The coveted title holder that he had butlered in his own English, nayagan
Narayanasamy, had once again written, his assertions without basis nor
denying by strength of materials what I had written authentically, found
all over the earth. Is he not ashamed even to think for nimisha, how can he
be a master to the masters of the earth whose treatises are spread all over
film Thangavelu acts as a LIAR like Narayanasamy; Gemini Ganesan will say
problems of himself; Thangavelu every day wil take all the food for the day
and come and sit in the park and after eating and sleeping will return back
home; suddenly wife's relation will come to his house; the uncle will ask
wife of Thangavelu, what is mappillai doing>; he had told her that
thangavelu is the manager of MANNAR & CO; so she will repeat; and uncle
will say, that that uncle is the Manager of Mannar & co; and he will ask
what is he talking about; then Thangavelu will tell gG , Dey Namba Mannar &
co patri sollu (tell him about our Mannar & co) without even feeling hurt
but lies more lies.  So is Narayanasamy.
        Yesterday he wrote elsewhere for the second time, again Sri Suktam;
and said it is appended to Rigvedam.  And did not say anything further as
he knows only a few mantras here and there as Vadhyars recite at our homes.
That does not mean all vadhyars are knowledgeable. Narayanasamy the empty
pot walks around , impressing his village people as if he is knowledgeable;
and he is being broken which triggers his anger; and so showers his
personal abuses on me; aadatheriyadhavan mutrum konal enbadhu pola. Sri
Suktham was not originally found in the 5th part of Rig vedam. It is taken
from Padma Puranam. It is the opinion of the researchers that in the olden
days palm leaves of Veda sakas (part of some part of Rig vedam) were held
by the learned; [learning entire vedam was praiseworthy; hence only the
appended to their names were Vedhi, Dwi Vedi, Tri vedi,and Chaturvedi etc]
Generally ,amy learned only few sakas. And whatever other suktas they come
across were in the palm leaves which they kept along with their sakas. When
printing was introduced, and the British hunted for vedic leaves, whatever
they found was printed as it is. The earliest dates were considered as
orderly. In that a Rigvedic saka along with the sri suktam kept inside were
also printed. Sayana treatise was when Vijaya nagara empire was in vogue
1400 AD; and printing came in 1450 AD; and by 1500 AD 9 million books were
printed; and british in the hunt made the printing as the earliest sakas to
later found sakas; and in that as Sayana did the transcriptions, taken
under Rig vedam as Keelakam. However, THERE IS AN IMPORTANT INFORMATION IN
THIS:  Rig Veda. Śaunaka's Caraṇa-vyuha lists five shakhas for the Rig
Veda, the Śākala, Bāṣkala, Aśvalāyana, Śaṅkhāyana, and Māṇḍukāyana of which
only the Śākala and Bāṣkala and very few of Asvalayana are now extant. aND
ELSE.  Find elswhere about Sri suktam article. K R IRS 2 12 23

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Narayanaswamy Iyer <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 at 07:58
Subject: Re: [KeralaIyers] Fwd: [iyer123] Yaajamaana samskaaraha -- fire
offering by yajur-vedins
To: iyer <>, Laxminarayan Sarma <>
Cc: Narayanaswamy Iyer <>

Dear folks

When an eyeless, bloodless, gutless, witless, senseless blood-sucking
bedbug-louse-tapeworm tries, from its hiding-place in the dirty bed-sheets
and infected pillow-cases, to expound high philosophy about our vedams and
other scriptures, it only reveals in the glare of daylight its utter
incompetence, lack of any schooling, lack of any knowledge, and scraps of
junk picked up from the intestinal waste-products of its host-victim.

To begin with, the blood-sucking parasite accuses me of:-

"*his own ignorance on creation of the order of the Vedams only , as now he
knows that his Taittiriya brahmana opening is dead."*

Consummate incorrigible grand liar KR ex-IRS11223 turns tail, takes to his
heels, and runs from the inescapable truth that the partition of the
original undivided veda manthrams was done by humans.  Accordingly, there
never ever was a "creation of the order of the Vedams only."

Further, the opening manthram of the yajur-veda thaiththireeya braahmana

"*brahma samdhaththam thanme jinvatham*".

It is as alive as the r'g-vedam, whose opening manthram:w

"*agni meede purohitham yajnyasya devamruthvijam*"

was copied word-for-word from the yajur-veda thaiththireeya samhithaa

The blood-sucking parasite continues:-

*"I said KYV came only after Sama vedam; that does not mean Rig vedam also;
a**s I am confirming that there was only one vedam of RICS called Rigveda."*

The talking non-thinking parasite cannot see its own lack of mental
equilibrium when it first accepts that all three vedams -- r'g, yajur, and
saama -- came from the same cake, it follows that if it asserts that yajur
came after saama, so did r'g.

Same with its adharmic, avivekic, avidya, claim that only r'g-vedam
consists of r'ks, when the entire yajur-vedam, as exemplified by the
udakashaanthi paata, consists of riks.

The fork-tongued flat-worm parasite continues:-

"*Yagna was in theory in the rig vedam; as admitted by Narayanasamy
everything in principle were there in that one vedam."*

No. No.

Yagnya was in fact in the yajur-veda thaththireeya samhitha, from
which it was copied into the r'g-vedam, as I clarified above.

Yes.  Yes.

The three wedges -- r'g, yajur, and saama -- were from the same single
primordial innominate vedam.

Then the blood-sucking parasite, even before it is detected and destroyed,
has one last dying scream of agony when repeating its perpetual exposed lie


The incontrovertible truth is that r'g-vedam took the verses from
yajur-vedam 9, 90, 900 and more times, as the parasite itself has elsewhere

S Narayanaswamy Iyer

On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 4:10 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <>

> Poor insect Narayanasamy jumped by his own ignorance on creation of the
> order of the Vedams only , as now he knows that his
> Taittiriya brahmana opening is dead . I said KYV came only after Sama
> vedam; that does not mean Rig vedam also; as I am confirming that there was
> only one vedam of RICS called Rigveda which had only principles of
> everything as a theory. After the only oldest Rigvedam was given to us, (
> even as per his own cake cutting , the part of first cut , second cut ,
> third cut alone will be there and they are not simultaneous parted by few
> seconds) the memory was only through the shruti hearing; hence the sakas
> were divided among the people practicing so that all the contents are/were
> in tact. Only the nature and Brahmam was worshipped; No Vigrahaam or
> Temples; that is why all the nature and other helpful tools and species
> became so honourable by name as one, 2,3,33, 3300 and millions of Gids
> later; Yagna was in theory in the rig vedam; as admitted by Narayanasamy
> everything in principle were there in that one vedam.  As even Sakas might
> have become difficult to memorize, a tune framed musically and saman was
> practiced as Sama vedam. Then along the way mathematical wizards created
> the yagna labs -YAGA GUNDAM designed for various purposes. OUR
> various shaped Yaga gundams FOUND DURING THE EXCAVATIONS.  yAJURVEDAM
> ASTROLOGY HOMA KUNDAMS ETC . Finally Atharvan removed the tantra ,
> medicine, etc separately from Rig vedam and added its additional materials.
> That is why Rig Veda mantras will be seen in all other three vedas
> somewhere. This is accepted by well read. Because Narayansamy blabbers
> truth will not become lies as it is only his assertions without any
> material given by Narayanasamy.  KR IRS  11223
> NB:
> *Size and Shape of Yagya Kund: Mathematical and Spiritual aspects*Jairam
> Motlani1*1Research Scholar, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, India
> *Corresponding. Email:
> <>
> *Abstract*
> The size and shape of the Yagya Kund is one of the important aspects for
> successful completion of Yagya. Vedic literature describes in details about
> their types, size, shapes and constructions. Yagya Kund size and shape
> helps in construction of the Kund for specific spiritual or materialistic
> outcomes which require specific mathematical measurements of Yagya Kund.
> The shape of the Yagya Kund is decided based on the purpose of the Yagya,
> while the size is decided based on the total offerings given to the fire.
> The spiritual and mathematical aspects on size and shape of the Kund are
> presented in the study. During the study analysis, it was observed that
> Vedic texts used mathematical knowledge from various streams such as
> astrology, trigonometry, geometry, etc in the construction of Yagya Kund.
> The size of Yagya Kund is directly propositional to the number of offerings
> to be done. In addition, during the construction of any Yagya Kund, first
> of all a circle is made whose parameter is fixed to the number of offerings
> to be done, then a particular Yagya Kund is to be constructed. Regardless
> of the shape, the construction of Kund based on the diameter given in the
> ancient texts resulted in the same surface area and volume for particular
> number of offerings, opening a gate for further study of fine mathematics
> involved in the Yagya Kund construction.
> *Keywords*
> Yagya Kund, Shape, Size, offerings, Vedic Mathematics, Area and Volume,
> Angul, Hast, Yava, Yuka
> *Introduction*
> Yagya is an essential part of Indian culture. According to Indian
> scripture, the human life runs on the philosophy of Yagya from birth to the
> end. In Indian culture conceiving (*garbhdhan*) is also a kind of Yagya
> and so the funeral (*anteyeshti*). There are three root meanings of word
> Yagya i.e. to worship (*dev poojan*), to harmonize (*sangatikaran*) and
> to bestow (*daan*) (1,2).
> Yagya is being used for different purposes for spiritual or materialistic
> desire and One of the central aspect in this regard is shape and size of
> the Fire pit. The Vedic ritual Yagya is done in the fire pot termed as Kund.
> As per the Panini Grammar the root (*dhatu*) of the word Kund implies for
> meanings – 1) protective place (*rakshanarthkudi*), 2) object of the
> measurement (*manarthkkun*), 3) the opening place, nurturer, place of
> fire, pot for water (*koshkaar Kund*), etc. Here for the perspective of
> Yagya, it is taken as the place for fire of Hawan (Yagya). Thus, Vedic
> literature describes Kund as a medium to offer *havi* (offerings) to
> divine and the whole process as Yagya (2).
> This Vedic ritual Yagya includes very strict mathematical measurement for
> every part of the ritual. The size of *Mandap* is dependent on the size
> of the Kund and the size of the Kund is dependent on the number of
> offerings. The number of offerings is dependent on the spiritual penance (
> *Dharm-anushthan)* it was meant for.
> In Vedic times the science of Yagya has highly evolved. This is reflected
> in different types of materials and tools used in the Yagya with detailed
> protocols of their construction and utility. One such aspect of Yagya is
> the size and shapes of Yagya Kund.
> The size and shape of the Yagya Kund is one of the important aspects for
> successful completion of Yagya. Vedic literature describes in details about
> their types, size, shapes and constructions. Yagya Kund size and shape
> helps in construction of the Kund for specific spiritual or materialistic
> outcomes which require specific mathematical measurements of Yagya Kund.
> The spiritual and mathematical aspects on size and shape of the Kund are
> presented in the study.
> *Different shapes of Yagya Kund and their purposes*
> ‘Bhavishya Purana’ and ‘Kund Mandap Siddhi’, both books described total 10
> types of shapes i.e. Circular, Semi-circular, Vulvar shape, Trigonal shape,
> Lotus shaped, square shaped, Pentagonal shaped, Hexagonal shaped,
> Heptagonal shaped and Octagonal shaped. They are shown in Table 1.
> Different shapes are recommended for specific spiritual and material
> purposes and ignorance of it, as per the scriptures, it can lead to
> nullification or reduction of the desired outcome. Table 1 also described
> their purpose (3,4).
> These are the commonly mentioned Yagya Kund shapes. However, there are
> texts mentioning other types of shapes such as starshaped Hexagonal (
> *vishamshadastra*) and starshaped octagonal, etc (*vishamashtashtra*),
> etc (2) (Figure 1).
> *Figure 1.* Some additional example of Yagya Kund A) Star shaped
> Hexagonal, B) Star shaped Octagonal Yagya Kund (top view of Kund image).
> Sr.No
> Name of Yagya Kund
> Type of shape
> Anecdotal example of Purpose of Kund Shape
> 1
> Vrittakaar Kund
> Circular
> For peace
> 2.
> Ardhchandrakar
> Semi-circular
> For welfare
> 3.
> Yoni Kund
> Vulvar shape
> To get progeny ( child) and to treat women diseases
> 4.
> Trayasra
> Trigonal shape
> To win over enemies
> 5.
> AbajKund(Padma)
> Lotus shaped
> To induce health, peace, wealth, positive outcome, rain
> 6.
> Chatursra Kund
> square shaped
> For everything
> 7.
> Panchasra Kund
> Pentagonal shaped
> For peace from enemey energies
> 8.
> Shadasra Kund
> Hexagonal shaped
> For defying enemies *(Uchhedan and maran karma)*
> 9.
> Saptakar Kund
> Heptagonal shaped
> To treat psychological disorder(*bhoot dosha shanti*)
> 10.
> Ashtasra Kund
> Octagonal shaped
> To attain good health
> *Table 1.* List of the Yagya Kund as per the shape and their purposes.
> Different shapes of Kund provide the *Yagyakarta *(person, who is doing
> the Yagya) different results. The person (*Yagyakarta*) chooses the shape
> of Kund on the basis of results he or she wants from the Yagya. In the book
> ‘sharda tilak’ results of various shape of Yagya Kund has been described.
> In the shloka in the 3rd chapter 86-89 (*tritya Patal, 86-89) *(5), it
> mentioned - the square Kund can be used for all kind of work, yoni Kund to
> get progeny (child), semicircle Kund for grace, triangle Kund to fight off
> enemies, circle Kund to attain peace, hexagonal Kund for defying enemy (
> *maran* and *uchchheda karma*), lotus shaped Kund to promote the rain and
> octagonal Kund to attain health (see Table 1). Apart from that in ‘Mandap
> Kund Siddhi’ book, it has been mentioned that pentagonal Kund is used for
> attaining peace and heptagon Kund is used to treat psychological disorders 
> (*bhootdosh
> shanti) *(Table 1) (4)
> *Shape of Yagya Kund as per the person class (cast)*
> In Vedic times, the cast system was based on the deeds and not based on
> birth. There are plenty of examples person born to one class choose the
> action of the other class. Regardless, each type of class required
> different spiritual and materialistic energy and hence, different Kund
> shapes were recommended for different class. Besides it also indicated that
> Yagya was compulsory part of their life regardless of their class system.
> The book ‘Sharda Tilak*’ *describes the utilization of different Yagya
> Kund shape by different category of people as follows (3) - It means
> *Brahmin* should do Yagya in square shape Kund (*chaturstra Kund*),
> *Kshatriya* should do in circle Kund (*vrattakar Kund*), *Vaishya* should
> do in semi circle Kund (*ardhchandrakar Kund*), *shudra* should do in
> triangle Kund (*trikona Kund*) and females should do in Yoni Kund (3).
> *Size of the Yagya Kund is dependent on the total number of offerings*
> Vedic literature mentioned the size of the Kund is dependent on the total
> number of offerings. The size of the Yagya Kund is calculated before its
> construction as it is mandatory that during the Yagya process, it should
> not overflow and no situation arises that it gets full and access needs to
> be removed. The fire is considered very sacred and divine and it should be
> respected well. Rishis, hence, used very fine mathematics for the whole
> process. i.e. Yagya Kund must have capacity to hold that volume of
> offerings and at the end of the Yagya, Yagya Kund should be filled 2/3 of
> the total size and height.
> Total number of offerings decides total volume. Hence, a Vedic calculation
> for total number of offerings and required size is mentioned in literature
> as follows in table 2.
> A Shloka from the ancient Indian book of Yagya known as shardatilak (3)
> states that the size of Yagya Kund should be considered on the basis of the
> number of offerings to fire (*ahuties*) to be offered. For 10,000
> offerings (*ahuties*) *BhuHastatmaka* Kund (1 hand long) is enough, for
> 100000 offerings *DueHastatmaka *(2 hand long) should be considered. For
> 1000000 offerings a person should make *ChaturHast* Kund (4 hand long)
> and if evenmore number of offerings are involved in Yagya the
> *AashtHastatmaka* Kund (8 hand long) should be constructed.
> Here ‘hand’ is used as a unit which is not as length but rather represents
> area or volume and it is a unit required for construction of the Yagya
> Kund. The details are as follows.
> *Mathematical units involve in construction of Yagya Kund *(5)
> Here the Kunds are classified based on the size measured in the unit
> ‘Hast’ (hand). In the construction of Yagya Kund in Vedic times the
> mathematical formulas had particular units such as *Liksha, Yuka, Yava,
> Angul, Hast*. These units helped in doing construction of fine and
> complex shaped Yagya Kund. These units are converted and shown in modern
> units as below.
>    - 8 *liksha* = 1*yuka*= 0.03125 cm = 0.01230316 inch
>    - 8 *yuka* = 1 *yava* = 0.25 cm = 0.09842525 inch
>    - 8 *yava *= 1 *Angul *(approximate width of a finger of host) = 2 cm
>    =0.787402 inch
>    - 24 *Angul* = 1 *Hast*= 48 cm = 18.897648 inch
>    - *21 Angul = 1 ratni= 42 cm = 16.535442 inch*
>    - *22 Angul = 1 aratni= 44 cm = 17.322844 inch*
> ‘Hast’ and ‘Angul’ are the main units for Yagya Kund construction. 1 Hast
> is 24 Angul. This is a base formula for all types of calculations in the
> Yagya Kund construction.
> The research article by Shailajkumarshrivastava (5) described 1 Angul as
> 2.0 cm. The book by Munger Yoga Publications (6) described 1 Angul as 1.9
> cm. It also mentioned that the Angul used for calculating the Yagya Kund
> construction is the measurement of the width of the thumb of the *Yajman* 
> (host),
> who is supposed to give the offerings to fire. It also explains that the
> total volume of offerings is dependent on the size of the finger/Angul of
> the host. This was the finest calculation used in Yagya Kund construction.
> Number of oblation
> Traditional Name of the Kund
> Common term & Traditional unit
> Area of the Kund
> <50
> ---
> *Mushthimatra*
> *---*
> 51-99
> ---
> *From Kuhani to Kanishka*
> *---*
> Up to 1000
> *BhuHastatmaka*
> One hand = 24 Angul
> 576 Angul
> Up to 10,000
> *DueHastatmaka*
> 2 hand = 34 Angul
> 1152 Angul
> Up to 1,00,000
> *AbidhyHastatmaka*
> 4 hand = 41Angul
> 2304 Angul
> Up to 1 million (10,00,000)
> *Angsthatmaka*
> 6 hand = 58Angul
> 3456 Angul
> Up to 10 million
> (1,00,00,000)
> *AshtHastatmaka*
> 8 hand = 63 Angul
> 4608 Angul
> *Table 2: *Relation of the number of offerings and required size of the
> Kund
> *Fundamental considerations in the Yagya Kund construction and their
> mathematical aspects*
> *Bhavishya Purana* (2) and *Sharda Tilak *(chapter 3 shloka 82-83) (3)
> described - if you have to offer 50 to 99 offerings then make
> *rattipraman* Kund (21 Angul), for 100 to 999 offering make *aratnipraman* 
> Kund
> (22 Angul), for 1000 to 9999 offering make 24 Angul (1 Hast) Kund, for
> 10,000 to 99,999 offering make two ‘Hast’ Kund, for 100,000 to 999,999
> offerings make 4 ‘Hast’ Kund, for 10,00,000 to 99,99,999 offerings make 6
> ‘Hast’ Kund, and if the offerings are over 99,99,999 then make 8 ‘Hast’
> Kund. Table 2 describes the relevant area for different Kund sizes.
> *The volume is same of all different shaped YagyaKunds*
> The most interesting thing in these calculations is that regardless of
> shape, the volume is kept same for the same amount of offerings as
> offerings count decides the total volume required (Table 3).
> The diameter of the circle for each type of the Kund shape was previously
> described in the book ‘Kund Mandap Siddhi’ (4,8). Also the Vedic formula to
> calculate the area using diameter (see sloka 13 reference 8) is also
> described in the book and it was applied as shown in table 3. As it is seen
> the all 10 shaped with different diameter resulted in same area i.e. 576
> Angul which is decided based on the number of offerings as shown in Table 2.
> Sr. no.
> Name of Yagya Kund shape
> Diameter of circled (Angul.yava.yuka) = cm.
> Multiply the square of diameter of circle (D2) by the divisor given in
> shloka
> Divide the product by 10000
> Area of the Kund ( Angul)
> 1.
> Circular Kund (vritt Kund)
> (27.0.5) = 54.155 cm
> 7854* D2
> 5756982/10000
> 575.7
> 2.
> Padhma Kund
> (27.0.5) = 54.155 cm
> 7854* D2
> 5756982/10000
> 575.7
> 3.
> Ardhchandra Kund
> 38.2.3 = 74.593 cm
> 2927* D2
> 5759927.2/10000
> 575.9
> 4.
> Yoni Kund
> 30.2.0 = 60.5 cm
> 6293.4* D2
> 5760000/10000
> 576
> 5.
> Trikon Kund
> 42.1.0 = 84.25 cm
> 3247.4* D2
> 5760000/10000
> 576
> 6.
> Chaturasra Kund
> 33.7.4 = 67.875 cm
> 5000* D2
> 5760000/10000
> 576
> 7.
> Panchasra Kund
> 31.1.0 = 62.25 cm
> 5944/2* D2
> 5760000/10000
> 576
> 8.
> Shadasra Kund
> 29.6.0 = 59.5 cm
> 6495* D2
> 5760000/10000
> 575.9
> 9.
> Saptasra Kund
> 29.0.0 = 58 cm
> 6841* D2
> 5759266.7/10000
> 576
> 10.
> Ashtasra Kund
> 28.4.0 = 57 cm
> 7071* D2
> 5759329.4/10000
> 575.9
> *Table 3.* The diameter of the different Kund for its construction and
> calculation of their surface area.
> *Conclusion*
> Design and construction of yagya Kund requires very scientific and
> rigorous mathematical knowledge. Indian sage had developed the science of
> Yagya Kund construction with very fine mathematical models and they were
> great scientists. They provided Vedic mathematical formulation for
> preparation of yagya Kund which is true in current time period too.
> Regardless of the shapes the total volume& surface area remained same. The
> different shapes of yagya Kund have different aims as their purpose was to
> produce different energy with help of different Yagya Kund shapes. The
> energy science and protocols of different shapes for specific purposes is
> beyond the scope of this paper but it demands a thorough investigation of
> this Vedic wisdom.
> *References*
>    1. Acharya shrivardrajpranita. Laghusidhhantkoumudi, subodh sutra
>    (sutra 864). Choukhambha Sanskrit bhawan, Varanasi. 2018;p-582. ISBN:
>    978-81-89986-89-6.
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>    1. ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Narayanaswamy Iyer <>
> Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 at 12:40
> Subject: Re: [KeralaIyers] Fwd: [iyer123] Yaajamaana samskaaraha -- fire
> offering by yajur-vedins
> To: iyer <>, Laxminarayan Sarma <
> Cc: Narayanaswamy Iyer <>
> Dear folks
> Backed into a corner due to his repeated lies, the master serial liar K R
> ex-IRS 11223 merely re-bleats for the umpteenth time his totally
> erroneous conception of the origins of the r'g, yajur, and saama vedams,
> which in fact were human-engineered partitions of the original mass of
> vedic manthrams which were of divine origin.
> His new mad and absolutely baseless fantasy is:-
> *"Yajur vedam was created only after the Sama Vedam as a procedural
> science of architecture of HOMA kundam."*
> The straightforward rebuttal is:-
> The r'g-vedam prescribes in various places fire-sacrifices to the various
> gods, including agni, varuna, the maruts.  So, by his own assertion, was
> r'g-vedam "created only after Sama Vedam"?
> Or, as is the obvious truth, which the madman takes to his heels and runs
> off from -- all three vedams:  r'g, yajur, and saama, were created
> SIMULTANEOUSLY by humans cutting the same single "cake" of the original
> mass of undivided veda manthrams?
> He only verifies yet again his pap-sucking pupillage of the doctrines of
> mleccha figures Asaduddun Owaisi/Zakir Naik/Wendy Doniger
> O'Flagerty/Arundathi Roi, which he blindly reproduces in his own
> sewer/gutter broken English, e.g. "KR ex-IRS 1123 is in doubt, but would
> like to learn by tethering others. Another incident of he is zero in
> knowledge."
> Mere desperate abuse and vilification is no substitute for clear, logical,
> verifiable, sober argument.
> S Narayanaswamy Iyer
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 11:05 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>> wrote:
>> The Purging within and without, pram Narayanan, from sin city, at 97,
>> keeps rolling without any substance; who copied from sanskrit site wrongly
>> the opening verses of nakshatra ritual parts of a brahmana lifted from Rig
>> Vedam ; about which I finished writing long back; due to his inability to
>> write meaning, since it is not available anywhere onsite, as usual ,
>> abuse others; and try to shift his karma-bad on others. This brahmana is
>> the basis of astrology, yagnam and designing of yaga- gundam etc; Yajur
>> vedam was created only after the Sama Vedam as a procedural science of
>> architecture of HOMA kundam creations geometrically designing where the
>> present science of Golden Ratio, Pi, Geometric properties were applied; the
>> treatise on thes are in sanskrit as far as the Ashtyaka 3 is concerned.
>> Ashtaka 3 of Taittiriya Brahamana has 12 divisions.  And Ashwanetha yaga
>> controversy had stopped many from open treatise in languages; as a matter
>> of fact Zakir and narayanasamy like avivekis had started abusing this part
>> in many derogatory remarks, without knowing the depth, as Narayanasamy is
>> in doubt, but would like to learn by tethering others. Another incident of
>> he is zero in knowledge. K R IRS 11223
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Narayanaswamy Iyer <>
>> Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 at 06:50
>> Subject: Re: [KeralaIyers] Fwd: [iyer123] Yaajamaana samskaaraha -- fire
>> offering by yajur-vedins
>> To: iyer <>, Laxminarayan Sarma <
>> Cc: Narayanaswamy Subramanian <>
>> Dear folks
>> The uninhibited, unschooled, uneducated, vagrant
>> dalit-by-choice-and-temperament slavish follower and imitator of Asaduddun
>> Owaisi/Zakit Naik/Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty/Arundathi Roi -- K R IRS
>> 301123 alias Rajaram K alias iraachaa iramoo muttaal alias Cockroachmoorthy
>> -- who made a mess of trying to translate from Sanskrit into
>> gutter-gibberish broken English his own quoted passage from r'g-vedam
>> concerning parjanyam and couldn't understand even a single word from the
>> short and clear Sanskrit verses regarding parjanyam from
>> yajur-vedam which I challenged him to translate into English -- now
>> parades in public his abysmal ignorance of Sanskrit.
>> And consequently resorts to his only surviving trick -- copy-pasting a
>> scrap of junk he picked up in the course of his new career of
>> rubbish-and-refuse-collector after retiring ingloriously as undistinguished
>> tax-collector.
>> Pity the aged senile unmitigated fool.
>> S Narayanaswamy Iyer
>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 1:37 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>>> wrote:
>>> Vide his ignorance of missing the lines In sanskrit may refer to people
>>> who knew sanskrit K R ajaram  IRS  301123
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>> From: Narayanaswamy Iyer <>
>>> Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 at 10:44
>>> Subject: [iyer123] Yaajamaana samskaaraha -- fire offering by
>>> yajur-vedins
>>> To: iyer <>
>>> Cc: Narayanaswamy Iyer <>
>>> harihi om!
>>> shree gurubhyoh namaha!
>>>  l
>>> chithraa nakshathram bha*saamgrahanyeshtyaa yajathe  l*
>>> *imaam janathaagum samgruhnaaneethi  l*
>>> *dvaadashaarathnee rashanaa bhavathi  l*
>>> *dvaadasha maasaaha samvathsaraha  l*
>>> *samvathsararamevaa avarunthe  l*
>>> *maunjee bhavathi  l*
>>> *oorjvai munjaaha  l*
>>> *oorjamevaa avarunthe  l*
>>> *chithraa nakshathram bhavathi   l*
>>> *chithram vaa eathathkarma  ll*
>>> harihi om!
>>> (Thaiththireeya brahmana
>>> My comments:-
>>> Only for the fully initiated pious and practising braahmanas who have
>>> undergone upanayanam and veda-upadesham under proper qualified, practising,
>>> proficient and competent gurus in a guru-kulam or in their own homes under
>>> the tuition of their fathers, grandfathers, or other elders.
>>> Not for unschooled, uneducated, vagrant dalit-by-choice-and-temperament
>>> slavish followers and imitators of Asaduddun Owaisi/Zakit Naik/Wendy
>>> Doniger O'Flaherty/Arundathi Roi.
>>> S Narayanaswamy Iyer
>>> --
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>>> --
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>> --
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>> email to
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>> Pattars/Kerala Iyers Discussions:
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