CULTURAL QA 05202420

Q1           Can you tell a story from Akbar and Birbal stories?

KR         Hypocrisy of laughable stuff from an ignorant compiler
(Legendary Ketchup Geniuses), talking about brahmin elevation!! It looks
like Kushbu conducting cooking class in TV show.

Q2           What is the most amazing or shocking thing you know that most
people don't?

KR          Watermelon adulteration is not commonly reported in India,
China, or the USA. Then where the FSSAI etc dupes?

Now a days for colouring: natural alternatives for food products due to
increasing consumer demand for clean-label and natural ingredients. Some
natural alternatives for food colouring include:

Beetroot Extract: Provides a deep red colour and is commonly used in
products like red velvet cake, fruit juices, and gelatine desserts.

Annatto: Derived from the seeds of the achiote tree, annatto provides a
yellow to orange colour and is used in cheese, butter, and snack foods.

Turmeric: This spice, known for its vibrant yellow colour, is used to
colour foods like mustard, sauces, and rice dishes.

Paprika: Made from dried and ground peppers, paprika provides a
reddish-orange colour and is used in seasonings, snacks, and meat products.

Spirulina Extract: Derived from the blue-green algae Spirulina, this
natural pigment provides a blue-green colour and is used in beverages,
confections, and ice creams.

Caramel: While caramel can be produced artificially, it can also be derived
naturally from heating sugar, providing a brown colour used in beverages,
baked goods, and sauces.

Chlorophyll: Obtained from green plants, chlorophyll provides a green
colour and is used in candies, beverages, and health supplements.

Anthocyanins: Found naturally in various fruits and vegetables such as
berries and red cabbage, anthocyanins provide red, purple, or blue colours
and are used in a range of food products.

And not even one case is regd under FSSAI in India till date.

Q3           Why didn't Vidura get a punishment, tho he was also there when
Draupadi was being disrobed?

LKG: If one knows the truth, but chooses to be quiet for fear or
self-gratifying interests, he is also a part of the crime!

KR          Though I can draw the original Mahabharatham Sanskrit version
where VIDURA speaks  in the Sabha, preventing Duta; he was ignored; then
betting was lost  by Dharma, when Saguni intercepts to play Draupadi as
stake, Vuthura speaks to Dridharashtran but again was ignored; and 3rd
time, when she was to be brought to sabha as a30 year old woman in menses
time, Vithura speaks about the joy of then in the sabha will end their
lives; but Duryodhana heckles him; so Vituran neeti was always well
balanced unlike Bheeshma.

KR IRS 20524


On Mon, 20 May 2024 at 02:02, 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty <> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 05-2024-20*
> *All the BELOW  QA are from  Quora  digest to me   on  20-05-2024.*
> * Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers *
> *.Compiled **and posted by R. Gopala krishnan,  on 20-05-2024*
> Q1           Can you tell a story from Akbar and Birbal stories?
> A1           Chauhan Babu Nath,14h
> Once when Akbar saw a Brahmin begging in a pitiful condition, he said
> sarcastically towards Birbal - 'Birbal! These are your Brahmins! Who is
> known as Brahma Devta. He is a beggar.
> Birbal did not say anything at that time. But when Akbar went to the
> palace, Birbal came back and asked the Brahmin why he begs?
> The Brahmin said - 'I don't have money, jewellery, land, anything and I am
> not even very educated. Therefore, begging for the support of my family is
> my compulsion.
> Birbal asked - 'How much can one earn in a day by begging'?
> The Brahmin replied - 'Six to eight Ashrafiyas.'
> Birbal said - 'If you get some work, will you stop begging?'
> The Brahmin asked - 'What should I do?'
> Birbal said - 'You will have to take bath in Brahmamuhurta, wear clean
> clothes and chant 101 rounds of Gayatri Mantra every day and for this you
> will receive 10 Ashrafis as a gift every day.'
> The Brahmin accepted Birbal's proposal. From the next day the Brahmin
> stopped begging and started chanting Gayatri Mantra with great devotion and
> returned to his home in the evening with 10 Ashrafis as a gift. Seeing the
> true devotion and dedication of the Brahmin, after a few days Birbal
> increased both the number of Gayatri Mantra chanters and the number of
> Ashrafis. Due to the power of Gayatri Mantra, the Brahmin did not have the
> slightest worry about hunger, thirst or physical illness. Due to the
> chanting of Gayatri Mantra his face started glowing. People's attention
> started getting attracted towards Brahmins. Those seeking darshan started
> offering him sweets, fruits, money and clothes. Now he no longer needed
> even the Ashrafis he received from Birbal. Even the things offered with
> reverence to a Brahmin no longer hold any attraction. He started always
> remaining engrossed in Gayatri chanting.
> The news of the Brahmin saint's daily chanting of Gayatri started
> spreading everywhere. Devotees started coming from far away places to have
> darshan. The devotees built a temple and an ashram at the place of penance
> of the Brahmin. Akbar also got the news of the fame of Brahmin's penance.
> The king also decided to go for darshan and he took the royal gifts and
> went with Birbal in royal attire to meet the saint. After reaching there he
> offered royal gifts and paid obeisance to the Brahmin. The king came out
> with Birbal with a happy heart after seeing such a brilliant saint.
> Then Birbal asked - 'Do you know this saint?'
> Akbar said - 'No, Birbal, I have met him for the first time today.'
> Then Birbal said - 'Maharaj! You know this very well. This is the same
> beggar Brahmin, on whom you sarcastically said one day - 'These are your
> Brahmins! Who is called Brahma Devta?
> Today you yourself have come to bow your head at the feet of the same
> Brahmin. There was no limit to Akbar's surprise. Asked Birbal - 'But how
> did this big change happen?'
> Birbal said - 'Maharaj! He is basically a Brahmin. Due to circumstances,
> he was away from the truth and powers of his religion. A Gayatri Mantra of
> religion transformed the Brahmin into 'Brahma' and how it forced the king
> to fall at his feet. This is the effect of mantras under Brahmin. This rule
> applies equally to all Brahmins. Because Brahmins are living away from
> asana and penance, that is why they are suffering.
> At present there is a need that all Brahmins should again connect with
> their work, know and follow their values. The one who has the ability to
> merge into the original Brahma form is a Brahmin. If a Brahmin firmly
> follows his path of action, then the divine powers move with him. So always
> be happy with your identity. Courtesy/Modified
> Whatever is received is sufficient and the one whose mind is happy has
> everything
> Q2           What is the most amazing or shocking thing you know that
> most people don't?
> A2           Aayushi Raj,Traveller and Blogger12h
> Recently I read about how to check adulteration in watermelon with cotton.
> As per FSSAI, one can check the adulteration in watermelon through a
> simple cotton ball.
> Cut the watermelon into half and rub the cotton ball on the red pulp of
> the fruit.
> If it is adulterated, the cotton ball will become red. It can be estimated
> that the chemical called erythrosine has been added to this watermelon.
> Several social media users shared the shocking result after trying the
> FSSAI-recommended method.
> Q3           Why didn't Vidura get a punishment, tho he was also there
> when Draupadi was being disrobed?
> A3           Seema Bharti,Author of Mahabharat's StoriesThu
> Duryodhan ordered his father to organise a game of dice who wished to
> consult Vidhur prior. The son condemned the Uncle of having only the
> Pandavs welfare in mind.
> Dhritrashtra agreed unwillingly lest lose his son’s affection. He
> instructed Vidhur to invite the Pandavs over a game of dice. The younger
> brother was of the opinion that the game of dice would bring disunity among
> cousins. Dhritrashtra left it to destiny knowing well enough that his
> brother’s words would not go in vain..
> Vidhur extended an invitation to Yudhisthira and his brothers. Duryodhan
> had built an Assembly Hall similar to the the Pandavs. All the scoundrels
> assembled under one roof, were sure to create an illusion of fairness under
> the garb of deception, he added in disgust.
> The entire Pandav household accompanied by Draupadi and Kunti, arrived in
> Hastinapur.
> The game started on a wrong note. Shakuni played in place of Duryodhan.
> Vidhur warned that if at all the Pandavs lost owing to Shakuni’s deceit and
> Duryodhan’s greed, it would be extremely difficult to pacify the composed
> Yudhisthira. A war would be imminent that would shake the very foundation
> of the Kuru empire.
> Using deceit Shakuni won all the material wealth Yudhisthira possessed.
> Vidhur could not hold back his anger. Their evil designs frustrated him.
> He advised his older brother to abandon his son.
> Duryodhan was defensive. Using harsh, insulting innuendoes’, he tried to
> silence Vidhur. Shamelessly he asked Vidhur to leave, as it was pointless
> living with enemies.
> Vidhur was humble but not weak. He was not intimidated. His advice may
> have been harsh, but he had good intentions.
> Yudhisthira with his brothers and wife Draupadi became slaves to Duryodhan.
> Draupadi was made to stand in the Assembly Hall among men, drunk,
> gamblers, ripping her apart with their lustful glances and gestures.
> She was in a vulnerable physical state. But was an emotionally strong
> woman. She accused Duryodhan and his brothers, of being like Satan.
> Panchali questioned Dhritrashtra, as to whom her husband had staked first;
> himself or her.
> Draupadi refused to be intimidated by logical justifications to deceits
> that Yudhisthira had opted to play of free will and was not coerced and so
> on.
> Dhritrashtra’s son Vikarna saw the plight of his cousins. He rose against
> his brothers. Draupadi could not be staked since Yudhisthira had staked
> himself first and lost. As a slave of Duryodhan he forfeited rights to
> others life. .
> The brothers removed their upper garments. The evil Dushassana started
> molesting Draupadi. Vidhura admonished his older brother.
> He narrated the tale of enmity between son of demon king, Prahlada and
> that of rishi Angirasa. Both fought over a maiden. Sudhavna, Angirasa’s son
> requested Prahlada to dispense justice. The king was in a fix. On one hand
> was affection for his son and on the other hand was integrity.
> He consulted rishi Kashyapa. If one knows the truth, but chooses to be
> quiet for fear or self gratifying interests, he is also a part of the crime
> !
> Prahlada, told his son, that Sudhavna was superior to him, owing to his
> Brahmin lineage. Similarly latter’s mother was of higher stature to his.
> Mesmerized by honesty Sudhavna ended his enmity immediately. No one
> contradicted Vidura. Karna felt intimidated by Vidhura’s intervention. If
> Vidhur was allowed, he was sure to expose their facade.
> Q5           Can you tell about Gandhara (today's Afghanistan)?
> A5           Ruparam Gugarwal Jaat,May 14
> You must have heard the name of #Gandhari in Mahabharata…but do you know
> that her name was Gandhari because she was the princess of Gandhar country.
> You may not know but #Shakuni was the king of this district.
> According to Mahabharata, India was mainly established in 16
> districts...One of these districts was Gandhara.
> In Mahabharata, we get this evidence from the existence of Gandhara king
> and Gandhari. Gandhara was once the most prosperous state or district of
> India. ..It was known for big Ayurveda hospitals. The western region of
> today's Pakistan and the eastern region of Afghanistan were the Gandhara
> region of India at that time. It was a door to enter India. Most of the
> traders used to enter India from Gandhara country.
> #Takshashila which was the capital of Gandhara region during the
> Mahabharata period. Gandhara itself is known as Kandahar today. Which is
> present in Afghanistan.
> Q5           What are your favourite blonde jokes?
> A5           Predrag L,6mo
> Two young blonde girls are standing in front of a bus, on whose windshield
> there is a sign that reads “Belgrade”, meaning the bus is supposed to go
> from Skopje to Belgrade.
> An older driver approaches the bus and one of the girls asks him:
>  “Uncle, if I go with your bus that is supposed to go to Belgrade, will
> it take me to Belgrade?”
> The driver laughs and says:“Of course it will, girl, now get in”.
> Then the other blonde girl grabs him by the sleeve and says:“Wait a
> minute, uncle, what about me? Will it take ME to Belgrade, too?”
> --
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