhāṇḍēṃ]*n*A vessel made of the metalभरि. 2 भारताचें भाण्डे   (Marathi)

Thus, भारतम् । जनम् can also be translated as ‘metal-caster-folk’. The
decipherment of Indus Script inscriptions shows that the language spoken by
people was Prakritam (Mleccha, spoken form of chhandas which was the
literary, grammatical form)

The metal-caster-folk, भारतम् । जनम् were Sarasvati’s children, and
ancestors, pitrs of present-day Bharatiya-s. Identity of the founders of
the civilization is firmly proved a भारतम् । जनम् s. The language they
spoke was Prakritam, the mother of all present-day languages of भारतम् ।
जनम् --all Aryan, Dravidian and Munda language streams flow from this
Indian language union called *sprach bund*.(linguistic area).

The ṛṣi of the sūkta is viśvāmitra gāthina. India was called Bhārata varṣa
after the king Bharata. (Vāyu33, 51-2; Bd. 2,14,60-2; lin:ga1,47,20,24;
Viṣṇu2,1,28,32). {Kalyanaraman director of archaeology ASI} .

       "India is our race and Sanskrit is the mother of Europeans
languages. She is the mother of our philosophy, mother through the Arabs,
much of our mathematics. Mother through Buddha of the ideals embodied in
Christianity, mother through village community of self-government and
democracy. Mother of India is in many ways, the mother of us all "-{Will
Durant, American Historian and Philosopher.} [KR  I K RAJARAM rely not on
Quora because it is 80% liars paradise and therefore the writer also makes
a note everyday below; so lies shall be cast on a forum when describing
vast knowledge; Kalyanaraman and Will Durant never wrote in 80% subjects
and the personality of the world trusted words of wisdom; delete button
shall not mean untruth presented}

        कान्त kanta -अयसम् the loadstone ‘magnetite’; कृष्ण-अयसम्,’crude or
black iron’;लोहा*यस‘any metal mixed with copper , (or) copper’
Br.Ka1tyS3r. लोहित
lōhita-अयस्n.copper;-कृष्णa.dark-red. Thus, आयस Ayas means {‘iron,} metal’.

          Max muller wrote that first it was termed by the entire world
only as Ayas iron which term later was changed. It is senseless by Max
Muller. The civilisation articles unearthed by the ASI revealed that it
belonged to 7000 to 10000 BCE. And Ayas means not just iron but denotes
METAL in Sanskrit. And metals are termed adding a root word to Ayas as
shown above. And the copper and iron were known to India from the rig veda
verse. Indian Vedic knew what is copper and what is iron. So, no one need
become awe to learn from some ignorant that copper was earlier to iron etc.
Vide my article since 2016 written in these groups about metal of India.
And every once in 3 months these need not be presented again and again as
if the truth. KR  IRS 23 7 23

 Q3         What are some interesting psychological facts?

G    Tears contain a natural pain killer which reduces pain and improves
your mood.

 KR     We have 3 types of tears: Basal, Reflex and Psychogenic.

   - *Basal* – these tears are constantly at the front of the eyeball and
   form the liquid layer over the eyeball to keep it lubricated.
   - *Reflex* – these tears appear when the eye is irritated, such as when
   the eyes feel gritty or when we get dust, sand or other small foreign
   objects in our eyes.
   - *Psychogenic* – these tears are sparked by emotion. They possess a
   higher protein level than basal and reflex tears, which makes them thicker,
   causing them to stream more slowly. Psychogenic tears are made up of higher
   concentrations of stress hormones such as adrenocorticotropic hormone
   and leucine enkephalin . This suggests that emotional tears play an
   important role in balancing stress hormone levels.

They are hormones but wrongly written as pain killers; it will not cure
your eye pain; but it reduces the emotional pain (aswasam) If there is a
wound paining, will tears if applied, will reduce the pain?


G    Your brain gives less importance to long-term deadlines.

  KR    No it is wrong. It pays equal attention to all matters; and storage
is consistent; recovery can be made if willed and command the brain from
it’s Pandora box even after 50 years. Most of the Tirukkural I write I read
in my 6th standard.


G     Information that is easier to access is harder to remember.

KR     Wrong. Brain and neurons do excellent work even while you are
sleeping. They do register out of its 3% available content of our brain do
so many gimmicks. The perception and the thinking alone register everything
and can retrieve if you know how to try, without effort, even after so many
years. Only when they are damaged one reaches the memory loss status. It is
emotion that feel it is tough that is easy; but not the brain; brain is
equal to all.


G   The starting and the ending are easier to recall than the middle ones.

KR     Wrong.  Are we starting from beginning the Do B to date to recite
from the beginning?

The cells in your body react to everything your mind says. It's literally
not healthy for you to have negative thoughts.

The structure of your brain changes every time you learn something new.

Q4         What are some psychological facts about attracting people?

A4         Psychology Tricks and Tips,7mo

1) If a person laughs at a low quality joke then he is suffering from

And vice versa those who laugh they may think the other way too. Laughter
varies; many people do not even smile for real jokes; then are they not

2) The big toe indicates the nervous weakness hidden by the other fingers,
indicating that the person wants to be unnoticed by many.

KR      Science or own reels?  Any evidence? I know there will not be any

3) Psychology is the first 6 seconds of meeting with someone, the first
impression about him is formed.

KR    sorry to use the word Bull-shit. Pl read Fraud and then write.

4) It is a proven fact that our response to any situation is capable of
radically changing that situation.

KR:     Should have added “EITHER WAY”

5) Many times someone's indifference indicates his utmost care which he
does not want to express.

KR         Not well presented. It is not indifference; it is passing over
without much expression, while feeling proud inside; fathers are only like
that, Sastras say neither father nor Guru will appreciate face to face. IT
IS NOT INDIFFRENCE. And not many or sometimes; always.

6) If you write down negative thoughts and throw them away like garbage,
your mood will get better.

KR:    Mind is a magic; of course, someone said so; and those who believe
felt that is the end after throwing away; but found it doubled; because
what you want to forget is registered only as that topic as computer does;
so, will revive; that is why when the GURU said, when you meditate DO NOT
THINK ABOUT MONKEY went on repetitive and he could not control the mind. So
trying to remain unthinking which is again is not so easily possible, must
be practiced first. Siddha said SUMMAYIRUTHALE SUGAM meaning unthinking is

7) It has been proven that orange helps reduce anxiety. That's why doctors
recommend eating an orange before going to work.

KR     Send me evidence and all would like to know.

8) Never reveal your goals to anyone. It produces the equivalent effect of
achieving goals in the brain.

KR        Sorry utter nonsense. No one can cheat the Brain. It will do what
is being acted alone. Equivalent theory who floated?

9) The conversation of the parents with the child becomes the language of
his mind.

KR        Again a nonsense. Language of the MIND? Then how good parent have
bad children? Did Gandhi and Kasturba spoke about drinking for better so
his son wandered a s drunkard as the language of the mind opened up?

10) You will rarely die in your dreams, if you die in your dreams then you
have started something new in life.

KR      Do you know what is a night mare? Soldiers of Vietnam dreaming
every day dead and waking up started any new life?

11) Dream is a conversation between you and your subconscious mind.

KR:     Then you can see your subconscious mind in the dream and report
your need too? What was the desire arising out of the subconscious mind and
dance in your dreams according to your emotional desires; not dual one as
stated above.



Q5         What makes you go "Wow!"?

KR:   Its good for that awe. However, have one made awe in Kerala, TN
Kannada AP? Every day so many inventions are made by so many villagers
reported in the web sites. CBE has the largest inventions from the farmers.
Today from village so many Engineers have come out to invent and report
that they are from villages for publicity of awe. Without knowledge no one
can do right things; knowledge does not mean education in colleges or rural
or urban; it is karma.

All the above QA are from Quora website on   23 -07-2023.  Quora answers
need not be 100% correct answers. Compiled and posted by R. Gopala
Krishnan, 79,  on 23-07-2023.

KR  IRS  23 7 23

On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 at 07:15, 'gopala krishnan' via KeralaIyers <> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 07-2023-23A*
> Q1         Why does an airplane increase its altitude during the flight?
> A1         Erika Fernandez, Experience in Aviation Field Apr 25
> Airplanes increase their altitude during the flight for several reasons.
> *One of the main reasons is fuel efficiency. As the air gets thinner with
> every foot climbed, planes can travel more easily and therefore move faster
> and burn less fuel, saving money*. The "sweet spot" of flying is regarded
> as between 35,000 and 42,000 feet, where the air is thin enough to reduce
> drag on the aircraft, but not so thin that the engines cannot function
> properly.
> Flying at a higher altitude can also minimize turbulence and give pilots
> more time to fix any emergency situations that may arise.
>  However, flying too high can also cause problems, as the jet engines
> need oxygen to work, and flying too high can reduce engine efficiency and
> cause the engines to burn more fuel.
> Therefore, the altitude at which an airplane flies is determined by
> several factors, including fuel efficiency, air resistance, wind speed and
> direction, traffic flow, and terrain.
> Q2         What is bronze made of, and how were tools or masks made from
> bronze?
> A2         Rebecca Williams, Knows all about Home decoration. Jul 6
> *Bronze is an alloy made of copper and tin*. The proportions of copper
> and tin can vary, but most bronze is about 88% copper and 12% tin. This
> combination of metals gives bronze a number of desirable properties.
> *Bronze is harder than copper, which makes it a good material for tools
> and weapons. It is also strong, which makes it durable and resistant to
> wear and tear. It is resistant to corrosion, which means it can last for
> centuries without rusting or tarnishing.*
> *Tools and masks were made from bronze using a process called casting*.
> In casting, molten bronze is poured into a mold, which is a hollow form
> that has been carved to the desired shape of the object. Once the bronze
> cools and hardens, the mold is removed and the object is revealed.
> *Casting is a versatile process that can be used to create a wide variety
> of objects*, from simple tools to complex sculptures. It is also a
> relatively efficient process, which means that it can be used to produce
> large quantities of objects.
> *The first bronze tools and masks were made in the Middle East around 4500
> BCE.* The Bronze Age, which lasted from about 3300 BCE to 1200 BCE, was a
> time of great technological innovation, and bronze was one of the most
> important materials of the era. *Bronze tools and weapons were used for
> agriculture, construction, and warfare. Bronze masks were also made, and
> they were often used in religious ceremonies.*
> *Bronze continued to be used throughout the ancient world, and it remained
> an important material until the introduction of iron in the 1st millennium
> BCE*. Today, bronze is still used for a variety of purposes, including
> jewelry, coins, and musical instruments.
> *My note-Bronze was earlier to iron is a new information*
> Q3         What are some interesting psychological facts?
> A3         Krishna Kamat,Jun 21
> *Tears contain a natural pain killer which reduces pain and improves your
> mood.*
> *Your brain gives less importance to long-term deadlines.*
> Information that is easier to access is harder to remember.
> The starting and the ending are easier to recall than the middle ones.
> The cells in your body react to everything your mind says. It's literally
> not healthy for you to have negative thoughts.
> The structure of your brain changes every time you learn something new.
> Q4         What are some psychological facts about attracting people?
> A4         Psychology Tricks and Tips,7mo
> 1) If a person laughs at a low quality joke then he is suffering from
> loneliness.
> *2) The big toe indicates the nervous weakness hidden by the other
> fingers, indicating that the person wants to be unnoticed by many.*
> 3) Psychology is the first 6 seconds of meeting with someone, the first
> impression about him is formed.
> 4) It is a proven fact that our response to any situation is capable of
> radically changing that situation.
> 5) Many times someone's indifference indicates his utmost care which he
> does not want to express.
> *6) If you write down negative thoughts and throw them away like garbage,
> your mood will get better.*
> 7) It has been proven that orange helps reduce anxiety. That's why doctors
> recommend eating an orange before going to work.
> 8) Never reveal your goals to anyone. It produces the equivalent effect of
> achieving goals in the brain.
> 9) The conversation of the parents with the child becomes the language of
> his mind.
> 10) You will rarely die in your dreams, if you die in your dreams then you
> have started something new in life.
> 11) Dream is a conversation between you and your subconscious mind.
> Q5         What makes you go "Wow!"?
> A5         Rahul Shambhwani, Salesforce Developer at Appirio Cloud
> Solutions Updated 5y
> This man Mohammed Raees Makrani. He is not a scientist or engineer but a
> simple mechanic in Madhya Pradesh (India).
> *He designed a car which uses Water for fuel .*
> To drive this car he used water and calcium carbide, which produce
> acetylene gas to run this car.
> Maximum speed of car:That’s not it, *the best thing is that this car can
> be controlled through phone.*
> He used some mechanical & electronic features that make it possible for
> the car to be controlled over mobile phone frequency.
> His spirit made me go wow! These talented people are still hidden in
> villages.
> *All the above QA are from Quora website on   23 -07-2023.*
> *Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers.*
> *Compiled and posted by R. Gopala Krishnan, 79,  on 23-07-2023.*
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  • CULTURAL QA 07-2023-23A 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty
    • Re: [KeralaIyers] CULTURAL QA 07-2... Rajaram Krishnamurthy

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