
The concept of the Big Bang is both simple and easy to misunderstand. Dr.
John Mather, Nobel Laureate and James Webb Space Telescope Senior Project
Scientist, answers some commonly asked questions about the Big Bang, and
about JWST's role in understanding the early history of the universe.

*What Is The Big Bang?*

The Big Bang is a really misleading name for the expanding universe that we
see. We see an infinite universe expanding into itself. The name Big Bang
conveys the idea of a firecracker exploding at a time and a place - with a
center. The universe doesn't have a center. The Big Bang happened
everywhere at once and was a process happening in time, not a point in
time. We know this because 1) we see galaxies rushing away from each other,
not from a central point and 2) we see the heat that was left over from
early times, and that heat uniformly fills the universe.

We can see the heat that was there at about 380,000 years after the
expansion of the universe began 13.8 billion years ago (which is what we
refer to as the Big Bang). This heat covers the entire sky and fills the
universe. (In fact it still does.) We were able to map it with satellites
we (NASA and ESA) built called the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE
<http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/cobe/>), the Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe (WMAP <http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/>), and Planck
<http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/planck>. The universe at this point was
extremely smooth, with only tiny ripples in temperature.

COBE, WMAP, and Planck all saw further back than JWST, though it's true
that JWST will see farther back than Hubble <http://hubblesite.org/>. JWST
was designed not to see the beginnings of the universe, but to see a period
of the universe's history that we have not seen yet before
<http://jwst.nasa.gov/firstlight.html>. Specifically we want to see the
first objects that formed as the universe cooled down after the Big Bang.
That time period is perhaps hundreds of millions of years later than the
one COBE, WMAP, and Planck were built to see. We think that the tiny
ripples of temperature they observed were the seeds that eventually grew
into galaxies. We don't know exactly when the universe made the first stars
and galaxies - or how for that matter. That is what we are building JWST to
help answer.    KR   IRS   20224

On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 19:49, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
markandeya101...@gmail.com> wrote:

> --
> *Mar*The Big Bang Storms of the Cosmos
> There are billions of Galaxies. There are billions of stars in each
> galaxy. There are billions of planets going round their stars. But if we
> give the weight of one to all these galaxies, stars in each galaxy and the
> planets going round each star, then the weight to be given to the empty
> space  with only Time but not Space-time is 35,00,000. (1:35, 00,000)
> When time becomes Space-time then it has to join the arena of matters, the
> galaxies.
> How does the pure time of the vacuum become the Space-time, answering the
> question where (Space) and when (Time)? The answer today is that  there was
> a Big bang about 12 billion years ago, with the Higgs Boson creating the
> initial Higgs field and then bang, we have the galaxies containing stars
> etc and that it is still happening. The pure time is transforming into
> space-time. Space-time is not static but very active, while pure time is
> filled with electromagnetic waves zooming at the fastest at 300,000 km per
> second, which sets the limit to the capacity of energy generation as e=mc2.If
> you are the ultimate Rishi, the maximum energy you get is the capacity to
> push things at 300,000 km per second from the electromagnetic waves. That
> is the maximum limit to the power of God. The big banging must be happening
> at that ultimate energy push of the photons. That must be the rate at which
> the pure time is getting converted into space-time.
> The pure time gets converted into space-time, when an event in the ocean
> of pure time or vacuum happens. Now can we send a rocket into the vacuum,
> disturb the pure time and convert automatically into space-time as the
> rocket itself will be the Higgs Bosonic seed, and create a big bang? Is the
> Higgs Boson the first seed of Consciousness? When Robots take over and
> eliminate all humans, after all every machine makes the limbs redundant (
> our Suicide with Technology euphemized as advancement), will they shoot
> rockets into the vacuum or the ocean of pure time and create big banging as
> present continuous tense?
> When there are billions and billions of planets in the Universe, there
> must the statistical probability of equal or more virulent technological
> madness in many other planets. Are those mad entities creating big bangs in
> the vacuum? And there are also the black holes, which get constricted into
> very small size, due to gravity. Do they become as small as Singularity and
> then Big bang? Are there Big bang storms in the Cosmos?
> Our Rishis strived to enter the arena of the abstract or the invisible
> spectrum freeing themselves from the visible spectrum. They strived to
> enter the pure time arena of the Cosmos as abstract entities, without
> creating the space-time from the pure space-less time. They adopted many
> methods of yoga and they did not use any technology. They have not employed
> machines to do the work of their limbs and make their limbs redundant. They
> exercised every limb so that the limbs induct as many photons or energy
> units as possible. They strived to make their own bodies, get near the
> strength of say mc2.
> Science and technology are trying to drag the abstract into the concrete,
> into the tiny 00.0035% of the totality. The Rishis are trying to enter the
> arena of the ultimate abstract of pure time, go into the invisible arena,
> the opposite of what technology is doing.
> Now the technological madness is leading to the suicide by humans and the
> takeover by Robots. When the craze for more power gets mechanized and
> Robots take over, there can be no stop from their attempts to shoot rockets
> into vacuum and trigger big bangs.
> Among the billions of planets in the cosmos, there must be bigger idiots
> than our own, who made themselves redundant and created societies,
> controlled by Robots. When emotions are eliminated from perception and
> totally jaded mechanical approach takes over, what prevents them from
> shooting rockets into the vacuum of pure time and trigger big bangs?
> In the Universe there must be some force of sanity, to prevent recurring
> big bangs.
> God must be watching.
> YM


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