Thank you Mr Rajaram. 

    On Thursday, 16 May, 2024 at 09:28:41 pm IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
 Hello I have my way of doing it as I refer to a lot of media , my archives and 
books I have wrt the Brahmanas; if you wish you may do so as you wish sir KR 
IRS 16524
On Thu, 16 May 2024 at 00:01, gopala krishnan <> wrote:

 Mr Rajaram,
No reply is  seen from you for this response. Are you going to post more about 
Iyengars? It appears what you posted is brief and incomplete. Please expedite 
your reply.
I have got more information to post. If you do not respond to this mail, I will 
be posting the descriptive information. 

    On Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 at 10:43:41 am IST, gopala krishnan 
<> wrote:  
  Dear Mr Rajaram,
I read with interest this forward. Especially about iyengar. Will you continue 
more about Iyengars in the next posting since what is covered in this forward 
appears incomplete? 


    On Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 at 07:49:14 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rajaram Krishnamurthy <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 at 20:44
Subject: PITU GOTRA PART 15 KR IRS 14524 15524 to be contd
To: Ranganathan <>, Vanakkam Subbu 
<>, Chittanandam V R <>, YM 
<>, Dr Sundar <>, Venkat Raman 
<>, Ravi mahajan <>, Mani APS 
<>, Venkat Giri <>, SRIRAMAJAYAM 
<>, Rama <>, Rangarajan T.N.C. 
<>, Mathangi K. Kumar <>, 
Srinivasan Sridharan <>, Gopala Krishnan 
<>, Kerala Iyer <>, Sanathana 
group <>, thatha patty 
<>, Jambunathan Iyer <>

PITU GOTRA PART 15 KR IRS  14524 15524 to be contd

i) Niyogi Brahmins : Niyogi Brahmins are those Brahminswho took up various 
secular vocations including military activities and gave upreligious vocation, 
especially the priesthood.  Niyogi Brahmins depend andemphasize on modern 
education.  They were ministers in the courts of kingsand feudatories. Many of 
them were village accountants/clerks, karanams (Andhra)or patwaris (Telangana), 
until recently. The Niyogis areconsidered to be eligible for priestly service.  
But they will nevereither accept a religious gift or partake of Sraaddha 
food(food given to Brahmins duiring the death related rituals). According 
toJogendranath Bhattacharya16e,Niyogi name is derived from Yoga, which means 
religious contemplation ormeditation, as opposed to Yaga, which means religious 
sacrifice. Niyogin inSanskrit also means "employed" or "appointed" 
andaccordingly, it is probable that they are so-called because they accept 
They were very rich and influential. Legendary Rayamantri belongs to thisgroup. 
 Niyogi Brahmins include eminent personalities like VeeresalingamKandukuri, 
Radhakrishnan Sarvepalli, Venkatgiri Varahagiri, KL Rao, PrakasamTanguturi, 
Venkatanarasimharao Pamulaparti (PV), General K. V. Krishnarao etc.  PV was the 
only Brahmin Chief Minister (1971-72) of Andhra Pradesh andalso the only Telugu 
Brahmin Prime Minister (1991-1996) from South India whoruled the modern Indian 
Union. Over the past millennium the Niyogi Brahmins aredivided further into 
various groups:
    a) Pradhamasakha (First Branch) Niyogi Brahmins
    b) Aruvela Niyogi
    c)  Nandavarika Niyogi
    d)  Karanakamma Niyogi
    e)  Velanati Niyogi
    f)  Telaganya Niyogi
    g)  Dravida Niyogi
    h)  Karanalu
    i)  Sristikaranalu or Sistukaranalu or Sistakaranalu.
    j)  Kasalanati Niyogi
    k)  Pakanati Niyogi.  
   a)Pradhamasakha Niyogi Brahmins: This caste belongs to Sukla (white) 
YajurvedaSchool, while majority of Brahmins in Andhra Pradesh belongto krishna 
(black) Yajurveda School.  In Maharashtra alsothere is a group of Brahmins 
called Pradhamasakha Brahmins.  ThePradhamasakha Niyogi Brahmins are further 
divided intobranches such as Vajasaneyulu,  Saivulu, Yajnavalkyulu and Kanvulu.
    b)  Aruvela Niyogi: AruvelaNiyogi group is the largest Niyogi group.   They 
belong to KrishnaYajurveda School. According to some, the word "Aruvela"is 
derived from 6000 (Aruvelu) villages in velanadu area of AndhraPradesh.  Some 
believe that Arvelanadu is an alternate name for Velanduand hence the Niyogi 
Brahmins of that region are Arvela Niyogis. AruvelaNioyogi Brahmins are 
political, worldly-wise, and business minded.  Theywere ministers in the courts 
of kings and feudatories, and clerks andaccountants (Karanalu).  Pamulaparti 
family belongs to Aruvela NiyogiBrahmins. 
     c)  Nandavarika Niyogi
    d)  Karanakamma Niyogi
    e)  Velanati Niyogi
    f)  Telaganya Niyogi
    g)  Dravida Niyogi
    h)  Karanalu
    i)  Sristikaranalu orSistukaranalu or Sistakaranalu: These are teachers, 
officials, villageaccountants (karanam).  They are mostly located in Ganjam and 
Visakhadistricts.  Famous poet Krishnamurthy Sistu belongs to this group 
    j)  Kasalanati Niyogi
    k) Pakanati Niyogi  
ii) Vaidikulu (Vaidiki Brahmins): Vaidiki Brahmins are thoseBrahmins who 
practice mainly religious vocation performing various religiousactivities, in 
addition to other mainstream secular vocations like agriculture,cooking, 
teaching, clerical, management, administration, architecture, scienceetc.  They 
perform various religious activities including performingrituals and prayers to 
please Gods, planets and stars as priests for bothBrahmins and non-Brahmins, at 
homes and in temples.  However, they are notthe priests for many Hindu temples 
in which animal sacrifices are common. The priests in such Hindu temples are 
non-Brahmins. Vaidikis  also performrituals for every occasion in life such as 
birth, giving solid food to theinfant for the first time (annapraasanamu), 
initiation into education (upanyanamu),female puberty, marriage, consummation 
of marriage, several stages ofpregnancy, death, carrying the dead bodies, 
cremating the dead, etc.  Manyof these rituals are very important and limited 
to Brahmins, except a fewceremonies like marriage.  They also take up even 
begging asascetics.  This ascetic life of Brahmins was theinspiration for the 
Buddhist ascetics.

The majority of Vaidikulubelongs to krishna Yajurveda school.  However, there 
are Rigvedis, Samavedis etc.also.  Some Brahmins had proficiency in several 
Vedas, e.g.,Dvivedi is one who has proficiency in 2 Vedas, Trivedi in 3 vedas 
andChaturvedi in 4 vedas and are known by those titles as such.  However,these 
titles became family names, even though the family members may not knowany Veda 
at all today.  While Niyogis embraced western education,Vaidikulu had shunned 
Western education and as a consequence many Vaidikulu arepoor and not well 
educated in Western education. According to SriSri Sri Chandrasekharendra 
Saraswathi MahaSwamiji, theBrahmins who perform priestly duties and other 
religious activities shouldfollow certain rules:

The Brahmin has to wake up at four in the morning and bathe in cold water,rain 
or shine, warm or cold. Then, without a break, he has to perform one riteafter 
another: sandhyavandana, Brahmayajna, aupasana, puja, vaisvadeva and oneof the 
21 sacrifices. If you sit before sacrificial fire for four days you willrealise 
how difficult it is with all the heat and smoke. How many are the vowsand the 
fasts the Brahmin has to keep and how many are the ritual baths....
.... Other castes do not have to go through such hardships. A Brahmin cannoteat 
"cold rice"in the morning like a peasant - he has no"right" to it. The 
dharmasastras are not created for his convenienceor benefit, nor to ensure that 
he has a comfortable life. He would not haveotherwise imposed on himself the 
performance of so many rites and a life ofsuch rigorous discipline. When he has 
his daytime meal it will be 1 or 2. (Onthe day of a sraddha it will be three or 
four). This is the time the peasantwill have his rest after his meal under a 
tree out in the field where he works.And the Brahmin's meal, mind you, is as 
simple as the peasant's. There is nodifference between the humble dwelling of 
the peasant and that of the Brahmin.Both alike wear cotton. The peasant may 
save money for the future but not theBrahmin. He has no right either to borrow 
money or to live in style. ...
In the "Yaksa-prasna" of the Mahabharata the simple life of Brahminis referred 
pancame' hani saste vasakam pacati svegrhe
Anrni ca' pravasi ca sa varicara modate

If daytime is divided into eight parts, the Brahmin may have his foodonly in 
the fifth or sixth part after performing all his rites. Before that hehas 
neither any breakfast nor any snacks. And what does he eat? Not any rich food, 
nosweets like almonds crushed in sweetened milk. "Sakam pacati" - theBrahmin 
eats leafy vegetables growing on the banks of rivers, such areas beingno one's 
property. Why is he asked to live by the river side? It is for hisfrequent 
baths and for the leafy vegetables growing free there and for which hedoes not 
have to beg. He should not borrow money: that is the meaning of theword 
"anrni", because if he developed the habit of borrowing he wouldbe tempted to 
lead a life of luxury. Poverty and non-acquisitiveness (aparigraha)are his 
ideals. A Brahmin ought not to keep even a blade of grass in excess ofhis 
The Brahmin must be conversant with thefourteen branches of the Vedic lore. He 
must be proficient even inGandharva-veda or music and must be acquainted with 
agricultural science,construction of houses, etc. At the same time he must give 
instructions inthese subjects to pupils from the appropriate castes. His own 
vocation is thestudy of the Vedas and he must have no other source of income. 
If the Brahmin is asked, "Do you know to wield a knife? " he must beable to 
answer, "Yes, I know". If he is asked, "Do you know todraw and paint" again he 
must (be able to) say, "Yes". But hecannot wield a knife or become an artist to 
earn his livelihood. All he can dois to learn these arts and teach others the 
same according to their caste. Heis permitted to receive a daksina to maintain 
himself and he must be contentedwith it however small the sum may be. The 
Brahmin's specialty is his truevocation is Vedic learning.
... The goal of Vedic works is the happiness of all mankind, indeed 
thehappiness of all the worlds ("Lokah samastah sukino bhavanthu"). Thesound of 
the Vedas creates universal well-being, so too Vedic sacrifices. …Brahmins 
would be committing a sin if they gave up Vedic rituals and earnedmoney by 
doing other types of work.
There are many subcastes in Vaidiki Brahmins as well:
l) Vaishnava
m) Draavidulu
n) Madhvulu
o) Velanati Vaidikulu
p) Telaganyulu or Telaganadu Vaidikis
q) Venginati Vaidikulu
r) Kasalnati Vaidikulu
s) Muraknati Vaidikulu
u) Adisaivulu
v) Saivulu
    l) Vaishnava:   Pancharatraand Vaikhanasa Brahmanulu:  Among the 
Vaishnavities, the strictvegetarians and highly educated people also are given 
the approximate status ofbrahmins in Andhra Pradesh. They adhere to either the 
medieval Tenkalai orVadakalai and Agaama scriptures. One section follows 
Vaikhanasa scripturesand other the Pancharaatra, dealing mainly with temple 
ritual. Theyrun large temple establishments very efficiently. They rose to 
prominenceduring Vijayanagar times. They are followers panchasamskara,  
ekayanayajus sakha and katyayana sutra. TheseVaishnavite Brahmins are spread 
mainly in Karnataka and Andhra, and to someextent in Tamil Nadu also.  
Vaikanasa subcaste belongs to this group. The great Vaishnavite reformers like 
Ramanujacharya, Ramananda (northIndia), Madhva (all over south India), Vallabh 
Acharya (found among vela Nadu, Gujarat,Rajasthan and UP), Nimbaarka, etc.  Not 
all the followers of theseVaishnavite reformers are Brahmins.  Some of these 
Vaishnavite includeAcharis, Iyengar and vela Nādu vaideekulu. These Vaishnavas 
are also knownas Andhra Vaishnava.

    Theyrely on the doctrines laid down in the medieval scriptures (agamas). 
Many ofthe famous temple establishments like Tirupati and Ahobilam are run 
pervaishnavite agamic canons. The big hearted Raamanuja fought against caste 
distinctionsand gathered under his doctrine, people from all walks of life and 
caste andreligion and occupation and said henceforth they shall be known as 
onecommunity. Thus he created the Iyengar community, and told them to always 
workfor reform of society. Some of the earlier vaishnava and bhagaavata 
adherentsalso merged into the iyengars. Later there was a large immigration 
ofRamaanandi vaishnavas from north India and another large migration 
fromGujarat. While they too merged, slight differences arose.

The great Raamanujaspecifically included among his followers sc's, tribals, 
immigrant foreignsoldiers, arabs and turks, destitutes women, jains, etc. 
Raamanuja's effortsare glossed over bymodern  pseudo-secular writers. Ramanuja 
and his laterdisciples running the movement, certainly saw to it that there was 
no moreexclusivism of caste groups inside the community. All the same it 
appears theymade sure that the brightest were selected as iyengars, 
evangelizers ofvaishnavism, without any regard to their former caste or other 
origins. It ishowever true, after some centuries this reformist movement became 
just anothercaste, not quite sure about its place in the hierarchy.

The immense and lastinginfluence of Raamanuja is probably not realised by many 
Indians. Here are somedirect and indirect descendants of his thought: ---the 
entire actual livevaishnava tradition of today, and including offshoots and 
modifications and themovements heavily influenced like those of Raamananda 
Kabir Ravidas NanakTulsidas Vallabhacharya Nimbaarka Madhvacharya Raghavendra 
Chaitanya Ramdas....even recent reformers like Phule and isckon and others

One characteristic method usedby the gurus was community dinners, where 
everybody sat together withoutdistinction. This went a long way towards 
reduction of old discriminations. Asa consequence there are expert cooks who 
easily handle very large scale cookingamong them. Old tribal cult spots and 
medieval pilgrimage centers like theVaraaha shrine at Tirupati were modernised, 
along with the new scriptures andnew rituals invented by Ramanujacharya to 
foster a cooperative spirit. He alsokept in mind the weaning away of simple 
tribal people from bloodsacrifices. It seems many jains also merged with 
vaishnavites, just like in anearlier era buddhists shifted to various sects of 
saivism. His followers alsotook up the spread of education, whose effect which 
lasts to this day. Thevaishnavite communities in Andhra Pradesh have a marked 
bent towards education,literature and performing arts like music and dance.

PITU GOTRA PART 15 KR IRS  1452415524 to be contd

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