CULTURAL QA 05-2024-25

All the below   QA is  from  Quora  digest to me  on  25-05-2024.

Quora answers need not be 100% correctanswers.

.Compiledand posted byR. Gopala krishnan,  on 25-05-2024

Q1             What was the conversation betweenKarna and Lord Krishna in the 
Mahabharat local version?

A1             SmartLucky, Tue

In Mahabharat's local version, Karna asks Lord Krishna -"My mother left me the 
moment I was born.Is it my fault I was born anillegitimate child?

I did not get the education from Dhronachary because I wasconsidered not a 

Parshu-Raam taught me but then gave me the curse to forgeteverything (much 
before he came to know I was Son of Kunthi belong to Kshatriya).

A cow was accidentally hit by my arrow & its owner cursedme for no fault of 

I was disgraced in Draupadi's Swayamvar.

Even Kunthi finally told me the truth only to save her othersons.

Whatever I receivedwas through Duryodhan's charity. So how am I wrong in taking 
his side ?

**Lord Krishn replies, "Karna, I was born in a jail.Death was waiting for me 
even before my birth.

The night I was born I was separated from my birth parents.

>From childhood, you grew up hearing the noise of swords,chariots, horses, bow, 
>and arrows.I got only cow herd's shed, dung, &multiple attempts on my life 
>even b4 I cud walk.No Army, No Education.

I could hear people saying I am reason for all theirproblems.When all of you 
were being appreciated for your valour by yourteachers I had not even received 
any education.

I joined Gurukul of Rishi Sandipani only at the age of 16! .You aremarried to a 
girl of your choice. I didn't get the girl I loved & ratherended up marrying 
those who wanted me or the ones I rescued from demons.

I had to move my whole community from the banks of Yamuna tofar off Sea shore 
from Jarasandh, I was called a coward for running away.

If Duryodhan wins the war you will get a lot of credit. Whatdo I get if 
Dharmaraaj wins the war?

Only the blame for the war and all related problems...Remember one thing, Karna.

Everybody has Challenges in life to face. LIFE IS NOT FAIR& EASY ON ANYBODY!!!

But what is Right (Dharma) is known to your Mind(conscience). No matter how 
much unfairness we got, how many times we wereDisgraced, we Fall, what is 
important is how you REACTED at that time.


Life's unfairness does not give you license to walk the wrongpath.

Always remember,

Life may be tough at few points, but DESTINY is not createdby the SHOES we wear 
but by the STEPS we take.

Q2             What are some interestinginformation about Madurai Meenakshi 

A2             ChauhanBabu Nath,4h

This temple was built by Devraj Indra- millions of years ago

Meenakshi Amma Temple - Shiva marriage with Meenakshi  took place in this 

Meenakshi Temple, Madurai - in front of which every beautifulthing in the world 
is nothing..."Kanchi you Kamakshi, Madurai Meenakshi, DakshineKanyakumari is my 
Shakti form Bhagwati.

I bow down to you, I bow down to you.

That is, the name of Shakti in Kanchi is Kamakshi Ji,Meenakshi in Madurai and 
Kanyakumari in the south.

The people here believe that Lord Shiva was married in thistemple. This huge 
and magnificent temple of Maa is in Madurai city of TamilNadu. This temple 
Meenakshi Amman Temple is one of the most important templesof ancient India. 
This Amman temple of Maa Meenakshi has been nominated for thenew seven wonders 
of the world.

The architecture and structure of this temple is amazing, dueto which it is 
ranked first in the list of seven wonders of the modern world,and the reason 
for this is its amazing architecture. There are 12 magnificentgopurams in this 
building complex, which are very elaborately crafted. Theyhave been painted and 
painted very finely and skillfully, which is a sight tobehold. This temple is a 
very important symbol of the Tamil people, and it hasbeen described in Tamil 
literature since ancient times.


According to Hindu scriptures, Lord Shiva himself descendedon earth as 
Sundareswarar to marry Goddess Parvati Meenakshi. This marriage wasconsidered 
to be the biggest event of the world, with people from almost thewhole world 
gathering in Madurai. Lord Vishnu himself came from his abodeVaikuntha to 
conduct this marriage. As per divine play, he got delayed on theway due to 
Indra. In the meantime, the marriage was conducted by the localdeity Koodal 
Azhagar. Later, an angry Lord Vishnu came and vowed never to cometo Madurai 
city. And he settled in Alagar Koil, a beautiful hill on theoutskirts of the 
city. Later, he was persuaded by other gods, and he performedthe marriage of 

This marriage and the appeasement of Lord Vishnu, both arecelebrated as the 
biggest festival of Madurai, called Chithirai Thiruvizha orAzhakar Thiruvizha, 
meaning the festival of the beautiful God.

The city was ruled for a long time by this divine couple. Itis not described 
what happened to the place after their departure. It is alsobelieved that Indra 
found the idol of Lord Shiva in the form of Shivalinga andbuilt the original 
temple. This tradition is followed in the temple even today– Indra's vehicle 
also gets a place in the festival procession. 

Q3             What's the hardest truth of life?

A3             RayenDouglas, Master in Statistics (academic discipline), 
University of Washington(Graduated 2013)21h

1. Everybody wants to save the earth. No one wants to helpMom do the dishes.

2. Parents aren't picky eaters because they only buy the foodthey like.

3. Some of us hide when we get upset because we were left todeal with our 
emotions alone when we were kids.

4. Salary is your company’s monthly subscription to you.

5. True sadness is having to set an alarm for the next day.

6. The ten years between 20 and 30 are far shorter than thefour years between 
14 and 18.

My note- 10 years between 70 and 80 are much greater than 10 yearsbetween 30 
and 40. 

7. We are stuck between "I need to save money" and"You only live once".

8. We encourage people to do what they love, but we judgethem when they 
actually do it.

9. You get stressed because you don’t know what to do,but youdon’t know what to 
do because you are stressed.

10. Humans are 75 percent water. We're basically cucumberswith anxiety.

Q4             What are some jobs that wereimportant in the Middle Ages that 
almost no one does anymore?

A4             Silk Road,Studied at Generative Pre Training Apr 17

This was a time before indoor plumbing, before Spotify,before the very concept 
of human rights... and the job market reflected thatvastly different mindset.

If you think your job sucks, try being a gong farmer – thepoor soul who, under 
cover of darkness, emptied the village latrines.

Imagine the smell, the indignity, the knowledge that everyoneknows what you do 
and nobody wants to be your friend.

Rat catchers were in high demand back then, what with diseaserunning rampant 
and all, but their methods were more likely to give younightmares than a sense 
of pest-free security.

Then there's the weird ways spirituality bled into everydaylife.

Imagine being a sin-eater, ritually consuming food and drink put on a 
deadperson's body to take their sins on yourself.

It's both macabre and strangely pragmatic, given thewidespread belief in 

My note- Incidentally today morning Mr Venkitaraman,Perinthalmanna send me a 
mail about sin eaters-translation- Sapindi Brahmin


traveling salesmen hawking forgiveness, played on fear andguilt – a practice 
that eventually contributed to a religious revolution a fewcenturies later.

Some jobs seem more relatable, in a way.

Lectors weren't just there for entertainment; they read aloudin places like 
factories, where people needed eyes and hands on the task.

They filled a need created by both low literacy and the lackof technology like 

And, naturally, this was an age of knights and chivalry: aromanticized notion 
today, but a deadly serious profession back then.

Warfare was a way of life, not the stuff of far-offdeployments like today's 

Q5             Can you give me an example ofBritish humour?

A5             DouglasBurnside,I 've lived a long time and have seen a lot of 
things happen. Apr 20

A man was invited by a friend to stop by Friday evening fordinner, the wife was 
preparing a really good pot roast.

He eagerly accepted the invitation, and on Friday evening ashe was walking the 
last few blocks to join the dinner party, he was confoundedto see the street 
blocked by fire trucks and hoses, and indeed it was hishost’s house completely 
enveloped in flames as the firemen tried fruitlessly toput out the fire.

He saw his host standing in the street, watching with totalconsternation as his 
house burned to the ground. 

He went to him, tapped him on the shoulder, and said, “Ummm…you did say 
tonight, didn’t you?”

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