CULTURALQA 03-2024-20A

Allthe below   QA are from QUORA DIGEST tome on   20-03-2024. 

SelectedQuora answers by scholars generally interesting are included. Still 
they need not be 100%correct answers. Goodjokes are also included.

Iam only a compiler.  Compiled and postedby R Gopalakrishnan, 80, on 20-3-2024 

Q1     What are some of the most mind-blowing facts?

A1      KevinMitnick, MSc in Computer Science & Information Technology, 
University ofCalifornia, Berkeley (Graduated 2003) Feb 9

The first primary color your baby can see is red.

Color blind people have better night vision.

Amazon, originally a printed book seller company, nowsells more e-books than 
printed books.

Beaked whales can hold their breath for over twohours.

Every atom in your body is billions of years old.

Q2     Do you know a joke about a hitchhiker?

A2      JosephAspler,58m

A man was standing by the side of the road, hopingfor a ride. His car had 
broken down on a desolate stretch with no cellBphoneservice, and he had walked 
a mile or so without seeing another vehicle.

It had just started to pour rain when he saw thefaint haze of headlights appear 
in the distance. He stuck out his thumb. The car slowed as it approachedhim and 
he didn't even wait for it to come to a complete stop before he grabbedthe door 
handle and hopped in the back seat.

"Thanks for stopping, I've been out there for anhour," he started to say. 
That's when he noticed he was alone in the car. Though the car was still 
movingslowly forward, no one was behind the wheel.

There was no noise coming from the engine, and hecould hear an occasional groan 
from the rear of the car that sounded almosthuman.

Paralyzed with fear, the hitchhiker watched as thecar inched past signs warning 
of a 10% downhill grade, a series of switchbacksand something called "DeadMan's 
Curve." Realizing it was now or never, he opened the door and flunghimself onto 
the pavement. He got up and ran down the hill as fast as he could.

At the bottom of the hill, he found a local bar stillopen. He wentinside, and 
told everyone who would listen his story of the ghost car. A hush came over the 
bar as thepatrons realized he was telling the truth about what he had seen.

A few minutes later, two men entered the silent bar.They were soaked to the 
skin and looked like they had been through an ordeal.The bar goers leaned in, 
hoping to hear about another brush with a supernaturalcar.

"Does anybody know if there's a gas station nearby?" one asked, while the other 
one interrupted, "Hey, there's that idiot who jumped into ourcar while we were 
pushing it up the hill!"

Seema Bharti, Author of Mahabharat's Stories3h

Q3     What happened to Dushala, Kauravas’ sister, after theMahabharata?

A3      Dushala,Duryodhan’s sister is widowed in the battle at Kurukshetra. Her 
husband Jayadrath, king ofSindhu is slain by Arjun on the battle field. Hewas 
responsible for the death of his son Abhimanyu.

After the battle, the Pandavs again perform the Ashvamedha yajna.Arjun was 
assigned the task of following the sacrificial horse. The king whoresisted was 
defeated and in all probability not killed at Yudhisthira’sinsistence.

There wasa raging battle with the Saindhavas. They had not forgotten the death 
of theirking Jayadrath.

The Saindhava soldiers started running away and theones left were being killed. 
Dushalaapproached her cousin and pleaded mercy. Her son had died afflicted 
withgrief at his father’s death and intimidated by Arjun’s arrival. She came 
accompanied by hergrandson.

Arjun comforted her. Dushala restrained the soldiersand accepted subjugation.

My note- The information about Dussala’s son’s death and she followed Arjun 
with her grand son  after aswamedhayaga are new information to me. 

Q4     What are some of the greatest examples of presence of mind?

A4      RoseCruz, M.D. from Medicine and Healthcare Updated 6y

During my 10th grade science class, our teacherexplained a little about 
pregnancy and breastfeeding. One question led toanother and soon the whole 
class was debating about breastfeeding.

One of the cool guys in our classroom stood up andsaid that women should go to 
the bathroom to breastfeed and not breastfeed inpublic. ‘It’s disgusting’, he 
added. Every other boy in the room cheeredagreeing to his opinion.

 ‘Sure. Men always think that thedisplay of women’s body is good until it's no 
longer for their pleasure.’A shy timid girl who never spoke much in class 
voiced out suddenly.

There was a pindrop silence andnobody spoke anything for a few minutes. Even 
our science teacher was stunned by her answer.

That’s a good one indeed!

Q5     What are some traditional Russian jokes translated into English?

A5      Miles N.Fowler,16h

American diplomat Pierre Salinger said he thought itwas telling that 
NikitaKhrushchev told him this joke:

A university professor lived in the same buildingwith a KGB agent. One day the 
professor said, “It’s a terrible thing that ishappening with our young people 
in this country.”

The KGB agent perked up and said, “What do you mean?”

 “Just theother day, in one of my classes, I asked, ‘Can anyonetell me who 
wrote “War and Peace”?’ 

Well, one wise ass piped up and said, ‘I sure didn’t.’”

A week later, the professor ran into the KGB agentwho said, “Hey, you knowthat 
student of yours who said he didn’t write ‘War and Peace’? Now he admitsthat he 

Q6     What was the shortest interview you’ve had that led to a joboffer?

A6      Ke'YlanAbaddon Banthraxx,21h

I came at an interview, and the boss himself!, wasgoing to do this interview.

He wanted to see what I knew of electricity andmachinery, and began with a 
question about star- and delta connection.

I said:

“Sir, if youREALLY want to test me, put me at abroken machine. This, what you 
ask, is known by neareveryone. Let me prove myself in function, rather than 
speaking about it.Theory is fine, but doing something is quite a whole 
different story. Isn’tthat right, sir?”

He told me towait a moment, came back, with a contract, and I became the head 
of machine parkengineers.

Easy peasy.

Q7     What is themost interesting fact that you know and I don't, but I should?

A7      Shiv C, Updated6y

If you get stabbed or impaled by a sharp object, let itbe.

Pulling out the sharp object that has been lodgedinto your body, will only 
increase the rate of blood loss, instead try to coverthe wound and seek aid.

A bright flashlight can be the greatest weapon againstthe attacker.

"If you have someone approaching you that seemsaggressive, in the gravest 
extreme, a blast of 300+ lumen to the eyes(especially at night) will give you 
the opportunity to get out," even ahandy smartphone flashlight will do.

Your brain can't handle using your phone and walking atthe same time.

As a result of walking and using phone, you can'tfully focus on both at the 
same time. You'll suffer "inattentionblindness," where you may see an object 
but not process that it's a carspeeding toward you.

If attacked bybees.

If attacked by bees, don't stop or stand still start running in Zig 
Zagdirection and sprint for about mile as the bees are slower, don't swatthe 
bees which is worse making them aggressive and don't get into water as they 
wait for their​ prey.

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