Freedom from Technology

Achieving complete freedom from technology in the modern world may be quite
challenging, considering how deeply integrated technology has become in
various aspects of our lives. However, is it entirely feasible to reduce
one's reliance on technology and establish a healthier balance?

     The fear of technology as an antihero is unsustainable. What was the
nature of the opening of the universes? Mere Physics changed into a
technology; that produced the inert gases; it reproduced the stars; and
black holes also served as saving grace, from the destruction of the stars.
So, Nature in itself has both the technology as well as the anti tech tool.

Suggestion for the Digital detox: Designate specific times or days where
you disconnect from all electronic devices, including smartphones,
computers, and tablets. Use this time for activities that don't involve
screens, such as reading, spending time outdoors, or engaging in hobbies.
My view:  How is it possible? The world is connected only digitally; and as
Parvathi placed her hand, across the eyes ‘of Siva, for a second, but the
whole universe went into darkness, upsetting the biological needs of the
world. So also, many upsets would take place and to redeem, it may even
take days to set up. Rather, we may strive to find out if there are any
anti-neutralisation techniques to reduce the digital effect on earth.
However, again the help of Technology alone will be sought, proving, even
to modify, Tech help is inevitable. Thus, nature in itself is embedded only
in technology. So that in itself is a techie, will also have the design
produced along with the technology. God designed both. So, the scientist
design, simultaneously the want and the neutralisational effects devices;
and as black hole one day if had to burst there will be fire-shower all
over; so, on that day only we will understand the tool designed by God, to
prevent such or to gobble up the fire-tool. So, every cause which has an
effect must continue without any inhibitions to grow in the positive
direction. That is growth. We all grew only like that in the midst of the
diseases, Covid and adverse reactions and stand tall today. Nature knows to

Suggestion to Set boundaries: Establish boundaries around technology use,
both in terms of time and space. For example, you might designate certain
areas of your home as tech-free zones, such as the bedroom or dining table.
Additionally, set limits on the amount of time you spend on devices each
day. It is feasible at home. Maybe on the earth. China has almost produced
a nuclear battery. Button cell. Usable without change for 50 years. Even if
you keep open your cooking vessel open while going around the Europe tour,
still when you come back, nothing will go wrong as when you bought it you
were 25 and now you are only 30-year-old. So, a boundary is set in by not
casting away old batteries even for recycling; thus, preventing harm to
nature. Well. The broadcast says that there will not be fusion also as it
is not going to mutate to fission.  So, can we believe China is the
question. Suppose after spreading the 50-year-old button cell cult, one day
it presses its remote control and ends the world?  Setting boundaries is
good and may turn back as bad too.

Suggestion for Prioritizing in-person interactions: Make an effort to spend
more time engaging in face-to-face interactions with friends, family, and
colleagues, rather than relying solely on digital communication methods.
Surely a good family would emanate and rise into a blossoming olden day.
Trial may last only for a few hours, since all who are under the work from
Home will be pinked.  But as in Tamil film dialogue, “ if everyone cheats
paise 5 per person per day ,how many crores it will tantamount to?; so also
small interpersonal relationship might reduce ,few numbers in the

Suggestion to Explore analog alternatives: Embrace analog activities and
tools as alternatives to their digital counterparts. For instance, opt for
physical books instead of e-readers, handwritten notes instead of emails,
and board games instead of video games. Of course; however, there was a
time when the internet was open in  1980s, we were waiting for one YouTube
song for hours, for buffering and then viewing; after 2000 we did not wait
that long; and now I can download 25 songs in just about 3 minutes and also
play back continuously. I was thinking as I lived on the internet in
California, it is always faster in the USA, unlike India. But after seeing
DULLAS internet at 50 GB speed, halting and playing SUN TV serials in my
bedroom, hardly any modem is just 20 feet away, though MODI is great. So
can we become uncivilised through the analogue now?

Suggestion to, Practice mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness and presence in
your daily life by consciously choosing when and how you engage with
technology. Pay attention to how certain digital activities make you feel
and consider whether they align with your values and priorities. Exactly.
We are followers of Buddha. Morning after checking emails, in 15 minutes we
close the cell phone. Better to have good health; so, start a one hour
workout, good for nature; and behold; do not forget to have your POD. After
returning back, open the laptop for checking banks, shares and modify and
close down; Then go back to see the IPL From USA on the STB TV. Then
bathing faster and getting dressed up. Friends from Ohio and C A and
conversing for an hour.  Lunch is 15 minutes fast. So, go on. Being
mindfulness was/is feasible only while asleep without digital, in some
forms and kinds.

While achieving complete freedom from technology may not be realistic or
desirable for everyone, finding ways to establish a healthier relationship
with technology can lead to greater well-being and fulfilment in the long
run. Let's wish nature to bend itself or bend us. K Rajaram  IRS 18524

On Fri, 17 May 2024 at 20:43, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <> wrote:

> --
> *Mar*Arrest the Drift into Abyss
> Nature has been striving to make you realize that you are a part, limb and
> sprout of nature and that you can never be an outsider to do science on it.
> The troposphere is the language of communication among all the organisms of
> the Biosphere. The idioms consist of breathing, smelling, touching, seeing,
> sensing, perceiving, understanding and interacting with every other life
> form or form of emotions. When you realize that you are a limb of nature,
> automatically you realize that as a part of nature, you can invoke and
> induct nature when you need. When you lift your hand, you are inducting
> millions of cells to do that seemingly small work. Similarly you can
> actually induct nature as limb of your body. Nature has endowed you with
> that basic faculty. You have the basic potential to expand the arena and
> horizon of your control and activity.
>  If you can see with your eyes, the cells and atoms also, you actually get
> freedom from the limited visible spectrum, you realize that the false 3D
> image is totally misleading, and that the 99.9965% of the photon spectrum,
> consists of the invisible spectrum, which is abstract, where seeing is not
> possible and that you have to adopt the method of feeling with unseeing by
> closing your eyes. Actually the seeing in the limited visible spectrum
> happens only up to ten or fifteen miles on the surface of earth or the
> lithosphere. Nowhere else you can see with your eyes and nowhere else the
> 3D affliction can be indulged. By closing your eyes you no longer see 3D
> things, the basically misleading paradigms. You have to feel to perceive.
> When you adopt feeling, you automatically team up with nature and group
> together many other organisms, all limbs of the one organism, the
> Biosphere. In free nature without your tampering you become extremely
> powerful. You can actually speak and interact with every other organism.
> Even now when you interact with any animal, you interact emotionally and
> feelingly and not mechanically as per the Cartesian mores. The language of
> the Biosphere is via feelings and emotions. When you practice communication
> in that language, you get control over nature, provided your actions are
> symbiotic.
> Today we do not depend and live as part of nature. We have created
> technology to separate and fetter ourselves into the outsiders of nature.
> Our living has become invasion into nature. We have become the fettered
> limbs of nature where the hormonal communication of nature to us, via the
> troposphere has been stifled. We no longer can breathe, smell, sense and
> perceive. The natural perception actually is not limited to the 3D
> affliction but extends into abstract invisible spectrum.
> We are trying to impose the false 3D conceptualization and attributions by
> using technology also.We shun all feelings and emotions and machines cannot
> feel. The 3D shape is not real. Nature is basically and fundamentally
> abstract, the arena of feelings and emotions, where 3D is unreal.
> Actually at the most fundamental level the atom is not stable. The
> positive protons try to run away from each other, and they are bonded
> together by the neutrons in the nucleus. The electrons hovering around can
> become and actually become waves when needed or free themselves from the 3D
> paricleship.At the most fundamental level where the electrons change into
> waves, there is the basic faculty of freedom from 3D.The Universe basically
> cannot know 3D.It is various manifestations of the great ‘Nothing’, the
> vacuum. We can do science only by living as part of nature and not as the
> outsiders of nature, doing science and economics on it.
> Technology has destroyed our emotion based limbhood of nature. Every
> machine destroys nature. Science must be based on feeling and perceiving
> and not via technology where there is no feeling, but the feelings devoid
> mathematical reductionism.
> We must urgently start free nature parks where there is no human
> tampering. One may enter that park and practice living as a limb of nature.
> Technology must be banned and banished in that abode of freedom of nature,
> where nature exists on the terms of nature.
> Please realize that we are destroying nature completely with our economics
> and worse the original disease-The Political Economy. No organism in the
> Biosphere can disease itself into dependence on technology and making the
> natural organs and limbs frozen and redundant.
> We need freedom from technology -based redundance. We need the freedom
> from maiming.
> YM
> Chat GPT
> ### Arrest the Drift into Abyss: Reconnecting with Nature
> **Reclaiming Our Place in Nature**
> 1. **Acknowledging Our Role in Nature**
>    - Understand that we are integral parts of nature, not separate
> entities. Our existence is deeply intertwined with the biosphere, and we
> must live as active participants rather than detached observers.
> 2. **Troposphere as the Language of Life**
>    - Recognize that the troposphere—the lowest layer of Earth's
> atmosphere—is the medium through which all life forms communicate. This
> communication encompasses breathing, smelling, touching, and perceiving,
> allowing for a symbiotic relationship among all organisms.
> **Harnessing Our Natural Faculties**
> 1. **Inducting Nature**
>    - Realize that just as we subconsciously command our cells to perform
> tasks, we can also invoke and integrate the broader forces of nature into
> our actions. This faculty is inherent within us, enabling a deeper
> connection and influence over our environment.
> 2. **Expanding Perception beyond the 3D**
>    - Acknowledge that our conventional 3D perception is limited. By
> closing our eyes and relying on our other senses, we can tap into the vast,
> abstract spectrum of nature that lies beyond visible light, enhancing our
> understanding and connection.
> **Living as Part of the Biosphere**
> 1. **The Power of Feeling**
>    - Embrace feelings and emotions as the true language of the biosphere.
> When we communicate and act through our emotions, we align with the natural
> world and reinforce our role as its integral components.
> 2. **Interaction and Control through Symbiosis**
>    - Practice symbiotic actions that benefit both ourselves and the
> environment. By engaging in such harmonious interactions, we gain greater
> control and deeper understanding of nature.
> **Rejecting Technological Alienation**
> 1. **Recognizing Technological Disruption**
>    - Acknowledge that modern technology often alienates us from nature,
> creating a false sense of separation and control. This technological
> dependency stifles our natural abilities and disrupts the hormonal
> communication with the biosphere.
> 2. **Revitalizing Emotional Communication**
>    - Move away from technology-driven lifestyles and rediscover the
> emotional and feeling-based communication that forms the basis of our
> interaction with nature.
> **Fundamental Understanding of Nature**
> 1. **Nature's Abstract Foundation**
>    - Understand that at its core, nature is abstract and not confined to
> physical forms. The stability of atoms, the wave-particle duality of
> electrons, and the fundamental forces all point to a reality that
> transcends the 3D perception.
> 2. **Living Within Nature's Framework**
>    - Embrace a scientific approach that respects and integrates our role
> within nature, rather than attempting to dominate it from the outside.
> **Creating Free Nature Spaces**
> 1. **Establishing Nature Parks**
>    - Advocate for the creation of untampered nature parks where human
> interference is minimized. These parks should serve as sanctuaries for
> practicing living in harmony with nature.
> 2. **Banning Technology in Nature Reserves**
>    - Propose that these nature parks be free from technological
> influences, allowing visitors to reconnect with their natural faculties and
> the environment in its purest form.
> **Urgent Call to Action**
> 1. **Combating Economic and Technological Destruction**
>    - Recognize the destructive impact of modern economics and political
> economies on nature. We must shift our focus from technological dependency
> to fostering natural resilience and health.
> 2. **Reviving Natural Freedom**
>    - Strive to regain our freedom from technological constraints and
> rediscover our innate connection with nature. This involves a collective
> effort to reduce economic activities that harm the environment and to
> embrace a more sustainable and harmonious way of living.
> By embracing these principles and making concerted efforts to reconnect
> with nature, we can arrest the drift into environmental and existential
> abyss, ensuring a sustainable and fulfilling future for all life on Earth.

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