Growing old. Let’s talk about it. There is a false concept that stops
people from living the long, full life described in the Vedas. Old age is
as much a state of mind as of body. Today young people are taught that when
you become old and gray, you are in the way. Not a nice thought! It is the
older folk, the wiser folk, the experienced elders, who have lived longer
and therefore can see further, to whom youth should be listening. But in
our present times, young people have become the spokesmen, and they are
allowed to learn by their own mistakes. What a perverted way to learn! They
should be learning, if they ever become open to it, from the mistakes of
their elders, that is if elders are willing to admit them. There is no
excuse for ignorance. Yet, looking around, we find it to be all pervasive,
like the Hindu God, equally distributed all over the world.

We are not getting old. True, the physical body does change. It has done so
from birth, but it has a future. It really does. We live in it like we walk
in our shoes. My satguru said, “Live in your body as loosely as your wear
your sandals.” It is not wise to accept the forebodings that we are headed
toward a doomsday, end of the world, end of the physical body, absolute,
total oblivion, and that is that; think no more about it.

Aging is an interesting process. Even though we are told that all the cells
in the body change and renew themselves every three or four years, aging
can be really scary, especially for those who identify themselves as their
body. But not for those of us who know that we are not the body, we only
live in it. It is our Earth suit in which to function on this planet. In
fact, we don’t live in it twenty-four hours a day. At least eight hours,
while we are sleeping, we are living in our astral suit, traveling here and
there in the Devaloka.

When we correctly look at aged people, we look at minds that have been
developed year after year after year. We look at souls that have matured
because of their sojourn on Earth. We see them having gone through many
birth karmas, prarabdha karmas–those we bring with us to live through–and
prevailed. We look upon their situation as wonderful and enlightening,
their wisdom as useful and worthy to make part of our lives. After all, if
we hear from them, it is in our prarabdha karmas to have had that knowledge
passed on to us. Only the ignorant would object. And they usually do.

The mind never gets old, though the brain may. The mind never deteriorates.
Consciousness was never born and never dies. The mental body, which works
through the astral body and the Earth suit, does not age, does not get
weak, as modern people think of aging, as weakness, disability. It becomes
stronger and stronger, more mature and more expansive, as do the emotions
if they are understood and controlled from stage to stage. Age is not an
obstacle; it is a legacy. The most senior among us should have faith in the
future, not be led to think that turning fifty or sixty or eighty is some
morbid milestone. It’s not. Take heart. When I met Satguru Yogaswami,
spiritual king of Jaffna, he was seventy-seven, still walking twenty miles
a day, still meditating hours a day, and he would go on dynamically for
another fifteen years.

Some die young, of course. Shankara was just thirty-two and Vivekananda
thirty-nine. Others die old. Sri Chandrasekharendra passed on in his
hundredth year, and we recently read of the passing of a 116-year-old yogi.
The US Census Bureau reported that from 1900 to 2000, the number of people
in the United States 85 and over grew tenfold, to four million, while the
overall population grew less than fourfold. The bureau projects that the
85-and-over population will exceed 13 million by 2040. The number of
centenarians is expected to grow to more than 834,000, from just 63,000 in
1900. And many live surprisingly active and healthy lives, even remaining
in their careers after age 100.

1. Secrets to Longevity

There is no requirement to die at any established time, even if your doctor
tells you that you have only two years to live, even if your astrologer
predicts it, even if your enemies hope for your early demise. I was told
that in Africa if a powerful medicine man tells a person he is going to
die, the fear and belief are so strong that within hours he succumbs. Mind
over matter? It’s not much different when everyone around us is chanting
the senility mantra–when your wife, kids, friends and boss keep saying,
“You’re not getting any younger, you know.”

There are high laws to invoke, as age advances, to sustain the pranas, to
strengthen the force of life within. Those who know wisdom’s ways have
overcome the “I’m getting old ” syndrome, a mantra no one should ever
repeat, even once. They know how the mind works, and by applying the laws,
they have lived long, useful, happy and healthy lives. The redundancy
system of one part of the body failing and another part taking over,
especially within the brain, should be understood by the aging person, to
know that all is not lost. If memory loss is experienced, things can often
be memorized again and shifted over to another part of the brain. These are
simple techniques that are based on the truth that the mind is constantly
maturing; so are the emotions, and so is the intelligence and accumulated
knowledge. Most importantly, the wisdom of how to use the knowledge and to
judge whether it is worthwhile at all–that, too, is maturing from decade to
decade and life to life.

The psychological secret is to have a goal, actually many goals, in service
to humanity to accomplish. People helping people, people serving people,
that is what the Hindu Dharma is and has been proclaiming for some 8,000
years or more. Good goals and a will to live prolong life. It is even more
life giving when the goal of human existence, in helping people to fulfill
dharma, is strengthened by daily sadhana. When pre-dawn morning pujas,
scriptural reading, devotionals to the guru and meditation are performed
without fail, the deeper side of ourselves is cultivated, and that in
itself softens our karmas and prolongs life.

Life is eternal on the inner planes, in the refined bodies of the soul. But
a physical body these days is hard to obtain. We have to go though the
embarrassment of birth, being slapped on the bottom, talked to in baby
talk, and learning to walk, read and write all over again. It takes years
and years before we get back to, if we ever do in the new life, the wisdom
years that we attained in the previous birth.

So, take care of your physical body. No need to know too much about it, for
it knows what it needs. Listen to its messages, respond quickly, find an
ayurvedic doctor who can help you through the many changes the body will
naturally go through, and face each one positively. This body is
impermanent, true, but it is the only one you have, so make the best use of
it. You have good work to do, and knowledge born of experience to pass
along to the coming generation.

The older you get, the more disciplined you should get, the more sadhana
you should perform as you drop off the extraneous things of the world. If
your children leave home and cultivate other interests, find new eager
children to teach, new ways to serve. Be useful to others. Keep planting
the seeds of dharma. Maybe they will be annuals instead of perennials, but
keep planting for the future. Others might be saying, “old and gray and in
the way, ” but we say, “old and gray and here to stay.”

2. Renewing Life’s Plans

When the body reaches middle age, a change of pace occurs. One feels like
sitting rather than walking, sleeping more than one did before, and it is
more difficult to make long-term plans, ten, twenty, thirty years ahead. At
middle age, the question “What am I going to do with my life?” has long
been answered but still should be asked, because at middle age, around
forty, there is still a long life ahead. It should be planned out as
carefully as the life span that has already been lived, based on the
experiences gained from it. Many people plan out their lives at eighteen or
twenty, and others don’t.

Nevertheless, when the change of life at middle age comes, both for men and
women, it is only wise to regroup one’s thoughts, analyze one’s desires,
motivations and educational skills, physical, mental and emotional
abilities. It is time to plan another forty years ahead with as much
enthusiasm and dynamism as can be mustered up. After all, they say life
begins at forty. A lot of people die at fifty or shortly afterwards because
they feel that everything is breaking down. That is because they
misinterpret what is happening. They think the death experience is coming,
whereas only a change of life, of life experience, has occurred, which
began at forty. If they took it as a new passage in life, they could be on
smooth sailing until eighty.

Forty years of age is well known as a change of life. Seventy years of age
is the prime of life. Eighty is the fulfillment of that prime. An
eighty-year-old person, who has fulfilled the prime of life, holding a
new-born infant makes a complete circle of life. As one nears eighty years
of age, this is again time to revamp one’s life, motivations, desires, and
to plan for the next forty years, which recognizes a natural life span of
120 years. It is interesting to note that the muscular structure of the
physical body does not start to deteriorate until after age seventy-two,
and then only slightly, unless one neglects to exercise. Mystics say that
eighty years of age is a difficult time to get through psychologically,
physically and emotionally, because it is definite that your are old when
you are eighty. Therefore, a new plan for motivation for the future should
be made well in advance, at least at age seventy-two, so that when eighty
rolls around it is well impressed in the subconscious mind that, this might
be time to start slowing down and preparing for life after the life of the
physical body.

It is at this juncture that one should give one’s wisdom to the younger
generation, be dedicated to and interested in children and their welfare,
manage orphanages, set up endowments and scholarships for educating the
young, see into the lives of promising people and encourage them to greater
heights. This is the time also to perform sadhana and intense tapas. This
is where the yoga marga naturally comes in a lifetime. The physical forces
are fading, the muscular structure diminishing. Great spiritual progress in
burning out the last prarabdha karmas, even those that did not manifest in
this life, can be accomplished at this time. If retirement is thought of,
it should be at eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, around
that time. This should be the slowing-down period, yet still being active
in the mental, emotional, sociological, political, ecological arenas. Here,
now, is a time to practice hatha yoga and pay close attention to ayurveda.

There is another forty years before the natural life span of 120 is
reached, plenty of time to fulfil the Sanatana Dharma, to get out there and
give of the wisdom that has been accumulated through the past eighty years.
This is the real fulfilment of a life well lived. Or if your life was not
well lived, you can teach people, from experience, what they should not do,
and explain if they don’t follow that advice, things won’t work out right.
If you did do what you should, you can teach people that you did and how it
worked out well. Nine times nine is eighty-one; eight and one are nine.
This is the beginning of the final cycle toward the fulfilment of the
Sanatana Dharma–toward mukti.

3. Mentalities On Aging

Society in the Western world has no tolerance for the aged, only for the
young. Therefore, the aged and the aging must look out for themselves and
guide society into a new and mature outlook as to their value to society as
senior citizens within society. In the Western world, the elderly are not
respected. They are shoved aside, considered useless, as they interfere
with the pursuit of the life and liberty of the younger people by giving
advice and direction based on their experience. That’s why Western people
have to learn by their own experiences, because they have relegated the
older generation to obscurity. It has become part of the culture. Not so in
Asia. In Asian cultures traditionally the aged are venerated more and more
each year for their knowledge, their guidance, their wisdom, their
compassion, their existence. So much are they venerated in life, that when
they have given up their Earth suit they are still venerated and invoked
for their guidance, because of their accumulated wisdom and their new-found
powers in the inner world, so that the family, which makes up society,
moves forward uninterrupted by chaos or contention, wars and famine. These
ancestors in the inner world guide and correct and hopefully are born again
into the same family as a fresh, knowledgeable influence. This is how Asian
families progress as institutions from one stage of development to another
because of ancestor worship.

It might not surprise you to hear this, but everyone is getting older. A
three-year-old will soon be a six-year-old; a twelve-year-old will soon be
eighteen. There is a great difference between the eighteen-year-old and the
six-year-old, and it all happened in twelve years. Society and parents are
adjusted to the differences between a six-year-old and an
eighteen-year-old. But Western society, and even modern Asian society, is
dearth in adjustments to understand the differences between the
forty-year-old and the eighty-year-old, their needs, their wants and their

Western psychology says the older you get, the less planning you should do
for the future; you should make short-term plans. This philosophy does not
take into account that no one is ever too young to die, no matter how
long-term his plans have been. “Agedness ” is a state of consciousness of
settling down, giving up and having nothing ahead in the future more than
six months or one year. At seventy-five, I myself have a ten-year plan. I’m
going to have another ten-year plan, then another one and still another
one. Life is willpower. Life is not only physical. Death can be foreseen as
an astrological time of trauma, and if given into, hey, you lose your Earth
suit–no doubt about it! But if anticipated and known about, that and other
lows in the cycles of the energies of life can be overcome with a strong
mind and indomitable will, both of which never age, never weaken and are
constantly, day by day, month by month, year by year, accumulating in
strength and power.

Anyone who passively gives in to old age simply does not understand the
process. He looks at his physical body and it looks different. But the
twenty-year old looks different than he did when he was ten, and that was
only ten years ago, and he is happy to look different. If the
twenty-year-old is aloof from the world, having fun, and is frivolous and
absents himself from the responsibility of the reality of the material
world, he is forgiven, coached along. If the seventy-year-old were to be
frivolous and absent himself from the realities of the world, he’d be
dubbed senile. That would be the end of him.

3. Fears and Preparations

Society does not adequately explain the transitions that one goes through
in life. Children are smart at the age of four, five or ten, and should be
told what will happen through their whole life, as a picture book. When
they are going through adolescence, the changes they experience should be
explained to them. When they are forty and are experiencing the withdrawal
of the vitality of the physical forces into a keenness of mind and
shorter-term physical goals, this should also be explained.

Before fifty your goals are simply for the future, not knowing what that
is. When the forces turn around at fifty, you start to withdraw. The body
does not throw off the toxins like it used to. It does not heal itself like
it used to. It does not regenerate itself like it used to. Then at sixty
the forces tend to even out.

Two things people are often worried about and need to firm their minds
against are the youthful fear “Who is going to take care of me?” and the
aged fear “Who is going to take care of me?” These fears are very similar.
The truth is, if you are not driven to fulfill dharma, you get old. You get
old attitudes. You get set in your ways–bigoted, opinionated, communal,
divisive. You seek division rather than amalgamation, become racist,
basically self-centered and old by clinging onto your old ideas and not
keeping up with the changing times. And, having perfected grossness and
subtlety of selfishness, you become ignorantly dominant as an elder,
manipulating sons, daughters and relatives for travel, comforts and other
kinds of considerations. This is not the Sanatana Dharma. This is the
“asanatana dharma ” of the lower nature. Elders beware! You cannot hide
behind your old age. The mind does not get old. Nor do the emotions. The
astral body does not deteriorate. Neither does the body of the purusha, the
soul. It is only the physical body that is slowly dissolving into the
essences from which it came.

It is well known that even certain advanced souls on the planet may do well
when they are young but at their still unperfected stage of evolution have
the propensity of deterioration in spirit, mind, emotions as the body
sinks, through age, into the substances from which it is created. This is
not Sanatana Dharma as emulated by spiritual, devotional, happy, religious
men and women who have experienced the frailties of the physique and added
greater zeal, power and joy to the now dominant energies of the intellect
and the soul. Let there be no mistake that admittance to old age is to
admit failure on the path to enlightenment. Admittance to old age is to
invoke another birth. Admittance to old age means being set in one’s ways,
not wanting to be interfered with by the young, unable to learn anything
more or new, holding an inflexibility that cannot be challenged.

In the West, growing old is something people take for granted, something
they do not look forward to, and yet it happens. And since it does happen
and they don’t look forward to it, they try to squeeze everything out of
what presents itself to them. In the East they look at growing old in a
different way, more in the line of becoming full, becoming mature, becoming

But very few people become satisfied in the West. They are too
self-centered. And the balance between husband and wife is reversed. The
woman is trying to live the part of a man and the poor man, he doesn’t have
a chance. Consequently, old age sets in very quickly, and nothing is left
to do but sit and grumble about the instinctive nature: “She didn’t bring
my food in on time. Somebody made a noise and I couldn’t sleep, ” and all
the various things that people, as they get older and older, find to
complain about. There is nothing profound, which is too bad, because each
and every one has profundity within them.

4. Growing Old Gracefully

A short while ago I had the privilege of visiting a rest home for elderly
ladies. Being experienced in looking at people and discerning the type of
lives they had lived, seeing these ladies who sat grumbling, I could see
the types of lives they lived in their marriages. I would say that all but
two in the entire group had hung divorce over their husband’s head all
through life. That is how they got their way: “If you don’t give me what I
want, I will divorce you!”

But there were two souls sitting there who were also suffering, but they
were happy. They had an inner joy. The conditions weren’t too good–they
never are in such places–but these two souls sat happily observing, and I
could see that they were understanding what they observed. That is the
secret of growing old, being able to understand what you observe.

To grow old gracefully–and to get away from the habit of just growing old
naturally and thus physically and emotionally losing the spirit
entirely–you have to plan ahead. You have to know where you are going.
Everyone who goes on in life is going to get old, believe it or not. But we
can pass through those years beautifully, providing the balance is right.
You get that right balance by following good advice and conquering the
mistakes that you have made in the past and making them right.

When we are selfish, self-centered and flare up and lose control of
ourselves, we are like animals. When we reflect understanding, have control
of ourselves and use our will to conquer our lower nature, we are using the
Godly part of our mind. That’s why I say people do just exactly what they
want to do. It is either the spiritual being that is stronger, or the
animal within them that is stronger. If they control the animal nature,
then what happens? The spiritual being automatically takes over.

If they live according to the rules of the animal nature, then what
happens? They snuff out the spirit, they snuff out life, and they decay.
Decay immediately sets in. It is terrible to think about, but that’s the
rule. That’s what happens. That’s why we have basic laws and basic
principles to live by. If we live by them, automatically good things will
happen. You don’t even have to wish or hope. Good things will just
automatically come along. And if you don’t live by the laws, automatically
things that aren’t too palatable present themselves before you, and you get
entangled in them quite automatically.

So, let’s think about the years to come. Let’s see if we are laying the
foundation for our mature years to rot away, or to become beautiful and
content and happy with ourselves. Look into your home right now. Look at
your life. What are you doing now? What have you done? What are you going
to do? Do you have a foundation for a future that is real and permanent and
full and joyous and happy? Or is your life like a child’s sandbox? These
are the things we have to face as we look ahead to our own advanced age.

5. Real Security Lies Within

It is a fast-moving age. Many people are now either on tranquilizers,
alcohol, anti-depressants, nicotine, stimulants or high-powered vitamins of
one kind or another to stabilize their emotions enough to get by, just to
get by, to get through all the various things that present themselves that
they can’t cope with due to the rickety foundations that they have in their
home. What they really want and need is to get within, to get quiet enough
to get an answer within themselves that will give them a little security.

But there is no narcotic, no stimulant, no tranquilizer, no high-powered
vitamin that is going to take you within. The only way is to sit down and
become quiet, and not throw your energy into concentrating on how you are
going to out-do or out-smart somebody else, get a little bit better control
over your husband’s finances or anything like that. That is not going to do
it. That will bring sure misery, a fine hell on Earth, really. That’s where
the only hell is anyway. No, the way to true security is getting in touch
with the divine spirit within you.

Try to feel it permeating you. Find out what life is. You are going to give
up this physical body someday. Find out what’s going to happen to you when
you die. You can find out. Find out whether you are immortal or not. You
will be able to go within yourself and find that out if you become quiet
enough. Then you will not fear death. Then you will be somebody within
yourself. A great new life force will permeate you. At first you won’t know
where it comes from or where it’s going, but it will be there, and you
won’t have to try to be positive or think positively or make affirmations
about this and that. You will be Mr. or Mrs. Positive. That is spiritual

There comes a time when you have to buckle down and do the right thing,
because we are all faced with growing old. Growing old can be decay or it
can be full, joyous and beautiful. Think about that. Where are you headed?
Are you headed for decay and misery, to drop back into the animal mind and
complain about how little the five senses have to offer when you get old?
Are you headed for complaints, suffering over old memories that pop up
through the subconscious mind that you no longer have the will to even try
to penetrate and understand but still have to live with? Or are you going
to become full and beautiful by adjusting your life right now so that you
will have an alive, alert mind to the end? The choice is yours. You must
start now.

Aging is inevitable. The years go by. They go by so quickly; we hardly
notice them. We can go on in our old habit patterns, becoming stronger and
stronger in the negative ones; and the positive ones eventually will turn
to negative ones, too. That’s a certainty of evolution we don’t want to
look forward to. But there is another way. Become a spiritual being. That
is your goal, your liberation, for as the years go by you can live in
heaven, or you can live in your own self-created hell, and you don’t want
to do that. Think about it and create a heaven right now.


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