Q1     The problem with the Q& A author is his immaturity to believe the
Quora as always correct, as subject is unknown to him and yet would like to
poke his nose and fumble. Rouge waves are not from storm and unpredictable
were very old theories. Now mathematically it is predictable. The highest
one ever was 1782 feet wave. Small fleet might have got hit but never any
standard ships.  KR IRS 8823

Rogues, called 'extreme storm waves' by scientists, are those waves which
are greater than twice the size of surrounding waves, are very
unpredictable, and often come unexpectedly from directions other than
prevailing wind and waves. Tim Janssen, a research scientist who studies
physical oceanography in Half Moon Bay, California, says one of the best
examples of a rogue wave is the so-called New Year's Wave of 1995. On Jan.
1, a 26-meter (85-foot) wave struck the Draupner oil rig in the North Sea
off Norway In November of 2020, a freak wave came out of the blue, lifting
a lonesome buoy off the coast of British Columbia 17.6 meters high (58
feet). The four-story wall of water was finally confirmed in February
2022 as the most extreme rogue wave ever recorded at the time. Total
Obliteration. As the giant mountain of water started traveling across the
entire length of the T-shaped Lituya Bay, it reached a peak height of 1,720
feet (524 meters) near the Gilbert Inlet and destroyed everything around.
Soil, plants, and trees were snapped off, and the shorelines were
completely obliterated. In February 2000, a British oceanographic research
vessel, the RRS Discovery, sailing in the Rockall Trough west of Scotland,
encountered the largest waves ever recorded by any scientific instruments
in the open ocean, with a SWH of 18.5 metres (61 ft) and individual waves
up to 29.1 metres (95 ft). By all definitions, this is currently the top
spot for producing the biggest waves in the world. The extraordinary liquid
mountains of Praia do Norte in Nazaré can produce waves 50-100 feet high.
If surfed successfully, the rider can travel up to speeds of 50 mph. At
Jaws, also known as Peahi, waves can easily reach between 30 and 80 feet.
It is probably the fastest, heaviest, and largest wave in the Pacific Ocean.

      Rogue Waves are ocean waves of extreme height, often many times the
height of the surrounding sea. Unlike Tsunamis — giant waves caused by
undersea earthquakes — or large waves seen breaking on shore in a storm,
Rogue Waves may appear out of nowhere in otherwise calm conditions. This
makes them hard to predict, and a challenge to understand scientifically. A
new way to tackle this problem from the perspective of probability theory
has recently been introduced by a group of mathematicians, including from
WMI, that puts the creation of Rogue Waves into a unified theoretical

"You might imagine many ways of creating a typical ocean wave", explains
Tobias Grafke, "but in contrast, for atypically high waves, everything must
conspire in just the right way. This makes Rogue Waves predictable". This
'Goldilocks'-effect lies at the center of Large Deviation Theory, a
subfield of probability theory: Extremely rare events paradoxically tend to
be describable by focussing on their most likely occurrence, instead of
attempting an exhaustive search of every possible outcome.

The mathematics indeed appears to describe the formation of Rogue Waves in
the sea surprisingly well: By concentrating only on the most likely Rogue
Wave scenario, the group was able to not only find the probability of these
waves in different sea states, from stormy to calm, but also their
likelihood of occuring. This comparison even
holds up against experimental Rogue Waves created in a water tank: Taking
the 300 highest waves from one of Europe's largest wave experiments — a
270m long wave flume in Norway — the wave shapes as well as the history of
their formation line up nicely against the waves predicted by large
deviation theory.

Of course, Mathematicians immediately turn to ways of generalise the
abstract framework, and apply it to completely separate areas of
application. Grafke is particularly excited to tackle extreme events in
weather prediction and climate science with it, with current projects
addressing for example the breakdown of the Gulf stream in the North


Q3    Creatinine control and reductions are feasible only through Fibers
and avoiding proteins and salt, apart from Liquor and cigarettes. Rest are
not perfect remedies. And after writing so many columns, under final the
truth is spoken; so all the top passages could have been avoided.  KR IRS


On Tue, 8 Aug 2023 at 20:00, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <
iyer...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 08-2023-8A*
> Q1         Has a rogue wave ever capsized a cruise ship?
> A1          Rebecca Williams, knows about boats and ships, Jul 20
> A rogue wave is a rare and unpredictable phenomenon that involves a
> sudden and massive increase in the height of a wave, usually at least twice
> as high as the surrounding waves. Rogue waves can pose a *serious threat
> to ships and other structures at sea, as they can exert enormous pressure
> and cause severe damage or even capsizing.*
> There have been several documented cases of rogue waves hitting cruise
> ships, but none of them have resulted in capsizing. But, some of them
> have caused fatalities, injuries, and damages to the ships and their
> passengers. Some examples are:
> *In 2021, an American passenger on an Antarctic cruise died and four other
> guests were injured after their Viking ship was struck by a suspected rogue
> wave.* The incident happened on Nov. 29 around 10:40 p.m. local time
> while the Viking Polaris ship was sailing through the Drake Passage in
> Antarctica’s Southern Ocean toward Ushuaia, Argentina. The force of the
> massive wall of water sent passengers flying and smashed several exterior
> windows, which flooded some rooms and caused further structural damage
> inside.
> *In 2010, a British passenger on a Mediterranean cruise died and several
> others were injured after their Louis Majesty ship was hit by three rogue
> waves*. The incident happened on March 3 around 4 p.m. local time while
> the ship was sailing from Barcelona to Genoa. The waves were estimated to
> be up to 26 feet (8 meters) high and broke five windows on the ship’s
> restaurant deck, where about 1,350 passengers were dining.
> *In 2005, two passengers on a Caribbean cruise were killed and four others
> were injured after their Norwegian Dawn ship was battered by a series of
> rogue waves.* The incident happened on April 16 around 2 a.m. local time
> while the ship was sailing from Miami to New York. The waves were estimated
> to be up to 70 feet (21 meters) high and damaged several cabins and public
> areas on the ship’s tenth deck.
> According to experts, rogue waves are not caused by storms or tides, but
> by the interference of different wave systems that can amplify each other
> under certain conditions.
> Rogue waves can occur in any ocean and at any time, but they are more
> likely to happen in areas where strong currents, winds, or topography
> create unstable wave patterns. Some of these areas include the Agulhas
> Current off South Africa, the Gulf Stream off North America, and the Drake
> Passage between South America and Antarctica.
> Q2         Why do we have to turn on and off taps when filling buckets
> with water from them?
> A2          Gopala Krishnan,Former Assistant General Manager 1996-2004 at
> Department of Telecom (1966–2004)Just now
> I am writing this answer from Chennai, India, a city always face water
> scarcity. We cannot waste a single cup of water. One can see in street
> taps women keep their pot to collect water with in a second the previous
> person collected water in her pot.
> Water is considered as Ganga, and wasting is a sin to her according to
> Hinduism.
> Further the water tap area will be clumsy, if tap is not closed and there
> are less people for collecting water.
> Q3         What is the best food to reduce the creatinine level in blood?
> A3          S A R V A N - J A G,Health Care AdviserJul 22
> Top 10 Foods to Naturally Lower Creatinine Levels in Blood
> Introduction:
> If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with high creatinine levels
> in the blood, incorporating a healthy diet can play a crucial role in
> managing this condition. Creatinine is a waste product produced by the
> muscles and filtered through the kidneys.
> High levels of creatinine in the blood can be indicative of impaired
> kidney function. While medical intervention is essential, adopting a diet
> rich in specific nutrients can complement medical treatment and aid in
> reducing creatinine levels. In this article, we will explore the top 10 
> SEO-optimized
> foods that can naturally help lower creatinine levels.
> 1. Cucumber:
> Cucumber is a hydrating and low-calorie vegetable that possesses diuretic
> properties, aiding in the efficient elimination of waste and toxins from
> the body. Its high water content helps maintain proper hydration, promoting
> healthy kidney function and lowering creatinine levels.
> 2. Cranberries:
> Rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, cranberries are renowned for
> their ability to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and promote kidney
> health. A healthy urinary system can help flush out excess creatinine,
> reducing its concentration in the blood.
> 3. Lemon:
> *Lemons are a natural source of citric acid, which can support kidney
> function by dissolving kidney stones and preventing their formation*.
> Additionally, lemon's high vitamin C content strengthens the immune system
> and assists in flushing out toxins.
> 4. Red Bell Peppers:
> Packed with vitamins A, B6, and C, red bell peppers can aid in lowering
> creatinine levels due to their powerful antioxidant properties. These
> antioxidants help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, benefiting
> kidney health.
> 5. Garlic:
> Garlic contains allicin, a compound known for its therapeutic effects on
> the cardiovascular system and kidney function. By improving blood
> circulation and reducing cholesterol levels, garlic helps the kidneys
> function optimally, leading to decreased creatinine levels.
> 6. Fish:…
> 7. Watermelon:
> *As the name suggests, watermelon is rich in water content, making it a
> natural diuretic*. Its high potassium content helps regulate sodium
> levels, promoting healthy kidney function and reducing creatinine levels.
> 8. Apples:
> Apples are a good source of pectin, a soluble fiber that can aid in
> detoxifying the body and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. A healthy
> cholesterol profile is beneficial for the kidneys and can indirectly help
> in managing creatinine levels.
> 9. Onions:
> Onions contain flavonoids, particularly quercetin, which possesses
> anti-inflammatory properties. Reducing inflammation in the kidneys can lead
> to improved renal function and subsequently lower creatinine levels.
> 10. Cauliflower:
> Cauliflower is a low-potassium vegetable that can be a great addition to
> the diet of those looking to manage creatinine levels. Its high fiber
> content also supports digestive health, indirectly benefiting kidney
> function.
> Final:
> While these foods can be beneficial in lowering creatinine levels, it is
> essential to remember that they are not a substitute for medical advice
> and treatment. If you have high creatinine levels or kidney-related
> concerns, consult a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best
> course of action for your specific condition. A balanced diet, along with
> proper medical care, can contribute to improved kidney health and overall
> well-being.
> Q4         What is the difference between a switch and circuit breaker?
> A4          InfoSage, Professional Maven3h
> *Difference Between a Switch and a Circuit Breaker:*
> Switch: A switch is an electrical device used to establish or interrupt
> the flow of electric current in an electrical circuit. It allows *manual
> control over the connection *and disconnection of the circuit. Switches
> are commonly used to control lights, fans, appliances, and other electrical
> devices.
> Circuit Breaker: A circuit breaker, on the other hand, is an automatic
> electrical device designed *to protect an electrical circuit from damage
> caused by overcurrent or short circuit conditions*. It functions as a
> safety device that automatically disconnects the circuit when excessive
> current flows through it, preventing potential hazards such as electrical
> fires and equipment damage.
> My note- It  can function also as a switch cum protector also is better
> answer.
> Key Differences:
> 1)Functionality:
> Switch: A switch is primarily used for manually controlling the electrical
> circuit. It allows users to open or close the circuit as needed.
> Circuit Breaker: A circuit breaker is designed to automatically interrupt
> the circuit when abnormal conditions, such as overcurrent or short circuit,
> occur to prevent damage and hazards.
> 2)Protection:
> Switch: A switch does not offer protection against overcurrent or short
> circuit situations. Its main purpose is to control the flow of current.
> Circuit Breaker: A circuit breaker offers protection by sensing excessive
> current and tripping to interrupt the circuit, preventing damage and fire
> hazards.
> 3)Operation:
> Switch: Switches are manually operated by users to control the circuit's
> state. They have open and closed positions.
> Circuit Breaker: Circuit breakers operate automatically based on
> predefined thresholds of current. They trip to the open position when the
> current exceeds safe limits.
> 4)Applications:
> Switch: Switches are commonly used in lighting systems, fans, appliances,
> and various electrical devices where manual control is needed.
> Circuit Breaker: Circuit breakers are installed in distribution boards and
> electrical panels to protect entire circuits, especially in residential,
> commercial, and industrial settings.
> 5)Safety and Practicality:
> Switch: Switches are simple devices used for control purposes and do not
> offer protection against electrical faults.
> Circuit Breaker: Circuit breakers enhance safety by preventing dangerous
> overcurrent situations, making them essential for maintaining electrical
> system integrity.
> My note- After the wide application of circuit brekaers for air
> conditioners, circuit breakers are used in place of switch. *Earlier 15
> amps socket with switch was used.  *
> Now each air conditioner is provided with a circuit breaker in place of
> switch.
> Q5         Why is it vital to keep buildings clean?
> A5          Gopala Krishnan, retired AGM BSNL, just now.
> *First thing - a clean house reduce health problems.*
> Considering kitchen, if we keep vessels used for cooking and eating, as it
> is in sink, to clean next day, it can develop germs, from flees, lizards,
> crocroches etc. It is best to carry out basic cleaning and kept.
> If floor is not cleaned and moped dust allergy can come. So daily cleaning
> is required.
> Doors and windows, curtains etc. are places dust accumulate. They have to
> be cleaned periodically
> Wash room is the place most germs can develop. *At least full cleaning is
> required two times,*
> If it is home, premises are most important. If the premises are clean, the
> house will appear more clean,
> Similarly nearness of bed rooms, washing of clothes etc…
> Cob webbing, wall cleaning etc are also important.
> Disposal of waste items is most important. Much more are to be written.
> If it is home, premises are most important. If the premises are clean, the
> house will appear more clean,
> Similarly nearness of bed rooms, washing of clothes etc… Cob webbing, wall
> cleaning etc are also important.  Disposal of waste items is most
> important. Much more are to be written..
> *All the above QA are from  Quora  website  on  08-08- 2023.*
> *Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .*
> *Compiled **and posted by R. Gopala krishnan,  on 08-08-2023*
> --
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