CULTURAL QA 08-2023-01A

Q1         How can individuals stay cool andcomfortable without air 
conditioners and fans if power is knocked out duringextreme weather conditions?

A1          Pramode Mishra,Former Consultant atIGIMS Patna (2012–2018)Fri

Here are some tipson how to stay cool andcomfortable without air conditioners 
and fans if power is knocked outduring extreme weather conditions:

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of cool fluids, such aswater, Pedialyte, or sports 
drinks. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which candehydrate you.

Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. This willhelp your body stay cool 
by allowing sweat to evaporate more easily.

Take a cool shower or bath. This is a great way tocool down quickly.

Use a spray bottle to mist yourself with cool water.This is a more portable 
option than taking a shower or bath.

Place a wet towel or sheet on your body. This willhelp to cool you down by 

Open windows and doors to let in cool air. If it issafe to do so, open windows 
and doors at night to let in cool air. Close them during the day tokeep out hot 

Use fans to circulate air. If you have battery-poweredfans, use them to 
circulate air around your home.

Go to a public place with air conditioning. If youcannot stay cool at home, go 
to a public place with air conditioning, such as alibrary, mall, or community 

Check on elderly neighbors and relatives. Makesure that they are staying cool 
and have access to water.

It is important to take precautions to stay cool during apower outage, 
especially if you are elderly or have a chronic health condition.If you 
experience any symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, such asdizziness, 
nausea, or confusion, seek medical attention immediately.

Here are someadditional tips to stay safe during a power outage:

Listen to local news and weather reports. This willhelp you stay informed about 
the power outage and any safety concerns.

Have a plan in case of a power outage. This planshould include a list of 
important phone numbers, such as your utilitycompany's number, and a place to 
go if you need to evacuate.

Keep a supply of food and water on hand. This willhelp you stay hydrated and 
fed if the power outage is prolonged.

Have a battery-powered radio or flashlight. This willhelp you stay informed and 
safe in the event of a power outage.

By following these tips, you can stay cool and comfortableduring a power outage 
without air conditioners or fans.

Q2         How do you maintain and take care ofplumbing systems for your home?

A2          Gopala Krishnan, Retired AGM BSNL justnow. 

Unless one is trained practically, one cannot do plumbinghimself perfectly. 
When trainedand experienced plumbers carrying out the work, one may feel so 
simple.But it is not so. Better established plumbers carry out workwith 
perfection and safely.

I am answeringfrom Chennai, India. Established plumbers are mostly electricians 
cum plumbershere.Physical work is lesser in electrical works comparing to 
plumbing. So nowadays we have to pay through nose for plumbing works

Q3         Why do planes board long before theirdeparture time and passengers 
end up waiting on board for the departure slot?

A3          Vishnu Ravi, Aerospace Engineer |Aviation Enthusiast & Content 

Unlock the secretsbehind why planes board well in advance of their departure 
time, causingpassengers to wait onboard for their designated slot. Prepare to 
be enlightenedwith these compelling insights gleaned from thorough research:

Punctuality Matters: Airlines meticulously track on-timedepartures and 
arrivals, a vital metric for both management and passengersalike. To ensure a 
higherchance of punctuality, boarding commences earlier than strictly 
necessary.Timely arrival is closely intertwined with timely departure, 
particularly in bustling airports, where missing a departure slot could mean 
anhour-long wait.

Boarding by Stairs: When a flight boards via stairson the tarmac instead of 
using a conventional gate, boarding naturally takeslonger as passengers need to 
be shuttled to the aircraft. In such instances,boarding gates close 
significantly earlier than usual, warranting a forewarningfor passengers.

The Unwritten Final-Boarding Rule: Though flightshave a scheduled departure 
time, an unspoken final-boarding rule exists. Gate agents may close the 
aircraftdoors 10 minutes before departure, leading to either immense relief or 
adisrupted journey. To navigate this uncertainty, passengers are advised 
toarrive at the gate at least 30 minutes early and attentively listen 

Ground Stops: In the event of a ground-stop order,airlines may board passengers 
onto the plane, push back, and then await furtherinstructions. This practice, 
though aimed at minimizing delays, can befrustrating for passengers who prefer 
waiting in the terminal over beingconfined on the plane.

Preparation for Pushback: Numerous factors canhinder aircraft preparation, 
thereby delaying takeoff. From loading cateringand disposing of used galley 
carts to cleaning the entire aircraft andrefueling, these tasks can take longer 
than anticipated. Even a seemingly minorissue, like a delay in aircraft 
cleaning due to staff shortages, can impactboarding time, potentially leading 
to a missed departure slot.

In conclusion, a multitude of factors contribute toplanes boarding well ahead 
of their departure time and passengers experiencingonboard wait times. 
Understanding the need forpunctuality, the implications of boarding by stairs, 
the nuances of thefinal-boarding rule, the effects of ground stops, and the 
challenges ofaircraft preparation allows travelers to appreciate the 
complexities of airtravel and plan accordingly.

Q4         Why impure metals corrode faster thenpure metals?

A4          Erika Fernandez, Works at Freelancer,Novelist, Writer Jul 16

Corrosion affects metals mainly through electrochemicalreactions. 
Electrochemical reactions involve thetransfer of electrons between two 
substances that have different electricalpotentials. Whena metal is exposed to 
an electrolyte, such as water or moisture, it can form anelectrochemical cell 
with another metal or substance that has a differentelectrical potential. The 
metal that has a higher electrical potential will actas an anode and lose 
electrons to the other substance that acts as a cathode. The loss of electrons 
causes themetal atoms to oxidize and form metal ions that dissolve in the 
electrolyte orform corrosion products, such as rust or scale.

The impurity of ametal can influence its corrosion rate by creating 
heterogeneity or differencesin its composition or structure. Impure metals can 
contain various elements or compounds that havedifferent electrical potentials 
than the base metal. These impurities can act as anodes or cathodes within the 
metal andcreate micro-electrochemical cells that accelerate the corrosion 

For example, iron that contains carbon,sulfur, phosphorus, or other elements 
can corrode faster than pure iron becausethese elements can form local anodes 
or cathodes that enhance the oxidation ofiron.

Q5         Why does the Earth look flat whileflying an airplane?

A5          Rebecca Williams,Experience inAviation Jul 21

The Earthlooks flat while flying an airplane because of two main reasons: the 
size ofthe Earth and the altitude of the airplane. 

The Earth is very large compared to the size of anairplane or a human. Its 
radius is about 6,370 km(3,960 miles), which means that its circumference is 
about 40,000 km (24,860 miles).To see the curvature of the Earth, you would 
need to see a significantportion of this circumference, which is not possible 
from a low altitude.

The altitudeof an airplane is usually between 9,000 and 12,000 m (30,000 and 
40,000 ft),which is very high for humans but not very high for the Earth.At 
this altitude, the horizon is about 360 km (220 miles) away from theairplane, 
which is only about 0.9% of the Earth’s circumference. This means that the 
curvature of the Earth is very subtle and hard tonotice from this distance.

To see thecurvature of the Earth more clearly, you would need to fly much 
higher than atypical airplane. According to some calculations andobservations, 
the minimum altitude at which curvature of the horizoncan be detected is at or 
slightly below 10,600 m (35,000 ft), provided that the fieldof view is wide (60 
degrees) and nearly cloud-free. But, this wouldstill be a very faint curve that 
may not be obvious to everyone.


To see a more pronounced curve of the Earth, you wouldneed to fly even higher 
than that. For example, at15,500 m (51,000 ft), which is the highest ceiling of 
any production airplane,the curvature of the Earth is quite easy to see, 
especially if you have a widefield of view of 300 degrees or so. But, this 
altitude is not accessible tomost commercial or private airplanes.

To see a truly spectacular view of the Earth’s curvature,you would need to fly 
into space. The boundarybetween the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space is 
called the Kármán line, and it islocated at 100 km (62 miles) above sea level. 
From this altitude and beyond,you can see the Earth as a spherical planet with 
a thin blue layer ofatmosphere around it.

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on  01-08- 2023. 

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .

Compiled andposted by R. Gopala krishnan,  on 01-08-2023


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