You have responded  about melting wood in brick chamber, which is also told 
possible by Mr 
Silk road in the answer. But he states no papers are published.
Whether your response is from a paper published  or just added information. If 
you intimate the paper published I can write to him, so that many Quora members 
can be benefited

    On Thursday, 5 October, 2023 at 11:35:57 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
CULTURAL QA 10-2023-04

Q1         How comeKamaraj lost in the election?

KR       Even withoutSrinivasan he could have been defeated. Every political 
candidate has only alimited period of success. Defeat is normal where people 
are so mad to pull outthe righteousness. Even Modi will be defeated one day. 

Q2         Is itpossible to melt wood?

KR          Trulygenerally YES. Buit melting of solid of every kind is physics 
ultimately so thereis nothing in the earth that cannot be melted at all. 

Melting Wood: A Guide to Understanding theProcess

What is Melting Wood?

Can you melt wood is a question that is often asked due tothe fact that wood is 
made of cellulose, which is a non-flammable material.Melting wood is possible, 
however, it requires intense heat and a precise distributionof oxygen. The most 
common method used to melt wood is burning it, although amore precise approach 
is to use a kiln. When heated in a kiln, the cellulose inthe wood will break 
down, allowing it to be liquified at temperatures between150-200 degrees 
Celsius. The type of wood and its moisture content willdetermine how much heat 
is required to melt it.

Is it Possible to Melt Wood?

Yes, it is possible to melt wood. Wood is a naturalmaterial made up of a 
variety of compounds including cellulose, lignin andhemicellulose. In order to 
melt wood, thetemperature needs to reach 1000°C or higher in certain 
circumstances. Once thistemperature is reached, the woodis thermally degraded 
until all its materials are reduced to liquidform.

Wood can be melted through direct contact with a very hotobject such as a torch 
or fire brick around 900-1000ºC which has enough energyto cause thermal 
degradation of the bond between the polymers (molecules) thatmake up the 
majority of wooden material. This causes them to break down intosmaller 
particles and evaporate away as gas. Once these polymers get degradedenough 
they begin liquifying which results in melting.

The type of woodused will influence how quickly it will melt under high 
temperatures –hardwoods like oak require more energy than softer woods such as 
pine orpoplar. Additionally, depending on where on the tree the piece came from 
andwhat part of cell structure it had when cut into pieces, it could also 
impacthow quickly it melts – bark and resin tend to maintain their solid state 
longerdue to chemical composition sturdiness at higher temperatures resulting 
inmelting being slower compared with inner parts of woody tissue structures 
thatcomposed mostly from general mass rather than combinations between 
certainelements making them weaker at high heat exposure leading 
quickertransformation process resulting in easily melting down at

What Factors Contribute to the Melting ofWood?

Wood can be damaged by melting if it is exposed to toomuch heat. The type of 
woodand its characteristics determine how much heat it will take beforethe wood 
starts to melt. A common issue when wood melts is related to fire,which is an 
intense sourceof heat that impacts all materials, including wood. Any instance 
of ahouse fire, for example, that involves wooden structures not only 
contributesto the destruction of infrastructure but will also lead to the 
melting of wood.

The melting temperature of wood can depend on variousfactors such as species, 
graindirection, relative humidity (RH), thermal conductivity 
anddensity/porosity. Species refers to the type of treefrom which the lumber 
has been derived. Different types of treesrequire varying amounts of heat 
before they start melting due to variations inproperties between them like 
density and moisturecontent. For example, hardwoods require more energy than 
softwoods in orderfor their fibers to soften and deform. Similarly, different 
grain directionscan affect how easily one piece of woodmelts compared to 
another; since cells are oriented differently withinlongitudinal (vertical) vs 
transverse (horizontal) grains in logs or boardsrespectively, a given amount of 
energy would melt each sample at a differentrate depending on its grain 

Finally other variables like RH play a role in thedistribution and storage 
mechanisms involved with the movement or handlingwithin materials embedded in 
that environment such as woods; this furtheraffects any structural changes 
caused by temperature increase such as strength

What Are the Benefits of Melting Wood?

Wood melting provides a range of useful properties to bothdecorative and 
functional applications in our everyday lives. Throughthermomachining, the 
process of heating and softening wood fiber to increaseplasticity, it is 
possible to produce various shapes with intricate surfacedetail, as well as 
create latex free rubber molds. By melting wood, we canalso provide solutions 
to joinery projects or engravings that would otherwisebe impossible using 
traditional methods.

The benefits of melting wood go far beyond its aestheticmerits. As wood is 
melted down, it becomes more malleable, creatingunlimited possibilities for 
custom interlocking joints for furniturepieces or artistic endeavors. The 
flexibility provided by melted woodallows for extremely tight connections which 
results in superior productdurability when compared to traditional carpentry 

A further advantage of using melted wood lies in itsenvironmental 
friendliness—the entire process uses no toxic materials orchemicals, making it 
an eco-friendly choice for any craftingproject. Furthermore, once a projectis 
complete the expired molten material can be recycled back intousable lumber at 
much lower temperature than normally required fumigationprocesses or chemical 
treatment procedures. Melted downwood fibers bind togetherwhen cool so 
temporarily holding their shape even after cooling off; drawingcould save you 
time and energy while molding components togetherthat cannotbe cutwith common 
tools such as saws and grinders plus eliminating dustparticles created by 
traditional carpentry procedures. All parts are capablebeing reshaped easily 
should they require modification during the joinscreation process giving

How Can We Safely Melt Wood?

As one of the most versatile materials known tohumankind, woodis incredibly 
useful when it comes to making various items. Wecan craftwooden furniture, 
jewelry and countless other pieces that requirecertain shape or design in order 
to be produced. But have you ever wondered howwe can safelymelt wood without 
compromising its integrity?

The process of melting any kind of material requiresextremely high temperatures 
and this appliesespecially to wood. Lingering with such extreme heat can 
causesevere damage and even fires if not handled properly. Thus, safetyshould 
always be the top concern before trying to melt down a piece of wood nomatter 
what purpose it may have!

Luckily, there are a few techniques that allow us tosoften and ultimatelymelt 
wood into a malleable form safely:

1) Dry Steam: Generating dry steam at an intensetemperature range is probably 
the safestway for melting a piece of wood as long as the steam doesn’t 
evaporatequickly. The process consists on placing the wooden block inside a 
sealedchamber where hot steam enterswhile containing all volatile particles 
that may cause fire hazards.By repeating this method several times, we can 
eventually guarantee that theblock will reach its softening point fast and 
without compromising itsintegrity whatsoever.

2 ) Vacuum Chamber Method: A similar technique to thedry-steam one implies 
using vacuum chambers that are filled by releasingcontrolled amounts of gas 
(usually nitrogen). An inert gas such as nitrogeneliminates all chances of 
combustion, so does melt. 

Q3         DidJulius Caesar ever fight in battle, or was he simply just a 
general? In otherwords, did he ever physically fight in battle, or did he just 
command hiswarriors and that was it?

KR         I alwaysfind some silly questions like whether the sky is blue and 
adding yes etc; whysuch doubtful Thomas questions. Julius Ceaser and so 
generals took the poweronly by their power of fighting in the war. Augustus yes 
a coward. 

Q4         Why islord Krishna's skin color blue?

KR Just above I spoke; why blue ? why red? Why Rama? I don’tunderstand MATURED 
whether he was dark (aazhi mazhaik kanna) or blue orMeenakshi Green etc. 

Q4         againQ4   If one can buy a product all optionsof negative needs are 
embedded that is trade. 


Q5         Whichdiseases can be cured by eating garlic?

KR   Garlic ispreventive but never a curative, unless added with some other 
things. Lasuna inIndia is the name of a plant defined with Alliumsativum in 
various botanical sources. This page contains potentialreferences in Ayurveda, 
modern medicine, and other folk traditions or localpractices It has the synonym 
Porrum ophioscorodon (Link) Rchb.(among others).  Lashuna use is describedin 
paste , oil and other varieties in shusrutha samhitai. Garlic like yoga 
ispreventive but cannot be directly used as a cure. 

KR IRS   5 10 23

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From: 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2023 at 20:57
Subject: CULTURAL QA 10-2023-04
To: Patty Thatha <>, Iyer 
<>, Kerala Iyer <>

CULTURAL QA 10-2023-04

All the below  QA are from Quora DIGESTto me  on   04-10-2023.

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers.

Compiled andposted by R. Gopala Krishnan, 80,  on04-10-2023.


Q1         How come Kamaraj lost in the election?

A1          Sundari SST, Former Sr. Manager- 1999VRS Retired.17m

Siryou have made me so sorry in bringing to memory the saddest day of 
Thamizhnadu.The karma veerK.Kamaraj was a selfless congress leader respected 
for his simplicity and lovetowards downtrodden people.

He started midday meal program to help poorchildren ,to avoid dropout of 

Alongwith R.Venkataraman the Industries minister of his cabinet constructed 
many dams in TN for utilisingriver water for irrigation.

He was responsible for heavy industrialdevelopment in TN. NLC and BHEL, HPC 
Ooty are some of his achievement for TN

Alashe left the chiefmistership under his own plan known as K Plan to work for 
theparty full time for it's development throughout India.

Sucha divine personality faced an unknown student in his own constituency. Pity 
Rajaji was against himpersonally as Rajaji resigned from congress and started a 
new party calledSwatanthra Party. During election DMK promised 3 measures of 
rice forjust one rupee! Election stunt promised by Perarignar Annadurai !!

The people forgot Kamaraj services toTN . They votedfor the young student 
Srinivasan . Kamaraj was defeated. He never stood up in TN.This is the story of 
unpardonable Defeat inflicted on our great Kamaraj.

My note- The QA is added for the information about Late kammaraj CM  and 
incidence occurred for his defeat.However DMK rule under CN Annadurai was a 
bright period in Tamilnadu.

Q2         Is it possible to melt wood?

A2         Silk Road, AI Expert15h

No, you can't melt wood. Wood is not a puresubstance like ice or metal. It's 
made of different compounds, like water, cellulose, lignin, andother stuff.

Each of these compounds has its own meltingpoint, but they also react with heat 
in different ways.

When you heat up wood, the firstthing that happensis that the water evaporates. 
Then, the cellulose and lignin start to breakdown and burn.

They combine with oxygen in the air andproduce carbon dioxide, watervapor, and 

Thisprocess is called pyrolysis, andit's irreversible. That means you can't 
turn the wood back into itsoriginal form by cooling it down.

You might think that if you heat upwood in a vacuum, wherethere's no oxygen, 
you could avoid pyrolysis and melt the wood.

Butthat's not the case either. The cellulose fibers in wood are very strongand 
prevent the wood from becoming liquid.

Instead, the heat would break thebonds in cellulose and produce methane, carbon 
dioxide, and other organic compounds. You would end up with a bunch of gases 
and charcoal, not liquid wood.

Theonly way you could possibly melt wood is if you could lower the melting 
pointof carbon, which is one of the main elements in wood.

Carbonmelts at 3500°C, which is way hotter than any normal fire. Maybe if you 
hadsome super high-tech equipment, you could create such conditions and melt 

Butas far as I know, no one has ever done that or published any results about 

Q3         Did Julius Caesar ever fight in battle,or was he simply just a 
general? In other words, did he ever physically fightin battle, or did he just 
command his warriors and that was it?

A3         Patrick S,1h

Julius Caesar was primarily known as amilitary general and statesman, but he 
did participate in battles during his career. While he heldcommand positions 
and strategized the movements of his armies, he occasionallyengaged in combat 
alongside his troops.

Some notable instances of Caesarparticipating in battles include:

Battle of Munda (45 BCE): During thecivil war againstPompey's sons, Caesar 
personally led his troops into battle against the forcesof Gnaeus and Sextus 
Pompeius in Spain. He fought on the front lines,demonstrating his bravery and 

Siege of Mytilene (81 BCE): This wasa relatively earlymilitary action in 
Caesar's career when he served as a military tribune. Heplayed a role in the 
siege of Mytilene during the Mithridatic Wars.

Siege of Alexandria (48 BCE): Caesarwas involved in thesiege of Alexandria 
during his campaign in Egypt. While not a pitched battle,the siege involved 
military engagements, and Caesar would have been presentduring these actions.

Various engagements during the GallicWars: Caesar led campaigns inGaul 
(modern-day France) and took part in several battles against Gallictribes, such 
as the Battle of Gergovia and the Battle of Alesia. While he was primarily a 
commander, he would have been exposed to dangeron the battlefield.

Q4         Why is lord Krishna's skin color blue?

A4         Sudha Bharti,Sep 28

Lord Krishna is often depicted ashaving a bluish complexion in Hindu art and 
mythology. There are several explanations and symbolicinterpretations for this 
blue color:

1.Divine Color: In Hinduism, the colorblue is often associated with thedivine. 
It represents the infinite and the boundless. Krishna's blue skin isseen as a 
representation of his divine nature.

2. Symbol of Lord Vishnu: Krishna'sblue complexion is also areminder of his 
identity as Lord Vishnu, who is often depicted as having a bluebody. Lord 
Vishnu is considered the preserver of the universe, and his bluecolor 
symbolizes his role in maintaining cosmic order.

3. Sri Krishna's Leela: In Hinduism,Krishna isconsidered to be an avatar of 
Lord Vishnu. The blue color is said to symbolizehis divine and playful nature. 
It is believed that Lord Krishna used to playpranks and engage in various 
divine and playful activities (leelas) during hisearthly life.

4. Representation of the Infinite: Blueis associated with the sky and theocean, 
both of which are vast and seemingly infinite. Krishna's blue skin issometimes 
seen as a representation of his all-encompassing and infinite nature.

5. Aesthetic and Symbolic Tradition:Over centuries, artists andpoets have 
depicted Lord Krishna as blue, and this tradition has been passeddown through 
generations. The blue color has become an iconic and deeplyingrained part of 
Krishna's imagery.

It'simportant to note that the exact shade of blue used in depictions of 
LordKrishna can vary, andthere may be regional and artistic differences in how 
he is portrayed.Ultimately, the blue color of Lord Krishna is a symbolic 
representation of hisdivine and transcendent nature within Hinduism.

Q4         How do I cancel an Airtel broadbandconnection request which I have 
made by mistake?

A4         Gopala Krishnan, Former Asst GeneralManager, Retired at Bharat 
Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)0y

Abouta few months back, I took a new connection from airtel for my old 
notebookrepaired and made working, it did not came under the family connection. 
It wasincluded in the monthly billing plan.

Whilegiving the new number, the staff intimated, sir, the minimum period of new 
number is 3 months under the postpaid plan. The note book became again faulty 
and I  disconnected the connectionafter 6 months.

Sofor the broad band a minimum period of provision can be there. After that 
only the broad band can be disconnected.This is if you have applied and broad 
band connectionPROCESSED.

Bestcontact airtel outlet.

Q5         Which diseases can be cured by eatinggarlic?

A5         Munyaradzi Chakweva. Jr,Medical Student& Life Coach21h

( My note- Now doctor at Zimbave)

Garlic is a powerful and natural remedyfor a variety of ailments. It has long 
been used as a cooking ingredient around the world, but itshealth benefits 
cannot be overstated. Garlic contains a range of compounds thathave been found 
to provide incredible healing properties.

Here is a list of some diseases that can becured by eating garlic:

1. High Blood Pressure – Garlic can reducehigh blood pressure andcholesterol 

2. Cold and Flu – Eating garlic can helpfight off cold andflu symptoms, thanks 
to its antiviral and antibacterial properties.

3. Diabetes – Research has shown that garlic can help reduce blood sugar levels 
inthose with type 2 diabetes.

Mynote- This is a new information to me.

4. Heart Disease – Garlic has been found to reduce the risk of coronary heart 

5. Cancer – Garlic contains compounds thatcan help to protect againstcertain 
types of cancer.

6. Acne – Garlic can help clear up acne dueto its antibacterial effects.

7. Digestive Issues – Garlic can help toreduce symptoms of indigestion.

8. Yeast Infections – Garlic has antifungal properties that can help treat 

9. Alzheimer’s Disease – Garlic may helpprotect against Alzheimer’sdisease due 
to its antioxidant properties.

10. Arthritis – Garlic can help reduceinflammation in thosewho suffer from 

As you can see, garlic is an incrediblypowerful and natural remedy for a range 
of diseases and ailments. It is not only delicious but also full ofbeneficial 
compounds that can provide a range of health benefits. For best results, eat 
garlic raw or lightly cooked in order to preservethe beneficial compounds. 

Sothe next time you’re looking for a natural remedy, look no further than 
yourkitchen! Tryincorporating garlic into your diet to reap the amazing health 
benefits it hasto offer.

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