CULTURAL QA 05-2024-26

All the below   QA is  from  Quora  digest to me  on  26-05-2024.

Quora answers may  not be 100% correctanswers.

Compiledandposted by R. Gopala krishnan,  on 26-05-2024

Q1           Who are the 8 Chiranjivs likeAshwatthama?

A1           AbhishekMehra, Student at Logic (philosophy) (2016–present)Feb 1

1 Maharshi Vyas- he is the one who had written Mahabharat( henarrated, Ganeshji 
has written it).

2 Hanumanji- sankat kate mite sab peera, jo sumire hanumatbalveera, son of mata 
anjana and kesari and auras putra of pawan dev. there aremany places in india 
which has experienced the presence of lord hanuman ji onesuch place is Cheend 
dham in mp

3 Parashuramji- A warrior born in brahman kul, regarded assixth incarnation of 
lord Vishnu, it is believed that he will be guru of Kalkiavtar.

4 Vibhishana- younger brother of Ravana and Kumbhakarna, asage born in demons 
society, he is believed to live until the end of Maha yug.

5 Ashwatthama- son of Dronacharya, born with a Mani on hisforehead, after 
killing of pandava’s sons the mani was removed by bheem andShri Krishna cursed 
him - ki kalyug ke ant tak isi prakar dard me bhatakterahoge, it is believed 
that he resides in the forests of pachmari and sometimesasks ghee or oil from 
tribal people to apply it on his wound of forehead.

6 Mahabali- grandson of prahlad, still believed to be alive,and in southern 
states a special puja is conducted during onam for him.

7- Kripacharya- guru of pandava and kourava, and his sisterwas married to 
dronacharya, is still believed to be alive

8 Maharshi Markandey- it is believed on his death day heworshipped shivji and 
due to this got the boon of immortalism.

Apart from the 8 Nandiji, Jaambavan and Narad muni areconsidered immortal.

Q2           Is the Oxford comma necessary?

A2           DougEdwards,B.A. in English (language) & Education, Not Ivy League 
(Graduated1900)Updated 4y

 “I’d like you to meetmy parents, Jennifer Lopez and the Pope.”

Without the Oxford comma, this sentence could mean that myparents are Jennifer 
Lopez and the Pope. With it, it can ONLY mean I amintroducing you to four 
people: my parents (mother and father), Jennifer Lopez,and the Pope.

The Oxford comma is not required, but I would argue thatthere is simply no good 
reason to NOT use it. I have never seen an instance inwhich it added ambiguity 
and many, many instances in which its absence made themeaning unclear.

Is it necessary? I would argue that it is.-Doug

Q3           Can you tell some interestinginformation about Elephants?

A3           AbhishekKashyap, Student 3h

Indian elephants do live in forests, African-Bush elephantsdo not.

But here’s the thing.

Notice the tusks that are quite literally longer than thatlion. Notice the size 
difference , notice the lack of weak spots.

Elephants do not need to be protected from any predator, afull grown 
African-Bush elephant is pretty much completely undisputed by anyand all 
animals (yes, including lions).

The only time an elephant is at risk from predators is whenthey are very young.

Elephants need us to protect them from cowardly poachers, notLions and Tigers.

Q4           As per Hinduism, sleeping aftersunrise is a sin. I have got a job 
after trying for 3 years, but it’s fromnight 9 pm to morning 5 am. Will I 
attain moksha if I don't quit this job?

A4           Rama G, FormerSelf Employed home maker. At present also.23h

I have not read anywhere Hinduism telling about sins,confessions etc.

It says about dharma, some rules to follow in life forcertain benefits. If you 
don't follow them you don't get those benefits whichyou are supposed to get . 
That's it. Neither you will be stoned nor crucified ,nor beheaded for it.

Again Dharma means not religious rituals.Spiritual practices.

Sun is hot. The heat is his Dharma.

Fire burns. It's Dharma of it.

Ice cools. It's Dharma of it.

Dharma means ‘lakshanam’. It's characterstic.

Everything has its own Dharma. Following it in it's purestform is called Hindu 

What will happen if you don't follow it? You don't get thebenefits what you are 
supposed to get.

There is no ‘sin’ in Hinduism. It's “dosham and pariharam”always. There is no 
equalent words for them in English. So, they translate itas Sin.

Dosham means a thing you are not supposed to do or notsupposed to happen.

Pariharam is a rectification act.This is the nearesttranslation of those two 
words by me though not exact.

It's not a religious practice always.

Where is sin concept in this ?

Of course it's Adharma if you harm others. Because humandharma is not harming 
others. What will happen if you do that? You will facethe consequences whatever 
they are. That's it.

In this job you are not harming anyone. You are affectingyour body. Because 
body’s dharma is sleeping at night, waking up at day . Youare going against it.

Then do something to get rid of that effects. By sleepingextra time since there 
is difference in the quality of sleep at night time andday time. By taking some 
helpful, nutritious food.

Now, what is your goal? Attaining moksha or earning salary?

If it's for moksha ,quit your job. Go to a calm place. Find aGuru. Dedicate 
your life to God and spirituality.

If it's for salary, stop wasting time asking silly questions,concentrate on 
your skills and finishing your probation period and gettingconfirmation of your 
job , becoming regular employee with all benefits.

Don't get confused between healthy habits , Dharma, adharma,dosham, sins etc.

Q5           Can you tell a good humour?

A5           Rebecca C.9h

Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. 

Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered.

Getting back together, they discussed the gifts they wereable to give their 
elderly Mother.

The first said, "I built a big house for ourMother."

The second said, "I sent her a Mercedes with a driver."

The third smiled and said, "I've got you both beat. Youremember how Mom enjoyed 
reading the Bible? And you know she can't see verywell any more. I sent her a 
remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible. Ittook Elders in the church 12 
years to teach him. He's one of a kind. Mama justhas to name the chapter and 
verse, and the parrot recites it."

Soon thereafter, Mom sent out her letters of thanks,"Milton," she wrote one 
son, "the house you built is so huge. Ilive in only one room, but I have to 
clean the whole house."

"Gerald," she wrote to another, "I am too oldto travel any more. My eyesight 
isn't what it used to be. I stay most of thetime at home, so I rarely use the 
Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!"

"Dearest Donald," she wrote to her third son,"you have the good sense to know 
what your Mother likes. The chicken wasdelicious!"

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