CULTURAL QA 05202421

Q               What is a brief summary of the full story of Mahabharatha?

KR            10 pages brief Mahabhartham without the JAYA and Maha might
not have been known to many old people of the congregations and so a yeoman
service is a glorified service rendered sir. clap clap.

2              Mahabharatham so brief: Mahabharata Summary (3 pages)

Ugraśravas the Suta begins telling a story to some Brahmin seers led by
Śaunaka. He says it’s called the Mahabharata and that it’s full of heroes
and seers performing amazing feats. Ugraśravas heard that a great seer
named Vyasa first compiled the Mahabharata, and he begins narrating the
story of what Vyasa’s assistant, Vaiśampayana, told to Janamejaya while
Janamejaya was in the middle of conducting a snake sacrifice.

2  Vaiśampayana begins telling the story of the Kuru lineage, of which
Janamejaya himself is a member. Some of the most important members of this
lineage are the Pandavas, a group of five brothers who each achieve fame in
their own way: Yudhishthira, Arjuna, Bhima, and the twins Nakula and
Sahadeva. Another major branch of the family is called the Kauravas, and it
includes Dhritarashtra, who has 100 sons, the eldest and most notable of
whom is Duryodhana.

3     A rivalry between the Pandavas and the Kauravas begins early in life,
with Duryodhana at one point scheming to try to kill his cousins. Later,
with the help of an advisor named Śakuni, Duryodhana gets the idea that
since he can’t defeat the Pandavas in battle, he’ll steal the Pandava
kingdom for himself by tricking Yudhishthira into a gambling match. Many of
Dhritarashtra’s other advisors, like Vidura, tell him that it isn’t wise to
let Duryodhana go through with this plan, but Dhritarashtra allows him to
do so anyways.

4       Yudhishthira loses the gambling competition and has to give away
everything, including his own freedom, his entire kingdom of Hastinapura,
and his wife Draupadi (whom he shares with the other four Pandava
brothers). Eventually, Duryodhana agrees to release the Pandavas and
Draupadi from bondage, but they have to go into exile for 12 years and then
spend a 13th year in disguise in a city.

After the end of the Pandava exile, tensions between them and the Kauravas
flare up again, as the Pandavas resent the loss of their kingdom and the
way that Duryodhana treated their wife, Draupadi, as a slave. Meanwhile,
the Kauravas keep encroaching on Pandava territory. Ultimately, the
Kauravas and the Pandavas fight a massive war for the succession of the
Kuru lineage that results in the deaths of over 1.6 trillion people. During
preparations for the war, Arjuna secures the help of Krishna, a strong and
virtuous incarnation of the god Vishnu, who, despite vowing not to fight,
seems to assure victory for whichever side he’s on. Krishna agrees to be
Arjuna’s charioteer.

5     The actual fighting, which lasts 18 days, involves great heroes on
each side performing amazing feats of military prowess, sometimes using
powerful celestial weapons and killing many nameless soldiers and some
famous heroes as well. Duryodhana heads the Pandava forces, appointing a
series of commanders that inevitably fall in battle to the Pandavas.
Meanwhile, Yudhishthira leads the Pandavas and their allies with a steady
hand. At the end of each day, the messenger Samajaya recounts what happened
to the blind king Dhritarashtra, who laments the many losses his army
suffers each day. Perhaps the most significant portion of the battle is the
Bhagavadgita, a section of the poem where Arjuna has doubts about whether
or not it’s right to fight, and Krishna gives a famous speech that touches
on many topics of morality and spirituality. Arjuna ultimately goes on to
become perhaps the fiercest warrior on the battlefield with his trusty bow
and with Krishna driving his chariot.

6    Near the end of the war, when the Pandavas have defeated almost all of
their enemies, Aśvatthaman (son of the dead Kaurava commander Drona) prays
to Śiva and conducts a deadly night raid that kills most of the remaining
Pandava army while the five brothers are away. Still, even this is not
enough to change the outcome of the war, and the Pandavas take back their
kingdom in Hastinapura, where Yudhishthira is reinstalled as king.

7      After the war, the survivors continue to live out the rest of their
lives, with Dhritarashtra reconciling with the Pandavas before ultimately
dying in a hermitage. To commemorate the occasion of regaining his kingdom,
Yudhishthira conducts a horse ceremony, allowing a horse to roam across his
entire kingdom under Arjuna’s protection before finally sacrificing it.

8      Eventually, it comes time for the Pandavas and Draupadi to go on one
last journey. As they walk, they each fall down dead, one by one.
Yudhishthira, the last one standing, is allowed to enter the heaven of the
god Indra while keeping his mortal body. When Yudhishthira arrives, he’s
shocked to find Duryodhana on a throne and his old allies all being
tortured. He fears he’s dreaming until, at last, Indra appears, dispelling
the illusion and telling him that it’s a king’s fate to go to hell before
reaching heaven and that in fact, he and his allies are allowed to live in
heaven for their good deeds on earth.

9              The frame story ends with Ugraśravas repeating that the
Mahabharata is a tale about victory and that just hearing it or telling it
brings good luck. He offers a hymn that people can say every morning to try
to get closer to perfection.  KR IRS  21524  22524

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From: 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 at 09:07
Subject: [iyer123] CULTURAL QA 05-2024-21
To: Patty Thatha <>, Kerala Iyer <>, Iyer <>

*CULTURAL QA 05-2024-21*

*The below   QA is  from  Quora  digest to me   on  21-05-2024.*

*.Compiled **and posted by R. Gopala krishnan,  on 21-05-2024*

Q               What is a brief summary of the full story of Mahabharatha?

A               Ánush Gudimetlá, Reading the BORI
Mahbharata(2022-present)Updated 2y

It is quite hard since Mahabharata is full of interconnected and interwoven
stories. I will give the briefest summary.

There was a king named Shantanu and he had Ganga as his wife. They had a
son, whose name was Devavrata. He became a good prince.

My addition- After the birth of Devarata, Ganga left king Santhanu
according to the agreed marriage condition by king Santhanu with Ganga.

Years passed. One day Shantanu fell in love with Satyavati. Shantanu asked
Satyavati’s father whether he can marry her. He agrees but on one condition
- The person to inherit the throne shouldn’t be Devavrata and it should be
Satyavati’s children to inherit it.

Shantanu, however, didn’t like this and he declines. But Devavrata, on
coming to know this, went to  Satyavati’s residence ,met her father, and
took  a vow that he would remain celibate throughout his life and will
remain bound to the throne.Because of this vow he took, Devavrata came to
be known as Bhishma, one of the most wisest and most powerful characters in

Then Satyavati and Shantanu marry, and give birth to 2 children, named
Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. Chitrangada should inherit the throne, but
he dies in the battle with Gandharvas.

Then Vichitravirya becomes the ruler and he marries two women named Ambika
and Ambalika. But before they gave birth to children, Vichitravirya died.

Satyavati had another son named  Vyasa(he is also author of the
Mahabharata). She requests him to grant children to both the women through
the niyoga tradition.

Then Ambika and Ambalika gave birth to two sons. They were - Dhritarashtra
and Pandu. Dhritarashtra should rightfully have been king after his father
passed, but since he was a blind person, he was disqualified from kingship.
His younger son, Pandu was made the king.

Pandu ruled his kingdom nicely for a time. However his happiness was short

One day he was hunting and he kills a deer. He realizes that the deer is
actually a sage. The sage, then curses him that, he can’t reproduce, and
won’t be able to produce a heir. Upset by this, he handed the empire to
Dhritarashtra and went to the forest with his 2 wives, Kunti and Madri.

Dhritarashtra was then happy that, now there no longer will be anyone to
claim the throne(Pandu can’t have children), and the next throne will
belong to his sons only.

But however, there was a loophole — Kunti had a boon from sage Durvasa,
that she could have a child by any god whom she respects without having any
marital affair. She had to chant a mantra with great devotion focusing on a
god of her choice, and that god would come down to Earth and give her a

Kunti, in the forest, chanted the mantra to 3 gods — Yama, Vayu, and Indra
and bore three sons — Yuddhistira, Bhima, and Arjuna respectively.

She taught this to Madri too, and Madri chanted mantra to the Ashwini twin
gods, and got two sons - Nakula and Sahadeva.

These 5 sons are known as Pandavas.

  Another important story to note - When Kunti first had this mantra, she
dedicated it to Surya the sun god to see whether it worked or not. It gave
birth to a boy. This boy is Karna, who is an important character in

  But, she was unmarried that time. Hence, Kunti abandoned the newly born
Karna adrift in a basket on the Ganges, in the hope that he finds foster
parents. The basket was discovered and Karna was adopted and raised by
foster Suta parents named Radha and Adhiratha.

They requests Surya to give Karna the Kavach Kundal, a powerful shield to
protect body.


But unfortunately one day, Pandu died. Heart-broken, Madri flung herself
into his funeral pyre and died, leaving Kunti to take care of all 5 boys
alone.She decides to head back to Hastinapura.

A lot of things had happened in the Hastinapura during all this time.
Dhritarashtra and his wife Gandhari, gave birth to, well, 100 sons  and a
daughter. They were all born at almost same time, and not naturally too.
Once Vyasa granted Gandhari a boon, and she requested hundred sons. She
became pregnant, gave birth to flesh, which was cut into hundred and one
pieces by Vyasa, and were incubated in a mud pot.

Coming back to story now. Kunti arrived at Dhritarashtra’s place. He
allowed them to stay in there.

The 105 princes grew up together. They were taught lessons under Drona.
Even Karna whom I told before was taught here.

In all the lessons and departments, the Pandavas outran everyone.
Yuddhistira was the most honest and upright(he was called Dharmaraj), Bhima
was strongest, Arjuna was the best archer, Nakula and Sahadeva were best

This made the Kauravas, especially Duryodhana very jealous.

Once, he along with Shakuni and Karna decide to poison Bhima. But Bhima

Then after all the education of the princes, there was an event. After
this, Yuddhistira was crowned as the king.

This was against the will of Duryodhana and Shakuni. So, again they plot a
plan to kill Pandavas. They build a palace made of inflammable material and
invited Pandavas to stay at night.Vidura, the prime minister at Hastinapura
warns Pandavas of this plan.

That night, Pandavas, before the house was set on fire, escape from that
place.This was the time they understand Duryodhana’s enmity on them.Pandavas
went undercover. One day they heard of Draupadi’s swayamwara.In her
swayamwara, the person had to shoot a bird by looking at its reflection.

Everyone failed. Then Arjuna who was in disguise shot the target with
precision. Draupadi then weds Arjuna.

 (One important note- This event is when Krishna first appears in
Mahabharata. Then he becomes friends with Arjuna. Little did Arjuna know
that the man who he was friends with was the parabrahman itself.)

After the event, Arjuna brings Draupadi home. He says, “Mom, look what I
brought home!”

Kunti misunderstands what Arjuna brings home for a fruit and says,
“Whatever you brought share it among yourself”.

Now mum had spoken, the was no going back. Draupadi then became the wife of
all the Pandavas.

Hearing about the person who shot the target at Draupadi’s swayamwara,
Duryodhana realizes that it was Arjuna, since only he could shoot with such

Dhritarashtra then comes to know this. He gave them some land. The land was
barren and a wasteland.But, Pandavas turn this barren land into their
beautiful kingdom. This kingdom is called Indraprastha. This kingdom was a
beautiful paradise and prospered under their rule.

Duryodhana becomes really jealous after seeing their prosperity. He plots
another cunning plan.

He decides to exploit the weakness and the bad quality of Yuddhistira
- Gambling
and Pachisi, the game of dice.

He invites Yuddhistira for the game. Duryodhana asks Shakuni to play on
his(duryodhana’s) behalf.

The game of dice is a game of pure chance and luck. There is no way to
guarantee  winning. Shakuni, was a grandmaster of cheating in this game,

Throughout the whole game, Yuddhistira kept losing and Shakuni kept
winning. But Yuddhistira didn’t stop playing, convinced that luck would
turn his way soon(he didn’t know that the game was rigged).

In each round in the game, both sides had something big at stake - palaces,
territories etc.

Yuddhistira lost everything. He then staked his 4 brothers, Draupadi, and
himself too.He lost everything. Entire kingdom, his family, himself, and
his beloved wife.

Then, the Kauravas, dragged Draupadi to the middle of the whole assembly.
In the midst of the assembly, Karna orders Dushasana to disrobe Draupadi in
front of everyone.

Draupadi prays to Krishna. Krishna then makes the saree of Draupadi
infintely long, saving her.

Dhritarashtra then sets in, and insists on giving back Pandavas everything.

Then after all this, Krishna promises Draupadi that he will punish all of
them for insulting her like this.

After few months, they invited Yuddhistira again. This time, the loser
would have to go on exile for 12 years followed by 1 year of spending in
incognito. If they get caught during this time, they should go on an exile
again. Yuddhistira played again, and… lost again.He, his wife, and all his
brothers go on an exile.

During this time, Arjuna goes to the heavens to train himself in warfare.
Then in the final year, the Pandavas successfully spend their time in
incognito in the Virata kingdom.

Yuddhishthira took up employment as a king's counsellor, Bheem worked in
the royal kitchens, Arjuna turned himself into a eunuch and taught the
palace maidens how to sing and dance, Nakula and Sahadeva worked at the
royal stables, and Draupadi became a handmaiden to the queen.

They weren’t caught. And, they returned to Duryodhana, to reclaim their
land. But Duryodhana refused to give back the kingdom.Yuddhistira asked for
just 5 villages, and Duryodhana refused and said that he won’t give land
that would fit on the needle-head.

Krishna went on a peace mission and failed.o, there was only one option
left - to declare a war.

Preparations started from both the sides. The Kauravas gathered a lot of
rulers from throughout the subcontinet.

Then for the war, both Duryodhana and Arjuna reach Krishna for help. They
both wanted Krishna on their side. Krishna smartly made an offer - one can
have his whole powerful army - the Narayani Sena and the other can have
Krishna himself. But on one condition that, Krishna wouldn’t pickup weapons
in the war and would just be the charioteer.

Duryodhana chose the Narayani Sena, and Arjuna, was happy to have Krishna
himself on his side, even as the charioteer.

The day of war has come. The war was set at a place called Kurukshetra.

Just a small time before war, some one hour before, Arjuna asks Krishna to
drive him through the battlefield. Then Arjuna, saw that the people from
the enemy side were none other than his own relatives, his uncles and
cousins and everyone.

He gets depressed. He says Krishna that he doesn’t want to fight. This was
when Krishna says Arjuna to fight, and why he should fight. This was when,
Krishna reveals Arjuna the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita.

After listening to Krishna, Arjuna decides to fight and picks up his bow.

People from both the sides fiercely fight the war. Pandavas, whose army was
much smaller than Kauravas fight courageously.

The war was 18 days long. Krishna guided Arjuna throughout the course.

Mighty warriors from both sides were killed.

After 10 days of the war, Bhishma was defeated. Then 5 days later, Drona
was killed. 2 days later, Karna was killed.

On the last day, Duryodhana was killed and war ended.

After the war, Yuddhistira was crowned as king of Hastinapur and
Indraprastha. The Pandavas ruled for 36 years, after which they abdicated
in favour of Abhimanyu's son, Parikshit.

The Pandavas and Draupadi proceeded on foot to the Himalayas, intending to
live out their last days climbing the slopes heavenwards. One by one, they
fell on this last journey and their spirits ascended to the heavens. Only
Yuddhishtra doesn't fall but enters heaven and then leaves his life.

Draupadi, Pandavas, and Dharmaraj Yuddhistira ascended to heavens together

As for Krishna, it ended in tragedy.He and his clan was cursed by mother of
Kauravas Gandhari that, they would fight among themselves and die. She did
this in the sadness that her children died.

Krishna’s clan Yadava was destroyed.He, then, one day goes to a forest and
lies under a tree. A hunter mistakens him for a deer, and shoots an arrow
at his foot.he hunter asks for forgivence. Krishna forgives him, and leaves
the material body.

It was after Krishna’s departure that made Yuddhistira gives up throne.

Vyasa(whom I talked about in the starting) narrated this story to Lord

After Yuddhistira, his son Parikshit becomes the ruler. He dies because of
a bite from a naga named Takshasa.Then, Parikshit’s son, Janmejaya, decides
to start a snake sacrifice, Sarpa Satra.

Just before going on the sacrifice, Vaisampayana, the disciple of Vyasa,
says the epic to Janmejaya.This whole telling, came to be known as the

Thanks for reading!

~Ánush Gudimetlá (అనుష్ గుడిమెట్లా)

EDIT : Thanks to Kavana.N , Sūrya S A (सूर्य.एस्.ए), Mahi Soni, Nischal R,
and Prakhar (प्रखर) sir for pointing the mistakes and/or suggesting the

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