CULTURALQA 11-2023-21

All the BELOW    QA are from Quora DIGEST to me  on   20/21-11-2023.


Compiled and posted by R.Gopala Krishnan, 80,  on 21-11-2023.

Q1 Whydo private jets have rear-mounted engines?

A1      RebeccaWilliams, Experience in Aviation1h

Private jets have rear-mounted engines for severalreasons, mainly related tothe 
design, performance, and safety of the aircraft. Here are some ofthe benefits 
of having the engines at the back of the fuselage:

The fuselage islower to the ground, which makes it easier for passengers to 
board and disembark theaircraft using air stairs. This is convenient for 
private jets, which oftenoperate from smallerairports that lack jet bridges or 
other infrastructure.

The noise levelin the cabin is lower, as the engines are farther away from the 
passengers and the sound exitsto the rear. This creates a more comfortable and 
quiet environment for theoccupants, who may want to work or relax during the 

The balance andstability of the aircraft are better, as the engines are closer 
to the centerof gravity andthere is less asymmetrical thrust if one engine 
fails. This also improves thehandling and maneuverability of the aircraft, 
especially in emergencies orchallenging situations.

The wings havemore space for controls and surfaces, which enhance the 
aerodynamics andefficiency of the aircraft. The wings also have less weight and 
stress, as theydo not have to support the engines or their fuel lines.

The risk ofengine damage or fire is lower, as the engines are away from the 
fuel tanks andthe passengers.The engines are also less likely to ingest foreign 
objects or debris from theground, which could cause malfunctions or accidents.

My note- The differencebetween private and commercial jets is the number of 
occupants. Then why normalflights are made like private jets remains with me.

Q2      Cananything stop a tsunami?

A2      StevenHaddock, LL.B. degree, 25 years in litigation, administrative 
law, collections,bankrupty and professional regulation1y

No, but during theIndian Ocean tsunami of 2004 they did find one thing that 
slowed it down.

Mangrove swamps

Mangrove is oneof the few large plants that doesn’t mind growing in salt water 
and stickingits head above it.In addition, they don’t mind it when their roots 
are constantly underwater - beavers build dams because thewater will help them 
fell trees behind the dam for food and building material.

The problem, is, of course, they don’t look prettylike beaches so humans tear 
them up to improve navigation and waterfront views.

 However, during the tsunami, the height of the incoming tide was 
abouttwo-thirds lower when theyhad to travel through mangrove swamps as opposed 
to when they hit open beaches

Q3      Whatis special about Callisto?

A3      T.Barczuk, Studied at Gdansk University of Technology11h

Callisto, themoon of Jupiter, is quite special. It is on par in size with the 
smallest planet, Mercury, and its characteristics andposition in the orbit of 
Jupiter make it one of the best locations in the Solar System for ahuman base.

Callisto is the third largest moon in our system andthe second biggest in orbit 
of Jupiter after Ganymede. It is also in the mostdistant orbit out of the four 
big moons of this enormous gas giant planet. This is far enough to be outsideof 
the harmful effects of Jupiter’s magnetic field, which makes Europaand its 
fascinating subsurface ocean less accessible to us due to radiation. However, 
it turns out thatCallisto might also have subsurface salty waters, but they are 
between 100 to250 km/66 to 155 miles below the ground and might be 150 to 200 
km/100 to 133miles deep.

Salt-lovingextremophile microorganisms or halophiles are the most likely type 
of life thatcould inhabit such an environment. Obviously, for now, this is 
justspeculative; we have no evidence that life exists there. The ocean 
onCallisto is only heated by radioactivity and, unlike Europa’s, not by 
tidaleffects, which would help mix water with the rock and provide nutrients 
fororganisms. This is why it is less likely that we will find life there than 
onEuropa or some other moons of gas giant planets.

Being a thirdbigger than our Moon, Callisto is the most cratered celestial 
object in theSolar System; itssurface is ancient and shows no evidence of 
volcanism or geological activity.Since about half of Callisto is water and half 
rock, its cratered surface has,in places, glittery, white frost deposits. This 
is another feature necessaryfor the future human base; we could use the local 
water. Furthermore, themolecular composition of easily accessible material on 
the surface might makeit possible to manufacture rocket fuel.

Its location near Europa and the proximity of Jupiter,which can be used as a 
gravity assist for increasing the speed of variousmissions to the outer Solar 
System, makes Callisto additionally attractive forfuture human presence. This 
is why there is a great interest to know more aboutthis intriguing moon; it 
willbe visited by the European Space Agency’s Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer 
(JUICE),which will perform flybys between 2031 and 2034, NASA Clipper Mission 
flybys in2030, and Chinese Tianwen-4 will enter the orbit of Callisto around 

The question was: What is special about Callisto?

Q4      Whatis that one healthy habit that has changed your life?

A4      Pooja,Being interested in myself. Updated Nov 10

To drink thisdaily 👆🏻

When I was pregnant with my the age of 36,that also with the help of 
IVF, I was told that there is high chances of different complications… like 
high BP, lowhaemoglobin, diabetes, thyroid even premature delivery.

Carrying pregnancy after 35 is anyway calledhigh-risk pregnancy and after that 
there is 2 Buns in oven.. then it isactually higher side!!

I was advised to be very precise and careful with mydiet. I was told to avoid 
any outside food, juice or junk at all.

Then I starteddrinking this juice...every morning.

This juice contains:

Beet root   spinach    carrot    lemon   little rock salt and black pepper

This miracle drink helped me to escape everycomplication which I mentioned 

I delivered my babies in 37 weeks withoutcomplications. My both babies were 
healthy and didn’t require any NICUassistance at birth.

By that time, having this juice became almost dailyritual of my life.Thishabit 
has given me wonderful results during postpartum and after as well inloosing 
weight and regularise my menstrual cycle.

Do Well..


EDIT1: afterthis overwhelming response from readers in just couple of hours.. I 
want to share oneafter effect and fun fact too 😃

My both babiesShiva and Sia.. are eating spinach, beetroot and carrot from the 
age of 6months without any tantrums at all😆

Their breakfast contains these three miracle food oneby one ..each day. They 
really love the taste and aroma of these super food.DoWell..💕


EDIT 2: Becausemany readers are asking for the quantity for each in this juice, 
so I am goingto write itbelow:

Beet root : 1 ifsmall one , half if big one (ripped one which are soft and nice 
magenta colored)

Spinach : 8–10leaves ( nicely cleaned with salty warm water )

Carrot : 2 mediumsize

Lemon : half or asyou prefer

Little rock saltand black pepper

Sometimes I addtomato inplace of Lemon.

Some readers suggested to add Amla (Indiangooseberry) also, this I will 
definitely try.

Some readers are concerned about the daily intakeabout spinach as it contains 
oxalate, for that I can only suggestwith my experience that excess intake of 
anything can be problematic. Somoderately consumption is advisable. I am having 
this almost daily..some time less spinachmore carrot, sometimes less less beet 

It is totally up to your taste and comfort!!!

Q5      Whatknown materials exist in space but not on earth?

A5      SriSri,3h

Here are someknown materials that exist in space but not on Earth:

Dark matter:Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up about 85% of 
the matter in the universe. It isinvisible and doesn't interact with light, so 
we can only detect it by itsgravitational effects.

Dark energy:Dark energy is an even more mysterious substance that makes up 
about 68% of the universe's energydensity. It is thought to be responsible for 
the accelerating expansion of theuniverse.

Neutron stars:Neutron stars are incredibly dense stars that are formed when the 
cores of massive starscollapse. They are so dense that a teaspoon of neutron 
starmaterial would weigh more than a mountain on Earth.

Black holes:Black holes are regions of spacetime where gravity is so strong 
that nothing, not even light,can escape. They are formed when massive stars 
collapse at the end of their lives.

Cosmic dust:Cosmic dust is made up of tiny particles of rock, ice, and organic 
molecules. It isfound throughout the universe and is thought to be the seeds 
from which starsand planets form.

Nebulae: Nebulaeare clouds of gas and dust that can be found in interstellar 
space. They are often the sites of starformation.

Cosmic rays:Cosmic rays are high-energy particles that travel through space at 
nearly the speed of light. Theyare thought to come from supernovae, the 
explosions of massive stars.

Antimatter:Antimatter is made up of antiparticles, which are the opposite of 
particles we find on Earth.When matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate 
each other in a burst ofenergy.

Strange matter:Strange matter is a hypothetical type of matter that may exist 
at the cores of neutronstars. It is thought to be made up of up, down, and 
strange quarks.

Vacuum energy:Vacuum energy is the energy that exists in empty space. It is 
thought to be a consequenceof quantum field theory.

These are just a few of the many exotic andfascinating materials that exist in 

My note- Very informative QA.

Q6           My father with dementia is seeing deadrelatives. Is he near the 

A6      LynnOddy, Looking after my mother as she deteriorated Oct 20

It is one of theeffects of dementia. The brain gradually loses memories and 
mixes up the memoriesit still has. Heremembers someone but can’t remember when 
that memory was formed and thereforeplaces it in a recent gap. It is impossible 
to guess how near to the endhe is. My mother lasted six to twelve months after 
her memories got that bad.

2nd answer-Gary Whittenberger, FormerPsychologist, retired (1979–2004)Fri

It depends on his general state of health. Patients who are in the process 
ofdying and who have dementia and hallucinate dead relatives are usually in 
theirlast month, at least according to my experience.

Q7      Ifiron is the heaviest element made by nuclear fusion, then how do we 
have somany elements heavier than iron on earth?

A7      KipIngram, PhD in Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at 
AustinCockrell School of Engineering (Graduated 1992)16h

Very reasonablequestion. The normal fusion process that occurs in “healthy” 
stars ends withthe creation of iron. 

However, when astar “goes nova,” the resulting massive energy release can drive 
further fusionprocesses which don’t release energy themselves, but rather 
absorb energy. 

This is wherethose heavier elements are made, and where all of the cooked up 
elements areblasted out into space to be available for the formation of planets.

Creating each atom of these heavier elements requiresthat energy be added, but 
thenova explosion makes ample energy available for that to happen to some 

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