18Siddhar Temple/Siddhar Sakthi Peedam-FORWARD

Dear friends,

While reading about Kaka Bhushandi in a QA from Quora, Irecollected about 18 
siddhar temple opposite to   Dhenupureeswarar temple, Madampakkam. Thesetwo 
temples are about 1.5 KMs from my residence. I have visited this siddhartemple 
3-4 times. The guiding priests give us introduction of the siddhars. Inaddition 
there is a temple. There is specific direction to visit thesakthipeetam and 
temples. The following is the description obtained on Googlesearch and I hope 
the same may be interesting.

Gopalakrishnan 18-5-2024. 

1) Who is a Siddhar? 

A "Siddhar" is supposed to be a “person who hasreached / realized the 
ultimate". A person who has attained siddhi (ultimaterealization), out of his 
own vigorous sadhana or practice. A person who hasmastered the ashtama 
siddhigal (அஷ்டமாசித்திகள், 8 powerful practices). 

These persons may appear veryabnormal to a common man. They are completely out 
of worldly desires.They use their power only to serve the human race. There are 
many many"Siddha Purushas" all around the world. 

2)18 SiddharTemple/Siddhar Sakthi Peedam: 

The 18 most well-known siddha purusha's who have served thepeople are 
considered as pathinen siddhar (பதினெண் சித்தர்கள் ). 

Mr KVLN Sharma, a devotee of Sri Seshadri Swamigal (aprominent Siddhar), 
constructed this 18 siddhar temple at Madambakkam,according to the instructions 
he had obtained from his guru, Sri SeshadriSwamigal. 

This temple is a very vibrant one, and is also considered asone of the 
Navagraha Parihara sthalam. Those whoare unable to visit the Navagraha temple 
at Kumbakonam, can pray at this templeto get their doshams (problems caused by 
the Navagrahas) got rectified. Evenotherwise, the place is so lively that one 
could feel a surge of emotionsoverflowing with joy, seeing such revered 
siddhas. If only, they could lead usinto the right path, so that at least in 
one of the future births, we wouldthink about reaching the ultimate! Hope their 
presence and guidance wouldalways be there with us!

3) Adi SakthiPeedam-Balalayam: This temple is before  the Sri Dhenupureeswarar 
temple. A devotee visiting thesiddhar temple, has to first visit this Balalayam 
also known as Adhi SakthiPeetam. In the centre of this hall, is the Sannidhi of 
Sadhguru Seshadriswamigal. 

It is believed that this place has the jyothi form of all the18 Siddhas as 
Jeeva Sakthi and hence has to be worshiped before visiting themain shrine.

4)  Other idols : 

The other idols in this hall according to the order ofworship are Sakthi Peeta 
Ganapathy, where people worship by offering coconuts.Other sannidhi's are that 
of  Lord SriNagarajar and Sri Sakthivel, Sannidhi of Sadhguru Seshadriswamigal 
and HisSukshma Medai, where devotees can bow down by placing their palms over 
the daisand Arupa Lakshmi, similar to the one at Kanchi Kamakshi temple. On the 
way tothe main shrine is the small shrine of Sulini Durga and Jada 
Muneeswarar.Though the temple is relatively small, the idol of Sulini Durga is 
quite huge.

5) Sri Chakra Mahameru& pathiNen(18) Siddhar temple:

The temple is one of its kinds in the world. This is thefirst ever Brindavanam 
constructed for 18 siddhars and first ever Mahamerutemple constructed out of a 
green granite built as per the guidance of SathguruSeshadri Swamigal merging 
the powers Sakthi and the incredible wisdom of the 18Siddha Purushas.

On entering the main shrine, a board depicting the order of worship is put up. 
Asper the instructions we walk down the long corridor and first have a darshan 
ofLord Sri Sundara Ganapathy and Lord Sri Subramanian. We then have darshan 
ofGoddess Sri Lalitha Tirupurasundari in the form of Maha Meru (Representation 
ofGoddess , a 3D pyramid shaped with many tiers.) made out of a single 
greengranite. Sri Chakra Maha Meru at this temple represents the Shiva and 
Sakthiform (சிவசக்தி ஐக்கியம் ) andalso the five elements. It gives immense 
peace of mind on having a darshan ofGoddess Sri Lalitha Tirupurasundari. 

6) Sathguru SeshadriSwamigal

A huge idol of Mahan Sathguru Seshadri Swamigal is foundadjacent to Goddess Sri 
Lalitha Tirupurasundari temple. Sadhguru Sri SeshadriSwamigal was a yogi and 
mystic who lived in 19th Century. He was born atKanchipuram and attained siddhi 
at Tiruvannamalai. He has performed manymiracles at Tiruvannamalai and has 
served the mankind in various ways. He wasknown as a "Saint with golden hand". 
He cured the illness of many peoplewith his magical touch. As mentioned earlier 
this temple was constructed as perHis (Seshadri Swamigal's) instructions and 
guidance. There is enough space infront of the shrine that one can sit before 
the shrine and can meditate.

7) Pathinen siddhars(18 Siddhars)

18 Siddhar Sannidhis: Separate sanctum for each of 18 SiddhaPurushas are 
constructed at this temple. Every sanctum appears very natural,real and 
vibrant. For those interested in Pariharas, everytwo siddha purasha represent 
one planet and hence this place isconsidered as Navagraha Parihara Sthalam.

7.1 Sri SivavaakiyarSiddhar: 

He is referred to as Siva Vakkiyar as he kept uttering thename of Shiva right 
from his birth. He was a disciple of Sri Konganar Siddhar.He is said to 
represent Moon or Chandra graha and his auspicious day is Monday.

7.2) Sri KayilayaKambali Chattai Muni Siddhar (Roma Rishi): 

He is referred to as Roma Rishi as he is believed to have come from Rome and 
also, since his body was coveredwith hair (Romam in Tamil). Roma Rishi also 
represents the Moon or ChandraGraha and his auspicious day is Monday.

7.3) Sri Maha BhogarSiddhar: 

He is said to have born in China and was known to haveuttered mantras even as a 
child. He turned into an eminent siddha and wasgraced by Lord Sri 
Dhandayudhapani (Muruga), who entrusted him with the work ofcarving the statue 
of Lord Sri Muruga out of Nava Pashanam (nine rare herbswhich is said to cure 
diseases). This statue is present even today as the mainstatue at Palani. 
Bhogar Siddhar represents Planet Mars (Sevvai) and hisauspicious day is Tuesday.

7.4) Sri KagaBhujandar Siddhar:

Kagam means crow in Tamil. He is said to have been present invarious Yugas 
witnessing the Pralayam (According to Hindu mythology a Pralayamis the Great 
Dissolution or destruction of various realms) as a crow standingon a mountain 
top. Kaga Bhujandar represents the Planet Jupiter (Guru) and hisauspicious day 
is Thursday.

7.5)Sri PullipaniSiddhar: 

Puli means Tiger in Tamil. He is the foremost disciple ofBhogar Siddhar. Once 
to quench the thirst of his guru, Pulipani rode on a Tigerand fetched water 
with his hands cupped. Hence he is referred to as Pulipani.He helped Bhogar 
Siddhar to carve the statue of Lord Sri Muruga at Pazhaniusing Navabhashanam, 
by getting all the necessary herbs. Sri Pulipani Siddharrepresent the planet 
Mars (Sevvai) and his auspicious day is Tuesday.

7.6) Sri ChataimuniSiddhar: 

Chatai in Tamil means dress. He considers this body as adress which should be 
thrown out one day. He was born at Srilanka and was adisciple of Bhogar 
Siddhar. He obtained many medicinal and spiritual wisdomfrom Saint Agasthiyar. 
Chataimuni Siddhar represent Kethu and his auspiciousday is Friday.

 7.7)   Sri Agappei Siddhar:

 He is originally a Nayanarborn out of Tiruvalluvar community. Being a weaver 
by profession, he could seehow peoples mind wandered and yearned for worldly 
attachments. Agam meansinside in Sanskrit. He considered this mind as a Pei 
(Ghost), Agappei ( a ghostwithin our body) and wanted to destroy it. Hence he 
was referred to as AgappeiSiddhar. He was a disciple of Saint Vyasa. Agappei 
Siddhar represent the PlanetJupiter (Guru) and his auspicious day is Thursday.

7.8)Sri AzhuganiSiddhar: 

He had mastered in herbs such as Azhugani and Thozhugani andhence the name. He 
could as well sing wonderful hymns in beautiful poeticallanguage. Azhugani 
Siddhar represent Raghu Bhagavan and his auspicious day isSaturday.

7.9)Sri KudhambaiSiddhar: 

He was always adorned with Kudhambai flowers and hence thename. He gained 
spiritual wisdom even from this previous birth and had writtenmany divine 
songs. Kudhambai Siddhar represent Kethu Bhagavan and hisauspicious day is 

7.10)Sri VallalarSiddhar: 

Ramalinga adigallar was also known as Arul Prakasa Vallalar.He was an ardent 
devotee of Lord Sri Muruga and believed in Jyothi (light) as aform of worship. 
He established the Sudha Sanmarga Sangam and endeavoured toremove caste system. 
His notable work was "Thiruvarutpa" and histeachings were service to mankind 
was a way of achieving moksha. His famousquote was "Arul Perum Jyothi, Thani 
Perum Karunai". Vallalar Siddharrepresent the Planet Mercury (Bhudhan) and his 
auspicious day is Wednesday.

My note- It is near Neiveli in Tamilnadu,vallalar siddar became a Jyoti. About 
three years back or so, I have visitedthis Jyothi. 

7.11) Sri Idai KadarSiddhar: 

He was born as a shepherd in a place called Idaikaadu. Seeinghis deep affection 
even towards a goat, a Siddhar who was flying by, gave himdivine powers and 
knowledge on astrology medicine etc. There is an interestingstory about him. 
Once he became aware of an upcoming famine and had trained hisgoats to eat 
thorns and had covered his house with grain and clay. Hence hesurvived the 
famine by eating the grains and drinking goat’s milk. Seeing thisthe Navagrahas 
(Nine Planets) were astonished and visited him. Idai kadar offeredgoats milk 
and wheat made out of the grains in the house to Navagrahas, whosoon fell 
asleep after a heavy meal. In the meantime, Idaikadar changed thepositions of 
these planets and brought heavy rains to the village. Thus he fooled even the 
Navagrahas. Idai Kadarrepresent the Planet Mercury (Bhudhan) and his auspicious 
day is Wednesday.

7.12) Sri PattinatharSiddhar: 

Born in a rich family, he looked after his father's businessas a merchant. 
After a long waiting and prayers Lord Sri Shiva Himself was bornas his son. 
Once in one of the merchandise, the son brought a huge pack ofhusks, 
Pattinathar got wild and scolded his son, who disappeared leaving a notealong 
with a needle without an eyelet, "Not even this needle without aneyelet will 
follow you in your last journey". (காதருந்த ஊசியும் வாராது காண்கடைவிதிக்கே!) 

>From then on he renounced his wealth and became a saint.There are many 
>incidents in his life which brings out his greatness. One dayseeing a group of 
>children playing in the sand, he asked them to bury him andpromised that he 
>would appear elsewhere. He appeared in many places and amazedthe kids. 
>Finally, when they buried him for the last time, he disappeared andin his 
>place was a Shiva Linga. The place is Tiruvatriyur in Chennai. Pattinathar 
>Sidharrepresent the Sun and his auspicious day is Sunday.

7.13)Sri KaduveliSiddhar: 

He hailed from a town named Kaduveli. He performed intensepenance seeking the 
blessings of Lord Shiva at Irumbai. The place wasoverheated and an ant hill was 
built around him. Only after he completed hispenance the place cooled down and 
it started raining. Turning wild with rage onone of the villagers gossips, he 
cursed the place to be turned into a desert.Later on, he said, though his curse 
could not be taken back, the place willturn green when people start moving in. 
This place is supposed to be Auroville in Pondichery.Kaduveli Siddhar represent 
the Sun God and his auspicious day is Sunday.

7.14)Sri KanchamalaiSiddhar: 

He is believed to have been born in hills and lived inKanchamalai. He possessed 
various spiritual powers which enabled him to evenfly in the air. He wore 
dresses made of herbs. Kanchamalai Siddhar representthe planet Venus (Sukran) 
and his auspicious day is Friday.

7.15)  Sri Chennimalai Siddhar: 

Chennimalai Siddhar was born as a milkman and had splittongue from birth. Hence 
he was called Pinnakeesar. Pattinathar Siddhar was hisspiritual guru from whom 
he gained lot of spiritual wisdom. He found medicinesfor many incurable 
diseases. He always lived in Athi tree and attained mukthitherein. Chennimalai 
Siddhar represent the planet Venus (Sukra) and hisauspicious day is Friday.

My note- As early as 1965, I had a trainingcolleague as telephone inspector 
posted there. He told me about this siddashramat that time. Chennimalai is 
famous for manufacturing Jamukkalam.     

7.16) Sri KapilarSiddhar: 

The story of how Kapila Siddhar was born as a cow and how heattained mukthi at 
Dhenupureeswarar temple, Madambakkam. Kapila Siddharrepresent the planet Saturn 
(Saniswarar) and his auspicious day is Saturday.

7.17) Sri KaruvoorarSiddhar: 

Born in a place called Karuvoor, he was a Sculptor by birth.He gained spiritual 
prowess from Bhogar Siddhar. He was an expert in sculptingand had sculpted many 
idols for well-known temples in Tamilnadu. He mastered inthe art of 
consecrating temples and had consecrated temples which were verydifficult or 
rather impossible by others. Many scholars were jealous of him andwanted to get 
rid of him. Seeing this he entered thetemple at Karuvoor and merged with Lord 
Shiva. Karuvoorar Siddharrepresent the planet Saturn (Saniswarar) and his 
auspicious day is Saturday.

7.18)  Sri Paambati Siddhar: 

He was a snake charmer by birth and was an expert incontrolling all the snakes. 
He found medicines for snake bite and knew aboutevery snake that lived around 
that area. Once while he was wandering in thenight trying to catch a rare 
variety of Snake, Sattaimuni Siddhar appearedbefore him and said, "First, try 
and control thesnake which is within you, leave the rest of them free". 
Heexplained that Kundalani is the greatest snakein a person’s body and 
mastering that will bring immense wisdom. From then onPaampatti Siddhar started 
carrying his journey inwards until he wasenlightened. He mastered several arts 
and preached the humanity in many ways.Paambati Siddhar represent the Planet 
Neptune (Rahu) and his auspicious day isSaturday.

8) Other Sannidhis: 

While doing a pradakshinam one can visit the shrines of LordSri Dakshina 
Moorthy, Saivite saints - Appar, Sundarar, Manikavasagar,Tirunakarasar, Lord 
Sri Vishnu, Lord Sri Ayyappa  and Goddess Sri Rajakali Amman. In theoutside we 
could see the Sannidhi of Lord Sri Guruvayurappan, similar to theone in 

9) Temple Timings: 

Temple is open between 6 am to 11 am in the morning and 4 pmto 8 pm in the 

10) Useful Tips: 

People visiting the 18 siddhar temple must first pay a visitto Balalayam nearby.

Every Siddhar represent a planet in Navagraha and they have aspecific 
auspicious day.

People interested in doing pariharams, please consult theoffice (044 2228 1337) 
and get the details of the pariharams before visitingthe place.


18 Siddhar Brindavan Sakthi Peetam Pooja procedures book byKVLN Sharma (Blog by 

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