Q1     What are some jaw-dropping facts about the universe that most people
don't know?

KR      This data as gathered from NASA the root of the space research is
given to show, the space data reproduced as tit bits might be JAW-DROPPING
for kids; as elders, we ought to have studied similar details described in
our literatures, which were named or tagged as Religion by the west. It
ignored similar data which did not droop even the moustache; leave alone
jaw dropping etc; so, my writing is simply science is JUST A DISCOVERY
explained to the best of abilities of so-called scientists as an
archaeologists do wrt the old articles-which are believed to be THAT. SUCH
ideas enforced new articles on land to be sold commercially; but are we
able to fly without precautions as we knew space already? no; why? The
mystery of the space is in darkness; the data published are to convince the
board for further funds; and funds are contributable only through the
receipts made out of the facts found from space, sold on the earth,
commercially; or else no one has a jaw to drop. The Indian who had read the
scriptures do not have the jaw drooped; but one who has not seen the
elephant, goes berserk, when he sees one, so too the west who had not read
us , feel jaw dropped; and Mr G is unearthing such outsiders and produce
facts without pillars. The EAGLE NEBULA SAW IN 1700 AD by a French within a
limited circle , found 3 gas pillars spread like an eagle ,raising the
wings; so he named it so;  as we do in Sanskrit; space is a screen movie
which keeps presenting at the same FIXTURES, new movies every day; so it is
deduced as SPACE IS MOVING; since unseen after several hundred years, it is
the limited perception could not fix where it could have gone?; so
scientists say certain movement commentaries; END; suppose the eagle were
to reappear in 4050AD when none us would be there , in these frames, IT IS
there were no photographs, and now we have, what will be the conclusion to
?; another explanation; whereas all these data cannot recreate exactly the
big bang; but a kind of stimuli is prepared, by our feeding over the
machine. So let's learn in that respect as we read as a piece of
information as we do our literature and respond to them also. Below is NASA
REPORT as to what they do?

  “Innovation. There are numerous cases of societal benefits linked to new
knowledge and technology from space exploration. Space exploration has
contributed to many diverse aspects of everyday life, from solar panels to
implantable heart monitors, from cancer therapy to light‐weight materials,
and from water‐purification systems to improved computing systems and to a
global search‐and‐rescue system4. Achieving the ambitious future
exploration goals as outlined above will further expand the economic
relevance of space. Space exploration will continue to be an essential
driver for opening up new domains in science and technology, triggering
other sectors to partner with the space sector for joint research and
development. This will return immediate benefits back to Earth in areas
such as materials, power generation and energy storage, recycling and waste
management, advanced robotics, health and medicine, transportation,
engineering, computing and software. Furthermore, innovations required for
space exploration, such as those related to miniaturisation, will drive
improvements in other space systems and services resulting in higher
performance and lower cost. These will in turn result in better services on
Earth and better return of investment in institutional and commercial space
activities. In addition, the excitement generated by space exploration
attracts young people to careers in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics, helping to build global capacity for scientific and
technological innovation. Culture and Inspiration. Space exploration offers
a unique and evolving perspective on humanity's place in the Universe,
which is common to all. Every day, space exploration missions fulfill
people's curiosity, producing fresh data about the solar system that brings
us closer to answering profound questions that have been asked for
millennia: What is the nature of the Universe? Is the destiny of humankind
bound to Earth? Are we and our planet unique? Is there life elsewhere in
the Universe? New Means to Address Global Challenges. Partnerships and
capabilities developed through space exploration create new opportunities
for addressing global challenges. Space exploration is a global endeavour
contributing to trust and diplomacy between nations. Enhanced global
partnerships and exploration capabilities may help advance international
preparedness for protecting the Earth from catastrophic events such as some
asteroid strikes, advancing collaborative research on space weather and
protecting spacecraft by developing new means for space debris removal.
Knowledge derived from space exploration may also contribute to
implementing policies for environmentally sustainable development. In
summary, space scientists and engineers who overcame past challenges could
not have predicted all the ways in which their innovations are now being
used on Earth. Though the precise nature of future benefits from space
exploration is unpredictable, current trends suggest that significant
benefits may be generated in areas such as new materials, health and
medicine, transportation, and computer technology. New opportunities for
job creation and economic growth are being created by private enterprises
that are increasingly investing in space exploration and seeking ways to
make space exploration more affordable and reliable, and thus, more
sustainable and profitable. There is no activity on Earth that matches the
unique challenges of space exploration. The first fifty years of space
activity have generated benefits for people around the globe. This past
record gives strong reason for confidence that renewed investments in space
exploration will have similarly positive impacts for future generations.

The challenge of space exploration drives a continuing effort to design
ever more capable, reliable, and efficient systems requiring the utmost
ingenuity. Space exploration missions use the unique capabilities of humans
(e.g. on the spot decision‐making, cognitive adaptability, versatility) and
robots (e.g. precision, sensory accuracy, reliability and expendability) to
achieve ambitious exploration goals. Maximizing the productivity of these
missions by demanding an effective partnership between humans and machines
drives progress in human health care, robotics, automation, and other
domains. Space exploration thus supports innovation and economic prosperity
by stimulating advances in science and technology, as well as motivating
the global scientific and technological workforce, thus enlarging the
sphere of human economic activity.

People often ask, If you like spin‐off products, why not just invest in
those technologies straightaway, instead of waiting for them to happen as
spin‐offs? The answer: it just doesn't work that way. Let's say you're
thermodynamics, the world's expert on heat, and I ask you to build me a
better oven. You might invent a convection oven, or an oven that’s more
insulated or that permits easier access to its contents. But no matter how
much money I give you, you will not invent a microwave oven. Because that
came from another place. It came from investments in communications and
radar. The microwave oven is traceable to the war effort, not to

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Space Chronicles, W.W. Norton & Company, 2012, p.210.

Scientific research founded on data from space is also leading to
discoveries with benefits for life on Earth. Ongoing research in the space
environment of the ISS – in areas such as human physiology, plant biology,
materials science, and fundamental physics – continues to yield insights
that benefit society. For example, studies of the human body’s response to
extended periods in the microgravity environment of the ISS are improving
our understanding of the aging process. Fundamental scientific studies of
the Martian environment, its evolution and current state represent
important benchmarks of terrestrial planetary evolution, and hence, provide
a model that some scientists believe will aid our growing understanding of
climate change processes on Earth.

 Space exploration missions offer a unique perspective on humanity’s place
in the Universe, satisfying our curiosity and inspiring wonder. They
provide the best opportunities for addressing questions such as “What is
the nature of the Universe”, "Is the destiny of humankind bound to Earth?",
“Are we and our planet unique?”, and "Is there life elsewhere in the
Universe?”. The first five decades of human activity in space had a
profound impact on the social development of humankind. Yuri Gagarin's
first moments in space and Neil Armstrong's first step on the Moon truly
were “giant leaps for mankind” because they expanded our views about the
limits of human travel and planted seeds for new thinking about where
beyond Earth human existence might be possible. Stephen Hawking has argued
that "to confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the
human spirit". Understanding whether sustained human activity beyond Earth
orbit is actually feasible will have a profound influence on cultural and
intellectual life around the world and on humanity’s views and expectations
of itself.

  An iconic symbol of space exploration's capacity to alter humankind's
perception of its place in the Universe is the “Earthrise” photograph from
the Apollo 8 mission in 1968 . Seen from lunar orbit, our home planet
appeared fragile and isolated. The photograph caused many to develop a new
perspective of our place in the cosmos and raised awareness of the need for
global solutions to environmental challenges. Earth was seen as a seamless
whole without national boundaries. Space exploration has also inspired the
development of various movies, bestselling books, songs, photographs and
paintings. Cultural products are a very visible symbol for how society
relates to space exploration.

 Continued missions on the ISS, as well as planned human and robotic
missions beyond LEO to the Moon, asteroids, and Mars will be key to
generating scientific knowledge in the fields of planetary science,
astrobiology, astrophysics, fundamental physics, life sciences, and the
social sciences. For example, the ISS will continue to host studies to
understand the physiological and biological effects of space on humans,
such as bone and muscle loss, diminished immune efficiency, slower wound
healing, and poorer cognitive performance. The results are helping the
medical community to provide better health care for remote communities and
aging populations.

More broadly, the growing capacity to work in space for extended periods of
time is likely to encourage further investment in the space economy – for
example through mastery of sophisticated and delicate repair and
construction tasks such as the servicing of the Hubble space telescope, and
greater understanding of how to manage risks to human health and safety.
Specifically, developments in propulsion, transportation, and
infrastructure systems may lower the cost of space access and utilization,
and thus enable expanded private investment in space cargo transport, space
tourism, and resource utilization.

   In recent years, a number of agencies have conducted robotic space
missions36 that have uncovered new knowledge about the solar system's past
and present and are providing clues to help humankind understand how life
began on Earth. In the coming decade, a variety of new missions to the
Moon, asteroids, and Mars37 will deepen that understanding and shed light
on the possibility of past or present life elsewhere in the solar system.

   Scientists now believe that water may once have flowed on the surface
and that early conditions on the planet could have supported life. NASA's
Curiosity rover, which has been exploring the Yellowknife Bay area on Mars
since 2012, has discovered new evidence that Mars could have supported
ancient microbial life. ESA and Ros cosmos plans for ExoMars missions in
2016 and 2018, and NASA's plans for a Mars 2020 rover will make further
progress in the search for signs of life. These missions set the stage for
what scientists agree will bring humankind even closer to revealing whether
Martian life ever existed: a mission to return Mars samples back to Earth.

     The renewed interest in space exploration, generated by work on human
missions beyond LEO is deeply inspirational. These missions will accelerate
solar system exploration and discovery by leveraging humankind's natural
ability to analyze and adapt to unpredictable situations. Human missions to
the lunar vicinity that are being considered for the next decade will lay
the groundwork for exploration of more distant destinations     KR IRS 22
11 23


Q2     Does an Aadhaar card of an NRI look any different from a resident's
Aadhaar card?

My note- Aadhar of an NRI is an identification only in India, when he
visits India. It is not recognised as identification in foreign country. I
stand corrected if it is not so.

KR:        I write only against such information which is misleading.
Aadhar card is only for Indians; Non-resident as the author means permanent
resident -ex-Indian, residing abroad and a visitor to India, with a foreign
passport, cannot obtain any Aadhar Card.  Others who hold Indian Passports
but residing abroad on Vocation, and resident >180 days, who are also
termed as NON-RESIDENT, can have Aadhar with their Indian address only. It
is only an identity card and not any citizenship card as the USA has under
social security cards. As an identity card, not demanded legally and
constitutionally, Aadhar is verified even in USA libraries as additional
evidence. RBI circulars are there which were not known to even SBI who were
demanding Aadhar for Joint account holders who were once Indian minors and
now had turned Foreign nationals; and after the veracity of truth, wanted
an identity of address and existence; and accepted any stamp of Passport,
driving lice etc as they existed in foreign land. NRI as a main account
opener has rules but as a joint account holder secondary is not preventable
as the main operator is an Indian supported by Aadhar. NRI means just >180
days resident outside India and means either Indian passport or foreigners.
Aadhar is concerned only with Indian and not Ex Indian. They may have dual
citizenship. NRI may open an Indian account as we do in a foreign land;
however, in a resident account they cannot be a Prime member.

Q3     The Big Bang theory is not true but if it is then how could it be
possible that there is a perfect pattern in the universe? (The earth is at
a perfect distance from the sun and has life in a perfect way. Each planet
is at perfect distance and much more)

KR        I had spoken many times and even now in Q1 on Big bang. The Q and
A emerges suddenly as the context and the content are bizarre, as do appear
as some kind of reply. There are jargons which were not understood by the
copier and reproduced without head or tail.

           As humans we are only carried out by what comfort we do have;
right from day one people were living only beside water liquid state; when
solidified they kept moving for liquid water; does it mean they were in hot
climate, all the time? No Eskimos could not have that GOLDILOCKS ZONE.
Human thinking is wherever there is liquid water like earth that is a
comfort zone aka Goldilocks zone. But imagine 13 billion years ago in some
space spot there were only COFFEE SPRINGS and life was only in that and
water was a poison, then the goldilocks can only be Coffee. So pitching on
certain conducive factors named as Goldilocks is just a self-serving

         Then the second Jargon-PERFECT DISTANCE. If you are placed at
25-degree cent from the Sun one is at a perfect distance as you need not
have air-conditioned; then when one is touching 100 deg C you are not at a
perfect distance; so, what does it matter if you were in minus 10 degree
near Venus or Mars? People are booking space to reside in Moon foolishly;
perfect distance? So space has no waste but stuffed in such a manner , as
empty space from Virudu nagar to Kovil patti on both sides; or
Maduranthakam vizhupuram or Haryana-delhi or CBE PaLAKAD ON THE HILLOCKS,
OR SFO TO LOS ANGELES OR ARIZONA DALLAS on highways, space holds empty
space. Don’t we like space between two compounds?   Isn't 70% Goldilocks an
empty space? So just a jargon when we are ignorant of what to do with that;
suppose we can park in future our vehicles in the mid-air; will there be
space for utility or empty?

      And the third is a fallacy about BIG BANG. Yes, it was there; Rig
vedam says so; sound from Brahmam or Devi. Space, sound, air, non-vacuum,
agni, water earth. Then air, liquidity and solid and vacuum. Prakriti
changing its shapes and Gunas. Potential energy becoming Kinetic and
particles travelling in different accelerations fastest, faster, slower,
becoming reasonably moving than it was once moving; our perception thinks
as halted; but other perceptions think as moving faster or retarding as we
perceive; longest distanced (one light year is 9.83 billion years; and so
far appeared to have seen with Hubble to naked eyes as 46 Billion light
years distance) was presumed to be 13 billion year old to shortest Golden
eagle nebula as  young one; { I don’t know why the age of the solar system
was not considered as 450 billion years older (46*9) but only 13 billion) .
Rig Vedam Nasadiya suktam raised a wonderful question: WHO KNOWS? Even if
the Big bang is recreated in Switzerland, which scientist will know about
it after 26 billion years to know the 13 billion years effect? Then as the
NASA article said, why are we spending so many billions of dollars? ONLY
undestroyable and the source is brahmam; if you wish you name it otherwise.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KR  IRS   22 11 23

Q4     What is the power of reading?

KR   What patriotism for Fredrik Douglass? 1818-1895. Not the Demosthenes,
(born 384 bce, Athens [Greece]—died Oct. 12, 322, Calauria, Argolis),
Athenian statesman, recognized as the greatest of ancient Greek orators,
who roused Athens to oppose Philip of Macedon and, later, his son Alexander
the Great. He could read nothing. Hitler, Churchill who read nothing? Greek
philosophers whose philosophy is only being oratorized today by the west?
Francis Bacon on books : 'some books are to be tasted, others to be
swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. '[1561] Descartes?
CHARAWAKA OF Ramayana, Vithura of Mahabharatha, Suka of Bhagavatham,
BirthrHari, Yagna- valkya , Maitreyi ,Gargi, Raja Raja Cholan, and so many
along with mahatma Gandhi and now Modiji? Many orators did not study; many
did not read many books; of course, books do teach freedom but many who
read in India today are tongue tied? I have not heard of Fredrik but yes
Martin Luther King.

Q5     Which fruits are not good for the liver?

KR     n+1th time

KR  IRS 22  11  233

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From: 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2023 at 19:41
Subject: [iyer123] CULTURAL QA 11-2023-21A
To: Patty Thatha <>, Iyer <>, Kerala Iyer <>

CULTURAL QA 11-2023-21A

All the BELOW    QA are from Quora DIGEST to me  on   21-11-2023.


Compiled and posted by R. Gopala Krishnan, 80,  on 21-11-2023.

Q1     What are some jaw-dropping facts about the universe that most people
don't know?

A1     Subham Singh, Engineer by choice Jul 28

The universe is a vast and mysterious place, filled with awe-inspiring
phenomena and mind-boggling facts. Here are some jaw-dropping facts that
might leave you marveling at the wonders of the cosmos:

We are made of star stuff: The atoms in our bodies, the carbon, oxygen, and
other elements, were forged inside stars through nuclear fusion billions of
years ago.

The universe is expanding: The universe is not static; it's continuously
expanding in all directions. Galaxies are moving away from each other due
to this expansion.

My note- Mr “Silk road” also explained the same in very simple manner-As
the bread bakes, the raisins move away from each other, but they don't
really change their size. Everything in the universe is moving away from
everything else, but space itself doesn't have a size or a shape in QA

Most of the universe is invisible: Dark matter, an unknown form of matter,
makes up about 27% of the universe, and dark energy, a mysterious force
driving the universe's accelerated expansion, accounts for about 68%.

Black holes can "sing": Black holes emit sound waves due to the vibrations
of their event horizons, but the sounds are too low-frequency for human
ears to detect.

The Pillars of Creation are long gone: The iconic "Pillars of Creation" in
the Eagle Nebula, famous for the Hubble Space Telescope image, were
destroyed by a nearby supernova explosion, but we will only see their
disappearance in about 1,000 years, as the light takes that long to reach

The cosmic microwave background: The faint glow of radiation left over from
the Big Bang is called the cosmic microwave background (CMB). It provides
crucial evidence for the Big Bang theory and is visible from all directions
in the universe.

The vast emptiness: Despite the enormous number of stars and galaxies, the
universe is mostly empty space. Galaxies are separated by vast distances,
making the universe 99.9999999999999% empty.

Time dilation near black holes: In the vicinity of a black hole, time slows
down significantly due to its intense gravitational pull. This phenomenon,
known as time dilation, is predicted by Einstein's theory of general

There could be parallel universes: Some theories in cosmology, such as the
multiverse theory, propose the existence of parallel universes, each with
its own set of physical laws and constants.

These jaw-dropping facts about the universe remind us of how much we have
yet to discover and how truly magnificent and mysterious the cosmos is.

Q2     Does an Aadhaar card of an NRI look any different from a resident's
Aadhaar card?

A2     Shobhit Kesarwani, Consultant (2020–present)Aug 3

No visual distinction between the Aadhaar cards of an NRI (Non-Resident
Indian) and a resident Indian. An Aadhaar card is a unique identification
document issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to
residents of India, including NRIs who meet certain criteria.

Regardless of whether you are a resident Indian or an NRI, the Aadhaar card
contains the following basic information:

Aadhaar Number: A 12-digit unique identification number assigned to the

Full Name: The full name of the cardholder.

Date of Birth: The date of birth of the cardholder.

Gender: The gender of the cardholder.

Address: The residential address of the cardholder.

Photograph: A photograph of the cardholder.

NRIs can apply for and obtain an Aadhaar card if they fulfil the
eligibility criteria set by the UIDAI. The process for NRIs to apply for an
Aadhaar card is similar to that of resident Indians, and they need to
provide their biometric data (fingerprints and iris scan) during the
enrolment process.

Please note that since regulations and processes can change over time, it's
always a good idea to check the latest guidelines and requirements issued
by the UIDAI or the Indian government to ensure you have the most
up-to-date information regarding Aadhaar cards for NRIs.

My note- Aadhar of an NRI is an identification only in India, when he
visits India. It is not recognised as identification in foreign country. I
stand corrected if it is not so.

Q3     The Big Bang theory is not true but if it is then how could it be
possible that there is a perfect pattern in universe? (The earth is at
perfect distance from sun and have life in a perfect way. Each planet is at
perfect distance and much more)

A3     Krister Sundelin, E-learning Producer (2020–present)5h

Hello, Haresh Kumar.

If the Big Bang theory was not true, you will have to find another way of
explaining the evidence for it: cosmic redshift, cosmic microwave
background, distribution of light elements, structures in space etc etc.

And there is not a perfect pattern in the universe. Rather, it is chaotic
and destructive, which our planet bears the scar of – some more visible
than others.

But in a chaotic universe, where planets can be at any distance from their
sun, you will find some who are in the “Goldilocks zone” – the just about
right distance where water can be liquid, of just about the right size. And
of course it will be on one such planet where life can evolve – you would
not even be here to ask that question on any planet which could not harbour

After all, we live on one planet out of eight, around a pretty average star
out of 100 billion or more in this galaxy alone, in an observable universe
with perhaps as many as 2 trillion galaxies in the bit of the universe
which we can see. If only this planet could harbour life, I would not call
that a “perfect pattern”, but rather a huge waste of space.

Q4     What is the power of reading?

A4     Silk Road, AI Expert Mon

Born into slavery in Maryland around 1818. He didn't know his father or his

He was separated from his mother when he was a baby, and suffered a lot of
abuse and hardship as a slave.But he had a dream of being free.

One of the things that helped him achieve his dream was learning to read.

He started learning the alphabet from his master's wife, who was kind to
him at first. But when her husband found out, he forbade her to teach him

He said that learning would make him unfit to be a slave.

But the boy didn't give up. His will to be free was too strong.

He tackled various methods to learn more, like getting books from different
sources, copying letters from signs and newspapers, and practicing writing
in secret.

He even tricked some white boys into teaching him by pretending he knew
more than them.

One of the books that influenced him a lot was The Columbian Orator, which
was a collection of speeches and writings on natural rights and freedom.

He read about the American Revolution and the abolition of slavery in other
countries. He also read the Bible and learned about God's love and justice.

His thirst for reading opened his mind and his heart. It made him realize
that slavery was wrong and that he deserved to be free.

It also gave him the courage and the skills to fight against slavery.

He escaped from his master in 1838 and became a leader of the abolitionist

He wrote books, gave speeches, published newspapers, and helped other
slaves escape.

So you see, this is an example of how reading can change your life and the
world.Reading can give you knowledge, power, inspiration, and hope.

It can help you understand yourself and others better. It can make you a
better person and a better citizen.And this is what it certainly did to the
young slave boy who became the legendary abolitionist and hero.

His name was Frederick Douglass.

Q5     Which fruits are not good for the liver?

A5     Teamedical, Experienced Medical Team18h

Fruits may be packed with vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients, but
some are not so great for our livers. Often times, it's about eating them
in moderation, but there are a few fruits that should be limited when it
comes to taking care of our precious livers.

Here are five fruits to be mindful of when trying to keep your liver

1. Dried Fruits – Dried fruits are much higher in sugar than fresh fruits.
The high sugar content in dried fruits can increase the fat levels in the
liver, leading to inflammation.

2. Citrus Fruits – Citrus fruits are full of vitamin C, but they can also
be acidic. This can cause irritation and inflammation of the liver.

3. Avocados – While avocados are full of beneficial nutrients and fatty
acids, they can also be high in fat. Eating too many avocados can increase
fat levels in the liver, leading to inflammation.

4. Bananas – Bananas are high in sugar and potassium, and while the
potassium is beneficial for the liver, the sugar can cause inflammation.

5. Grapes – Grapes are high in fructose, which can lead to an accumulation
of fat in the liver, leading to liver inflammation.

Now, this isn't to say that these fruits should be avoided completely. In
moderation, these fruits can be beneficial to the body, including the
liver. However, it's important to keep an eye on how many of these fruits
we're consuming.

When it comes to our livers, it's best to focus on getting nutrition from a
variety of healthy foods. Fresh vegetables and lean proteins are great
sources of the nutrients the liver needs to stay healthy. There are also
certain herbs and supplements that can help support the liver.

It's important to remember that our livers are incredibly vital organs and
should be treated with care

Eating a healthy, balanced diet, and avoiding overloading on unhealthy
sugars and fats, is the best way to keep your liver healthy. Eating in
moderation and being mindful of the foods that can be damaging will ensure
that your liver stays in top shape

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