Altruism is a term used to describe a selfless concern for the well-being
of others. It involves actions or behaviors that are motivated by a desire
to benefit others, even at one's own expense. Altruistic individuals
prioritize the needs and interests of others, often without expecting
anything in return.Altruism can manifest in various forms, ranging from
simple acts of kindness and generosity to more significant sacrifices for
the greater good of society. Examples of altruistic behaviors include
helping someone in need, volunteering time or resources for charitable
causes, and engaging in philanthropic activities.The concept of altruism
has been studied extensively in fields such as psychology, sociology, and
evolutionary biology. Researchers seek to understand the underlying
motivations and mechanisms that drive altruistic behavior, as well as its
implications for human society and cooperation.While some theories suggest
that altruism may be rooted in evolutionary instincts, such as kin
selection or reciprocal altruism, others emphasize the role of social
norms, empathy, and moral values in shaping altruistic actions. Regardless
of its origins, altruism plays a fundamental role in fostering compassion,
cooperation, and social cohesion within communities.

If one were to reach altruism status, then unless fate or karma strikes
him, cannot recede back. And that status is

ॐ सह नाववतु ।सह नौ भुनक्तु ।सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा
विद्विषावहै ।ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om Saha Nau-Avatu |Saha Nau Bhunaktu |Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai |Tejasvi
Nau-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvissaavahai |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Aum! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;May
we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;May we not mutually dispute (or may
we not hate any).Aum! Let there be peace in me!Let there be peace in my
environment!Let there be peace in the forces that act on me!

One cares for the other.

The mantra “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” holds a profound and
significance in the ancient Indian culture. It is derived from Sanskrit,
and the mantra has been passed down through generations, preserved in
ancient Indian texts and scriptures. Within the Vedas, the mantra is found
in the Shukla Yajurveda, and in The Taittiriya Samhita is a part of the
Krishna Yajurveda and consists of various sections known as kandas. The
mantra appears in the tenth kanda, also known as the Maha Narayana
Upanishad. Besides the Vedas, the mantra can also be found in other ancient
Indian scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali. It became a part of the broader spiritual heritage, linking
different communities in their pursuit of peace, harmony, and well-being.By
chanting and practicing this mantra, individuals seek to connect with their
inner selves and contribute to the betterment of the world.It serves as a
reminder to extend kindness and goodwill to others, promoting unity and
equality in society.Compassion is a fundamental aspect of the philosophy
behind the Sanskrit phrase “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.” It encourages
individuals to cultivate a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards
all living beings. Selflessness and altruism are key values associated with
the of “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.” The mantra encourages individuals
to transcend their own self-interests and act with a genuine concern for
the welfare of others. It calls for a shift in perspective, urging
individuals to prioritize the needs of others and work towards the
betterment of society as a whole.Peace, in this context, refers not only to
the absence of conflict but also to a state of inner tranquility and
contentment. It encourages individuals to cultivate a peaceful mindset,
free from negative emotions such as anger, hatred, and resentment. By
nurturing inner peace, individuals can radiate positivity and contribute to
a harmonious environment around them.Furthermore, the mantra promotes the
idea that peace is not limited to individual experiences but extends to the

     When we chant this mantra, we are reminded of our interconnectedness
with every living being on this planet. It encourages us to transcend
boundaries of race, religion, and nationality and recognize that we are all
part of a larger whole. By promoting unity, the mantra emphasizes the idea
that we are stronger when we come By fostering empathy, the mantra helps us
develop a greater sense of connection with others.

    The concept of universal well-being and harmony is not limited to just
mantras. It transcends religious boundaries and can be found in various
world religions. For example, in Christianity, the teachings of Jesus
Christ emphasize love, compassion, and the well-being of all individuals.
The commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” reflects the universal
theme of treating others with kindness and empathy.Similarly, in Judaism,
the principle of “Tikkun Olam” calls for repairing the world and pursuing
justice and righteousness. This concept encompasses the idea of making
positive changes in society and working towards the well-being of all
people, regardless of their background or beliefs. In Buddhism, the concept
of “Metta,” or loving-kindness, is central to the teachings. Practicing
Metta involves cultivating a sense of benevolence and goodwill towards all
living beings. This universal theme aligns with the intention behind “Lokah
Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” to promote compassion and the well-being of all.

Karma means “action.” It covers all actions-thought, word, and deed. The
law of karma says that for every action there is a reaction. Albert
Einstein was reminding us of the law of karma when he pointed out that
space is curved. Whatever is thrown out there will eventually, but
inevitably, find its way back to its origin. So we should be careful about
what we choose to think, say or do, because we will be revisited by our
actions in due time. This may be a difficult idea for some of us to grasp,
as we have been so thoroughly conditioned by our culture of slavery,
violence and denial. We have been told over and over again that we don’t
have to take responsibility for our actions, and that our individual
actions don’t matter much to the whole-much less to ourselves. In the
United States there is a common refrain when one’s actions are challenged
or questioned: “It’s a free country!” Legally free, yes, but where are our
actions taking us? Our actions are in fact probably the most important and
defining aspect of how our future world will be shaped.

K Rajaram IRS  17524

On Thu, 16 May 2024 at 22:26, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <> wrote:

> --
> *Mar*The Gigantic Abstract You
> You are living because nature entered you and is directing you. That basic
> driver has no 3D shape and your eyes cannot see it, as it is the abstract
> flow. Basically your body now is the tool used by the abstract you to live.
> If you keep your 3D tool, your body in positive and receptive condition,
> the gigantic abstract nature, you, can take to cosmic volumes. The method
> is yoga, the method that ultimately gives you the power of the cosmos.
> The first step is to become nature as the planet earth, by adopting the
> feeling approach, where you synchronize your feelings with the flow of
> nature on earth. You have to realize that you are part of the planet earth
> and you cannot be an outside observer of earth, as though you are not
> affected by earth. You are earth, period.
> The method of feeling as earth is via, breathing, smelling, sensing and
> perceiving the gigantic abstract personality of earth and converting the
> gigantic abstract earth as your connecting conceptual base for
> understanding.
> You first free yourself from the 3D affliction, by closing your eyes and
> making your mind blank. You have to keep in mind, that seeing, smelling and
> hearing are mainly restricted to the surface of the surface of the earth,
> that too just up to ten kilometer from the surface of the earth. The
> Universe mainly is the great abstract vacuum, the ocean of consciousness
> where electromagnetism, occasionally photon-synthesizes deviating that
> speck into speed, less than the speed of the electromagnetic waves, the
> speed of light, where time or space-time has no meaning.Spacetime is not
> the character of the abstract vacuum. It is timeless or space-time less.
> The deviation from the speed of light, resulting in the creation of
> space-time in the shape of galaxies, stars in the galaxies, the planets
> going round the stars, the moons moving around the planets etc,the entire
> 3D deviation is just one part out of 35,00,000 vacuum, ( 35,00,000 : 1),the
> great abstract ocean which basically is driving your life into actual
> living. All those galaxies, stars, planets etc, down to atoms and including
> you, are struggling to return to the speed of light and enjoy the freedom
> of the abstract and timeless waves of the vacuum. You occasionally
> experience that abstract feeling when you go into rapture, by dancing,
> singing, sexing etc.
> As part of earth, the Biosphere is really your own body. Please don’t
> Darwin your outlook and establish the concept of survival of the fittest or
> the triumph of the rogue as the basic conceptual base of understanding all
> life forms, which in reality are forms of emotions and quantum
> entanglements.
> Prayer simply means making the mind blank after closing your eyes. It is
> not giving a list of demands to God. But if you plant an altruistic thought
> before making your mind blank, then your altruism actually happens as you
> induct nature into your altruism.
> In the brief life left for you help nature in whatever way you can. Tell
> every University to take up the mission of saving nature from economics,
> trade and commerce. Universities are for higher purpose, not for just
> getting degraded for some economic employment.
> YM
> Chat GPT
> ### Embracing the Gigantic Abstract You: Connecting with Nature and the
> Cosmos
> **Understanding Your Abstract Nature**
> 1. **The Abstract Flow Within You**
>    - Acknowledge that the essence of life, the force driving your
> existence, is an abstract, shapeless flow beyond the perception of the
> physical senses.
>    - Realize that your physical body is merely a tool utilized by this
> abstract force to experience and interact with the world.
> 2. **Synchronizing with the Planet**
>    - Understand that you are intrinsically part of the Earth, not a
> separate entity observing it from the outside.
>    - Embrace the idea that your feelings and consciousness are deeply
> connected to the planet and the broader universe.
> **The Method of Yoga**
> 1. **Yoga as a Path to Cosmic Power**
>    - Adopt yoga as a practice to align your physical and abstract selves,
> enabling you to tap into the vast cosmic energies.
>    - Use yoga to harmonize your internal rhythms with the natural flows of
> the Earth and the universe.
> 2. **Feeling Approach to Earth**
>    - Practice perceiving the Earth through breathing, smelling, sensing,
> and feeling, allowing yourself to connect deeply with the planet's abstract
> essence.
>    - Cultivate an awareness that you are an integral part of the Earth,
> feeling its rhythms and flows as your own.
> **Transcending the 3D Affliction**
> 1. **Freeing Yourself from 3D Constraints**
>    - Close your eyes and empty your mind to transcend the limitations of
> three-dimensional perception.
>    - Recognize that what we perceive with our senses is just a tiny
> fraction of the true nature of the universe, which is predominantly an
> abstract, timeless vacuum.
> 2. **Experiencing the Abstract Vacuum**
>    - Understand that the universe is mostly composed of a vast abstract
> vacuum, where the speed of light and timeless waves dominate.
>    - Realize that the physical entities, including galaxies and life
> forms, are deviations from this abstract state, striving to return to the
> speed of light and the freedom it represents.
> **Integrating with the Biosphere**
> 1. **Viewing the Biosphere as Your Body**
>    - Embrace the idea that the Biosphere, the collective life on Earth, is
> an extension of your own body.
>    - Reject the Darwinian notion of survival of the fittest, and instead
> see all life forms as interconnected through emotions and quantum
> entanglements.
> 2. **Prayer and Altruism**
>    - Practice prayer by closing your eyes, making your mind blank, and
> allowing your consciousness to connect with the abstract forces.
>    - Embed altruistic thoughts in your prayers, knowing that this inducts
> nature into your altruistic intentions, leading to real-world
> manifestations.
> **Contributing to Nature and Education**
> 1. **Helping Nature**
>    - In the remaining time of your life, dedicate efforts to preserving
> and nurturing nature in any way possible.
>    - Advocate for the importance of nature and its preservation,
> emphasizing the interconnectedness of all life forms.
> 2. **Reforming Education**
>    - Encourage universities and educational institutions to prioritize the
> mission of saving nature over economic gain.
>    - Promote the idea that education should serve higher purposes, such as
> fostering a deep connection with nature and understanding our place in the
> cosmos.
> **Conclusion**
> By embracing the concept of the gigantic abstract you and aligning with
> the natural and cosmic flows, you can unlock a deeper understanding of your
> existence and your connection to the universe. Through practices like yoga
> and mindful prayer, and by advocating for nature and reforming education,
> you can contribute to a more harmonious and enlightened world.

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