CULTURAL QA 08-2023-8

Q1         Can a double door refrigerator with gasleakage from internal pipes 
be repaired by putting external pipes?

A1          Gopala Krishnan, Former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966–2004)Just now

Before answering, Ihave read all previous answers. With respect to refrigerator 
it is best to call company engineers /technicians. They will be able to stop 
the leakage by replacing internal coppertubing, in the best manner.

In some of theanswers the tubing is called condenser, which I am not able to 
make out. Present day in India allrefrigerator companies provides 10 year 
warranty for compressor. For parts 2–3years warranty is given.

So, mysuggestion- call company technician or Engineer, who will carry out the 
work intechnical manner, though charging may be slightly high.

Q2         What is a domestic electronicsappliance?

A2          Siliconvlsi, VLSI SemiconductorScience & Technology Thu

A domesticelectronics appliance refers to any electronic device or equipment 
designed and intended for use withina household or residential setting.

Examples of domestic electronic appliances include:


Television: Usedfor entertainment, information, and multimedia consumption.

Refrigerator: Usedto preserve food and keep it fresh for extended periods.

Washing Machine:Used for laundry, washing clothes, and fabrics.

Microwave Oven:Used for quick heating, cooking, and defrosting food items.

Vacuum Cleaner:Used for cleaning floors, carpets, and upholstery.


Air Conditioner:Used for cooling indoor spaces during hot weather.

Heater: Used forheating indoor spaces during cold weather.

Coffee Maker: Usedfor brewing coffee.

Toaster: Used fortoasting bread and other food items.

Blender: Used forblending and mixing food ingredients.


Electric Kettle:Used for boiling water quickly.

Hair Dryer: Usedfor drying hair after washing.

Electric Iron: Usedfor ironing clothes.

Food Processor:Used for chopping, blending, and processing food.

Rice Cooker: Usedfor cooking rice.

Q3         What are some of the most mind-blowingfacts about Finland?

A3          Paras Shah,Facts => Fun! Updated 7y

1. Every year, Finland increases in surface area byabout 7 sq km (2.7 sq mi) 
per year because it is rebounding from the weight ofice-age glaciers and rising 
out of the sea.

2. In Finland, slot machines are monopolized by anon-profit company that gives 
all its earnings to charity.


3. There's a Wife Carrying World Championship inFinland. In it, the firstprize 
is the wife's weight in beer.

4. There's a Golf Club on the border of Sweden andFinland: half the holes arein 
one country and half in the other.

5. In Finland, 9 out of 10 plastic bottles are returnedfor recycling and almost 
100% of glass bottles are also recycled.

6. Passports issued by Finland offer visa-free travelto more countries than any 
other passports.

7. Dining tables and chairs are named after placesin Finland.

8. There's a resort in Finland where you sleep in aglass igloo to watch the 
northern lights.

9. Mobile Phone Throwing is an official sport inFinland.

10. Finland has more heavy metal bands per capitathan any other country in the 


11. There are more saunas (about 2.2 million) thancars in Finland. 
Approximately, 1 for every 2.5 people!

12. Finlandoffers the world's best education! It has the highest level of 
academicachievements of all surveyed countries for reading, mathematics and 
sciences.Ironically, it also has the lowest percentage of children 'liking 
school a lot'(only 8%).

13. Finland isthe most sparsely populated country in the European Union, 
withonly 16 inhabitants per sq km.

14. Finland is known as the land of a thousand lakes!There are exactly 187,888 
lakes (larger than 500 m²) and179,584 islands within the territory of Finland. 
Both are world records!

15. The 120 kmPäijänne Water Tunnel is Europe's longest tunnel and the 
world'ssecond longest.

16. Finland was one of the last region of Europe tobe Christianized, in the 
12th century.

17. Finnish athletes have won more SummerOlympic medals per capita than any 
other nation.

18. Drivers from Finland have won more World Rallychampionships (14 titles) 
than any other country.

19. TheFinns are the world's biggest coffee drinkers, gulping down no less than 
12 kgof the black substance annually, twice more than the Italians, three times 
morethan the Americans, and four times more than the Brits!

20. Santa Claus (known in Finland as Joulupukki or"Yule Goat") officially 
resides in a house built right on top of theArctic circle, near the town of 
Rovaniemi, in the northern province ofLappland. The Santa Claus Post Office 
(address: Santa Claus Village, FIN-96930Arctic Circle) receives some 700,000 
letters every year from children from 198countries (so far).

21. According tothe World Audit study, Finland is the least corrupt and most 
democratic countryin the world as of 2012.

22. Nokia Corporation (a Finnish company) was theworld's largest manufacturer 
of mobile telephones from 1998 to 2012, with aglobal market share of over 35% 
between 2006 and 2009.

23. The amount you get fined for speeding inFinland depends on the amount you 

24. Finlandis known as the land of the midnight sun.

25. There are nopublic payphones in Finland. But, there are over 5 million 
mobile phones inFinland for a population of 5.4 million.

26. One and twocent coins are not used in Finland.

27. Finland probably holds the world record for hostingworld championships!

28. When drivingin Finland, you must keep your headlights on all the time. 
(Even in daylight)

29. In Finland,children do not go to school until they're 7.

Edit 2:

30. Finland has anannual Day for Failure every October 13th.

31. Finland hassome of the world’s best “Freedom to Roam” opportunities. This 
means that youcan pitch a tent, forage for wild lingonberries or catch zanders 
in the lakesfor free and without worry.

32. Erwisewas the world’s first Internet Browser with a User Interface, 
launched in 1994in Finland by 3 technology students.

33. Finland has the world's best pizza.

34. Finland has world’s highest annual consumption ofmilk per capita – around 1 
quart per person every day.

35. Linux was actually started as a personal projectby Finnish student Linus 
Torvalds to create a new free operating system kernel.History of Linux

36. Angry birds is created by a Finnish gamedeveloper studio - Rovio 

And finally...

37. Clash of Clans was developed by Supercell (avideo game company) in Finland. 
(Thanks Dhruv Jagetiya)

Sources: FinlandFacts: 18 Facts about Finland ←FACTSlides→

Q4         Why do fire planes drop red water?

A4          Vishnu Ravi, Aerospace Engineer |Aviation Enthusiast & Content 

In the realm ofwildfire combat, a captivating sight unfolds as fire planes soar 
through theskies, releasing a vibrant cascade of red liquid. 

While it may appearto be water, this crimson downpour is, in fact, a 
specialized fire-retardantchemical that plays a pivotal role in battling the 
ferocity of wildfires.This article delves into the intricate details of this 
fire-suppressiontechnique, exploring the composition, functionality, and 
strategic deploymentof this vivid red elixir.

Decoding Fire-Retardant Composition


Contrary to initial impressions, the red liquid dispensedfrom fire planes is 
not merely water; it is a carefullyconcocted blend of components, each 
contributing to its formidablefire-retardant capabilities. Comprising 
approximately 88% water, 10%fertilizer, and 2% various other chemicals, 
including the active ingredientammonium phosphate, this ingenious formulation 
holds the key to retarding therelentless advance of wildfires.

Enhancing Visibility and Precision

The distinctive red hue of the fire-retardant serves adual purpose that 
transcends mere aesthetics. By dyeing the chemical compoundred, its visibility 
is dramatically heightened from both ground and aerialperspectives. This 
heightened visibility becomes a strategicasset, aiding firefighters in 
precisely gauging the areas they have treated,ensuring comprehensive coverage 
and minimizing potential gaps that could leadto uncontrolled fire spread.

The Role of Chemical Fire Breaks

One of the mostremarkable feats accomplished by this crimson elixir is the 
creation of chemical fire breaks –strategic barriers that impede the fire's 
progress and provide a vantage pointfor firefighters to assess the evolving 
situation. As thefire-retardant descends upon the terrain, it blankets the area 
with itsprotective embrace. This chemical shield effectively curtails the 
fire'smomentum, granting firefighters precious time to strategize and execute 
theirsuppression efforts.

Fertilizer's Role in Post-Fire Ecosystem Recovery

While the primarygoal of fire-retardant deployment is fire suppression, its 
composition holds anintriguing promise for ecologicalresurgence. The inclusion 
of fertilizer within the formulation serves a dualrole. Beyond its 
fire-retardant properties, the fertilizer componentnurtures the scorched earth, 
fostering an environment conducive to post-fireplant regrowth. This delicate 
interplay between fire suppression and ecosystemrenewal underscores the 
multi-faceted nature of modern wildfire combat.

Strategic Airdrops

The art of wildfire combat is a meticulous dance,choreographed with precision 
and foresight. Firefighters,armed with invaluable insights into fire behavior, 
anticipate the potentialpathways of the inferno's advance. Capitalizing on this 
knowledge, fire planestake to the skies, executing precisely calculated 
airdrops of the redfire-retardant ahead of the advancing flames. This proactive 
measure erects anadditional layer of defense, rendering the surrounding 
vegetation lesssusceptible to ignition and allowing firefighters the time 
needed to clearpotential fuel sources.

The Ephemeral Red

As the red fire-retardant blankets the landscape, its vividhue graces the 
environment with a transient mark – atestament to humanity's endeavor to 
conquer the primal forces of nature. Yet,this scarlet signature is not destined 
to endure. With the advent of heavyrainfall, the once-fiery canvas undergoes a 
metamorphosis. The downpour washesaway the crimson cloak, returning the earth 
to its original state, ready for thecycles of renewal that define the natural 

In the grand tapestry of wildfire combat, the deploymentof red fire-retardant 
emerges as a mesmerizing symphony of science, strategy,and stewardship. A 
remarkable testament to humaninnovation, it exemplifies our unwavering 
commitment to safeguarding thedelicate balance between the untamed wilderness 
and our shared civilization. Asfire planes grace the heavens, unleashing their 
scarlet cargo, they leave anindelible mark on the landscape – a mark that 
speaks of resilience, unity, andthe relentless pursuit of a safer, greener 

Q5         How long do cargo ships stay at sea?

A5          Erika Fernandez, Loves Boating Jul 21

The average length of a freighter voyage is 40 to 50 days,though there are some 
shorter trips available that last a couple of weeks. Aroundtrip from the U.S. 
West Coast to Australia/New Zealand and return takesabout 46 days. An around 
the world voyage lasts generally 80 to 100days or more.

These are only rough estimates and may vary depending onthe specific 
circumstances of each shipment. For example, ifyou want to know how long it 
takes for a cargo ship to cross the AtlanticOcean, you need to consider the 
route and the speed of the container ship. Itusually takes around 10-20 days to 
cross the Atlantic Ocean on a cargo ship.The length of the journey depends on 
whether the ship goes through the PanamaCanal or around Cape Horn, and how fast 
it travels. The average speed of acargo ship is about 12-20 knots (14-23 mph), 
but some ships can go up to 25knots (29 mph).

Another factor that can affect the transit time of acargo ship is the potential 
delays that may occur along the way. These can becaused by adverse weather 
conditions, such as storms or extreme temperatures,that may disrupt 
transportation networks. They can also be caused by customsprocedures and 
border crossings, which can vary in complexity and durationdepending on the 
country and the documentation required. Sometimes, cargo shipsmay face 
unforeseen inspections or regulatory requirements that can extendtheir delivery 

So it is important for shippers and recipients toconsider these variables when 
estimating the arrival time of their freightshipments and to plan accordingly 
to minimize any potential delays. A good wayto do this is to use online tools 
that can provide estimated shipping times formulti-modal global shipping along 
selected lanes. These tools can help youcompare different shipping modes, such 
as air, sea, or trucking, and give you ageneral transit time range and 
estimated delivery date based on your origin anddestination.

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on  08-08- 2023. 

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan, on 08-08-2023

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